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How to describe APPEARANCE in English – Essential Advanced Adjective Vocabulary Lesson

Hello everyone and welcome back for Lucy English.
Today I have for you a little longer video lessons.
We will discuss vocabulary,
and in particular how to describe people’s appearance.
This is really a very important topic.
Usually it is one of the first things you learn
when starting with English,
but I want to get a little deeper.
People usually know how to describe the basic form.
I want to learn a little more advanced vocabulary,
You could describe in detail
how people look.
If you understand me with some difficulty,
you can turn the subtitles so that you can
see the words at the bottom of the screen.
The speed before we begin: this video will help
in oral and written expression and vocabulary building.
It can also help in the skills of listening,
because I will listen
and learn another language.
However, if you want to get your listening
and pronunciation to the next level.
I advise you to try
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video description, which is used British pronunciation.
Let’s start with the lessons.
First, let’s talk about the human body.
I think I’ll start
height, as people are great.
Maybe now you can understand these basic concepts:
small and large – small and large.
But what if someone is normally high?
This can be expressed in several ways.
You can say that on average people are tall,
they are of medium height.
To be more precise and state
their real height in centimeters
or feet and inches, you can say “around”.
I would therefore say, I have about five feet and six inches.
I really five and a half feet, but
I sometimes say that I have five feet six inches.
Other words that can be used are very / much and quite / pretty.
So, it is very high, it is quite small.
We also have the body type and weight.
You need a little careful,
when describing one’s body type or weight,
because you can touch their feelings.
So first I will bring some positive adjectives
to describe human height and then
bring additional, negative,
you understand when to use them and when not to.
But I warn you that weight is especially in UK
and in many places in the world
very sensitive topic, so
if you feel that you might offend someone.
it is often best not to tell anything.
But it is not my role; I will teach vocabulary.
So let’s start!
So we have – thin and thick.
These words are usually considered negative.
Let not a positive option.
Instead skinny man can be described by the word “lean” or “slim”.
These are completely harmless words.
When someone tags me as slender or slim, so I polichotí.
Another word is “lean,” which indicates
slender but well of solid man.
It is a positive word that expresses that man is in shape.
It’s muscular, no fat, is slim (and well proportioned).
A woman can be described as “minor”
It has a small footprint.
It is used to describe women
which have narrow shoulders and are quite small.
They’re women, but small.
They are small.
When someone is very slim, we can say that is weak.
It is very weak.
And another is rangy.
This means that it is very tall and very slim.
It has long limbs are lanky.
When someone is wearing (especially women) a little more meat
and do not use the word fat, but some milder
You can say that it is “done” when the rounded curves.
plump, buxom –
This normally means that it has
enough big ass and big tits.
Normally mean praise, if not it ironic.
The man is well built, stocky, strong.
Now sand the negative words.
Some very mild, indicating man (man and woman), which is “bigger”
They are plump, chubby, chubby.
This does not mean fat and pudgy, but simply
they are wearing something extra.
You can also say “overweight” big, burly.
If someone is too thin, you can mark it
sickly, malnourished, skinny when they see his bones.
One word that is often used to describe a very slim people
and that should not actually use the “anorexic”.
It’s a medical term, it’s not actually (in English) adjective
to describe someone’s physical appearance.
Therefore, try to avoid him.
Let’s move now to the hair.
There are two ways
how you can describe the color of human hair.
We have the phrase “have-a-haired”
use or “be anything-hair”.
For example: I have blond hair.
I am a blonde
The latter is a bit clumsy that.
“To be blonde-haired.”
“I am blonde-haired.”
You can also say: I’m blond / blonde.
It is not suitable for color
which are used exclusively to describe Hair
as a blond, red-haired, brunet.
So. I’m blond, I redheaded, I’m a brunette.
But when you say I’m black or white,
It can confuse the color of the skin.
Therefore it is better to say: I’m blonde, I have black hair.
We have a huge range of colors, what they can be.
I will only talk about the most common,
but they are pretty special, and maybe you are
They not yet heard.
Let’s begin with the lightest ones and continue to the darkest.
So we have white, then gray, then
platinum blond, they are white blond hair.
Normally this is not a natural color, but some people
They are fortunate to have a natural white blond
or platinum hair. It’s really interesting color.
then we have a blond.
It’s a little darker, it could be said of gold.
And then, when they are slightly darker than the blond,
We have two ways to mark them.
The bright little brown can say dirty blond.
If they are bright, almost ginger,
You can say strawberry blond.
Then we have ginger (= reddish), which are more dooranžova
and red, Ruse, which are obviously more red.
Then you have Mousa Brown,
which are light brown.
Farther is a man or brown-haired brunet,
which is another name for a brown color.
It is usually a bit darker.
Then it is dark brown and black.
If you do not want to determine hair color
or skin or eyes, and you just say, light or dark,
You can say fair place light and dark to darker shades.
I therefore “fair”, ie. I have light eyes, hair and skin.
I’m just the type of light.
Someone else may have dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin.
So usually we call “fair” or “dark”.
What about the length of your hair?
If you do not have hair, you bald / bald.
I’m bald!
In the video, which I did for Aly’s channel,
“Papa Teach Me English” I was bald.
When you want to see me without hair
and – therefore – no female makeup, different makeup,
You can click on it at the top.
I wonder if you know – look a little different.
We also have short hair, long hair.
Meanwhile, you can have a “bob” bob.
I have to bob their first video.
When I wore bob, I had very short hair.
About the hairstyle I asked for, it was a surprise.
Hair to his shoulders, medium length hair, long hair.
To say, as you have long hair,
You can say: “I have hair / k …”
Maybe “I have hair on his arm.”
I have hair down to her waist.
Regarding the waviness, we have straight hair,
wavy hair, curly or afro.
which are very dense curls.
We can describe the quality of hair.
If you have very soft hair is silky and shiny.
When they are soft, if damaged,
You can say that you have dry hair
or they are like straw.
Let’s move on to the question of skin.
It is also somewhat difficult.
We therefore range from white to black.
Different people, however, like to call differently.
I would not be identified as white.
I have enough friends with darker complexions,
often referred to as black but
They would rather have been called “brown”.
When in doubt, prefer to say light or dark,
when describing someone’s skin color.
In the middle we have a dark color.
It means that you have been blessed by the sun
You’ve got tan sun browned’re in the sun.
We, the British, called “tanned”
Americans call a “tan”.
When not eat or tan, you’re pale.
That I always am.
I always pale, and when I go on vacation.
Let’s eye color.
Again, we can use light and dark.
It is said, “have the color of eyes”
or “be color-eyed”
Thus, I have gray eyes, I am gray-eyed. (Gray-eyed)
I am dark-eyed. (Dark-eyed)
Most of the color is quite simple,
blue, brown, green, black, gray, brown.
I told Brown that?
The color, which often occurs is “Hazel”.
If you kafebraun eyes are green,
You can call them ‘hazel’.
E.g. “They have hazel eyes.”
Now mouth.
You have thin lips, but when you talk
someone with a big mouth, you can say that he has full lips.
If anyone has a “Kiss”, “pouty” lips
You can say it has a very full lips.
if someone “out sticky lips” (= pursed)
You can say that a “pouty lips”
But, of course, in reality they are thin or full.
Additionally, you can talk about noses.
Basic are certainly small and large.
If someone my nose to bend,
it may be a crooked nose.
When there is not a curve
it’s a straight nose.
When someone has a little nose, it’s a button nose.
When the nose bump, it’s hooked nose.
When someone has a nose like that,
it is “pršák”.
The shape of the face – I looked on the internet and it looks like
that there are nine different facial shapes.
But today we will talk only about four.
We oval, round, heart-shaped
(Which are pointed at the bottom), and square
if someone has a square jaw.
And the overall look?
I once made a video of Anna English like a Native
the compliments and we discussed
about some ways to pass people compliment.
That is positive adjectives.
I will discuss in this lesson.
But if you want to see, you can click up here.
It is, however, good enough is divided into male and female,
because the name that can be really
flattering and positive for men,
It may actually be very offensive for a woman.
Adjectives that can be used for both genders:
positive – attractive, beautiful, gorgeous
(It means that someone is simply stunningly beautiful).
But the other, only for men, we have a “handsome”
and only for women – “pretty”.
If you were a woman labeled as “handsome”
it could be an allusion to her masculine features.
Likewise, if a man tagged as “pretty”
you might suggest that he has feminine features,
which is not always what anyone would want.
Negative signs are ugly and unattractive.
Another way to describe people
It is when you mark as masculine or feminine.
boys, macho, girls, female.
So: For homework you describe yourself
as detailed as possible.
Put it in comments and I can not wait
to see your descriptions.
If you want to add more vocabulary
It also definitely include in your description.
That’s all for today.
Do not forget to try
All information is information in the video.
I hope you enjoyed the lesson.
I hope you learned something.
I gave you a lot of documents.
Do not forget to contact me on all social media.
I have a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Good bye early in the next lesson.
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