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How I use Gmail to boost my productivity

hey it’s Evan Carmichael I believe that
hungry entrepreneurs deserve help and
today I’m going to share with you a few
secrets of how i use gmail for my
productivity I know a lot of you guys
use Gmail as well and I wanted to share
why I like it and three quick tips to
how to get the most out of it so
starting at first I usually will check
my gmail a chill on my phone so my main
email will come to my phone I’ll go
through it and whenever I have emails
i’ll just quickly browse through so if
something comes in i don’t know what
this is I’ll delete it if there’s
something I need to get back to and I
can answer it on email i’ll just quickly
respond to it on email and get back to
the person if it’s something that I need
to do that I need to follow up on that I
can’t do from my phone I find most
emails I could just answer on my phone
and I’ll send a quick email even just
could be a happy face if somebody’s
writing in to say I really liked your
newsletter I try to respond to everybody
but it was something that I need to take
action on then what I’ll do is I’ll give
it a start so click here on the star
button and then I’ll archive it and what
that does is it gets it out of my inbox
so it’s not on my inbox anymore but
it’ll go to a new folder called start
and when i get to my office i’ll click
on all my starred emails and this
becomes my to-do list these are things
that i need to do for my business or
even for personal reasons that i
couldn’t have just answered from my
phone in my downtime so this is the one
that I just did from Jani now I don’t
actually have to get back to her so I
don’t need to have that one start but
these are other works that I have to do
so this is it I have to do a sample
chapter from my my new book I have a
voicemail i need to check don’t send me
voicemail i never check it ah this is a
deal in working on with Microsoft
there’s content for my web site getting
an accounting software this is my
schedule for my son and what I have to
do so I keep this here because that is
my to-do list so I check everything
again for my phone and then the
important ones I’ll put a star next to
and this becomes my task list so when i
get to the office this is everything i
have to get done the next thing I do is
I have different labels these are these
are called labels down here they’re
equivalent of folders and outlook
and for different types of content that
comes in different emails that come in i
have it automatically sorted so a quick
example is my social folder and this is
anything that comes in from my social
channels will go to my social folder so
it skips my inbox I’ll never get it on
my phone but when I have dedicated time
to go through usually in the morning
I’ll go through it and when I’m eating
my breakfast I like checking my social
account to see the comments and a
YouTube comments and all that stuff it
makes me feel good and I’ll write back
to people so this is an example so this
came in from YouTube my website is I
wouldn’t let me publish the address so
this is a question that somebody came in
and wrote to me that I have to get back
to this is from google plus he joined
fine whatever so all the comments that I
have this one wants me to create a video
on how to make money on stocks so these
are our designated go to this folder and
i’ll check it at a set time the other
ones our where I’ll manually move things
over into labels so an example is here i
have a worksheets that i’m working on
these are things that i sell for
entrepreneurs and a lot of these are
tasks that i have to get done a lot of
them are related to testimonials that
have come in so whenever I’m ready to
work on my worksheets I’ll go to this
folder this will be everything I need to
work on my worksheet so as an example
what will happen I’ll go to my inbox
I’ll be checking on my phone and if it’s
related to worksheet something I have to
get done but I don’t have to do it right
away it’s not probably ority enough to
give it a start I’ll just move it to my
admin worksheet another example is when
I’m doing these videos if somebody
writes in with the video question they
have a question for me I’m going to
answer them with the video i will put it
i’ll write back to them and say hey I’m
going to make a video reply for you and
then I’ll move it to my do videos folder
and these are all the videos that i have
to do there’s still a lot and i’m late
on getting back to you guys I’m sorry
but you’ll a lot of questions so these
are some videos that I have to get back
to people on and then when I Wednesday
when I’m doing my videos I’ll just load
up my phone go to my do videos folder
see all the different videos that that I
have to do and when I’m done with it
I’ll move it to my do videos done folder
these are the ones that I’ve just done
recently and are being at
right now and so I find that to be super
helpful so again a quick recap I checked
mostly from the phone i’ll try to answer
as much as i can on the phone if it’s a
quick reply it doesn’t need me to do a
lot of work it’ll be on the phone if i
need to do something on it and it’s more
important I need to check out a document
something like I can’t really do quickly
on the phone i’ll give it a star and
then when i come to the office i’ll have
my to-do list of everything i need to
get done with stars I’ll automatically
have some emails filter to go to
different folders like my social media
ones that come in and then for other
ones that are not automatic but i need
to do at a later time or not super high
priority or I want to do at a specific
time like the videos I’ll label it to go
to my do videos folder and then I’ll
check that out when I have the time to
do it so it’s a great way to be able to
quickly manage my email and stay
productive and not get sucked into
spending all day on emails and not
having much time to actually do anything
from my business so hopefully that helps
you guys maybe a lot of information
packed into one video if you liked it
please give it a thumbs up it will make
me do more for you and if you have a
question about this video something a
little more in depth of what I’ve
covered or if you have a question for
your business I’d love to hear from you
in the comments below I always read
those i’ll make a video reply for you so
thank you and i’ll see you on the next
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