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5 Signs to Tell If Someone’s Meant to Be In Your Life

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby beautiful day I
hope you day is going good deep divers
how to tell if someone’s meant to be in
your life we are gonna go through the
five signs to tell if someone’s meant to
be in your life now deep divers how many
times do you wake up having second
doubts like Ralph
are they really supposed to be in my
life are they worth all of this hassle
or maybe they are so in this video we
are gonna find out deep divers this is
sexology water fire hot cold yin/yang
daddy’s home I’m back and went even had
breakfast yeah can I get a Hello so
wonderful deep divers let me share with
you what’s helped me along my journey
the five signs to tell if someone’s
meant to be in your life let’s just whoa
breathing in that good oz piranha baby
now in actuality everyone you are with
is meant to be in your life because the
universe does not make mistakes and
there are no coincidences
we are meeting everyone for a reason
I’ve spoken of the two relationships the
Coca Cola relationship which is the
toxic relationship and the water
relationship which is the harmonious
relationship to tell if someone’s
supposed to be in your life deep divers
I’m talking about it in a way that it’s
gonna help you it’s gonna be beneficial
the first sign to tell if someone’s
meant to be in your life deep divers is
this it’s a joint mission both of you
are helping each other on the mission of
life in other words you want to see each
other win in other words
you are rooting for each other every
single step of the way that’s how to
tell if someone’s truly meant to be in
your life because a lot of people they
are in a relationship with someone who
doesn’t want to see them win
that’s a coca-cola relationship the
water relationship which is the
relationship of transparency is where
someone wants to see you win 100 percent
to tell if someone’s supposed to be in
your life you both are on the same
mission I’ve seen it along my journey
you both also have a shared interest so
if you love food they also love food if
you are helping uplift the state of the
world they are also doing the same thing
both of you are like Bonnie and Clyde
slow motion this side mmm you see many
relationships fail because of a
disconnect one person is going this way
the other person is going that way a
relationship is about the Union in other
words both of you have to be coming
together literally deep divers
reciprocity is linked to the mission if
you are with someone and it’s a
reciprocal relationship that’s how to
tell that being is supposed to be in
your life if you scratch their back and
they scratch yours fantastic if you help
them out here and they help you out and
they help you out there that’s a match
made in heaven if both of you are
putting in the same amount of effort
deep divers keyword effort that’s how to
tell that special someone is meant to be
in your life if they are half-assing it
they don’t care you’re not a priority
that’s not the water relationship that
person is not meant to be in your life
because someone who is truly meant to be
in your life is gonna take you to the
next level deep divers what is the
second sign to tell if someone’s meant
to be in your life it’s like this both
of you help each other evolve mentally
spiritually emotionally even physically
both of you are like the perfect
tag-team you encourage each other you
support each other you want to see each
other grow to infinite Heights that’s
how to tell if someone’s meant to be in
your life ask yourself have I become a
better person since I’ve met them hmm
slow-motion this side mmm say it again
Ralph to tell if someone’s meant to be
in your life ask yourself this have I
become a better person since I’ve met
them you see sometimes we meet people
and we get worse sometimes we meet
people and we evolve we become better
that’s how to tell if someone’s meant to
be in your life last year you met them
this year you are a better person
because of them because they came into
your life you know more about yourself
you’re learning to love yourself even
more just because of their presence
they are A+ not a – deep divers what is
a third sign to tell if someone’s meant
to be in your life it works like this
deep divers they bring out the best in
you they don’t put the stress in you say
it again Ralph they bring out the best
in you they don’t put the stress in you
when I was 18 I was in a relationship
and it was cool but I realized it was a
toxic relationship why we were always
going back and forth we won a perfect
match and that’s cool but I realized
that this person was bringing out the
worst in me and I was probably bringing
out the worst in them I’m a pretty
decent person deep divers you see then
later on when I enter the water
relationship we were both bringing out
the best in each other the best energy
they were bringing out the best in me
I was bringing out the best in them that
is the water relationship that is the
higher relationship that is the
relationship we need to become our
greatest version deep divers what is the
fourth sign to tell if someone’s meant
to be in your life values it’s all about
the value system both of you share the
same values 7 day vegan challenge
shout out to dr. say be rest in Paradise
the Nipsey Hussle check out my video on
him deep divers when it comes to food
and health it is essential and that’s
what doctor say be taught me that Ralph
we are electrical beings therefore we
need to be eating electrical plant-based
foods now move this into a relationship
what happens if you’re going vegan what
happens if you are becoming a raw
foodist and the other person doesn’t
care that person is not truly meant to
be in your life why because this
relationship won’t grow it will only
grow if someone respects your plate if
someone shares the same food values as
you do it happened to me along my
journey when I became a vegan over 14
years ago
I met someone else who was also becoming
a vegan and it was a match made in
heaven why did that happen because we
shared the same values however I’ve been
in a relationship where I was eating
plant-based foods mangoes asparagus
dates and Kiwis what happened they
didn’t care they were eating french
fries beef burgers hot dogs and I’m like
this isn’t gonna work
it’s nothing personal I love you baby
but we don’t share the same food values
if you both if you both are on the same
food page if you both share the same
food values deep divers that’s how to
tell if someone’s meant to be in your
life for real deep divers what is the
fifth sign someone’s meant to be in your
life how to tell if someone’s meant to
be in your life deep divers they accept
you whole heartedly they accept you
wholeheartedly they don’t want to change
you they don’t want to mold you because
they accept you the way you are that is
the water relationship it is 100 percent
one 100 percent acceptance you see the
coca-cola relationship is oh I want to
change you oh I don’t like you like this
where this oh talk like that oh no work
here no the water relationship is 100
percent acceptance
because they know what they’re getting
into mmm
slow motion this side mmm if both of you
accept each other both of you that’s how
to tell that special someone is meant to
be in your life acceptance acceptance
acceptance so just just know if they
accept you they are meant to be in your
life if you accept them you are meant to
be in their life and then deep dive as
well you’ll just say feel so good to be
alive baby can I get a Hello yeah well
it feels so good saying that deep divers
we are out here in the heart of nature
baby have a beautiful day take that take
that take that
beautiful energy deep divers were just
whoa breathing in that good-ass prana
deep divers oh check out the good ass
prana shirts at Ralph smart dog calm
slash clothes get the book deep divers
feel alive by Ralph smart follow me on
Instagram infinite waters deep divers
the one who is meant for you will always
gravitate back towards you they will
always come back to you and support you
have a beautiful day tee divers infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace
you to tell if someone’s meant to be in
your life they will never reject you
they will always accept you always
appreciate you always help you to become better than who you were yesterday

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