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DIY THUMB Suckers (Suck your thumb and like it)

hey guys welcome back to the workshop in
this video today we’re doing some a
little bit different we’re making the
suckers that’s right we’re gonna show
you how to take a mold of your thumb and
then cast it in hard candy so you can
literally have a sucker of your thumb
now Nate has worked hard prototype of
this project for us today so once you go
ahead mate and show us how to get
started there’s a lot of good candy
recipes out there we’re gonna show you
one of the easiest ones and also how to
build it up to turn it into something
spectacular and personal not only do you
get to make some delicious candy for
this project but it’s also a great way
to practice the basics of molding and
casting since we are going to be molding
and casting one of the main supplies
you’re going to need is a two-part mold
putty I have a couple different brands
of mold putty that I was able to buy at
a local craft store both are easy to use
relatively inexpensive and are food safe
some of the other materials we’re going
to need are corn syrup white sugar a
flavoring of your choice and food dye
some other supplies are going to need
our disposable plastic cups clothes pins
lollipop sticks measuring cups high heat
spatula and a candy thermometer and of
course a pot to cook him you want to
make sure that it’s large enough that
you can hold all of your ingredients
easily but small enough that your candy
thermometer will still reach what’s
cooking near the bottom now since I’m
gonna be molding my thumb for this one
I’m gonna have to lose the glove most
disposable cups are large enough that if
you were to fill them with silicone you
would waste some valuable putty we’re
going to cut this cut down to size to
make it fit our thumb perfectly to
measure where you should cut the cup
line your thumb up with it leaving about
half an inch from the bottom for my
thumb this line perfectly marks where we
want to trim the cup
the next important step is to make sure
you’ve trimmed the nail and wash your
thumb thoroughly the silicone putty will
pick up every tiny detail of your thumb
including dirt and you don’t want that
ending up in your candy now it’s time to
get started molding our thumb grab a
small handful of each color putty so
that the two together have about the
same volume as your trimmed-down cup if
it seems like you have more of one color
putty than the other just add a little
bit more until they seem even now we’re
going to mix these two together until we
have one smooth color we should get a
lighter purple try to knead the putty
quickly because you have a limited work
time usually only a couple minutes
once you’re finished mixing you should
have one smooth consistent color with no
streaks in it this stuff feels kind of
like a stiff play-doh or maybe silly
putty press a little bit of silicone
down into the bottom of the cup and then
begin wrapping your thumb in the rest of
the putty
press your thumb with the putty around
it down into the cup and begin smashing
down all of the sides all the way around
you want to press hard enough to remove
most of the air bubbles and to be sure
that the putty is forming a good seal
around your thumb this ensures that your
mold will pick up every detail of your
thumb down to the fingerprints the putty
takes two or three minutes before it
begins to stiffen so try and get your
thumb molded before then once it’s begun
hardening it’s a little bit less
flexible and a little bit more durable
it will take about 15 minutes for this
silicone to cure completely suggesting
update on where we are now we’ve made
two molds one of my thumb in one of
grants it’s time to start making candy
the basic recipe for this candy is super
simple it’s 2 cups of white sugar 2/3
cups light corn syrup and 3/4 cups water
add all those ingredients to your
saucepan and set the stove to medium
using your heat-resistant spatula mix
all those ingredients until the sugar is
dissolved once the sugar is dissolved
it’s actually time to stop stirring at
this point mixing too much could
actually ruin your candy and the
bubbling action from the sugar will
circulate it within the pan as your
mixture is boiling out the excess water
the candy thermometer will probably stay
around 200 degrees Fahrenheit for a
you need to be sure that the head of
your candy thermometer is submerged in
your mixture but not touching the side
or bottom of your pan as this could
throw off the temperature measurement
while your candy mixture is heating up
it’s time to choose what flavor and
color you want your thumbsucker to be
since I’m going with the orange cream
flavor I’m going to try and use the red
and yellow food coloring to get an
orange thumbsucker now you want a
lollipop stick and a clothespin so that
when our candy is done cooking we’ll be
all ready to make our thumb Center it’s
a simple thing to position the lollipop
stick where you’re going to want it and
hold it in place with your clothespin
keep a close eye on your candy
thermometer when it hits 260 degrees
Fahrenheit it’s time to add your color
even after adding the food coloring you
don’t want to stir the mixture let the
bubbling action mix the color in for you
as the temperature keeps rising watch it
very carefully you’ll need to remove it
from the heat the instant it hits 300
degrees Fahrenheit any longer and the
sugar will start to burn let the candy
mix cool down just enough to stop
bubbling and then add your flavoring be
careful as the steam from the rapidly
heating flavor extract could cause small
splashes of molten sugar
alright guys our mixture is hot just off
the stove I’ve added the flavouring it’s
time to pour it into our mold
of course if you want to speed up the
cooling process you can pop the whole
mold into the refrigerator for a few
minutes for easy cleanup fill your pot
with hot water and boil it on the stove
the heat will help melt and dissolve the
sugar so it comes off quickly and easily
if you have a certain color you want to
achieve you can practice with about two
cups of water in a glass
this way you can figure out exactly how
many drops of each color food coloring
you need without ruining a whole batch
of candy grant wanted his thumb to be
root beer-flavored so we’re going for a
nice brown color
alright guys update we’ve finished our
candy poured them into our thumb molds
and they’ve cooled down to the point
where they’re ready to be pulled out if
you were having a hard time pulling your
thumb out when you were making the mold
it’s possible you’re going to need to
cut the side of the silicone to get the
lollipop to come out smoothly
well my cousins might have
there you have it guys there’s a cast of
my thumb in candy you can see these
imperfections in the cast that’s from
where I wasn’t careful enough wrapping
the silicone around my thumb so make
sure you do a very good thorough job of
getting it to cover all the details
something else is really interesting
about this silicone mold putty is look
how much detail it picks up you can
actually see some of my thumbprint in
the lollipop
I guess there’s really one test that
matters the most and that’s how does it
I used orange cream flavor that’s got a
great orange flavor to it it’s nice and
sweet and the shape is great it fits
right in your mouth it’s a little
strange feeling the thumbprint on my
tongue as well after pouring the thumbs
we still had a little bit of leftover
candy mixture so we tried pouring some
candy Lego blocks and minifigures
okay so the candy stayed stuck to the
plastic Lego sheet and completely
released from the silicone mold I didn’t
see that coming but I hope it means that
we’ve got good indentations on the back
of these pieces that’s looking decent I
don’t think this is enough that we can
pick up quite enough detail to really
get the pieces to lock together the
syrup when it comes right out of the pot
is still fairly thick and it has a hard
time getting into all the tiny little
nooks and crannies that you need to
really get a functional Lego piece
on solo in candy it–
all right there you have it guys that’s
how to take just a few simple
ingredients and make your own candy and
you’ve learned how to mold and cast your
own thumb so that you can make a
customized thumbsucker lollipop using
these same techniques you can mold all
sorts of things you can see our Lego and
jewels that we made out of candy now if
you liked this video you know what to do
thanks for joining me for this project
I’ll be looking for you the next one
talk to you then it’s weirder if you’re
eating someone else’s mark tried my
thumb isn’t that isn’t that weird hello
hello yellow these do not protect from
heat enough my hands hurt a lot in fact
that might be the thumbnail hey guys
just want to pop in with a quick
announcement this week I’m hitting a
huge milestone with my wife it is our 10
year anniversary we’re heading out to
the island of Kauai for two weeks with
no kids just us so the plan for the
video is guys i vas innate to step in
and take over the next six videos for
you it’s just gonna be his lovely face
to treat him well leave them a good
comment and I’ll be looking for you when
I get back talk to you then
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