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8 tecniche per promuoversi senza soldi

ideas ideas ideas free ideas but if one
he has no money how do you do it
marketing in which we spoke and marketing
But I do not know anything we can
to make ideas we must be made to come
of ideas then I neither throw the 78 there
in short, some on the fly so is not that
this is the author who wrote me the ideas
and what is the number idea the softly cycle
some idea of common sense stuff that me
It seems interesting but you in the
comments posted all the ideas that
they come to mind in this way we create
a mega binder with a lot of
ideas ready for use so tomorrow morning
you do not have the budget to promote financia t and
there almost to write and maybe you come back
useful applies to both the free
professional both for the company that
maybe a unit that does not have the budget
at that moment the budgets of the
tourism, in short, if there is no wheat
some idea to make me out
lidia number 1 revolves around the theme of
make your product newsable
then there is a shop in brighton that yes
call staff the bear something like
that these gentlemen were getting stuffed
the bears did not buy this stuff
nobody and then they had this idea
smartly pressing the famous also in
Italy have emptied everyone for him there
they have placed a machine you have
present that with the air that pumps
inside the stuff inside us in the soft toys
river I never understood the need to
these for the sake that that stuff there and
at this point they made a bang
because because if you are a child you go
there and you have the feeling that you build
your stuffed toy go there and choose
the teddy bear the little patrol or the migno
fill them there on the instant you
pack and more you can choose to
dress the hat all the gadgets
the shop itself in that case is it
marketing tool the same thing the
you can do online maybe you do a tool e
It costs you in terms of budget costs level
for the developer who has to do it
cats re traffic this way
think of the tools to measure the
bandwidth speed for example
any online tool idea number two
three things 51 on some ideas based on the
produce contents that come later
Report to someone who is a
journalist who is an influencer or that
be one
but let ‘s start with the contents of course
sorry for an important premise not
there is no one hundred percent activity
percent the fact that you do not spend gods
money to do marketing how to say that
be free because you have to devote to us
time you or have someone have an idea
number two is to create a content based
on the idea of ​​transformation a guy who
I saw a while ago did a
project called expert in air
I have seen one year in practice
because he filmed a guy for a year
who could not play ping pong for
then get to let’s be able to
to play them they have passed off for
phenomena in reality was incapable however
without others improved after an analysis
he coached that video of this boy
here he made 7 million
views and it’s something that
conquest because to see the
transformation conquers the human being
it is a product that has cost him zero
from the point of view of the promotion but
it clearly cost as an effort though
excellent result and this at the end of the
I gather accounts you sell his
booklet eti sells to his method for
become experts have no idea number
3 and create content based on the
business concept
you remember when david blaine
the illusionist came here to London and
he put himself in this glass box
for I do not remember how long
the impossible undertaking
in that case , your marketing maybe you do
the dancer and your business and put you
in the cathedral square and dance for 15 days
in a row without interruption whatsoever
kind of music imaginable a
h24 command will not do it there
you will do to look for the first one, but it is
the business that thing becomes news
the idea number 4 and the content based
on the concept of surprise you remember the
free hugs video free hugs videos
beautiful historic very old in this
in case there was a guy who was on the street
it was filmed to take her out
16 million free hugging card
of views was copied as
formed worldwide in that case
is based on the idea of ​​surprise is one
what an unsettling thing that usually does not
it happens when you walk down the street
idea number 5 always on the theme of
creation of a content and the idea of
virtuosity other historical video
you remember the guy who was doing it
history of music in a matter of minutes
he danced some historical songs with
at the moves of that historical period it was
very cute very funny he did a
crazy bang and was one of the videos
more seen on youtube here is the same
way one can create virtuosity 6
maybe an imitator one hundred imitations in
100 seconds there was a lot of videos
what is our good idea number 6
once you have this content me
you have to get someone who can
amplify that he can give it
visibility as you do regardless of
journalists from the media where he says ok I have
made this content I go on linkedin
I look forward to the list of ad hoc journalists or
dvd influencer ad hoc for my sector
I send you an e-mail to you
content that I have been part of this
mother earth but a nice idea and
that for example on instagram to use
geolocation for vines to those
two minutes talking about it and more or less
it works like this if you go on instagram
I show you go search and search
for places they succeed in order of
popularity the most interesting posts
So what you can do is go to
see those that have one among these
true community is a community maybe
numerous is a community in line with
what you do and contact them we do a
example is my friend jack personal
trainer can use this tool
maybe contact this guy here
he runs rob fiji and maybe offer him a
couple of free sessions in the gym maybe
create a good relationship an old man
robin maybe talks about it and gives it to him
visibility in the area on an audience
that interests the personal trainer in
interesting question idea number 7
very similar always based on the concept
gift regardless of instagram is
to give a product so much
useful cool for the flu on duty
hoping that this you talk about maybe you are
one that makes portraits send yours
portrayed to the 50 leading investors
of the silicon valley without asking
nothing in return maybe these if it
put your picture in the house he sees it
mar zac airbag next time you
calls mark of 100 brands ichat i nas
they had read says okay mark 2
millions and 10 percent to the uncle
you must clearly make beautiful portraits
if not, nobody will row them
last advice idea number 8 and think
always to those who come before and after yours
we are an example of the shop of the
teddy bears that are assembled imagined
to be a free lance company
produces and dresses and inside the world
of tailoring and you can do it all
these dresses for the most crazy
you go to these gentlemen who have
already the traffic already have the customers
look, I have a product that comes
exactly after yours is a woman one
come that make the doll
better and on what it sells and there
we divide according to the percentages that
establishes there is a proverb that says
that people do not expect are i
trains that are expected of people
you have to go and meet in marketing
it’s the same thing especially when not
one has a lira to marketing
we must go to meet
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