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How To Start Your SIDE HUSTLE! ft. @chrisguillebeau

what’s the believe nation welcome to
another Google hangout super excited to
be here with my friend Chris Caleb oh he
is a I don’t know how many time
best-selling author the guys traveled
all over the world multiple times an
awesome dude and he’s got a new book
that just came out called side hustle
from idea to income in 27 days Chris
welcome back man hey man thanks having
me back so quickly for the people who
don’t know that much about you yet
people live under the rock it was like
the quick intro to Chris Guillebeau
awesome man well thanks to I’m an author
traveler entrepreneur I’m fortunate to
have an amazing community of folks all
over the world I had a project where I
visited every country in the world for
about eleven years and out of that
project I started my blog the art of
nonconformity I did a book tour to all
50 states and that led to a book called
the hundred dollar startup and latest
book is called site hustle so great
folks out there I love to connect with
people and help however I can
and so the premise behind side hustle is
you don’t need to quit your job to start
your own thing on the side yes I think
I’ve heard you say everybody should have
their own site that should have a saw
tussel even if you’re an entrepreneur I
think everyone should have more than one
source of income and I wrote this book
because I kept hearing from people who
maybe weren’t ready to be entrepreneurs
right away or they actually liked their
job you know they were happy working for
the right company or organization or
working for an entrepreneur but they
wanted to have more than one source of
income because that’s good for all sorts
of reasons so I wanted to just basically
create a process that people could
follow like a twenty seven day process
that just shows the expose the
essentials like not a bunch of stuff
that you don’t need but here’s what you
just need to do to create an asset for
yourself not a part-time job not driving
for uber but something that actually
pays you real money right and one of the
things I love about your books it’s
always it’s always chock-full of
practical tips like every chapter is
stuff you can actually use it’s not just
talking to theories accusing exactly
what you can do to the goal that you
have the goal I mean that’s the goal I
mean I don’t want to just be like follow
your dreams you know like I feel like
people have their own dreams like you
don’t need me or anybody else to tell
you what your dream is but I think
people need like a stepping stone they
need a path and you’re like okay here’s
what I can do next you get closer to
freedom which is ultimately I think what
everybody wants you know whatever career
path you’re on to have options
have choice to be able to do what’s
important to you so yes if I can help
practically logistically get people to
that point where they can make their own
decisions then that’s that’s my goal I
love it so what are some what are some
of those practical steps I’m going to
start a side hustle maybe an
entrepreneur I mean I’m in a job and I
want to start my business or my site
house so what are some of the things I
have to think about sure sure well I’ve
got it broken down into like a five-week
process basically so the first week is
all about ideas about how to generate
ideas now a lot of your folks who are
watching maybe they’re like really good
at that already they have plenty of
ideas but I’ve noticed that when people
are getting started sometimes they’re
like well I hear this idea for somebody
else but I don’t know like what I’m good
at I don’t know what skill I have that I
could apply in this you know
entrepreneurial world so I’m trying to
help people like learn the power of
observation and then in the second week
it’s all about selecting the best idea
okay you got like five ideas how do you
know which one is best for you right now
so there’s an intuitive process called
the side hustle selector takes about 10
minutes really quick and easy to go
through week three is all about
logistics and preparing to launch and
like what do you need what are the
deliverables how do you make the website
you want you need all that kind of stuff
week four is about launch and debut like
probably before you feel ready like your
validation comes through experimentation
with the marketplace not through some
advanced kind of thing you do you know
far in advance and then week five is all
about regroup and refine like once it’s
out there
what happens next like is it a big
success is it a big failure most likely
and this has been my experience and be
curious about yours most likely there’s
like a third option where you put
something out and it’s not a huge
success but it’s also not a huge failure
it kind of works sort of and so then how
do you know what to do next like how do
you tweak it how do you change something
about it so that it can become more
successful process people are picking up
on the uber comment you made about Luber
is not a side hustle right so how would
you define the side house on wise uber
not a side hustle right great yeah no
I’m happy to talk about that so it’s not
it’s not an attack on uber it’s just I
think driving for uber or lyft or any of
that kind of kind of thing it’s it’s a
good part-time job all right like we’ve
all had part-time jobs in our life
nothing wrong with that but ultimately
those companies they control everything
about that ecosystem they think they can
cap your compensation they can control
the amount of competition they set all
the rules if they don’t like you they
can kick you off etc so basically as I
said it’s a good part-time job what
trying to trying to help people do is
create assets I’m trying to help them
create something that can earn money for
them potentially while they’re doing
something else you know I get emails
from people who are like you know I set
up this little product or this little
service even though I never thought
about being an entrepreneur and then I’m
going about my day job and I get like a
little ping on my phone and it’s like a
sale like I’m doing something totally
different but somebody has just sent me
money via PayPal or I go to bed at night
and I wake up and I can log into a
website and see like money has come in
so that’s what I’m trying to help people
do questions for Chris at the time we
have leaving the chat it’s easier for me
to see if you tag me so it stands out
from all the other comments arm the
creative is asking about Amazon okay if
you consider Amazon to be a side hustle
it’s like we’re doing we cuz you don’t
know anything but you’re buying and
selling what do you find the line here
yeah I know I’ve got some folks out
there I’ve got a bunch of people that I
profiled in the book and I also have a
daily podcast side hustle school
everyday I’m telling a different story
of you know somebody who is an employee
who goes out and creates one of these
kind of projects so some people are
doing like a fulfilled by Amazon model
or a merge by Amazon I profiled somebody
last year who made something like
eighteen thousand dollars in a month
selling t-shirt designs using merch by
Amazon which is really interesting
because she doesn’t actually have to
have any inventory so basically she
doesn’t take any risks she’s just
uploading designs
you know she figured out a way to kind
of game the formula to make $18,000 or
whatever in a month so yes I mean that
is somebody else’s platform ultimately
they can take it away but still you know
eighteen thousand dollars a month
there’s a bit different than what you’re
gonna get driving for uber right and I
guess it is you’re still building a
system where uber you’re just you’re
just taking orders you got to go when
you want but it is more like a part-time
job exactly I like that Rae Espinosa is
asking I want my side hustle to be my
main hustle you have any tips and advice
for that right yeah of course I’ve got a
lot of people in that category as well I
always encourage people you know start
where you are right you want your style
to be your main hustle that’s fine do
whatever you can to actually build a
foundation so that you are able to take
that risk so I never tell people to like
leap without a net you know what I tell
them to do is build a net like let’s
build a safety net wherever you are
whatever situation you are in life so
that you have options right and so I
think the time to consider you know when
to go from side hustle to main hustle is
is when you’re at that point where you
can kind of safely predict you’re gonna
have a certain amount of income you know
for the next three to six months or
whatever it may be it’s not gonna go on
forever you don’t know all your
assumptions but you feel comfortable in
being able to say like okay for the next
three to six months now this is gonna
work for me and also if I spent more
time on this side hustle could I make
more money you know I mean I love all
the people asking clarifying questions
alright what side hustle is you spark
the cord here so so the next line of
questioning people coming up with this
around investing like it’s investing a
side hustle how do you define that well
I mean I guess it could be I guess the
challenge is so let’s go back to my
model my model is like start where you
are with the skills you have without
spending a ton of time or a ton of money
so can investing be a silent soul sure
and just like real estate investing is
like the classic you know multiple
streams of income thing the problem is
like to be an investor you have to have
capital right and I know there’s
probably some was gonna say oh there’s a
way to invest without capital but for
the most part those are things that
either require a lot of capital or
require a lot of risk one of those two
things so if you can you know start
something without capital or risk
wouldn’t that be better that’s kind of
my perspective Joanne is going off topic
when she says that she loves the color
of your eyes Oh
Thank You Joanne Thank You Joanne’s eyes
but I’m sure your eyes are beautiful too
well Hamid is asking about motivation so
how do you I mean it’s gotta be hard you
you have a full-time job
you’ve got other responsibilities how do
you find motivation to everyday put in
that time to do your side hustle yeah I
think first in to choose a side hustle
that you are excited about so it’s not
so much like follow your passion but I
do believe like you know we all have
things we have to do in life you have
stuff you have to do for your job and
that’s fine
but when it comes to this like you want
to be something that you’re actually
like actively looking forward to and
like okay I’m gonna get home from work
and might be tired but instead of
watching that show on Netflix or
whatever I am going to spend like 30
minutes making a little bit of progress
on that so I think that’s important you
have a recommendation for how long they
should be spending like you say you
should check the box every day spend at
least 15 min
half an hour or yeah I think kind of
depends on the person and the project
but I do tend to think that you know
consistent action over time is better
than trying to like front-load
everything you know two days a month or
something like that
and I also encourage people to identify
what they’re going to do before they
start doing it because if you’re a busy
person you don’t have much time like you
got 20 minutes a day or whatever that’s
why I have the 27 step plan it’s like
okay day one do this day to do this
because if you don’t have that goal
identified like before you sit down to
work for half an hour or whatever time
you have like you can waste half an hour
very easily doing all kinds of stuff
right so people like in the Amazon
example you shared earlier are there
other examples I mean guys pick up the
book we probably get up in the
description below but any other like
quick examples you have whatever looks
like yeah okay so Amazon specifically or
a different stuff or whatnot generally
people just kind of still curious around
what do you mean by let me give two
examples so the book actually begins
with the story of this British guy and
he’s really into fish like fish and fish
tanks that’s his thing so three years
ago he creates a little blog like super
simple WordPress blog with reviews of
fish tanks which kind of makes sense
because if you’re gonna buy a fish tank
like you’re gonna type you know fish
tank reviews you’re gonna figure out
which one is the best one so he makes
this site in a weekend and he actually
does connect this to Amazon’s affiliate
program and I just you know if people
click through he gets a commission so
there’s a whole story but the short
version or the end of that story is you
know three years have gone by he hasn’t
done anything else for that website but
every month he’s getting a check for
about $700 so $700 you know you can’t
live off of that but if it’s $700 a
month you’re not doing anything for
that’s pretty amazing right you can pay
a lot of bills with that so that is that
is a side hustle in my opinion because
he’s built an asset second story there’s
a woman who’s a marketing director for
company in Florida and she wanted to
give her her clients personalized candy
hearts one year he’s you know candy
hearts that say like be mine or I love
you or whatever she wanted to you know
personalize them for their clients names
so she went searching and didn’t find
you know a lot of great options there
was like one company on page six of
Google or something so the long story
short for her is she decided I’m gonna
figure out how to do this myself so over
the course of the next year and a half
she starts this side hustle she’s a
marketing drug
so she figures out how to actually
present her offer and get listed on the
first page of Google and all that stuff
and now two years in this side hustle is
actually making six figures so it’s
making a hundred thousand dollars a year
or more and it’s a seasonal side hustle
because all the orders come in black
between January and mid-february
basically in her case she’s actually
decided to keep her job because she’s
like I like my job I like the people I
work with but I also have this
incredible security plan so if something
ever changed in my job well you know now
I’ve got something else that I can do so
I think people do this for all kinds of
different reasons but those examples in
the Amazon example it’s about creating
an asset for yourself
got it and so if you then decide that
this side hustle is the thing you want
to you know quit your job and go all-in
on do then start another side hustle
afterwards I tend to think everybody
needs a side hustle man because it’s
it’s not just about the money like I
hear over and over just how empowering
it is for people it’s like it’s
empowering to just start a project and
to get paid for it’s like if anybody
watching has never experienced that
would really encourage you it’s not
about the specific amount of money if
you’ve never been paid apart from your
paycheck you need to start something so
that you know within a month somebody
sends you $40 or something it just feels
really good so I think I think the
empowerment is important I think a lot
of people do this for a different
creative process or like I do one thing
for my job but then there’s something
else I do that I’m excited about and
it’s not just a hobby it’s something
that also pays me money so I think
everybody needs a side also do you think
we should ever even have a main thing or
should we just be a collection of
constant evolving four to five side
hustles that’s great here’s how I see it
you know in your life if you have if you
have a mission if you have a vision like
if you have identified that one thing
that you’re supposed to do then go and
do that and don’t let me or anybody else
distract you from it right I think
that’s I think that’s important I think
though there’s a lot of people that
don’t really fit that category there’s a
lot of people who like to do a bunch of
different stuff or maybe we’re on a
journey and eventually we’re gonna find
the one single thing we’re gonna do so
in the meantime why not mix it up why
not write you know do some different
projects so I think in the
entrepreneurial world there’s a lot of
focus on like you know making sure your
idea is sustainable making sure your
idea is scalable all that kind of stuff
the site hustle perspective at least
mine is like if you see money lying
under a rock you should pick it up you
don’t have to ask too many questions
about it right like if it’s there why
not do it it’s gonna give you more
options and then later if you have that
incredible vision for your life to go to
Mars or whatever then focus on that and
don’t do anything else got it so
Christian is asking if you can talk
about some of your side hustles present
and and what your first side hustle was
okay okay so yeah like you were just
saying heaven my life is actually a
collection of side hustles and it has
always been you know for better or worse
I realized about you know 20 years ago
I’m almost 40 I realized that I was
basically unemployable and I had to find
a way to like you know make a living
somehow ethically legally so my first
side hustle was selling on eBay and
other online auctions which had just
come out and at the time it was really
interesting because online auctions were
like totally new and nobody liked that
it was like they had value just because
they were online auctions it was weird
you could go and buy stuff at the store
and then sell it on eBay and people
would pay more for it because it was
like you know fun or unique or something
so I figured that out a little bit I
imported coffee from Jamaica resold it
did a bunch of stuff like that for a
couple of years and that led to a lot of
other things I did stuff with Google
AdWords Adsense I learned about
affiliate marketing information products
all that kind of stuff and the thing is
I used that to to support my lifestyle
so I wasn’t like building a huge company
but I was living debt-free I was able to
do things I believed in I was an aid
worker for about four years in West
Africa all that was supported by site
hustling then I began the project to go
to every country in the world which I’ve
written about on my blog and in a book
all that was supported by different
kinds of side hustles and then you know
now I have this career as an author but
I kind of have you know a few different
careers so I have my author career I
have the daily podcast you know seven
days a week like every single day this
year producing mats that takes that
takes some time I’m in the middle of a
big tour I’m doing about a hundred City
tour right now so I’m home at the moment
but gonna go back on the road right
after the holidays I do a few other
things I mean I like to I’d like to
start projects would you consider your
writing to be a side hustle for you now
I would consider that to be my main
thing actually I had to pick one thing I
would say I’m an author but I wouldn’t
want to pick one thing because I like to
do more than one thing right and how
much are you writing I am that’s a fair
question I’m actually writing less than
I was a couple of years ago because
the podcast and because of some other
stuff so I mean I I still have a book
out every year and a half to two years
but I’m definitely writing a lot less in
my blog right okay that’s a lot of
hustle to get a book out every year and
a half two years I love it it’s fun you
know how it goes you know I mean you’ve
had a lot experience yeah yeah I like it
it’s interesting it’s I’m just curious
how you see this hypothesis evolving in
your life in your career yeah but see I
mean I’ve watched all your I’ve seen all
your videos like I always wonder like
how do you do all that stuff I mean you
hustle so much but that’s that’s
obviously that’s your thing right it’s
your passion it’s what you’ve chosen to
invest in it’s not just your passion
it’s also your skill like that’s that’s
how you’re kind of changing the world so
I think when you find that thing where
you feel like you’re changing the world
and you have impact then you’re just
motivated to do it more right yeah just
curious how I went to find it for myself
a guy I do YouTube one full day a week
and and then another filming day per
month okay and then it’s on my head on
my mind and brain suggesting all the
rest is like editing and stuff well I
have my team to do that but the rest is
I have another two businesses that I’m
invested in and running helping
operations and mentoring and and then I
have a whole day of just doing this kind
of stuff interviews and I guess it falls
under YouTube but I’m on somebody else’s
show it’s just building so I don’t know
is YouTube my side hustle or ya know it
doesn’t matter you know do you have to
categorize everything in your life
basically I think like if you’re doing
something you love and it’s it’s working
and it matters to people do more of that
yeah I like it
I like it Michael is asking Chris how is
your work different than the four
workweek is it different or
complementary um I would say is it’s
somewhat different somewhat
complementary I mean Tim is a friend of
mine we’ve spent some time together but
I haven’t been really influenced by his
work I don’t read a lot of other
business books so it’s no disrespect to
him or anyone else I I mostly read kind
of outside my own space just so I can
make sure I have a bit of an original
voice so I guess I can only speak from
my experience and then like the ten
years that I’ve spent like traveling the
world interviewing lots of people
starting different projects yeah I think
I think this is he’s seen the tie-in
there the idea of working four hours a
week and creating the passive income
kind of business with our premise of
that book but yeah interesting
okay the lot is right in the say what if
your idea requires knowledge that you
yet hat generally speaking I think it’s
best to choose an idea that you already
do have the knowledge and generally
speaking like there are some exceptions
but I would say like I go on the road a
lot and I ask people like what’s your
idea and people are like hey I want to
make an app and I’m like you know why do
you want to make an app like because I
heard apps are good I’m like okay are
you a coder or you’re like nope
like maybe you should do something else
like maybe there’s actually something
else that you’re really good at that you
have a skill that you know instead of
going down that road so I guess that’s
the first thing but if you do have you
know but I don’t have the knowledge then
you know you’ve got a couple of choices
like is there a rudimentary amount of
knowledge that you can acquire that will
allow you to you know move forward you
need to hire somebody or partner with
somebody to do that but I guess
generally speaking why not play to your
strengths right
Kimberly’s saying Chris for stay-at-home
moms side hustles with limited time to
spare do you have suggestions of what I
should do yeah I mean I feature a lot of
stay-at-home moms and stay-at-home dads
on the show there’s one I’m thinking of
I think her name is Heather from
California she she started this private
label brand of wine called stressed
mommy so which is kind of
self-explanatory right she’s like I’m a
stressed mom and you know private
labeling wine she doesn’t have to have
her own vineyard basically there’s just
all she has to do is get the labels and
there’s a company that does the
fulfillment and all that so she was able
to create a brand you know with the
short amount of time and without
spending a lot of money so I think
there’s there’s things that you can do
yeah and somebody’s full-time hustle
might be a parent doesn’t have to meet
them they have a job right yeah sure
Shawna Maria I hope I pronounced that
okay is asking about should you do a
side hustle by yourself or is it better
to do it with the team or a partner
mm-hm I’d be curious to know what your
answer to that is I would say people do
it in different ways
I do feature some partnership stories
but I would say it’s kind of like the
app thing and the knowledge thing like
unless you have a really good reason for
why it should be a partnership I think
you should do it on your own because I
also hear a lot of stories about
partnerships that get formed and then
inevitably like one person is more
invested more you know emotionally
excited motivated about the project and
so that kind of creates an imbalance as
you go go along so I would say you know
get help from people get
vice from people but unless you have a
really good reason to partner do it
yourself yeah I think I think people
jump into partnerships too quickly just
based off of skills and not realizing
it’s much more values fit that you have
to identify right it’s like getting
married like you can spend a lot of time
with this person but you want to make
sure you’re marrying the right person
right you have good values together and
not just do they check the box of these
things right so I don’t think people
spend enough time I think I think the
way that I give advice around
partnerships is you start a tiny little
one a tiny little side hustle or project
together right before launching to a
business do one small thing together and
see can you work it at it yeah let’s go
have a good vibe with each other then
you enjoy that process and then you can
keep moving on to the next one so you
side how’s she away into partnerships
that’s good I like it like that I might
use that more often
Salima is saying Chris what is the most
interesting side hustle you’ve come
across the most interesting side hustle
so so I started this project on January
1 I was like I’m gonna do a daily
podcast and again every single day
different story if somebody who does
this you know in less than 10 minutes
and I’m gonna case study model it I’m
gonna break down where they get their
idea you know how they make it happen
and what’s the outcome etcetera I was a
little bit worried myself because like
people asked like did you have all 365
episodes like planned out I’m like no I
had like the first 20 you know and I
kind of hoped that the audience itself
would basically generate all these
stories so fortunately that has happened
and I have just been amazed at like all
of this stuff that comes through I mean
let’s let’s go for two stories just
really quickly there’s this guy who’s
like dropshipping
live crickets to reptile owners so you
know basically he doesn’t have to handle
the crickets himself but like he’s
placing like people order crickets and
like they go out across North America
and etc and he learned a lesson he did
actually do a little test shipment to
himself and that he included
instructions but then no instructions
arrived and he learned that you can’t
send paper because the crickets will eat
the instructions so now he has to even
all the instructions right so that’s a
whole crazy thing then second story see
the whole point is I’m not talking about
life coaches I’m not talking about life
coaches or business strategist like
people just doing like interesting stuff
so the other story
this guy actually makes some serious
this guy’s also doing a drop shipping
model and he set out to like identify
like what is the what’s the most unique
product that can be profitable it
doesn’t have a lot of competition etc
and by the way if anybody doesn’t know
drop shipping is where another company’s
going to basically be sending out your
stock like you take the orders on your
website but then somebody else does the
fulfillment anyway he decided that
bouncy castles like bounce houses for
adults are like the niche he should go
into basically so he did that and he
created like you know this great bounce
castle you know website with all these
resources and stuff he went to all the
distributors and manufacturers of which
there’s actually like a whole bunch of
them and partnered with them and in in
about a year this year in fact is a
whole story on the website he’s made
$300,000 so I call it the three hundred
thousand dollar bouncy castle Empire I
thought that was a pretty story and now
this podcast daily still growing for you
every single day yep so that’s what’s
cool Wow and how long you committed to
this we actually renewed for 2018 so I’m
coming up on whatever today is three-day
355 or something of the year but we’re
gonna do it again every single day in
2018 wow that’s not ton of work yeah all
right so he’s a ton of work but I like
how long is the podcast 10 minutes or
less okay okay that’s not so bad and
then every day you’re featuring a
different person who has a side hustle
yeah so I’ve designed it for busy people
like my goal is like most people don’t
have time to listen to 90-minute
interviews you know like here’s all
about somebody’s life story and what
their favorite ice cream is like what do
people really need to know about this
and so that’s that I make it for busy
people who don’t have a ton of time but
want to invest in themselves and
someone’s asking what the name was is a
side hustle school side hustle school so
you can go to side hustle school calm or
just search an Apple podcast iTunes for
side hustle school cool man that’s
awesome and you started that this year
yep nice yeah it’s been really good
actually been interesting because it’s
it’s broadened my community in a way
that I really didn’t expect like I’ve
been doing this for a while my books and
other stuff but the podcast thing really
has helped me reach a lot of different
books so so I mean you have your your
authorship you’re awesome at doing that
you do a lot on Facebook you travel like
a beast and like every time I talk to
you I’m surprised you’re home because I
was expecting some hotel room
Joe is in a different city promoting
books and and more just like meeting up
with you know the people you love
meeting up with people different cities
and then you started the podcast I
wonder how you rank the different
activities in terms of just personal
fulfillment and satisfaction of
connecting with people I think a big
part of it is the range of activities I
think I wouldn’t be satisfied if I just
did only one thing you know like I
actually like I am super introverted I
like I don’t I don’t mind spending a lot
of time by myself when I write my books
I kind of go into a cave and like I just
I just do that you know for weeks on end
don’t do a lot of social stuff but then
when I have the book out you know like
I’ve done 40 cities you know in the past
two and a half months like different
events every night media stuff every day
usually so I like that too but I
wouldn’t want to choose one of the other
because I feel like I’d be missing
something like relax relaxing is what
stresses me out if I’m if I if I like
feel like I don’t have something in
front of me that bothers me
relaxes and what stresses me out I like
mica has a question I think this ties
into audio podcast he’s talking about
are there any active resources that you
can steer people to to help them stay
motivated on building their their
passive income and side hustle dreams
yeah I mean there’s all kinds of stuff
so I mean they should subscribe to this
YouTube channel of course you know check
out your stuff I mean every day you’re
pretty much sharing all kinds of
resources I don’t know if there’s a
single one thing I’d point people to on
this Isle site there’s a
resources page you can go and look and I
refer a bunch of my friends and other
tools and things yeah and I think too
for anybody watching if you find someone
who you resonate with like if you love
Chris’s message this guy’s been on tons
of different interviews you can go watch
all the different new views and
different channels and subscribe to the
podcast and you got a daily hit is it is
it seven days a week or five of it so
that videos only seven days yeah ten
minutes of inspiration of a new side
hustle every single day like that’s
that’s some great motivation so you find
the person that you really fit well with
and just consume more of them exactly
and also if you’re looking for a side
hustle to follow like you’re looking for
a model you know again I’m featuring
like regular people they’re not
celebrities they don’t have like big
social-media followings usually or big
email at your email lists they do this
like using the skills they already have
and so you know if you don’t like one
story if you don’t relate to one person
maybe you’ll relate to the next where
that’s that’s the whole idea is there is
there somebody that you go to a creator
or an author or somebody from history
that when you’re need some inspiration
or Lowell you go to ya know there’s a
single person two friends of mine I
think you know Jonathan fields he’s a
guy friend of mine yeah I project you
know a good life project also a
wonderful podcast on iTunes everywhere
else and Gretchen Reubens another good
friend of mine The Happiness Project and
her new book The Four tendencies she’s
also got a great podcast loaded to my
really good friends that I talked to you
about stuff asked for inspiration I tend
to look more it’s not like I’m looking
at some famous person or whatever I’m
more like who is in front of me like
who’s my community and I do these events
these events that I do like the meetups
and stuff that really changed my life
more than anything else you know seven
years ago when I started writing books
and doing the blog and stuff because I
would go out like across you know across
America across Canada and I would I
would you know each night I’m meeting
meeting a different group of people
and they always had interesting stories
and that that informed like everything I
did after that so I would say like side
hustle comes the book side I saw comes
from you know a book and a tour I did a
previous year called born for this and I
went out on tour and I gave like this 30
minute talk and maybe a like for 30
minutes I talked about side hustles for
like two minutes
it was like an aside a little like side
point and then afterwards I noticed that
50% of the questions were about cytosol
and I was like everybody wants to know
about that so basically all my work is
informed by the community right I love
it how many days of the year you on the
road I don’t know I don’t have a I don’t
have like a number say it’s rough lately
weeks off but not really like in that
fashion huh interesting I like it okay
this is an interesting question mate
Rodriguez is asking if when your side
hustle starts to make a lot of money and
you might be making more than your
parents how to deal with that feeling of
feeling bad so it’s basically feeling
bad to make more money than their
parents at a young age I’m a side hustle
and I don’t know if you have advice on
that how do you overcome
deal with that yeah I mean it’s a good
problem to have I mean it’s kind of in
the category of like how do I pay taxes
and all the money I made
you know right but I understand I
understand the concern about like you
know being concerned about your parents
and stuff I guess I would try to maybe
maybe you could like you know show them
that they’re part of this like like you
were able to start this business because
of what you learned from them and the
values that they instilled in you so
yeah it’s successful but there is much a
part of the story as you are perhaps
that’s interesting yeah I think I had to
make a big shift in my entrepreneurial
career to to involve my wife and my son
the business and even just then knowing
what’s going on so they feel connected
to what’s happening whether they’re in
front of the camera or not that’s cool
okay so a bunch of people are asking
about specific industries so the two
that keep coming up or around do you
have any examples for side hustles from
athletic coaches and or doctors I don’t
know if any aesthetic coaches I believe
I did an episode about a PE coach you
know like physical education this dude
was a I think he still is I forget if he
was or still is but he’s a full-time PE
teacher and he created like a membership
site and all these resources for other
PE teachers right you need different
exercises activities you know all kinds
of stuff so he created that and I forget
how much money he’s making I don’t think
it’s like it’s a huge amount of money
but I think it’s like $1,500 or $2,000 a
month which again you know as a side
hustle is great doctors you think about
that I do have some they’re not coming
to mind immediately so let’s keep going
and I’ll think of a doctor story all
right cool I like it
somebody’s asking how many side hustles
is enough I think it’s different for
different people I think I mean there’s
obviously like you cap out at some point
right and I think it’s good to if you
have a bunch of different projects to
pay attention to which ones are working
and like you know generally spend more
time on those instead of trying to bring
everything up to the same same level but
I mean the main thing is to know
yourself and you’re not going to really
figure that out until you start doing
different things yeah how do you I think
a lot of entrepreneurs also have
entrepreneur EDD like they just start
out a bunch of stuff and then never
finish anything and you don’t get it to
the point where they’re making any money
off of it sure that’s a problem so how
do you avoid that how do you go down
that road and say oh I’m not I’m not
into this anymore I’m gonna start this
and we’re just like lighting fires
everywhere but nothing ever becomes
anything right right well if you’re in
that situation I mean there’s a couple
things you could do I think maybe you
know committing to something for a set
time period is good you know like I’m
not saying commit to something for the
rest of your life or even a year or
something but you know if you do find
yourself constantly jumping around maybe
say okay you know what for the next 45
to 60 days this is going to be my
project and I’m not gonna get diverted
or distracted by something else if at
the end of that time period whatever it
turns out to be then I want to do
something else okay I’ll give myself
permission to do that but I really want
to give this one project a chance to
succeed is there is there a time so you
have 27 days to the book is that enough
time yeah I mean so 27 days like to be
clear I’m not promising people they’re
gonna make six figures in 27 days but I
do think it’s possible you know kind of
start from zero and get a project up and
running and you know make your first
sale in that time and my goal with the
book is you know anybody who follows the
process or listens to the podcast you
know they’re going to be able to start a
project that makes at least $500 a month
you know consistently and again you
can’t live off of $500 a month but you
can pay a lot of bills with that and
hopefully it can go on to be much more
so I don’t know that there’s a specific
time period like people are going
through the book in the process in more
than 27 days or less you know it’s up to
them but I’m just trying to provide a
model and people can adapt it however
they want what do you see so for people
who read the book and they go through it
and you go week by week 27 days okay
great I’m have my opportunity to
hopefully make five hundred bucks a
month extra or more what’s next like
where do I take it afterwards what’s the
next year or two years look like this is
just constant recycling of the 27 cycle
or is it no I think you know so the last
part of the cycle is like refining you
know and you know tweaking and growing
and expanding and if this is if this is
your thing and it is taking off and
there’s so much more you can do with it
it’s usually much easier to make more
money with an existing business and it
is to start a new one so if you have a
business that’s making the reason why
that $500 a month is significant is I
don’t think it’s that hard I don’t think
it’s like twice as hard to go to $1,000
a month you know as it is to get to the
first 500 or to 2,000 or like whatever
the number is I think it’s much easier
to grow once you’re at that basic point
so no the next part is all about growth
and then doing what you want and maybe
at a certain point choosing something
different but yeah nice
Saba’s running in could you tell us
about your morning rituals or routines
are you consistent you’re traveling so
much I mean it’s interesting what you do
every day right it’s a little bit
different depending on whether I’m home
or traveling but I am a morning person
as much as possible I do like to get up
early I do tend to do my best work in
the morning so I tend to try to like
reserved much of my morning for myself
and like you know I’m on my own I’m just
doing like my projects my stuff and then
use it later in the day I tend to have
more more meetings and interviews and
things and it’s a little bit different
when I am on tour because then I have
the events every night
and so I can’t really be a morning
person the way I would like to so I have
to make some adjustments that way so in
ideal morning what does it look like are
you are you working are you reading are
you ideal morning I would be up at like
I don’t know 5:30 6:00 and I would be I
would be working from basically from 7
o’clock on from 7 to 7 to noon more or
less with a couple of breaks in there I
would basically be doing different stuff
I’d be working on the podcast work on
the writing other projects responding to
people and stuff and then the afternoon
would be more plex well we’ve it’s uh
it’s what 8:30 and I’m one of you right
it is those thank you thank you for
spending your morning time with us here
of course of course
free shaitana Mary Perrin beer is asking
what are some of the sign hustles you
fail that okay so I suppose I’ve failed
at most of the ones I felt I haven’t
gotten very far because again I’m in the
I’m kind of in the mindset of not taking
a lot of risk and not investing a lot
it’s like if something is succeeding
then I want to put more time and
resource and money toward it but if it’s
not then I just tend to stop doing it
let’s see what did not work so well one
time I had this idea to do a golf
membership site and I don’t even like
golf which may have been one of the
problems in the beginning but oh so I
had no real business model for it and
the funny thing this is my funny story
about it I was working with the designer
or sitting next to him and he was
designing the site and basically the
membership was gonna be sold for like a
dollar and there was like some sort of
back-end offered to it but the backend
offer wasn’t really developed and so
he’s like making the site and he’s like
I just have a question how are you gonna
make money on a dollar a customer
and I was like man I just make the
website like you just do you I’ll do me
you know and I was like yeah damn how am
I gonna make money on a dollar customer
so basically I didn’t you know make sure
that didn’t work got it
I like it it’s interesting that I think
this is a whole other book is in it just
you how many people are asking questions
around industry specific hmm sign
hustles and then also just the walkie
one so someone else is writing what’s
your most funds side hustle so like
we’ve had failures we’ve had crazy we’ve
had fun so before we get to more
specific with what’s your most fun side
hustle I mean I did a story in the
beginning of the year on this woman who
sells chicken saddles so apparently if
you raise chickens which I live in
Portland Oregon everybody has a chicken
in their yard like a chicken coop you
know chickens are in are in danger of
like being harmed during molting or
mating or something so you actually put
these vests around the chickens it’s
true story I’m not making this up and
there’s a small industry of people
selling chicken saddles but apparently
like all the chicken saddles that
existed previously there was some
problem with them I forget what it was
you know and so she came along and
invented a better chicken saddle and so
now she I think she lives in Colorado
she’s doing like $2,500 a month selling
selling saddles for pet chickens I
thought that was pretty cool this helps
them in the mating process yeah okay
yeah when you first said chicken salad
thought like for a kid to ride it’s like
a chicken best okay right it’s you can
make money in every business something
that’s the Poynting I love it I love it
chicken saddles okay two other specific
industries people are asking about one
music related side hustles and two
I don’t feed that falls under investing
that we kind of talked open like what do
you think yeah cryptocurrency I just
recorded a story about so so investing
is interesting because not just
investing or not just like
cryptocurrency if you look at the
periphery of these things whenever
there’s a new industry especially an
industry like that’s it’s so hard to
like cryptocurrency right like I was
saying the other day on Twitter I don’t
actually understand it that way I mean I
get the basics but I really don’t know a
lot about it you know there’s always
room for experts to come in and kind of
decipher things and explain things so I
just featured this guy from from the
started I think a YouTube channel in
Dutch called Bitcoin Bitcoin update and
he’s basically educating people you know
there about the whole process and he’s
he has an affiliate model where he’s
linking to different tools and resources
you know and he gets paid a commission
when people buy that so I don’t know as
much about investing directly but but
you know in terms of supporting that in
terms of musicians I did a story about a
guy who has a six-figure podcast he’s a
drummer and created this like resource
for drummers basically and he went out
and interviewed like every famous
drummer and connected people with like
the best lessons the best curriculum all
that kind of stuff and it took a few
years but you know it’s his full-time
job now it’s a six-figure project got it
and it’s interesting in that if you
don’t have the money to put into
investing you could create a business
around it yes yes exactly
right in the same is true for any kind
of investing famous tree for any kind of
financial investing or real estate or
whatever else there’s always something
around that topic that you can probably
do right or if you love supercars you
may not be able to build one yet but you
can create a business around that earth
right cool yeah I like that
and all of these episodes are available
people can go download them yep it’s all
free everything yeah you haven’t
categorized yep if you look at sisal
school comm you click like episodes at
the top you can see them categorized by
like product by service by blog by
affiliate model etcetera we’re trying to
work now we have so many episodes out or
trying to come up with some more
advanced you know categorization and but
there’s also tags you can search by
right awesome that’s cool
birdie Jordan wants to know do you have
a youtube channel I do not I just come
on Evan show you goes on a lot of shows
but you can find them everywhere I have
you thought about it you got a podcast
why not film it with video
man I got there’s only so many things I
can do you love side hustles I know I
know I’m not on your radar right well
listen birdie Jordan there’s tons all
the way back like how long you’d be
doing YouTube you know use for I don’t
know not that long no who would you like
I remember Chase Jarvis from years ago
yeah yeah I don’t know a few years I
guess yeah as a few years and Chris
works hard there’s a few years of
content you guys can get lost in amazing
discussions if you like
been made by you you know you do all
these compilation things what you’re
amazing I think my speaker’s bureau at
penguin Random House uses that one of
the compilation videos that you made
like when they’re sitting sending it out
that’s awesome oh the top ten rules of
success yeah I was good so Chris was
actually in town in in my City Toronto
doing a book tour and came in into my
dance studio to film and you were them
still the most polished person to the to
do the intial lines that we’ve ever had
on the show I think we made a mistake
and like the entire day I think well
that was that’s Chris man look we’ve had
some we’ve had some big-name people on
t1 there they’re always messing up and
sweating so that was good you ever doing
outtakes do you do like a bloopers
compilation for me I sometimes yeah yes
right right
you know I depends on the personality a
lot of them do not want to show them
messing up on lines and right so I
wouldn’t mind so but you don’t make
mistakes oh yeah so we I don’t think we
may have done one or two but it’s not
consistent as you know we don’t know we
can look bad okay so music we talked
about no YouTube channel a tool writing
in I’ve read the book and it helped me
launch my side hustle in just 10 days
and have seven pain clients within
twenty seven days the book is amazing
amazing thank you from there you got a
sip and I need to pay that person off
later yeah the tool you have a question
for Chris leave it here I love it thank
you okay our tourist is asking I’ve
tried drop shipping I think I took out
too much of myself then a couple days I
took a couple days off my passion just
died what are the ways to reignite it
took a couple days off and your passion
just died I wonder if it was no I wonder
if it was the right idea in the first
place you know sometimes but what I
think about ideas is like we all have
ideas like all the time and some ideas
stick and some don’t you know so even if
I think about like a really big idea
like my idea to go to every country in
the world I had that idea for like three
months and it just wouldn’t go away I
could kind of like I would think about
it and I don’t think about in the
morning kind of realize like there’s
something too
right but if but I might have lots of
ideas that today I think are great and
then tomorrow I’m like that’s dumb you
know so like how long does your idea
stick with you and if you’re not
passionate about one like there’s
probably something else out there you
can do is there some kind of pest like
you go over that I guess a bit in the
book of how to pick your side house so
you give you five ideas have you picked
the right one you know that’s called the
side hustle selector it’s this process I
created that uses both left brain and
right brain thinking which i think is
important because like your side hustle
has to make sense logically it has to
make analytical sense there has to be a
revenue model for sure
so sometimes creative people get stuck
on that but then I also think it’s
important that you have some creativity
and then like you are motivated and
excited and passionate about your side
also so that process basically helps
people make sure they have both of those
things I don’t know the industry
specific one before really specific I
think it’s an all new book man it’s the
next book the examples for each industry
side hustle on the IT security or
information technology field yeah I
think I know a guy who made a monitoring
service basically like to help parents
like monitor their kids Internet
activity which of course there’s from
other services out there doing that but
he had some interesting twists on it or
whatever and he started that without
spending a lot of money like he actually
was a coder and that’s what he did you
know in in modeling Tim Ferriss he just
took his podcast guests and turned that
into a book you could pick all these
examples from your podcast that’s the
next book all right dude you can do one
every six months instead of a year and a
half I mean I have time for my youtube
channel I love it you kill it on YouTube
birdy Jordan running back Chris did you
remember any side hustles for doctors
huh sorry
okay okay like in the flow here so it’s
hard to think you know I’ll be present
doctors tell that person to email me
what’s her name
at birdie Jordan Burnie if you go to
cytosol school comm and send me an email
from there I will write you back with an
example I think something what do you
also have it like can they go to the
website and look at tag doc yeah yeah
exactly yeah they can yeah cool think
everything like I think I remember well
I’m not gonna tell this story well if I
start telling this story I’m gonna get
wrong so
something email got it Alicia is writing
in what’s name with the book Alicia side
hustle from idea to income in 27 days
Chris cube Oh check it out if you missed
I guess the beginning of this hangout
then now you know what it’s all about
Monica writing an essay I’ve been
wanting to a side hustle and I have no
idea what to do I like organization
cleaning tips and homemade cleaners any
suggestions on a side hustle interesting
just had an episode last week about a
yoga teacher in Seattle and she started
decluttering home organizing business
and she had a real interesting model to
it because it wasn’t just about the
physical stuff she was actually looking
at people’s lives and like their whole
process and like how to really focus on
what’s important to you which includes
like you know clearing out a lot of your
stuff and in her case so first of all I
wasn’t really successful side hustla
within six months she’s making $3,000 a
month from it but then also she’s got
this great social good component to it
because she’s partnering with a refugee
organization in Seattle and all of the
stuff that’s like being declared like
she donates to this refugee organization
so people that are coming like from
Syria and around in Afghanistan like
being resettled after difficult lives
they get like all this stuff basically
like to help set up their life and the
client you know is having like a better
more organized life so maybe look at
that you got the examples just just
falling in let me ask you this is a
personal question
you know I profile so many different
famous entrepreneurs it’s over the past
couple years I have a hard time
remembering examples too when they come
up but can you tell me about this person
you know and you know it’s white whites
working I think is because lots of times
I’m on interviews and they’re like tell
me a story and I’m like I have no idea
what to say but I think because your
people are so specific and they’re
actually giving like examples and like
industries I think that that’s what’s
making it making it work good okay I
have a hard time remembering all the
people we profiled yeah it was so
yesterday was the anniversary of Elvis
being drafted okay and so I didn’t know
that my calendar yeah okay so YouTube
has a new community tab that you can
share stuff with your community like a
blog post kind of format and like David
did I do a video on Elvis I must have
done something on Elvis and I found this
thing from three years ago
two days ago is Jake Gyllenhaal’s
Gyllenhaal’s 37th birthday and like do
we do him I don’t remember did we do a
top 10 and we did so you put it I just
don’t remember all the things that we’ve
done it’s but you’re you’re you’re
you’re doing a good job man you’re
pulling it I’m pulling those episodes
back when some loose um another another
question as specific any side hustle
examples in the pizza delivery business
it’s a delivery business I used to
deliver pizza myself and then I stopped
doing it that was my sock I yeah that
was it i I was a pizza delivery person
when I was 16 one of my last jobs that I
I don’t know if I have a side hustle
example of somebody in the pizza
delivery business but pizza delivery
itself is not a side hustle that’s just
a part-time job yeah yeah I would start
it exactly are you sure is running in
thank you Chris just ordered the book
great reviews thank you we shot and she
has a follow-up question I’m passionate
about empowering people I’m working in
university empowering students for the
world of work
once I hustle would you suggest well it
sounds like she’s going to pursue some
kind of coaching model coaching or
mentoring or anything that helps equip
people there’s lots of different ways to
do that since she’s gonna get the book
she look at some different approaches
and tips I would just say my general
recommendation would be you know stick
with that vision try to find a way to
get a little bit more specific and
strategic about how you do that just so
it’s really clear and you can say in one
sentence like you know I’m doing this to
help people do that got it get more
specifics to see what you see what you
got Chris next up Lou was asking if you
have any side hustle examples from an
accountant and accountants yes
everything is I think your side hustle
should be different from your day job so
I don’t think an accountant should be
doing other people’s taxes at night I
think that’s a way to get burned out
basically and that’s what people often
think like this is what I do for my day
job therefore how can I do this you know
in a different way at night so I have I
profile an accountant in Dubai who is
also a poet
like that’s his passion his creative
passion so he’s a managerial accounting
by day and he put together a series of
poetry workshops and actually gets paid
for them which as a poet is a pretty big
thing on its own you know to get paid as
a poet so he makes like extra thousand
dollars a month or something doing these
workshops and he’s an accountant by day
and that was one of the podcast episodes
mmm very cool man how do you find these
guys like a counting poet from Dubai how
does he end up on your podcast yeah so a
lot of them come to us know like we have
an intake form which by the way if
anybody out there entrepreneurs anybody
else has a cytosol on that website
Saudis will school comm if you look at
the about page you like scroll down
there’s a little link that says submit
your side hustle story so that’s our
basic intake form and then my assistant
my team we do some interviews with the
people to kind of get all the facts and
stuff and write this story and they go
out from there so some of them sometimes
we actually solicit stories but then a
lot of them just come to us directly got
it from Abbas asking Chris are there
delivery charges for the free book that
you have giveaways for is that some
offer that you have going on I’m not
sure what he’s referring to all right
give us more details for now and maybe
we can answer that while we’re on
miserable is asking what if a web
developer is site hustling to become a
game developer is that too similar yeah
so I’m just giving a general principle
with that I just want to be careful
about people getting burned out which is
what I see happen so yes I mean if
that’s if that’s your skill and that’s
your your passion as well obviously you
can do that you know that’s up to you
I know this is interesting okay so
should you disclose your side hustle
when applying for day jobs
put it on your resumes to show skills or
talk about it in an interview yeah I
guess it depends on what kind of day job
you’re applying for a lot of companies
these days are you know forward-thinking
and they understand that they’re they’re
their employees like you know do
different stuff and they actually
encourage that I do also hear from
people you know who are in jobs where
they’re like I have to keep my cytosol a
secret and I think that’s sad because
like if it’s not if it’s not a competing
thing then your employer doesn’t have
anything to say about that like I think
it’s okay to you can be a loyal employee
you can be a good productive employee
and like you know work well for your
boss and also keep something for
yourself like keep part of your creative
you know to invest in yourself so as to
whether you put it on your resume or not
I guess it depends on what the job is
and what your side hustle is and how you
feel about it all that yeah I think I
think you have to do your homework on
the company too through some research we
have Stephen Kelly on once a month on
the channel he’s the CEO of Sage they do
accounting software like multi-billion
dollar company and he loves hiring
entrepreneurs who have so for them that
would be a plus if you have that but
other companies be like no I don’t you
know you’re gonna die working over your
lunch period or you’re gonna be right
but that awesome like that right but it
also might be a good sign of like what
job is best for you right because do you
want to go and work for a company like
that like if you want to also have a
side hustle and invest in yourself do
you want to have to like go work for a
company where it’s a complete secret how
important you think it is to have a full
time job where you’re learning skills to
apply to your side hustle I think it’s
important to look at where you are in
life you know whether you’re 20 30 40
whatever and say what what are the
skills I have acquired to this point and
what is the life experience I’ve had
what education have I had you know so
it’s not so much about learning new
skills as it is taking an inventory of
what you already know and I’m a big
believer that everyone’s an expert in
something like everyone is an expert in
something even if you never went to
university even if you never like had a
full time job there’s something that
your friends probably ask you about
there’s something that like is easy for
you that’s hard for other people so I
want to help people figure out what that
is that to me is more important than
learning new skills you know what I love
I just need to show a little bit
appreciation because you you are so on
point with your answers and like so
quick on the replies we’re able to plow
through like two to three times as many
questions as I normally get good on
point I love questions I mean people are
asking smart things you know most of the
time people are like what’s your
favorite country so this is better all
right good nice belief nation standing
Devon do you have oh how can I create a
sign house well as a video editors who
do you have examples from video editing
you probably would answer that question
better than me right like this is your
field I guess I would just say well if
you have these skills like who needs
help with that right like what problem
are you trying to solve like who could
benefit from those skills and also think
about not just the technical aspect but
it’s always in all your side hustles
right don’t just think about like the
technical thing of what you’re doing
think about how it changes somebody’s
life and always try to position your
product or your service like with this
emotional benefit you know I guess I
would say like in terms of video both in
terms of the actual like you know making
a production of it and editing if I have
a great video then I will be able to do
what reach more people I will be able to
share my message more effectively so I
so whatever it is that you tend to do it
end up sorry whatever it is you end up
doing with your sawdust so try to frame
it in a way that’s helping people
emotionally what do you think that what
answer would you say um yeah I agree and
I also agree with your other advice
around like maybe it’s not something
even related to video maybe it’s just
something you love doing like you love
Smurfs and you end up doing a whole
thing around Smurfs there we go yeah so
here’s one from pranaam and he’s asking
about what’s your advice for a teenager
who wants to start a side hustle so
we’ve covered kind of working at a job
we’ve covered you know moms at home now
your full-time hustle is school yeah how
do you start a side hustle on the sides
pronoun right or not yeah
but not awesome yeah it’s great I’ve
definitely had a number of teenagers on
the show we actually had somebody who
was like an 8 year old who started a
side hustle with his mom and like ended
up growing it it’s actually a real
project it’s not like just like oh
so-and-so learns about entrepreneurship
like he’s actually you know he and his
family are making several thousand
dollars in life I mean when you’re a
teenager like if you’re doing stuff
online nobody cares how old you are
right nobody carries like it doesn’t
matter you know I was selling stuff on
eBay when I was I was in like 14 but I
was 19 at the time and like it doesn’t
matter like you still have something to
offer to the world so a lot of the same
advice applies a lot of the same advice
about like where do ideas come from you
know how can you make that idea reality
how can you reach the right people and
so on I did have a teenager who is
selling autographed baseballs and he
actually got into like this arbitrage
thing where he would learned to buy them
from one source and then sell them to
another source and he was 16 and making
a you know a couple thousand dollars a
month which is huge like if I was 16 and
making a couple thousand dollars a month
I would have felt like I was rich you
know yeah I would have been basically
you know I have I mean my income when I
was 16 was like you know 100 bucks a
month or something so $100 startup yeah
get going
that’s represent one of his other books
it’s an awesome book – you guys go check
that one out
when did you start doing side hustles or
at least get in the bug
I mean basically from young adulthood
you know from aid from age eighteen
nineteen you know when I was doing that
stuff online and then it wasn’t like it
wasn’t very strategic for a long time
which i think is also okay like i don’t
think you have to have a grand strategy
for your life when you’re 20 i think we
put a lot of pressure on people to
figure out like what are you going to do
with your life it’s like you don’t know
because you haven’t tried stuff so for a
long time my motivation was it wasn’t
like i want to change the world it was
like how can i pay the bills you know
how can i pay the bills that i can do
what’s important to me
that was that went on for you know
probably five years or so then I had the
overseas experience of living in Sierra
Leone and Liberia for a while and then
when I was like turning thirty that’s
when I started to think okay like what’s
what’s next like what am I going to do I
do feel fortunate that I’ve been able to
travel and can start these little
businesses you know what’s next and
that’s when I started the blog the art
of nonconformity which kind of led to
all the stuff I’m doing now got it it’s
always curious so I mean I started when
I was five years old I was selling stuff
to my neighbors those shoes that I drew
myself but not everybody has it like
super early and it’s good to see it get
developed over time is I’ll often get
asked like good you have to be a born
entrepreneur you know born on no such
thing yeah exactly
except for you apparently no well no I
just you know what I think your
environment plays a big role but my
parents really encouraged me to do that
kind of stuff so it worked out chanel is
asking I have a question for Chris
there’s so many side hustles that are
similar to each other what’s the best
way to approach competition to make your
side hustle stand out yeah great
question first of all just because
somebody else is doing your idea it
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue that
project this is something I hear from
people all the time they’re worried
they’re like I had this idea I thought I
thought it was really original then I
went on Google and I saw that somebody
else you know somewhere else is doing
the same thing that’s actually a good
sign it can be a very good sign because
it shows that there’s demand for that
right just think about if you live in a
city how many coffee shops are in your
city right and how many coffee shops can
actually succeed and stay in business
you know over time so I do think you
should think about differentiation like
she’s asking about I do think he’s think
like what am I going to do different
what’s unique about what I’m offering
but you shouldn’t run away from from
doing something just because somebody
else is doing it yeah this is always
room for quality at the top yeah there’s
always room for quality yeah
differentiation in general because like
you can’t you might not be better that
then at you got to be better at
everything than somebody else but they
probably like one thing at least yeah
just like I think fish should be on
YouTube you know YouTube has been around
for so long and a lot of people think
well now I can’t get started on YouTube
because it’s too difficult there’s so
many people Chris to come in and crush
it if you wanted to probably a lot of
people watching to come in and crush it
so okay yeah yeah I love it man it’s
crazy how quickly an hour goes by oh
thank you so much for the love everybody
watching go pick up side hustle from
idea to income in 27 days it’s linked up
in the description where’s the best
place oh there it is you got to see
something to be on screen though what’s
up you got to hold the book up and say
something because they caught me so I
think I like I broke up for one second
there we go this is the book side hustle
it’s available in all formats
you know audible you book whatever you
want I prefer the print version myself
but up to you in Amazon Barnes & Noble
all the usual places everywhere got it
Chris one final message to kind of wrap
all this up how do you want to leave
everybody today man it’s been such a
great conversation wonderful questions I
love the specificity of it like we said
I will just conclude with this is the
message that I’ve been sharing in
different ways for 10 years
the message is you don’t have to live
your life the way others expect and as
you go through life you’re going to have
encounter all kinds of expectations and
assumptions and you can do what’s
important to you you can do what’s
important to you and make the world a
better place at the same time so good
luck I love it Chris thanks for the time
think you guys are watching continue to
believe and we’ll see you soon
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