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How to empower and keep your team productive

if you have a team you need to make sure
they’re empowered that they’re taking on
projects instead of just tasks so you
can stay productive and focus on the big
picture to grow your company otherwise
you’re going to get caught in the trap
of doing the same thing over and over
again running on the treadmill and never
seen significant growth with your
business hi I’m Evan Carmichael I
believe that hungry entrepreneurs
deserve help in today mates and a
question from a loyal YouTube viewer
Pablo who wrote in this a great video
Evan my concern is about the
productivity of people I manage and the
impression i may give if I’m unreachable
or unavailable to meet them see them or
talk to talk to them when they need me I
feel I could lose their trust or lose
opportunities so Pablo this is important
when you’re selecting your team most
important thing to start with is you’re
picking the right people okay I like
running a no crisis business and that
starts with getting the right people on
board if someone needs to be
micromanaged and I need to watch over
them they’re not the right person for me
I don’t like micromanaging I don’t like
looking over somebody’s shoulder and
making sure they’re doing their work you
got to love what you do you got to love
what this business stands for and put
your everything into it and not need to
have constant supervision okay if you’re
having a problem with that it’s your
selection you got to get better
employees next up you’re talking about
trust you want to hire people who can
take on projects and not just tasks the
difference is really important if you
give somebody tasks you’re telling them
exactly what to do do this do this do
this you’re training them and they go do
it but they’re always going to come to
you with questions and what the next
task is the next step up is to hire
people who could take on projects will
you say here’s my goal here’s what I’d
like to accomplish go out make a plan
and help me do it and we’ll review the
plan together and you go and implement
you want to build trust with your
employees that’s the way to do it give
them real responsibilities and if your
people aren’t ready to do that yet
either you’ve got the wrong person or
you need to train them to
bigger with their opportunities at your
business people like to come to work for
me because they see other opportunities
to be able to grow instead of just doing
a task a task a task it’s so important
because I freeze up your time if you
have to get caught into the day-to-day
running of your business all the time
you’re never going to be able to focus
on building new opportunities on growing
the business on doing new things to take
your business forward the last thing I
do that that really helps build trust
and make the employees feel like you’re
part of something bigger is every person
on my team from the marketing person all
the way up the people who are core to my
business I meet with them once a month
we sit down and we have a monthly
meeting these are the full-time staff on
my company and we talk about what they
want to accomplish we talk about how the
past month has been what they want to
accomplish going forward what challenges
they’re having and I lay out what my
plan is for them people want to know
that there’s something bigger in it for
them than just what they’re doing right
now some people want to manage a team
some people want to learn new skills
some people want to develop into new
areas you can help them you have to know
what they want and that comes from
sitting down with them regularly so meet
with them once a month ask them what
their goals are talk about what they’re
going to accomplish for the next month
and do a review I don’t have that many
issues that happen day to day anymore I
don’t have to be super responsive
because my team handles everything in my
company they know what they’re doing and
I’ve trusted them with the
responsibility of doing their projects
so I can focus on the big picture stuff
with my company okay so you have to
start off with bringing in the right
people then you’ve got to assign
projects and not just tasks and trust
that they’re going to follow up and do
the work if they can’t you got to get
new people and three you have to follow
up once a month show you care take an
interest in the development and if you
show that loyalty to them they will give
you their heart and soul and help you
build your company beyond what you ever
expected good luck Pablo and thank you
for all the comments you’ve been leaving
on the videos for those of you watching
if you like this one please give it a
thumbs up below and I want to hear from
you to please leave a comment under the
video it makes you want to do more
I’d love to hear we have to think about
this video or if you have a question for
your own business please leave in the
comments below and I will answer you
thanks guys I’ll see you soon
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