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How to UNLOCK the POWER of Your MIND! | #BelieveLife

what if you could go twenty-five fifty
percent more in your business you
allowed your awareness to jump from one
thing in your mind to another thing to
another thing to another thing to
another thing in an uncontrolled way
what would you be good at
as I said 70% of the time people live in
stress and living in stress is living in
survival wanna be happy
build a life not just a business what’s
up believe nation it’s Evan I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
today let’s live your best believed life
and learn how to unlock the power of
your mind
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one change your lifestyle with Joe
Dispenza as I said 70% of the time
people live in stress and living in
stress is living in survival now all
organisms in nature can tolerate
short-term stress you know a deer gets
chased by a pack of coyotes when it out
runs the Coyotes it goes back to grazing
and the event is over and the definition
of stress is when your brain and body
are knocked out of balance out of
homeostasis the stress response is what
the body and Nate Lee does to return
itself back to order so you’re driving
down the road someone cuts you off you
jam on the brakes you may give them the
finger and then you settle back down
then the event is over and boom now
everything’s back back to normal but
what if it’s not a predator
that’s waiting for you outside the cave
but what if it’s your coworker sitting
right next to you and all day long
you’re turning on those chemicals
because they’re pushing all your
emotional buttons when you turn on the
stress response and you can’t turn it
off now you’re headed for a disease
because no organism in nature can live
in emergency mode for that extended
period of time it’s a scientific fact
that the hormones of stress down
regulate genes and create disease long
term affects human beings because of the
size of the neocortex we can turn on the
stress response just by thought alone
look I think about our problems and turn
on those chemicals that means then our
thoughts could make us sick so if it’s
possible that our thoughts could make us
sick is it possible that our thoughts
could make us well the answer is
absolutely yes so then what are the
emotions that are connected to survival
let’s name them anger aggression
hostility hatred competition fear
anxiety worry pain suffering guilt shame
unworthiness there envy jealousy those
are all created by the hormones of
stressin and psychology calls them
normal human states of consciousness I
call those altered states of
consciousness so then we tend to
remember those traumatic events more
because in survival
you better be ready if it happens again
that’s an and then there was a survival
gene is switched on you could have ten
really great things that happen to you
in your day and you just have one bad
thing that happens and you cannot take
your attention off that bad that that
unhappy thing because survival genus
which thought many years ago after the
DNA helix was discovered by Watson and
they said the blueprints of life you
know all diseases are created from genes
it turns out less than 5% more like 1%
of people on the planet are born with a
genetic condition like type 1 diabetes
or tay-sachs disease or sickle cell
anemia the other 95 to 99 percent are
created by lifestyle and by choices you
can take two identical twins exact same
genome one dies at 51 the other one dies
at 85 same gene different environment so
all of a sudden they said we lied that
was wrong it’s not genes that create
disease it’s the environment that
signals the gene that creates disease
well ok but that’s not the whole truth
too because you could have two people
working side by side in the same Factory
one gets cancer after being exposed to a
carcinogenic for 25 years both working
for 25 years the other one has no cancer
at all so there must be some internal
order that would cause one person to not
get it while another one does so is it
possible then if the environment signals
the gene and it does and the end product
of an experience in the environment is
called an emotion can you signal the
gene ahead of the environment by
embracing an elevated emotion we’ve done
the research on this where we measured
7,500 different gene expressions in a
group of people it came to an advanced
event for four days and we had them
doing a seated meditation a walking
meditation a laying down meditation a
standing meditation and at the end of
four days just four days the common
eight genes that were upregulated two
genes to suppress cancer cells and tumor
growth two genes for neurogenesis the
growth of new neurons in response to
novel experiences and learning
the gene that signals stem cells to go
to damaged areas and repair them the
gene for oxidative stress was up
regulated we started seeing all these
genes that are very very healthy to
cause the body to flourish imagine if
people were doing that for three months
we also measured telomeres the little
shoestrings on the end of DNA that tell
us our biological age we asked people to
do the work
meditation five out of seven days for 60
days measure their telomeres that
determine their biological age sixty
days later 74 percent of the people
lengthen their telomeres 40% significant
change 20% a very remarkable change that
means that they got a little bit of
their life back if it it lengthened by
10% they got 10% of their life back rule
number two change your state with Jim
quick you have so much intelligence in
your body right now I’ll prove it to
jump up and down a little bit and make
little feet make a little space from the
person next to you if you can so if you
went like this you’re ideally not gonna
take anyone’s eye out or anything like
that okay now stop stop bouncing I love
the energy though notice where your feet
are I want to keep your feet stationary
the entire time and what I want you to
do is with your right hand just point
forward with your right hand your other
right hand sir sorry I know alright
forward with your right hand and what I
want you to do is out moving it without
moving your feet just turn to your right
clockwise as far as you could go and
notice where you’re pointing as you take
your neighbors eye out notice how far
you go notice where you’re pointing so
it’s the exact spot come back Center now
put your arms down now I’m gonna take
you through a really quick visualization
exercise so take a deep breath exhale
and close your eyes put your arms by
your side out of your pockets by your
side and breathe normally
and with your eyes closed or in a play
game I want you just to imagine just
imagine that you’re raising your arm
again but this time imagine you’re
turning twice as far two times as far
like you’re getting good stretch its
feel that in your body and if you can’t
imagine it just imagine that you’re
imagining it
and then again raise your arm point
forward and this time no no with your
eyes closed imagine just imagine just
imagine it just in your mind see and
feel yourself turning three times as far
just feel it in your body which are arms
by your side just imagine turning around
three times and then one more time with
a smile on your face thinking what does
this have to do with learning faster see
and feel yourself turning four times
around in your body see and feel
yourself turning four times around like
your Gumby like you’re made out of
rubber great great stretch all right
open your eyes now raise your arm again
point forward with your right hand now
turn to your right now as far as far as
you can now go wow raise your hand or
make some noise if you went further the
second time have a seat have a seat now
some of you went further some of you
went twenty-five percent further some of
you went fifty percent further yes raise
your hand if you ever went further a
second time now here’s here’s the magic
question right that you know I’m gonna
ask you even before I ask it were you
physically capable of turning that far
the first time like nobody took a yoga
class on my eyes were closed right
you’re physically capable of it where
was the block or the limitation if there
was one where was it in your mind right
in your mind and you’re like Jim I
didn’t have a belief on how far I could
how many beliefs do you think we have
millions and zillions of beliefs right
because here’s what you want to write
down all behavior is belief driven all
behavior is belief what some of you want
25 50 percent further with no anything
remember vision was talking about how
it’s not just more it’s not working hard
but it’s you went when you’re in a
certain state of mind you could just go
further and it’s effortless how many
people have experienced this state of
flow before that’s data flow where you
lose track of time where your attention
is right there and your
in the moment and it’s the your
challenge is really matching your level
of capabilities and you’re stretching
yourself and you’re in that zone right
like yeah that athletes talk about that
Steven Kotler talks about and the rise
of Superman and stealing fire and so on
how many people are familiar with
Steve’s work by the way I’m just curious
as context okay so how do you get into
those states one of the ways is just
believing that you can because if you
believe you can or believe you can’t
either way you’re right because all
behavior is belief driven some of you
went 25 50 percent or more what if you
could go 25 50 percent more in your
business that effortless what if you
could go 25 50 percent even more in your
body or in your relationship did you
work harder the second time when you
turn the second time yes or no no
because it’s a state and rule number
three the last one before a very special
bonus clip is practice concentration
with Dandapani I define concentration as
the ability to keep that awareness on
one thing for prolonged period of time
so if I can keep my awareness on Eric
and not drift away and think about the
wedding or drift away and think about
the vacation or what I’m going to do
later then I’m concentrating on Eric
every time it drifts away I bring it
back and the more I practice this the
more I practice concentration so can
concentration is the ability to keep
your awareness on one thing for
prolonged period of time and it’s a very
simple definition of concentration how
do you get better at concentration you
practice this you practice this 24 hours
a day seven days a week and it’s the
only way to get good at it and what’s
the best way to practice it the best way
to practice it is to integrate it into
everything that you do in your life not
to meditate 10 minutes in the morning it
doesn’t work you really need to look at
your life the same way a sprinter in the
Olympics looks at his life we’ve all
heard a same bolt the man that won the
gold medal twice two Olympics in a row
broke the world record I don’t know
anything about him to be honest but if I
was looked at him I would assume he goes
to the gym right if you look at him is
he obviously sprints he practice running
probably does a lot of long distance he
probably does a lot of stretching as
well I’m sure he gets massages he looks
like he eats the right kind of food
drinks the right amount of water takes
vitamins his whole day is so disciplined
for what to prepare him for nine point
five seven seconds I think that’s what
the world record is right the 400 meters
9.5 or 97 seconds
his whole day is preparing him for that
short time not the other way around a
lot of people say you know what I need
to be more concentrated so you know what
I’m gonna meditate in the morning I’ll
sit down for two minutes
okay now I’m Zen master and the
remaining 23 hours and 58 minutes they
just go about being ordinary and crazy
how does that work how would you change
it’s not balance at all so for 23 hours
in 58 minutes you are not being
concentrated you allowed your awareness
to jump from one thing in your mind to
another thing to another thing to
another thing to another thing in an
uncontrolled way what would you be good
at the best way to do it is pick a few
opportunities in your everyday life for
example we all speak with people when I
speak with somebody I give them my
undivided attention I keep my awareness
on them and the conversation is really
brief why because we’re concentrated
we’re not being distracted a 10-minute
conversation only just takes three
minutes because these are so focused and
other Connor’s a prolonged concentration
comes the wonderful power of observation
you just become more observant and when
you become more observant you see
solutions quicker and you solve things
quicker and it’s a wonderful powerful
feeling when somebody is concentrated on
you and not being distracted
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
with wim hof on how to do the wim HOF
method that will blow your mind but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing question time to
move from just watching another video to
taking action in your life or your
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one what’s
the biggest lifestyle change that you
need to make number two what’s the
fastest way for you to change your state
when you need to and number three how
can you bring more focused concentration
so almost too late I was born so
traumatically and my mother she invocate
it Oh
let this child live Oh God let this
child live I make him a missionary from
that moment from the birth I was always
different and it challenged me to go and
look for this connection with this
trauma and the cult brought it about
because in the cult you gotta be
there you go past the pain you go past
his trauma that’s a way we are able to
connect with the deepest of our
physiology chemistry if we just breathe
more deeply change the chemistry inside
not shallow breathing deep breathing
slowly but surely this is what you do
consciously can you do this 30 times the
chemistry in the body in the tissue is
changing and it’s changing so that the
body is becoming Oxana just alkaline and
then suddenly the brain-body connection
is possible by pressurizing by
once you begin to have that connection
with the body then you are able to
connect within in the brain and that’s
what we do right now with Stanford
University to get rid of PTSD fear
trauma and depression to learn to expand
consciousness and together with
breathing you create the right chemistry
and then the neurons they channel up and
thus your perception your consciousness
is gonna be you smell more you see their
colors brighter you experience deeper
and that’s the brain and then connecting
once again with all the cells makes you
a beautiful living being their scientist
after giving me a endotoxin virus a
bacteria they saw I have no symptoms I
can control my fever I can control it
all through breathing and believing or
the mind using the mind plus breathing
suddenly I was able to suppress four
other students in all those controlled
studies all these other test subjects
didn’t show those results of bringing
down these flam Ettore markers and
showing to be able to go into the
endocrine system controlled and raised
such a controlled adrenaline shoot out
through the body making the body
being able to function to the utmost
completely under the will then bacteria
has no chance cold has no chance heat
has no chance stress in general has no
chance but how about the mind what is
the mind capable of I just three months
ago showed in a study in Michigan under
a brain scan after being exposed to ice
water going onto my skin I could not do
anything the brain scan was on you
cannot heavily breathe or something you
cannot contract your muscles or anything
because you will have a blurred vision
within the
the monitors of the brain scan so they
told me not to do anything the only
thing I could have done was breathing
before plus intent use the power of the
mind just by thinking I was able to make
the cult a impact on the body which was
happening while I was being in the brain
scan making the skin temperature not
going down and then they found out what
is happening in that brain that doesn’t
make the skin temperature going down
while ice waters been poured there what
is happening so then they saw I was
entering into the Perry aqueduct I’ll
great hemisphere and that is where
that’s where the pain centers are is
related with opioids and cannabinoids so
I’m in that trajectory in a the
endocannabinoids trajectory we thought
of we cannot influence now we see we can
influence just by thinking people who
are under stress like anxiety depression
fear trauma PTSD name it any mental mood
disorder or mental disorder is able now
if we bring this on through comparative
study is done able to counteract and not
be a victim of the stress or the
out-of-control brain bring back the
sense of control make you feel good
thus this big demon is is just for
removing raise your standard Apple at
the core is core values
is that movie that people have passion
can change the way people not one drop
of myself work depends on your it’s
if you want to develop an insane work
ethic and learn how to do it check out
the video right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there hardwood working a
little bit harder work ethic very
hard-working go hard work ethic what work ethic
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