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HOW TO GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE – Motivational Speech For Success (Must Listen!)

you need to get out of your comfort zone
the comfort zone is the place where the
dreams go to die the place where they
are dead and buried the comfort zone
isn’t just a state of mind it is
actually quitting you have completely
given in you may convince yourself
otherwise but if you are in your comfort
zone then you are making no progress
because you aren’t testing yourself and
the only way to get better is to do
something you have never done before do
something that was harder than last time
don’t get stuck trying to be comfortable
that is a life for the unsuccessful if
you really want it you will welcome the
what is life without meaning to have no
meaning in life just think about that
for a minute
what are you doing but floating around
doing nothing this is what most of us do
now this is where we are at it isn’t
natural to the human psyche though we
aren’t meant to be comfortable humans
are so great because of the pressure
earth put on us it is in our DNA to try
and advance our species so why do we
wonder without purpose
why do we carry on with life when we
don’t have a vision or a solid plan to
succeed in life why where are you right
now do you have a purpose or you at the
very least attempting to find out what
that purpose is if you do have a purpose
do you have a plan to advance this you
must plan for success aimlessly
wandering on a self-destructive path
trying to be comfortable you need to
it is time to learn how to smile when it
hurts that is what you need to be doing
I know all of you having a smile on your
face when you were happy but how many of
you smile through tough times when the
deck was stacked against you how many of
you will smile and then how many of you
bought yourself yes this is what I live
for the pain this is what I live for I
live for the challenges coz I know it is
a situation that tests me the most that
is gonna make me stronger it is gonna
make me go further up the ladder of
success think to the last time you
welcome the challenge if you can’t then
you need to reassess how you were doing
this it is the pain that makes it
stronger it is the hard times that gives
us determination it is these tests of
your will and your strength of character
that are gonna make you successful the
difficult struggles and the painful
moments are like a fine wine to us alone
they enjoy it they take their time with
it and the whole time they enjoy a nice
burn of stress anxiety struggle pain and
sweat this is what creates success
this is where it happens so if it comes
knocking at your door stop slamming the
door in their face welcome him in
welcome the hard times
cuz that is what’s gonna make you
we all get so many opportunities to take
success in the form a hard time but we
are so scared of what pain he brings to
the door and shut him out we don’t even
we shut the door if there is any sign of
pain coming we avoid the hard times much
as possible but this this is what
creates greatness do you think every
successful man and woman out there did
it while smoking a pipe in a mink coat
all of them all of the success stories
did it while showing on a glass sandwich
every damn day these people were in so
much pain and if you’re in that position
right now that’s exactly where they were
they were where you are right now they
also felt the same as you they probably
thought they were out of look they had
no money maybe times were tough this was
all but a wish but they held on they
carried on chewing through the rubbish
times and they came through the other
side we like to forget that all success
stories started at the bottom we need to
forget what we see because that is not
where they are starting
you are not alone in the way you feel
sometimes you’ll feel low sometimes
you’ll feel high sometimes it will go
wrong and sometimes it will go right but
no matter what just keep going you must
keep moving forward because no bad times
are no good times can occur when you sit
still I would rather live in the bad
times with a Chance of success then die
when you wake up you need to tell
yourself you want the bad times you want
to bring it on yourself because you are
ready for them you are able to overcome
obstacles with each test that comes your
way you are getting one step closer to
success but if you are not open to the
idea of pain then you won’t grow it is
the same in the gym if you want to get
stronger and build muscles you have to
welcome the pain in the hard list you
can’t get bigger by staying comfortable
with every single workout every single
day it’s the way in which you grow
physically and mentally take yourself to
a place of pain you have never been
before to achieve the goals you have
to achieve the goals you have never had
and what pain are you willing to endure
I think your answer needs to be anything
any pain I’m so willing to do this I’ll
take all the pain all the heartaches why
this is how much you have to wanted man
would you give your right arm for it I’m
serious that’s how bad you have to want
it that’s how bad you have to need this
thing you can’t live without it it’s
if you have doubt in your mind right now
then this thing this thing just isn’t
for you trust me
the thing you really want you would die
you would die for it before you would
give up every time you try to sleep
you won’t hear people speak because the
thoughts of your goal are so loud they
people may hate you for it you may lose
friends and loved ones if you really
find your true obsession but this this
go out there and find it and ask for
go out there and find a fight find a
test something is harder than you have
ever done before something that is gonna
people may hate you for it you may lose
friends and loved ones if you really
find your true obsession but this this
go out there and find it and ask for
some pain the comfort zone is the place
where the dreams go to die the place
where they are dead and buried you have
completely given in you may convince
yourself otherwise but if you are in
your comfort zone then you are making no
progress because you aren’t testing
yourself and the only way to get better
is to do something you have never done
do something that was harder than last
time don’t get stuck trying to become
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