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“Get RID of Limiting BELIEFS!” | #OneRule

break the limiting beliefs if you fight
for your limitations you get to keep
them does that make sense
we program our brain one way and that’s
our limit what’s that believe nation at
seven my one word is believe and I
believe in you I believe you have
Michael Jordan level talent at something
and I want you to find it embrace it and
use it to make a difference now I
started the one rule series because I
see a lot of top tens we look at a lot
of content and some of the rules are
repeated over and over and over and over
again and so the goal of this series is
to smush together those most common
rules so today we’re gonna learn how to
get rid of your limiting beliefs joy
also if you want to hear what Gary
Vaynerchuk David Goggins and Tom bill
you have to say about confidence check
out my new 250 for confidence series
where every day for the next 254 days I
will send you a 30 second to five minute
video for free to help you build
unstoppable confidence the link is in
the description below on a bigger macro
patience and failure they all ladder up
to one thing which is insecurity the
reason people don’t put themselves in a
position to fail the reason people
aren’t patient is they value other
people’s opinions too much you will
never learn from people if we always
tap-dance around the truth oh god I love
that we tap-dance around the truth by
finding the right word so I don’t hurt
you because you have thin skin no
tighten up people it’s okay
trust me it’s okay you might be called
nigger one day it’s okay you might be
called some Jewish word or some
or gay word it’s okay let them call you
that what are you going to do now they
don’t own your life there’s a gap
between who people are and what they
tell you they want to accomplish because
in the beginning I hired everyone
everyone right not because I’m super
smart and thought hey I should there was
no one else right like we had the
smallest handful of people ever and so I
started doing the interviewing as I was
doing it I start realizing God these
guys tell me they want to do something
amazing with their life and if you just
listen like wow yeah like I want to be
in your team dude you’re gonna do
amazing stuff and then you realize I
can’t execute on that dream so if I
can’t they they don’t have the mindset
if someone wasn’t raised in that
environment that self-belief how does
one develop that for themselves
surrounding themselves by people that do
it for them or consuming content that
does it for them headaches raiding
people’s skulls and reframing their
games their mom told him they were loser
I’m telling him the winner I think I can
out market their mom their mom had a big
head start and a whole lot of like
emotional like physiological advantages
but guess what give me 18 months of your
time give me two hours a day I’ll make
you realize your mom and go do your
that’s what I’m up to second thing is
your beliefs essentially the beliefs
that you hold about yourself about your
capabilities about money whether your
beliefs that attract money to you or
that repel money button that you have
beliefs that allow you to move through
barriers and obstacles or beliefs that
cause you to shy away from Batteries and
obstacles and the beliefs that we have
really control our actions we don’t
typically go at things or do things that
we believe we’re not good at we don’t
take actions everything we’re gonna fail
we shy away and then of course we don’t
say that we’re scared we come up with a
so the sort of these negative these
limiting beliefs Institute it’s the gate
that’s telling the bully stories to
ourselves right and it holds us back
from success so the idea is that is to
understand what your core limiting
beliefs are and then to actually break
those beliefs and you can do that it’s
not that difficult to do it do it in a
seminar setting you break the limiting
beliefs and you essentially empower
somebody by helping them install their
own beliefs in themselves those your
beliefs are malleable you can change
them so the idea is to essentially
retrofit your beliefs to serve you and
your outcomes in the case of
entrepreneurs and stuff and money is not
the root of all evil that building the
business is possible and I can learn
whatever any noble sort of beliefs right
there’s this Governor on our lives and
it is a governor and it’s a it’s your
identity it’s this internal it’s what
you think you’re worth it’s what you
think you deserve and the problem for
good people see we all know someone
right now in our life where we have
who’s not ethical who’s not a good
person who’s winning and you’re like I
can’t believe they’re getting it right
why can’t I I’m a good person I treat
people while I’m honest here’s a reason
why by the way the unethical person
eventually karma you reap what you sow
comes home to roost but if you’re a good
person this is so important people
understand this because it took me a
long time a good person in any endeavor
will only take from it what they think
they deserve what they think they’re
worth in other words if there was a
pizza here you’re a good person you
don’t take all 12 pieces a good person
thinks there should be an equitable
distribution here so I might take seven
or eight arm-wrestle you I don’t know
about that you’re moose but but long
story short what is is that you a good
person will not take more from the table
of life than they think they’re worth or
they think they deserve and so you have
this governor on your identity so what
happens is our it’s like a thermostat
our lives get going we start doing
really well if we’re a 75 degree or and
our life gets to 85 and 90 degrees
unconsciously we go we don’t know we’re
doing it well we start to cool life back
down to get it back to where we’re
comfortable that reverse is also true
when things start to go really bad and
you’re broke and you’re struggling you
find a way to heat your life back up to
what you think you’re worth and you
deserve so the way we alter our life is
sure we got alter our behavior and our
relationships and our circumstances but
the only way it’s permanent is that we
alter that governor that thermostat and
we start to believe we’re worth
eighty-five degrees of life 95 degrees
of life 110 degrees of life and there’s
ways we can alter that how do we alter
it a couple different ways a one is what
you just said is that you put yourself
in circumstances that are demanding if
you pass what you think your capacity is
and when you succeed at them you build a
new water line you do you throw yourself
out there past where you’re comfortable
and you do an 85° behavior and you knock
it out of the park you go your brain
starts to believe it repetitiously when
you start doing that you build a new
line now you’re 85 degrees that’s number
one the second way though is association
if you’re around people and whatever
that endeavor is if it’s a sport you’re
in or if it’s a business or your faith
or your peace if you begin to associate
with people who live in that space at a
higher temperature than you through
association you get heated up yeah so if
you’re an athlete for example you’re a
70-degree athlete and you start training
all the time with 85 and 90 degrees your
identity through osmosis goes up if
you’re a person is trying to improve
their faith in their life or their their
personal piece about them you all know
this you’ve seen it when you start to
hang around people that are a little bit
more peaceful than you or meditate a
little bit more through that association
over time
the thermostat changes in that area and
so it’s both behaving in certain way and
then your associations yeah I believe
that see when we came to America we were
poor and broke the way I look at it
because we would always run out of money
before run out a month we decide you
know do we do without electricity or gas
some months we couldn’t afford to pay
both and you know bring broca’s being
without money being poor as being kind
of scarcity minded poor minded and we
just realized that money’s for the rich
money’s for the the Americans it’s for
the people who were born here who went
to college and that’s how I grew up and
later Jim Franco taught me that hey you
know what you can’t be scarcity minded
you can’t you have to live in an
abundance you have to understand that
people just want a solution to a problem
and they don’t care about the color of
your skin about the level of your
education they want a solution to prom
so he taught me he had to break all
these old patterns that I had right what
were some of the patterns some of the
patterns were that money’s for the white
folk and not for the foreigners you
actually thought yeah hey I really cuz
that’s that’s how it was because every
time we went and got got more food
stamps it was all foreigners there’s no
white people in line at least not not in
the parts of Santa Ana that I was raised
and so I felt that money was for the
people who were telling us to leave this
country go back to your own country and
that also puts a chip on your shoulder
right against them and so I guess I had
some reverse racism towards towards
white America now I realize for no
apparent reason there was a couple of
idiots and every culture I imagine right
but so that was one pattern that I had
another pattern that I had was that
being proud to be blue-collar
like my dad was like and he still says
this work is holy and I believe that
work is holy but the fact that he had so
many jobs a paper route pumping gas
worked at a pizzeria
and so because of that mindset blue
collar blue collar we were always a blue
collar mentality and I took pride in
being blue collar another pattern Jim
Franco had to have the break was I think
dude be white collar don’t use the
shovel sell the shovel I’d never heard
that phrase before I’m the guy that took
pride in I could dig a deeper hole a
deeper trench I could I could outwork
you but that’s still trading time for
dollars and so to be able to break those
who limiting belief systems that I had
to me was huge and all of a sudden I
realized I’m no longer poor minded I may
end up broke again I do really well now
but I may make one or two bad decisions
my money or my investment and ended up
being broke again but I’ll never be poor
and I know how to get back from broke
because I know how to add value to
society solve problems and exchange for
money but I’ll never be poor again and
poor is a state of mind of feeling out
of control
scarcity minded taking pride in being
blue-collar no one should ever take
pride in being blue-collar period period
you’ve got a brain you’ve got a solution
to a problem that people want to pay for
put it out there
so when you say scarcity minded abundant
minded what do you mean
well the scarcity minded person says oh
someone else opened up a gym you know
across the street for me they’re gonna
put me out of business I better charge
less right the abundant minded person
says someone else opened up the gym
across the street from me
I better out service them out work them
out social media them right so the
scarcity minded person is always the sky
is falling the Chicken Little mentality
the omigosh of Trump goes into office
then we’re all screwed oh my gosh if
Hillary goes into office then we’re all
screwed I don’t care who’s in office
anymore I control my own economy the
economy can crash and go back up and
back down again I will find a way as
Tony Robbins says I’m built for winter I
just didn’t know it and so more people
need to be abundant minded in that with
the economy crashes I just have to
deliver more value and create this
category of one about myself if
competition shows up I have to out
service them out work them out social
media them versus shrivel up and die
find your one word the self-awareness is
super important knowing what I stand for
really helped me defend the positions
that I had in my life when people were
doubting me knowing that I stand for
believe and knowing how that breaks down
into passion self confidence and
conviction and knowing really deeply
have an understand of myself when you
truly know yourself you have a lot more
confidence it’s easier to say no to
people it’s easy to dismiss other
people’s opinions of you because you
have your own opinion of yourself or if
you don’t know what you stand for if you
don’t really know who you are you don’t
have that self-awareness then anytime
somebody says something about you you
take it in so maybe
like that oh maybe I’m not good enough
maybe their opinions are right where I
couldn’t care less
you don’t like the Blue Jays you don’t
like what I’m wearing you don’t like my
message I feel like you know you might
be wrong but it’s not gonna impact my
it’s not gonna impact my confidence and
belief in myself and so understanding at
the core Who I am having that
self-awareness know what I want word is
is massively important and had a big
change on my life but I always tell
people is this you have to monitor your
self-talk monitor your self-talk if you
go around people tell people oh I have a
horrible memory I’m not smart enough I’m
getting too old fill in the blank first
of all if you fight for your limitations
you get to keep them does that make
sense a lot of people like oh I’m so
forgetful I’m so busy which that whole
busyness really bothers me like we’re
people so you how are you doing I’m just
so crazy so stressed so busy it becomes
like a badge of honor that people wear
all the time and then what do you start
reinforcing being busy right but here
going back to this your self-talk is the
program that will run so you want to be
mindful right and stand guard to your
mind because your mind is always
eavesdropping on your self-talk your
mind is always eavesdropping on your
when you think that you are done do only
40% into what your body’s capable of
doing and that’s just a limit there that
we poor self
got our leader of the 150-mile coming in
you never get ready to know how I feel I
never really tell you the truth I’m
always gonna feel good I want to feel
and show you no weakness congratulations
buddy thanks a lot man under fifty mile
champion first place new course record
way to go graduation I’m never happy and
satisfied with one thing I do is always
a continuous journey and in all my races
there’s never in it’s kind of fallen
together it’s like one big journey that
that one inside I why the point of
having a seal live with you this is this
books called living with the seal 31
days training with the toughest man on
the planet and I watched a few videos
and this guy is a freak but why did you
decide to to have him live with you when
he first moved in the first he comes
into the house and he has a little
knapsack for 30 days if I go away for 30
days I’m checking to that yeah he has
this little like Huck Finn from 30 days
had all his clothes and everything and
his whole life in the bag and I said to
him his name is David Goggin so if
you’re listening and you know him or you
want to google him I said in the book I
refer to him as seal but now you know
he’s out there so he came to the house I
said to him you know hey here’s your
room you know I’ll show you around make
yourself at home and you know my home is
your home for the next 30 days and he
said no huh-uh
he said I don’t have a home and I said
no make yourself at home it’s an
expression and he said I don’t operate
in expressions Wow and that was sort of
like okay let’s start that was kind of
our opening act
no settling here no yeah and then we
went down to the gym five minutes into
the into our 31 day journey and he said
I want to see how many pull-ups you can
do so I said all right so I guess to
kind of get a level of like where I was
that and I am not as strong sure died so
I didn’t maybe eight pull-ups and then I
dropped down and he said all right wait
30 seconds into it again do it again
so I waited 30 seconds got back up on
the bar I did like six he said all right
one more time and now like I’m starting
to feel it you know a guy I don’t think
I can even get back up on the bar and I
get I get three but three like you know
kicking my chin over like whatever I
could do to get over the bar
so I said alright what’s next he said
what’s next is we’re gonna stay here
till you do 100 more oh my and I said
even one at a time yeah and I’m like
come on man I could like that’s great on
paper but I physically can’t do a
hundred more and that was our start of
many lessons that I learned because I
ended up doing it one at a time
and what he taught me was there’s so
many of our limitations are self-imposed
mm-hmm you know and we set we set
something up in our brain we program our
brain one way and that’s our limit and
until we can get past that and see what
we’re really made of and like get
uncomfortable and experience pain mm-hmm
you can’t real you don’t really don’t
know what you’re capable of yeah so that
was a really good good lesson for me and
every day was a lesson like that when
does confidence become harmful how do
you detect overconfidence that might
stop you from striving to get better
every day
okay so I I don’t think that confidence
is ever dangerous what I think is
dangerous is a way of approaching the
world if you value yourself for being a
master if your confidence comes from I
know this stuff then you’re gonna be in
trouble because I think that the reality
is that being a master feeling like
you’re an expert that stuff is a trap
and you need to keep your beliefs nimble
so the more you learn and the more you
need to be checking yourself to make
sure that that stuff isn’t calcifying
into Dogma meaning that it becomes like
I do it this way and that’s the way I do
it that’s the way I’ve always done it
that’s what my success is based on so
I’m gonna keep doing it that becomes
incredibly dangerous especially now in a
world that changes it evolves so quickly
what worked yesterday may not keep
working tomorrow so you’ve got to
constantly be willing to check your
assumptions and I think the easiest way
to check your assumptions is to write
them down writing them down is going to
force you to have clarity on what your
assumptions are so that’s really really
important and I’m going through this
right now in building the studio I have
a belief system about the way that
things work I have a belief system about
the way that marketing works and I’m
constantly trying to check that and so I
found that there were some beliefs that
were so embedded in
I didn’t even realize anymore that they
were beliefs and so there’s that whole
concept of David Foster Wallace the guy
that wrote the speech this is water look
it up on YouTube
right now in fact I don’t even mind if
you bail out of this right now to go
watch it it’s that important to get this
concept burned into your psyche the fish
is the last one to become aware of the
water it is so ubiquitous that they
don’t even realize it’s a thing that’s
what happens with your beliefs you begin
to believe them and internalize them so
much that you forget at one point that
that was something that you learned or
discovered or chose to believe and so at
some point that now may be holding you
so I find writing them down so that I’m
aware of what my assumptions are I’m
aware of what my beliefs are then I can
go in and say and this is straight from
Tim Ferriss if you haven’t watched the
episode of impact Theory would sometimes
take it out he talks about what if he
did the opposite what if he did the
opposite for 24 or 48 hours it’s very
easy to overcome that and back out of it
if it doesn’t work but for 24 or 48
hours just try it what if you had the
opposite belief what if you approach
things in the opposite manner would you
get a better result and doing that and
checking your beliefs and assumptions
against that can be incredibly powerful
it would certainly open up new vistas
new possible avenues I highly highly
recommend that success is the
combination of determination confidence
and really a belief in a higher power
I’m sure they’re far more talented
directors than I I know there are it’s
touches about talent
it’s about your drive with that talent
I often get asked what does it take how
do I get in and I think that the only
answer for me is an unwavering belief in
myself I think that’s what separated me
from the people that I grew up with you
know to dream is a big thing I keep
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
with jack canfield and how to get rid of
your limiting beliefs that i think
you’re really gonna enjoy but before
that the three questions i want to move
you from just watching a video to
actually taking action in your life so
here we go your homework think about
these question number one what are three
limiting beliefs that you need to
eliminate from your thought process
question number two what has to change
in your self-talk and question number
three what is your one word and how can
you better apply it to your life and
your business think about it write it
leave it into the comments I want you to
move from just watching a video to
actually taking action thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you I
hope we continue to believe in yourself
and whatever you’re one where it is much
love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the
now another mistake you might have
normally be making and therefore
sabotaging your unhappiness with is
allowing yourself to be controlled by
your limiting beliefs
many of us have beliefs that limit our
success whether their beliefs about our
own capabilities beliefs about what it
takes to succeed or even beliefs about
how they should relate to other people
now moving beyond your limiting beliefs
is a critical step toward becoming
happier and more successful and then do
this you must first believe that you’re
capable of accomplishing your goals and
you’re capable of being happy and here’s
a simple but powerful four-step process
you can use to transform any limiting
belief into an empowering belief the
first step is identify a limiting belief
that you want to change the second step
is to determine how that belief is
limiting you now the third step is to
decide how you would rather be act or
feel and a fourth step is to create a
turnaround statement that affirms or
gives you permission to be to act or to
feel this new way for example a negative
belief might be if I express my true
feelings people will think I’m weak and
take advantage of me
now the turnaround belief would be the
more I express my true feelings the more
people love respect admire and support
me now once you’ve created a new belief
you will need to implant it into your
subconscious mind through constant
repetition for two or three minutes
several times a day for a minimum of 30
days altruistic world domination
honey Empire right I’m grateful I
understand why I’m here I think because
I am so open I wanted to think and see
it’s a bloody brief life
all of you have the potential for
enormous success if you want to know
what garyvee DJ khalid oprah and others
know about empire building that most
people miss check out the link in the description for a free bonus video
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