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“Have an ACTION Mentality!” | Dan Lok (@danthemanlok) | Top 10 Rules

need motivation watch a top 10 with
belief nation what’s that believe nation
8 7 I believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a man who went
from having his first job at age 16
being at a local supermarket earning
minimum wage to starting and failing in
multiple businesses to becoming a
multi-millionaire by age 27 he stand
locked and here’s my take on his top 10
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one sacrifice the first five years of my
business career when I was getting
started the first five years I didn’t
take a single day off
I was working 12 to 14 hours a day seven
days a week for the first five years
while all my friends they were out there
drinking drinking and having parties and
chasing girls I was working I sacrifice
and made a lot of sacrifices I believe
if you don’t sacrifice for your dream
then your dream becomes your sacrifice
so I made a decision I pay the price
early on I spent a few years of my life
working on myself working on my business
doing the things that most people are
too lazy to do not willing to do so I
could have what most people cannot have
rule number two bring results number two
poor people get paid based on time rich
people get paid based on results let’s
say you’re working on McDonald’s you may
be the best floor cleaner on the planet
ever but what value do you bring to
McDonald rich people we get paid based
on result not time invested let’s say
we’re working on a product we spent a
year creating perfecting the product we
bring it to the marketplace and it sucks
it bombs it doesn’t make us a dime the
world doesn’t give up we don’t make
money nobody cares how much time blood
sweat and tears were put into creating a
product and bring it to the marketplace
how much risk that we take they don’t
care what they care is a result that’s
why the highest pay athlete in the world
they don’t get paid by how many hours
they practice how many times they invest
it no it is how much they perform they
get paid based on performance rule
number three change your identity it’s
very difficult to to create any kind of
change if you hold on to your identity
that’s right the example I give it’s
like people who want to like quit
smoking right if like oh if my dentist’s
is I’m a smoke
it’s always a struggle yeah right it’s
always well I want to have that puffle
have that cigarette yeah versus someone
who’s not a smoker
yeah then it’s there’s no temptation in
fact like for guys that we don’t smoke
we can stand even feel smell yeah right
we do now thinking about oh I can’t wait
to have a cigarette
yeah so until unless they change
identities right I always talk about it
I was a millionaire in my mind that’s
right way before I had the money in my
bank account
yeah the way even when I had no money I
never worried about the gas prices or
how much led its cost like those things
don’t enter my mind yeah it just took
many years for the reality to catch up
rule number four think if you were to
ask me take away everything I have take
away all the tools that I have in
business in sales in marketing
everything I have but like you can leave
me with one thing with what would I pick
without hesitation I will tell you is
thinking time the ability to think
because business is an intellectual
sport creating wealth is an intellectual
sport becoming successful into it’s an
intellectual sport not necessary smart
you are but the ability to think what is
going on thinking time most people don’t
think enough Henry Ford said it best
thinking is the hardest work there is
that’s why so feel if you were engaged
in it what I mean by thinking does that
mean you locked yourself in a room and
just sit there and let whatever thoughts
that come to mind and that’s thinking no
let me teach you how to think this is
probably to the right person watching
this it is the most valuable skill the
most valuable lesson that I could teach
you this is literally the one thing that
has made me who I am today
the one thing that created Dan Locke one
thing and that’s thinking time here’s
how it works
then what you think is very simple you
get yourself in a quiet environment
maybe you turn on some music doesn’t
really matter
thinking is nothing more than asking
yourself profound and deep questions
that’s what thinking is how’s it again
thinking there’s nothing more than our
yourself deep and profound questions
when I said even profound it means
asking those questions that takes a
little time you need to think about it
not a very service level questions let
me give an example if you ask yourself
the question why can I make more money
that kind of quality of a question leads
to poor answers horrible answers because
think about it you ask your mind wha why
can I make more money what comes to mind
what cuz you suck because you’re no good
because you’re not worthy because nobody
likes you because nobody wants to buy
your stuff nobody wants to do business
with you or maybe you don’t have enough
experience you don’t have a track record
you don’t have enough resources you
don’t know the right people all this how
does that help you in any way a better
question to ask maybe perhaps is well
how can I make more money but then
that’s also a very basic question basic
question but if you spend a time and you
actually think about and sit down and
dissect and you take the time to craft a
very profound questions so you could say
how can I make more money how can you
make that better how could you make that
question better okay how about instead
of being so vague and so general is
there how can I make more money how can
I make more sales there’s a difference
if you run a business how do I make more
sales okay
how about let’s make it even better how
can I make more cells without getting
any new customers that’s interesting you
see how now you’re thinking from a
different perspective how about this let
me give one more layer how can i en’t
more say how can i make more sales
without adding any new customers and
we’re down adding any new expense hmm
now I see how does a high quality
question what you do is thinking time
you get your gear put yourself in a
white space
you write that questions at the top how
can I make more sales without adding any
new customers without adding any expense
new expense and now you sit down and you
go a pen a piece of paper and you answer
that you take your time oh well I could
sell more to make
and customers interesting I can maybe
increase my price so I can make more
money interesting maybe I could also do
a joint venture with someone where only
pay them on a performance basis so if
they bringing more cells then I pay them
it doesn’t add any more expense to what
I do that’s interesting maybe maybe I
could also instead of selling something
one time I can sell it and it’s some
kind of continuity there so my customers
are paying me on an ongoing basis maybe
some kind of membership that’s
you see that’s thinking it’s not just
I’m gonna make more money see it’s a
very low level when you take the time to
think that’s how you grow that’s
actually how you actually think and grow
rich this is very deep soap on down
there but if you get this there’s one
thing this one skill this is what makes
you successful that’s the difference
between the poor and the rich rule
number five continuously learn number
five poor people they know it all rich
people continuously to learn you see
poor people are always very opinionated
they always want to tell the world about
the opinions about politics about sports
about the society about the government
about every single thing that’s around
them versus being humble willing to
learn rich people were always learning
we’re asking questions with our
listening we’re reading books
continuous learning versus saying that I
have a garden are painting above
everything you know why they’re always
an opinion poor people because the only
way to get any attention
no different I can see people there
watching my video watching my sales
video closing video and I just look at
that out of laughs and they common Oh
Dan you shouldn’t close this way you
should close that way just say this when
was the last time you enclose something
show me what is the last time you close
something for 500
in dollars $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000
$100,000 what have you done so you’re
painting doesn’t count
remember your income can only go to the
extent that you do your wealth can only
grow as fast as with you
rule number six set your goals properly
I like to think of okay this is the
ideal lifestyle that I want and I talk
about a nephew money right
what’s that have your money target and
what’s how much would that cost you not
Ref not how much you roughly maybe no
let’s calculate that yeah and what I
realize is after all these years talk to
so many people whatever the idea that
they have they say I want to be able to
travel I want to be able to have to
drive this particular car or have this
particular house or this kind of
lifestyle when they actually break it
down yeah doesn’t cost them as much
right after thing they thought oh the
Osmos money a million dollars I need ten
million dollars only there’s it throwing
it random numbers in yeah because they
said number that’s totally unrealistic
versus Oh actually no I could accomplish
all I want to accomplish with maybe
$300,000 you yeah well that’s a very
different goal than 30 million dollars a
year right
rule number seven have an action
mentality number seven poor people they
have lottery mentality and rich people
we have action mentality you see most
people they believe the only way to get
rich it’s buying that lottery ticket
even though they know that the chance of
winning is slim to none but they buy
their fantasy hopefully if I win I’m
gonna buy their house I’m gonna quit
that job I’m gonna take that vacation no
rich people have an action mentality we
believe if it’s going to be it is up to
me I’m gonna make it happen
I’m gonna make myself successful rule
number eight identify trends if you want
to retire early and retire young one of
the most important things that you have
to know is noticing identifying trends
at a time I went onto the internet I saw
this trend on the Internet we’re talking
about back then
member nath scape dial-up modem I’m
talking about overture for pay-per-click
you know good old days you watching this
young young guys you may or may not even
know this but I’m talking about Yahoo
for search engines okay
Facebook and they’re late on Google but
I’m talking about that so when I got
started back then early and I noticed a
trend on internet and I was importing
collectibles from Hong Kong Bruce Lee
collectibles actually and I was flipping
them on eBay I was doing affiliate
marketing I was doing digital marketing
online or selling digital products
before PDF before all these things were
even popular software all these things
and that’s how my first bucket of money
then I took that money and I saw some of
those physicists I cash out and I took
that money and invest in real estate
then my investments are able to support
my lifestyle and that’s how I retire at
the age of 27 rule number nine believe
in yourself when I was in my 20s so and
the first mastermind group mastermind
group I joined which is awesome it’s by
organized by my mentor Alan so he had
this marketing mastermind group I was in
my 20s I was the youngest guy I’m not
supposed to get in because I’m a minty
so he kind of put me in there yeah kind
of us almost my sake it’s just a
tag-along right yeah and I remember
sitting around with all these
millionaires yeah all these guys they
were successful I was making like like I
don’t know nothing next another
but maybe maybe eighty thousand ninety
thousand eight years of Mike that I was
looking at these guys you know the
biggest thing thing I got out of it not
to put them down they’re not that smart
yeah there was it do you think they’re
not that smart
yeah like the whatever you’re talking
about I get and it’s not like rocket
yeah dad that’s right belief it’s like
hey maybe I guess it maybe I could do
that to ya that’s all you need
maybe I could do that too yeah that’s a
starting point that’s the spark right
that’s planting the seed and you can go
from there okay now what a little to you
what we saw sISTAR then do I need would
I have to be you know to do to become
that person yes and rule number ten the
last one before a very special bonus
I’ve got a really special bonus gift
from Dan on how to find your drive that
I think you’re gonna really enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your business
and life and if you’re feeling bold
answer these questions in the comments
below here we go question number one
what is one action that you’re going to
take after watching this video number
two what results will you commit to
bringing in for your business this week
and number three how will you make
while I emigrated to Canada when I was
14 years old right and then my mom and
dad got divorced when I was 16 years old
and shortly after that my dad actually
went bankrupt in Hong Kong so at the
time my mom and I were living in a
one-bedroom apartment there we were
renting in Surrey near the King George
scattering station and my mom would in
say in the bedroom and I would sleep on
the floor or in the living room and at a
time because then my my well after my
dad went bankrupt he at first he was
setting us lipid allowance money but
then afterwards because he had no money
anymore so he couldn’t send us money
anymore and that’s when I learned that
because I was the only child in my
family that I had to learn to be
self-reliant that even sometimes you’re
you can’t even rely on your dad to
provide for you and so because of that
experience I started my first business
when I was very very young like in high
school that I was always very driven to
be successful funny thing is I mean the
whole money thing actually does not
interest me that much it’s just because
seeing my mom seeing her suffer that I
don’t know like for most people what
drives them some people is freedom some
people it’s providing for family or some
people that they want a nice car
whatever it is but to me is it’s okay to
let myself down it’s not okay to let my
family down
that was my thing where I have to to be
successful to to protect the people I
love hi this is Dan Locke if you’re a
fan of Evans work if you want to know
exactly how the model my success I want
to invite you to join me for a special
online training all you have to do is
click on a link below you can join me
for absolutely no charge so click a link
if you want more Dane Locke check out
the top ten rules Volume one that we did
on him the link is right there next to
me I think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there they say
oh this guy’s making whatever how much
money online I could do that and they
jump into it and then they try for three
months [Music]
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