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#GratitudeJournal Live Stream #37

good morn everybody how do you say how
you doing it’s great to be back it’s
time for gratitude journal live stream
number 37 I shave in use of the smooth
face again we do this daily because it’s
important to think of the things you
great before looking at me happy to
study you’re gonna see consistently that
gratitude is on the list of the things
that make people happy and so many
happier arch prayers I believe
entrepreneurs are going to solve all the
major problems of the world and we need
happy entrepreneurs help us get there
it’s a point of consistent that it’s
dealing right you’re here with me do it
every day with me if you want otherwise
food on your one would make it a daily
practice and then again ask yourself why
why is this important to me why do I
care so much about it if you want to get
the benefits of gratitude and you have
to feel it emotionally you have to
actually feel grateful for so on the
show three things I’m gay before today
you guys in a live chat share it up a
nervy see some people sharing their
three things and if those are you guys
watch it afterwards leave in the
comments leave it down below do it daily
I promise you you’ll consistently you’ll
feel the benefits so me i’m going to
start it off I’m people for the
experiment to be running this uh live
channel it’s been an experiment I did
two things that wants one was through
the live channel when are you the guys
did stream I do most of my hangouts for
people who want to join in live and get
in and ask questions so exclusive group
and then on my main channel I’ve been
limiting notifications to one per day
picking video I think we’ll do the best
thing one note featuring over day and
then relying on the related videos to
promote the other ones and everybody
told me that it was crazy strategy that
will probably hurt my channel to try it
but the progress
from YouTube experts and people at
YouTube and so far that’s been working
pretty well huh we had a monster day at
today Dulcie it’s still too early to
stick to claim you know victory that
this is the path that I’m going to
continue on but I love I love trying
things you know even people tell you
that as a crazy thing to do just try it
like what’s the what’s gonna happen
right you just go back to even before
that’s okay I can deal with that what’s
worse is not knowing and so I’m from
people for experimentation number tubes
super good for Halloween we had an
awesome time last night we scouted the
neighborhood who’s been looking at we
live in a condo so they don’t do
halloween trick-or-treating and condos
at least here so we scouted
neighborhoods fryer starting about two
weeks ago looking for okay which they
were ok which they read to putting up
alright last night Hayden was super palm
to blind as a as a gesture evil jester
something crazy picked up tons of candy
caught some Halloween pokemon and it was
a lot of fun there’s a lot of fun and so
it’s a fun tradition I love the
traditions we had a good time um and
number 3 i’m beautiful bird femina my
wife this is her that’s me that’s her ah
yesterday was a pretty rushed and
stressful day for her she had a busy day
at work and had to leave and rush home
here so we can go get hayden from his
camp is doing boxing and then we had the
rush to go eat and then rush tickets the
neighborhood before the Sun kind of went
down and we had the rush to do a trick
or treating and then we had to rush to
get hayden asleep so he wasn’t super
burnt out today at at school and then
she I think brush to go see her parents
I guess her dad was off work and then
rush the came back and she caught a
little bit about fever in that process
and then we relax a little bit launched
an episode of arrow catch you up as
maleficent so Nina had a super kind of
stressful night last night and uh you
know and complain too much about it so
I’m grateful for all the effort and love
and energy there so those are my three
things I’m giving for experiments I’m
giving for halloween and a bit before
Nina last night oh we get to you guys in
a live chat so leave it up one of the
three things that you were here before
today let’s see we have Jer eyes what do
you pay before you kick this off I love
it Zeno Zeno was back then was back
after missing the magic unicorn ninja
episode yesterday because the daylight
savings he is back taking the gratitude
feeling and shared I love that I love
that uh apparently Zeno and jerry rice
bowl suppose at the same time I love it
g arises thank you for wikis and the
abundance of information at our
fingertips 11 for the wealth of
resources nature provides us air water
and Sun for journalists revving the
world stories especially positive ones
not enough journalist spreading positive
stories but I angry Zeno I went before a
warm and safe home to the beautiful
green brown yellow leaves that I can see
when I look at my window one hundred
percent Manuel is beautiful but mean
I’ve spent the past a couple weekend’s
going out to different fall hikes just
beautiful areas around outside of the
trial to go I can look out let’s just
see the trees great time for that and
three or three mobile internet which
gives me access to information and other
stuff wherever I am very cool a GRS is
also capable for warm and safe home
autumn leaves a move on that I love it
what else we have what else do we have
buh-buh-buh-buh special guest today
right yeah special guest in the twitch
livestream in four minutes we have a
special guest there thank you very
exciting you should feel they’re good
morning y’all i’m grateful that i was
born in the amazing year of the dragon
for this amazing oatmeal fruit nut combo
i’m about to eat in for electricity
oatmeal fruit nut combo you the dragon
what am i I’m I’m I’m a monkey so you’re
the monkey
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