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Business Q&A + League of Legends Ep. #47 ft. @ThisIsMuch

all right everybody welcome to another
business Q&A really excited to be back
on with you guys today it is tuesday i
am happy i am queuing up with j reyez
I’m trying we’re good to try our
experiment again that we started
yesterday that we didn’t quite nail so
we’re gonna see if we can get it on
today but super exciting guys we have a
special guest co-hosting with me today
Rishi is in the chat but on the call
with me today is our surprise guest
Jennifer price welcome aboard Jen how
you doing whoa good morning I’m doing
great thank you Jim it is a it is six in
the morning on the west coast she’s
sobbing in sniper Lee over here now
usually I’ll ask Rishi uh what’s in her
cup because compass or one word but
Jen’s one word is fantasy so so what’s
your fantasy of the day today Jen well I
have a lot of fun stuff going on today
I’ve actually leaving a little bit later
this afternoon to go see a friend in LA
so that were really exciting I know and
and as usual I have a little bit of
chocolate here with me to start my day
right my favorite missionary chocolate
she makes this amazing lemon truffle she
calls it lemon explosion and it’s so
delicious though and you know because
it’s the day after Halloween all of
y’all can definitely enjoy chocolate as
much as I can this morning you should be
able to it should be a lot easier have a
little pleasure in the morning than
usual Hayden has a huge bag of chocolate
here and it’s very tempting but let’s
see yeah I definitely definitely think
that you should sneak into that bag and
get a piece of chocolate for yourself
there Evan well he gave me permission he
gave me permission so that’s the good
news good that’s good that’s a good kid
for you so Rishi will then get us into a
quote or thought to lead us off what do
you what do you know about this morning
so I got a quote ready i actually got a
quote ready for y’all because I you know
i watch once in a while the free she so
thank you reaching for all your awesome
advice on helping deb co-host the
morning so my quote is from Charles
Dickens and it is this there is nothing
better than a friend unless is a friend
with chocolate like it that’s not great
Charles Duke obviously it’s an amazing
author but he enjoyed chocolate like I
do yeah and for those you guys watching
Jen eats chocolate every morning it’s
part of her breakfast tradition
chocolate l’amour do you figure I that I
think you do right did you make a video
on that I did I think a video on that
when I was doing my book videos so i
should do another one of those pretty
soon i think that’s a good I could talk
about all the amazing different
chocolates that are here in Portland
there’s so many great chocolate
companies they’re very glad are you
living here very cool all right well I
am lined up as timo support we’re trying
to get JR eyes on heimer for the botlane
in our continued experiment and we’ll
see how it goes but let’s get into our
first question what do we got all right
well we’ve got a question from
yesterday’s chat which we didn’t get a
chance to get to yesterday so I’m just
going to start with that one sure from I
think it’s set cursor POS I don’t know
if he or she is here today but I’ll just
go right into it so his question was do
you have any tips or experience in
competing against bigger companies I’m
16 and I run a cyber security company
but currently we’re having kind of a
hard time trying to get bigger I’m
thinking about investing in advertising
of some sort so what’s your thought so
um you know my background is an
advertising so I have a few thoughts on
advertising in general but compete gets
bigger companies might be more of a
great question for Evan but one of the
things that I would say for sure is that
before you start advertising is make
sure that you do a lot of research to
know exactly where customers are you
want to make sure you’re advertising
where they are and so do your research
and also make sure your message is
really good you know what makes you
stand out from those big
companies what’s your what’s your heels
that you stand on you know what is the
thing that you’re doing it they’re not
because that’s the best way I think to
make sure that if you’re going to
advertise you better make sure that
you’re getting out against what you know
what they’re standing for so and the
other thing I would say is when my
clients I used to work in radio when my
clients did really well what they tended
to do was to pick pick one thing and
really stick with it if you know it’s
kind of like advertising you can’t just
try some in here and try something that
I mean excuse me it’s kinda like
exercise if you go to the gym for a
month you know you can’t expect you know
results to super comfortable quickly
comes over time and the results are
cumulative so you know pick something
stick with it until it really works and
if you have to pick like something small
and inexpensive and and really like you
know invest in that for a while and then
add something else to that so like in
radio someone would maybe you know start
with one day part if you’d be overnight
because it’s cheaper and then they would
add daytime and then they might add
another station after that and when you
do it that way your tend to be a lot
more successful because you’re
consistent over time to come with
YouTube or any other really advertising
medium so those are my thoughts what are
your thoughts Devon I love it nice i
love the the personal stories there too
um well Jay and I are just about to get
in the game we got our roles which I’m
super pumped by this is our first time
try this experiment and we’re going to
do it live with you guys so we’ll see
how it goes and just a big take another
big companies you know think about why
people buy from big companies usually
it’s because there’s a brand their
trusted their reliable you know they’re
safe they’re not worried about that
company going out of business it’s
especially kind of important in the
security business because if I’m buying
from a company that is trusted and safe
and not quite this is that’s good for me
that’s what I kind of want so not that
it’s not possible for you to break out
you just have to be really smart about
doing it the two things that I have in
mind first is telling your story what do
you staying for why is it so important
why do you love security so much why
should i buy from you and said the binds
with somebody else this is your chance
and for any small any entrepreneur going
on taking on a bigger company this is
your chance don’t have a corporate
boring website that look like everybody
else’s it has to be something unique and
different and personal because that’s
how you’re going to send out you can’t
help corporate them they’re big
corporation but you can out personalize
them so telling your story and why you
started this and making me feel your
passion for security making me feel like
you’re going to take care of me with my
security much more than whatever company
that I’m working with right now who just
treats me like a number doesn’t know my
name or my specific concerns that’s
gonna be super important oh we have a
gold player in our game on our team this
is we’re playing with some some
higher-level people here okay nice you
guys better bring it yeah I know this is
gonna be this is gonna be interesting
we’ll see um and then the second part is
finding you know what I’m taking
business away from bigger players what
the easiest way is just find one small
thing that you can be really really good
at that is a pain point for your
customers that the current companies
aren’t solving so instead of going in
and saying as such as a small business
going in and saying hey I want to take
over your entire security budget which
may be a big budget and now it’s a big
risky decision and now involves multiple
layers of management to make a decision
of you know whether they should award it
to you or not the bigger the deal is the
more people need to be involved and you
know the more complex it is and harder
to get a guess I try to go in and find
the smallest simplest easiest piece to
be a part of that only one person has to
say yes to and can happen really quickly
so whatever the most painful thing is
that they’re not happy right now with
their current providers just go in and
try to do that one piece get one small
project whatever it is and then just
over deliver like crazy be there
constantly ask some questions
amazing service you know get to know
them and their business and their needs
and the problems that they’re facing
over-deliver like crazy because they’re
gonna keep feeding you bigger and bigger
and bigger and bigger chunks so those
two things I found super helpful in
taking on big competitors one telling
your story and making it personal and to
just finding some small way to get in
and then over deliver like crazy so that
they want to keep feeding you more and
more business I don’t battle a poppin
yeah I don’t know if he’s in the chat
now to be able to hear the answer but
thank you for the question yeah it’s a
great question i don’t see him the sad
but hopefully also to play back yeah
yeah be she mentions that was over
strategy that she competed was still
donated by not competing and trying to
beat him like it’s just that’s being
himself or herself so yeah I think
that’s so true i love your point about
how when you’re small you have
advantages that corporate company
doesn’t and so don’t come off as
corporate that’s probably one of the
biggest advantages you have so telling
your story like evan said is amazing
yeah I’d why jen you do a lot of work
helping people with their websites in
creating better copy and making it more
meaningful and personal i think a lot of
entrepreneurs have super boring websites
and try to look like the biggest
competitor and seem corporate I think
it’s professional what do you like
what’s your advice for entrepreneurs who
are making you’ve done I know you don’t
like videos on this making a belt page
what’s your advice for entrepreneurs who
are making their boat page or you know
designing their home page from a from a
messaging copyright point of view yeah I
think the biggest mistake some people
make is like you said trying to be like
a competitor’s instead of really
reflecting what you’re about you know to
truly like really look at yourself and
what your brand is all about and what
you stand for and and like Evans feel
like if there’s something you’re doing
it’s different than your competitors
then really highlight that like if
you’re sort of anti corporates and your
website should look at my corporate and
or whatever it is that you’re all about
Plus who you are and then from there you
should look at your customers so who are
the best customers that are a match for
you I think a lot of people make the
mistake sometimes of going out
researching customers first and then
they sometimes then are like trying too
hard to please their customers rather
than really find the customers that are
best fit for them and what they’re best
at and so I highly recommend really
being clear on yourself and your story
and your brand and then finding the
customers that are best match for you
and then talk to your customers you want
to make sure your messaging you know it
appeals to them the things that they
would say the way that they would say it
and helping to solve the problems that
you can do that that I love it very cool
well we got a game going on here whoo
this a lot of intense activity here in
the bot Lane so Jay and I are gonna see
how we do mm-hmm you guys started the
game yeah we’re in we aren’t now are you
on the chat to like you could see people
ask questions live yes I am on a chat
tale okay perfect all right your
solution can you the moon I see ya shout
out to the people in the chat by the way
remember each day all the support today
we got Sherri and Tamra and Rishi and
they know and of course you and day yeah
I got got some of the loyal crowd i love
it awesome alright let’s top it to the
next question do it all right this
question is from Victor and he and he
says that he is now the acting head of
operations at a ghanian state-owned
transport company and they just received
a boost of 15 News fleet and the
expectations are high and he has a
really high vision for himself to he
wants to effectively and efficiently
market these products she’s use
technology to improve the marketing of
our services and he says that they
brought a non-scheduled services when
the bus is full it depart so what he’s
asking is how can we capture the market
from them what’s the most profitable
from from he talking about from leaders
in his industry so it sounds like you
know similar questions to before maybe
he’s not quite the leader but he has
maybe they just got a big job and he
wants to do a great job of capturing the
market so I don’t know a lot about sweet
companies personally um but I would say
that I know his questions kind of around
capturing the market um and I would be
careful because their market not might
not be your market right because you
might have and you know so taking you
know I could take a real good look at
who your market is and and who do you
really want to capture as a part of your
customer base and then similar to before
like what makes you different than your
competition i think you know if you
really want to capture the market think
about the kinds of things that people
hate about your industry and is there a
way you can offer the opposite you know
can you you know you definitely about
they run non-scheduled services does
that mean that maybe if you did
something that was scheduled that it
might be an advantage i don’t know i get
i don’t know much as obviously business
but that’s that’s kind of the thoughts
that I have yeah I a lot of parallels to
the last question it’s funny how we
often come across themes as we get these
chats going well honestly it’s the same
advice I’d be looking at what is your
story and why you why are you so
passionate about this I try to make a
personal connection with somebody at you
know one of your potential client sites
potential customers for you make that
personal connection to them oh we’re
fighting we’re fighting you’re fighting
alright we’re okay we’re okay um well
why do you love fleet management so much
like make me feel make me feel a burning
desire and passion for what you’re doing
um I’ll give you an example that when I
was doing an SEO I was doing a series
called SEO for Africa where I would
help raise money for entrepreneurs we’re
getting started in Africa who needed
small loans to get started and with you
know the way I did it was I would do a
seminar series are helping entrepreneurs
with their SEO for their websites
there’s something I was kind of into at
the time really figuring out and so
there was one guy who kept coming out
named Ed who loved a backup and loved
web site hosting it’s like the dude was
just obsessed with it I’ve never met
somebody more obsessed with with data
backup then this guy uh yeah but we all
have our things that were super pompton
and excited by and this was his and it’s
awesome and so when I was looking at my
my website and what to do you know he
was the first guy that I wanted to give
a shot I found it important because I
knew this guy I heard his story I
understand his pushed his passion for it
and so he had the first shot to be able
to do this thing for me and you could
probably about a nabob you can think
about your own like all of us and think
about our own experiences and when have
you bought from a small company instead
of a big company what has happened when
you’ve bought from you know a local
coffee shop or a local you know
chocolate shop the jêng might be going
to write instead of going to it instead
of going to the big store and like why
would you pay more to go to is often a
little the smaller companies are more
expensive so what would make you want to
pay more for something it’s the story
it’s the connection it’s the passion for
that entrepreneur you know all of those
things matter so you know from your own
personal experience use that from your
own personal experience well we’re under
attack we are under attack
I’m gonna get on oh we gotta kill jr.
hits a double kill holy cow nice double
kill they came at us and Jay destroyed
them oh I might die no I’m not gonna die
okay yes so a lot of times if all that
stuff is thinking to like what you think
about your own experience you even with
this in even in a different industry so
this is fleet management okay great you
know you probably never purchased you
know fleet management stuff because
you’re providing that service but think
about it from the perspective of other
companies that you’ve bought from like
do you like going to starbucks and do
you like buying from the local roaster
do you buy from do you buy from the
supermarket did you like going to the
local butcher look there are some people
that you buy from smaller companies with
so why understanding that will really
help you make those lessons applicable
to your old business love it red vibe
ok so the next question get on blood
tool i think i’m saying that right and
not sure and he says i’m here to say
that i’ve done research in marketing and
he has that in quotation and then he
says it’s kind of like innovation in
marketing is anything working on it bird
what’s in quotes yeah the research or
the market is in quotes marketing
marketing okay so it looks like it does
like maybe a smaller neish of marketing
of some kind that has to do with
innovation and he says he’s been working
on for two years but he’s confused to
wear to publish it and then he said I’ve
seen her videos and realize that she
might help me for the issue so I mean
this to preclearance of a bunch of
questions because I immediately think to
myself well I’m not sure exactly what he
wants to publish is it a thesis is it a
book like what did you do with this
research did he make into an article
because obviously that makes a big
difference as to where he would want to
publish it you know if the book
obviously could self publish it or put
the thesis it might be able to be
submitted to you know different
marketing journals you know if it’s some
kind of article or blog obviously
there’s a ton of great marketing blogs
out there I mean there’s so many um
being the marketing world myself I you
know the first things that come to mine
are like marketing crosstour hubspot
there’s so many so it really depends on
and of course Sam on you know what his
knishes the innovation in marketing like
I’m curious you notice that innovation
in data in social media like you know
what was it about because obvious but
that would make a big difference I think
to where he would want to publish it and
the only other thing I would say maybe
too is that you could probably start
small somewhere a lot of times people
who are publishing things you know it’s
a good place you know if you’re not well
known yet start somewhere where it’s
easier to get published and then you can
always submit to other bigger
publications once you you know what you
get published it’s easier sometimes I
know those are my thoughts 67 yeah
fighting can we get something yeah we
gotta kill all right very exciting oh
yeah I’ve been looking at um I would be
looking at who cares about this audience
so you know this research that you have
who really cares about that sees as men
that’s really amazing so where is the
audience for this content that you have
and I would look at not just where to
promote it so yes you self publish it
yes you work with the publisher honestly
the publisher if you go in a traditional
publisher you know something I know a
little bit of working with penguin
Random House from my book they care a
lot about your audience and so if you
don’t have an audience yet if you’re
just kind of getting started you don’t
have a big social media following it’s
going to be really really hard to get a
traditional publishing deal also just
being aware of that now you can
self-publish we’re actually doing a new
series a new video coming up within the
next week I believe on our making it
series and it’s going to be making it as
a writer and it’s advice from super
successful writers on how to have
success as a writer um I love it you
know I’ve been to that that’s so cool
yeah so it should be fun oh we just got
some more kills this is great so one of
them is is from James Altucher who wrote
choose yourself and super successful
book we had him on the channel and he
talks about self-publishing through
amazon and choose yourself as his
best-selling book and he he
self-published it and earns seventy
percent of the revenue because he
publishes through amazon so we just took
our tower okay we’re gonna split good um
yeah so it’s uh it’s definitely an
interesting way to go one that i would
highly look at if you’re a first-time
author and then it’s up to you to think
about promotion how are we going to get
this out there how are we going to
people to care but what we’re doing
that becomes interesting and important
and so it could be by writing some guest
blogs on different posts it could be
from doing interviews on channels right
like if you had some new research for
entrepreneurs you know I might care
about that i might want to have you on
my channel on let’s talk about interview
tons of different people on my channel
that’s some good potential content for
me there to care about so it’s a matter
of then getting the the material out
there getting some exposure for yourself
whether it’s podcasts or blogging or
doing you know youtube interviews
working with influencers think about the
people who would find your research
interesting and then start working with
those people letting them know about
what you’re doing Sam curious Evan
what’s your thoughts on I don’t know who
expect about this before but it’s not
the same versus you know getting a
publisher um I’ve mentioned it on one of
my book videos but I mean there’s so
many videos that it can be hard to
remember everything um it really just
depends on your goal see so my goal I
wanted I wanted impact and I want to
reach making the book was not money
making thing for me it was not the
primary goal just to make money I wanted
to be able to have reach I wanted to
touch a lot of people want the message
to get out there I want people to find
their one word and see the benefits of
using it so self-publishing was never in
the cards for me because you can get
you’ll make way less money but you’ll
get way greater reach by going with a
traditional publisher most of the time
right and so that was my my thinking
there so it just depends like if you’re
some people just have I want to write a
book as a bucket-list thing right I want
to write a book because it’s important
to me because you know I want I want
tell my grandkids hey look you know I
wrote this book for me that wasn’t a
thing I didn’t I don’t have attachment
to you know it’s nice to see it it’s
nice to have the you know the book next
to me and say hey I wrote that that was
a fun exercise and a cool process but
you know I I would rather do other
things if I didn’t have a publisher with
me so I think it just depends on your
goal there’s no one you know right way
or wrong way and just make sure it
aligns with your goals right yeah you
have a little more control obviously
here self-publishing but you also don’t
have the same distribution channels but
you know it’s a lot of people do publish
on their own first hoping to get picked
up because you know it can be difficult
to get a publishing deal so you know if
you can’t get one you can publish on
your own and then it was good enough
sometimes get to pick up yeah and that’s
happened I put a lot of people um 50
shades of grey yeah it was one that I
did that yeah yep there you go and then
there’s been others too that’s maybe a
more you know popular examples as we all
know that book um so yeah like the first
friend you do on your own just again
just depends on what your what is the
goal what’s the goal with making this
book and when you know the goals you
know what the outcome is that you want
then you couldn’t align your your action
steps a little bit better yeah quick
shut up to the chat there’s quite a shot
going on about local farming and
drinking local coffee and Tamra being a
Cornhusker I don’t know it’s tough guys
you guys are entertaining me for sure
all right let’s see let’s pop it the
next question so this question is from
Hassan and says your videos are super
awesome and I really find a great
strength and motivation for videos and
he wants to start his own channel but
has a question as to where and how he
loves to be healthy i love doing sports
like swimming weightless and in car
and even lets you know about technology
i can teach like HTML and other helping
videos for people and I’m living in
Turkey and just learn Turkish as well so
sometimes I think of making videos that
help people learn Turkish fat because I
can speak better Turkish in the
foreigners who are living here for years
I need cigs all the other languages too
so he said so please suggest me what I
should do should i do a mix of all
things or go for one thing specific and
looking forward to your best adjusted
answer for me wow I love it this guy is
like multi-talented this is awesome
there’s a getter reminds me of myself
I’m always like I wanna do this someone
do that tons of ideas I mean my saucer
experiment with all of them that’s kind
of my pops you could do different
playlists for different for different
subjects and you could kind of get a
feeling for which ones you love doing
the most you know if you’re not sure I
think obvious you want to go for the one
that resonates with you the most but if
you if they all sound like fun you know
experiment and see which ones end up
getting a little bit more attraction
which ones you enjoy making the more you
know the Turkish one sounds really
interesting but I think that’s something
to probably would get a lot of traction
for people who don’t know how to speak
the language but you know again I just
think you know doing what you love the
most is probably going to end up being
the best one so that’s my bad very cool
what was what were the other thing so
there was there was Turkish yeah
speaking Turkish she is also good at
technology so HTML CSS they also love to
be healthy so health and fitness like
weight lifting swimming and cardio got
it yeah so we’ve talked about this a
couple times on the channel I’m a I’m a
big fan of combining the genius at the
end do both that’s how you’re going to
stand out it’s one how you’re going to
get more like have a unique flavor so
you’re not just oh they surrendered oh
yeah we won oh that was a
game Wow jen is it may be a good luck
charm here look at this wow I love it I
love you too good luck hahaha so so I’ll
turn after 20 minutes you can surrender
a game you can’t quit the game until I
just after 20 minutes um well and I’m
sorry baby but they surrendered at 20
minutes and 44 seconds hahaha so that
was pretty good um I had three kills one
death Jay Reise had five kills and one
death so yeah it was pretty solid we did
well um so yeah I combined in the genius
at the end thinking about how you can
combine these things together that make
it unique and special different for you
otherwise like if you just go out and
teach Turkish it’s great you have a
skill set you’re better than you know
some of the other people doing it
awesome but you’re just another guy
teaching Turkish now can you combine
that with technology and can you make
great videos or make a great app or make
a great website or make a great you know
piece of tack that helps me learn
Turkish better like those two interests
will make you already different than
everybody else trying to do it and the
third thing was athletics fitness yep
yep fitness and swimming and
weightlifting yeah I wonder if this even
a market to have a premium service where
you were you work with all the athletes
that come over to Turkey for
competitions for training and you oh
yeah yeah yeah you’re there translator
or you’re there like you teach them how
to like you could be known as that guy
here’s an example I told this a while
ago I haven’t told the story recently
but a buddy of mine was a financial
advisory is a financial advisor and he
you know finite how many financial
advisors are there out there it’s like
everybody’s a financial
it’s not it puts an insanely competitive
field and you can’t differentiate the
product like you guys are all selling
the same stuff you’re all selling mutual
funds and stocks and bonds and like the
product itself is diff is the same sorry
so that makes it even harder to stand
out when there’s nothing different in
the product that you’re doing his other
passion was hockey and he could watch
the same replay on SportsCenter ESPN you
know ten times and Steve like man what a
crazy goal that was nuts and his wife
looks at him like he’s crazy like have
you seen this already and these see
these two things seem like really
opposite things like how can I ever
combine my love of watching hockey with
financial advising and when it finally
clicked the thing that he did was he
became the financial advisor for NHL
hockey players and they want to deal
with him because he loves he can speak
to them on their terms like he’s he’s
their most in the financial fighters
going to them just see you know high net
worth person hockey player okay a good
good meal ticket for me and they’re just
given a financial advice or he can go in
and get the financial advice but also
talk to them about hockey and appreciate
and validate and recognize them for
their skill and that amazing goal that
they scored so he’s one of them and so
that gives him a tremendous leg up over
everybody else going in who only is
there to be a financial advisor and so
it’s parallel here where you could do
the same thing if you love swimming or
if you love bodybuilding or you love
skateboarding or you know whatever it is
windows athletes are coming you could
connect to them in a way that other
translators or teachers couldn’t because
all they are doing is teaching Turkish
where you understand that person and
connect with them much on a much deeper
level and so that could be a really
specific play we’re like you want to
build a higher-end coaching program
helping a smaller market if you have a
small market you charge more if you have
a broader market you’ll have to charge
much you go for mass if you go the
technology route you you know can go a
bigger scale and build a website or
build an app or build some new piece
attack that hasn’t been seen before or
find some Frankenstein way to bring all
those things together because it does
two things 1i helps make you different
and stand out which is important people
know what to remember you for in to you
will feel complete and it’s important to
feel complete in the work that you’re
doing because if you don’t do the tech
part if you don’t do the sports part
you’re always going to feel like this is
piece missing and that’s going to eat
away at you you’re going to want to do
something on the side to try to fill
that need and instead I say instead of
doing on the side bring it into the main
thing that you’re doing and that’s going
to help you get a lot more loyal and
higher paying customers so that’s my
advice I love it I love your comment
about Frankenstein that’s hilarious
Frankenstein it I think that’s a new
like verb it’s a verb there you go to
Frankenstein I like it cool well uh that
was a fast game but I love it we did
well that the experiment seemed to work
we’ll see what happens we’ll see if
we’ll see if we she continues to luck
tomorrow I’m sure she can there was
chatter in the chat about how I must be
talker maybe it helps you win the game
Mussina master I love that cool so what
Rishi has traditionally ended our
sessions with a all-encompassing thought
nugget of wisdom to leave us on so what
do you think Jen from everything we
talked about on this thing on this chat
a final thought words of wisdom from jen
to leave us on I think wow that’s a
tough one probably it seems like what
came up again and again was to really
look at your what you do different when
you how you stand out against your
and look at how you can provide value
that nobody else can very cool I love it
well thank you guys for watching hope
you have an amazing day i’m off to what
am I have to do i’m off to do what’s
tuesday tuesday I’ve got to finish up
some videos for the channel and do some
team mentorship here what are you up to
today jen you’re off to LA auto a little
bit later yeah super excited are you
vlogging that can we see that on your
channel sometime soon yeah well I am I
be snapchatting it so for those of you
snappers out there you can catch it on
snapchat and then what I’ll probably do
is all i’ll probably upload it into a
video also that cool for you it’s pretty
loyal to you too you can get some you
can feel very cool and thank you for
having me here today Evan and I
appreciate it with fun set this up in 4
BC and freaky thing for all your great
wisdom you rocked it your acted i love
the answers cool well thank you guys for
watching you have an amazing day we
believe in you we hope you continue to
believe to fantasy to cup to rise where
it is so keep out into the look is it
right down your fantasies that’s worth
make it real people I love it which love
guys we’ll see you soon
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