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HOW the World’s Most Successful ACTORS Think – #SuccessClues

what’s up elimination it’s Evan my
Warren word is believe and I believe in
you I believe in your potential and I
want to see that thing inside you come
out and be unleashed unto the world to
benefit you your family your community
and the world I started a new series
called success clues because I believe
success leaves clues and the more we can
learn from people who’ve done a lot more
than us you can apply it to your life to
your career to your business so today
we’re gonna look at how the world’s most
successful actors think and as always
guys as you’re watching if you hear
something that really resonates with you
please write it down in the comments put
quotes around and so other people can be
inspired as well and when you write it
down it’s much more likely to stick for
yourself to enjoy
let’s start from the beginning was there
ever a time that you doubt it yourself
yeah you know I thought when I you know
I lived this basically as far past its
$26.00 weak very transient and you
shared a floor with ten people you don’t
know anybody on the planet literally no
one I think I recall you saying you’re
acting low point the Godfather and you
said you couldn’t even get into I
couldn’t meet your cast as an Italian
I’ll never forget where there’s a party
seat is it 300 guests like I said no I
know what part of me didn’t make pass
the Italian identification aspect to go
I don’t know you just don’t fit in your
psyche a little bit a little bit but but
it didn’t and you decided to take
matters into your own hands by writing
you were able to write rocky in three
and a half days the movie that went on
to be Best Picture you wrote in three
and a half days yes was it just flowing
out of him who I was I knew that this
was going to be very flawed but if I
could get from the beginning to the end
with some semblance of a character then
I’ll repair the rest along the way and
you want to star in it and you’re told
no you mean you ain’t even offer two
hundred fifty thousand three hundred
sixty Venus you’re struggling actor you
can’t make ends meet you you you’re
getting offered all this money but you
didn’t take it no I just didn’t
understand how the rules of life were
played at that point but this character
I understood
you don’t pay a lot attention to reviews
and those kind of things well you know
you’re always affected by opinion but
the the more opinions there are a view
the me the more I the less I look at
them because I just can’t live my life
based upon what other people think about
me so I can’t concern myself too much
with what other people think you know
it’s just not healthy I don’t think I
can I could continue to do what I do if
I was constantly worrying about what
somebody thought about it
you have to be able to be vulnerable in
front of anybody you know you have to be
comfortable looking silly you have to be
comfortable making mistakes and you have
to break the thing inside of you that
doesn’t want people to see right because
as soon as you will allow people to see
all of a sudden you get access to things
that you didn’t realize you had access
to right for example like the thing I
used to do is when I was in probably
eighteen or nineteen years old a guy in
touch with those blocked the camera
hates emotional blocks like you put a
camera in somebody’s face and they’re
uncomfortable about the liberating
emotion it looks fake and you feel you
immediately know it’s not real right
especially look at the size of this
screen and give a shot that whole screen
could be just your eyes right so it’s
like you can’t hide discomfort
uncertainty so you have to be able to
get comfortable
everyone has a problem with time but the
day is 24 hours and we sleep six now I
know there’s some out there that say
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
I need eight but I say to sleep a little
faster because the bottom line is we
have six hours of sleep 24 hours are
available so if 18 hours now available
to your work your family your hobbies
and also to learn something new or to do
something new which could easily be that
you want to learn a new language or that
you want to read and as a New Year’s
resolution I have to read a book every
week or you say I’m gonna go and reshape
my party so you’re gonna go and take
this hour out of your schedule and say
I’m gonna train an hour every day so
this is for most people a huge challenge
but it is totally doable I can tell them
because the kind of things that I did
when I came to this country I mean I
went to school I was working in
construction I was working out my five
hours a day I was taking acting classes
from 8 o’clock at night to 12 midnight I
was doing all of those things I wanted
to make sure that out of the 24 hours of
the day that I don’t waste one single
those hours were too precious and so
they just want to tell people don’t give
me this thing I have a difficult time of
it the time and I don’t have time for
this none of that you have time you make
the time
do you remember the audition when you
first met an arrow that was yeah I mean
that was one of those incredible
auditions that came around that I
suppose every kid had been waiting for
for a long period of time because it’s
just not that often that you get a
starring role above Robert De Niro in
this incredible you know the screenplay
and was you know Ellen Barkin and
Michael Keaton Jones and was just
everyone was sort of feeding for this
role and I got down I suppose to the
final five and there was like a last
sort of day
Toby was there and I I do remember
thinking to myself I got to do something
I got to do something to stand out and
in the audition there was art Lintz and
Michael Keaton Jones art Lata was the
producer and De Niro and I remember
there was a mustard jar scene and he had
to jam a mustard jar in my eye
repeatedly it was an abuse scene and the
script so didn’t call for it but I got
up and I he said now is it empty is it
empty and I got up and I screamed Oh
like completely unnecessary but I
screamed in his face and I start there
you know with my head you know looking
like a red tomato and and and everyone
started laughing at me and then the
entire room de niro everybody was in
hysterics i sat there frozen’s thinking
oh my god I just screwed this entire and
I just sat there frozen and then you
know Bob and traditional De Niro fashion
kind of just look to me when it’s good
and and and then you know we carried on
doing the scene and I think I actually
had dinner with DeNiro recently no he
told me no I was the one who said I was
the one who said you should get to get
the job
to make the actual making of a film the
day-to-day going to work the
construction of them there’s always been
my favorite thing I like making it feel
much more than like watching them I do
and even the ones I’m in I really love
the coming together with a whole bunch
of people having an idea on paper and
everyone’s got everyone’s an expert at
what they do and you’re and you’re off
on this journey you’ve got ideas but
then you just let him do let it let it
go and see what it can become
I love the making that’s when I’m
happiest is when I’m making a film or
telling the story the day to day and
more so than watching him really the I
mean look I kind of define that for
myself about four years ago process
prizes they stay in process head down in
process stay in your bubble and when
it’s over be that fulfillment notice
when I started noticing that fulfillment
of it I just finished well that’s enough
that’s it I don’t know if this thing I
don’t know if it’s even coming out I
don’t even know I don’t know what it’s
gonna turn in man I hope they I hope we
got it and I hope the director put
something good together but I don’t know
nothing I can do about that all I know
is this experience that I said go have
the experience Makani and if I can love
this experience and at the end of it I’m
like may never even hear that film again
may never even know that story again it
may be gone let me find out that all the
negatives cut fried the x-ray machine
there is no film but I’ve gotta be
that’s okay I had an experience when I
got selfish for that for that experience
when I got that process enjoying that
process the day to day architecture of
making a movie and creating a role
that’s that’s what I’ve been the
happiest and more results have come that
way in an odd way you know but I did you
saw when I started really approached
them as this is a finite thing and this
is just that experience other than that
I’m not producing this thing I’m not the
one that anything I don’t know what it’s
gonna be that’s it and then all of a
sudden they come out and go oh
I think we got a good one
my belief is that techniques should
change for every single film that you
make that you can have you can get into
that can be bad ruts where nothing’s
but equally when everything’s working
that’s a rut as well and you have to get
out of it you have to just abandon it
because it starts to become phony if you
go in will this work for us before and
it can be from film to film or it can be
from take to take last tape was really
good we had that little moment didn’t we
you said that and I would and you would
and it was great and a drama so let’s do
that again he’ll never be the same so
you actually have to try to make sure no
ignore that blow it apart and do
something totally different you know
hopefully they got that on camera that’s
that’s a choice they have now do
something completely different and a
similar thing we go from one film to the
next if you’re working with the same
director don’t fall back on your old
tricks from that old film that was a
different film and different tricks were
needed you know go to new tricks don’t
be a one-trick pony
I kept going I had a pad I knew what my
path was my path was to become what I am
right now
now I lost sight of it in an interesting
sort of way or I went about it
a wayward path but fortunately for me
all all the all that getting hide the
drinking the drugs and everything else I
did I showed up at the theater every day
I did plays ripped out of my mind I
rehearsed ripped out of my mind but
every lesson that I learned I held on to
for some reason God whatever if somebody
let me hold on to everything that I was
learning my stage left my stage rights
my upstage foot always out turned down
this way learning how to develop a
character doing all those things because
those are the things that I loved and I
did them in the midst of everything else
that I was doing – you know when when my
friends were getting ready to go get
some more drugs oh no I got to be at the
theater and I’ll catch y’all on the
theaters over you know when I’m done and
I Jeff uh I gotta go build a set I got
to do this so I did everything that I
had to do so I was focused on this by
any means necessary
plus I had a professor who was like you
know well you know all the great ones do
their jobs and get ripped out of their
minds you know you look at the bureau
tools yeah so they get dropped
they get hard they do what they do but
they show up and they do the job so we
were like okay and that’s what we did
you know we drank with him and we went
to styles of acting class we go smoke a
joint come in and do our other acting
classes or go build a set or build some
costumes hang some like do all the
things that we had to do so I kept
learning my lessons and doing them
what we all are in the business of
storytelling I mean it’s not just
exclusive for people like me who are in
the entertainment business I think that
no matter what business you’re in no
matter what your you’re selling or doing
why is it certain businesses can hover
above their competition
I mean you Starbucks really serving the
best cup of coffee maybe not I mean I
like a caramel macchiato myself but his
American Express really the best return
rate on a credit card probably not but
it’s the story they manage to tell and I
think that the more that we think about
that the more that we you know sometimes
you we see commercials and we see stuff
and we just go I see you need to turn
off but somehow those people that
managed to tell a story that managed to
even temporarily move us in a certain
way that we remember we don’t feel like
we’re being sold we feel like we’re
being told something that we can connect
to so I’ve always been driven by that
very idea that very notion
I don’t have a lot of people coming up
and saying you know I should be on
Broadway you know I do dissing Matt or I
should be in movies or whatever but lots
of people say oh I can do cartoons
listen you might owe me tipton you know
that is good I like that
but it’s you’ve got to be dedicated you
know it’s not a matter of being able to
do a good Homer Simpson and you’re gonna
have a career it’s hard work I go to
drama classes all the time and I hate to
be a buzzkill but I try and talk kids
out of show business seriously I think
if there’s anything you like as much as
performing even if you be good in to it
academically and become a drama teacher
or if you if there’s something else you
like you can still do community theater
you can do amateur theater you can still
perform but I’m telling you if you get
into it as a profession you’re in for a
lifetime of rejection and unemployment I
mean you could have a you get seven or
eight jobs and then you don’t work for a
year and a half you know you start
running out of money you have to go
drive a cab or wait tables or something
it’s a miserable profession believe me
please don’t do it and that’s not just
from the standpoint that you know
obviously there’s probably people in the
audience more talented than me that will
be stealing my jobs if if they succeed
it’s not that it’s just the fact that it
is it’s only for the if you can’t talk
someone out of show business then they
have a shot
I love the allure that the danger of
working without a net you know it’s one
thing to be a type-a tightrope walker
if there’s a net as opposed to being a
tightrope walker where you could plummet
to your death at any moment and that’s
the the the disconnect between someone
who’s rational and someone who’s just
crazy enough to go into show business
and stick to it no matter what tenacity
is more almost more important
than challenge it’s equally as important
for sure thank you guys so much for
watching I hope you enjoy I’d love to
know what did you think of this video
what can you take from this that you’re
going to immediately apply somehow to
your life your career your business
leave it down in the comments below I’m
really excited to hear from you and as
always I appreciate your viewership I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
guys I’ll see you soon the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
that sums you Apple
that would be collect a little beacon
pay believe nation if you want to know
what the most important one word is for
Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah
Winfrey and Howard Schultz I
have a very special secret video for you
check the description for details
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