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“GET Comfortable With PUBLIC SPEAKING!” – Warren Buffett – #Entspresso

– Good morning Believe Nation, it’s Evan.
My one word is believe, and I believe that you have
something special, that when you unleash it,
it will be able to change the world.
So to help you on your journey,
today’s message is practice public speaking.
Over to you, Warren Buffet.
(rooster crowing)
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ Entspresso keep me going
♫ I wake up every morning
– One of the things you would want to be sure to do
is, whether you like it or not, get very comfortable,
it make take awhile, with public speaking, for example.
I mean, that’s a asset that will last you 50 or 60 years,
and it’s a liability if you don’t like doing it,
or are uncomfortable doing it.
That also will last you 50 or 60 years,
and it’s a necessary skill.
– So I’m a big fan of public speaking.
I think if you can learn how to speak,
it can dramatically improve the abilities
to communicate your ideas, to get your message across,
to grow your business, to build a team.
But I don’t know that I would call it a necessary skill.
I think whatever it is that you want to do,
you need to be able to bring people on board to your idea.
Right, as an entrepreneur it’s really really hard
to have success just being a solo person.
So you need to be able to communicate your idea
to one on one people, to group settings,
and then to large group settings,
and your ability to be able to do that well
will help you grow a lot faster.
If you can’t communicate your ideas very well to people,
it’s going to be a lot harder to get your project
off the ground.
That being said, and again this is something that I do
for a living, right, I massively appreciate the value
of being able to communicate ideas and be a public speaker.
But that being said, it’s not the only way to win.
I wouldn’t call it a necessary skill,
because there’s a lot of other ways that you can stand,
there’s a lot of other ways to win.
There’s tons of people who you’ve never heard of
who are billionaires who suck at public speaking.
The thing is though, if that’s going to be something
that you ignore, then you have to really really really
be great at something else.
You have to be off the charts amazing at something else.
If you are a really poor public communicator,
then you better be insanely good at something else.
And so it brings me back to that teaching a rabbit
how to swim versus how to hop, you know rabbits
are great at hopping and suck at swimming
and if you try to teach a rabbit how to swim,
they’re going to be average at best.
If you just say, forget about swimming,
focus on hopping, you could be really really really great.
And so is that equivalent in your life and your business
for you, your talents, your skillsets.
What’s the hopping for you, and ignoring the swimming part.
I think it’s a skill that everybody should at least try,
you shouldn’t just write it off and say this isn’t for me,
this sucks, I’m never going to be a great speaker.
I think it’s a good skillset if you can develop it
and so it’s worth giving a shot.
Just like entrepreneurship, I think everybody
should at least try to get that idea
that they have in their head out there.
At least try to be an entrepreneur before writing it off.
Before you write anything off.
Before you say that that food
is not going to be good for you,
or that activity is not going to be good for you,
at least try it, give it a shot
and see if it feels right, and see if you want to continue
to push forward and learn more on it.
But the most important thing, I think,
is a self awareness to figure out who you are,
where you really want to focus on, what you have
Michael Jordan level talent at,
and the ability to be among the best in the world
where you’re going to apply yourself, dedicate yourself,
practice hard every single day.
Figure out what it is that you can hop at
and be that bunny for, and go all in on that skill.
And so the question of the day today is,
I’m curious what are your thoughts on public speaking?
How good are you at speaking, is it something
that you want to get better at, or are you totally
going to disrespect it and go focus on something else.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Please share down in the comments below.
I also want to give a quick shout out to Robb Barco.
Robb, thank you so much for picking up a copy of my book,
Your One Word, I really appreciate the support man,
and I hope you’re enjoying the read.
So thank you guys again for watching.
I believe in you, I hope you continue to believe
in yourself and whatever your one word is.
Much love, and I’ll see you guys again tomorrow morning
for another shot of Entspresso.
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ Entspresso keep me going
– This is going to blow away people, especially your fan base.
You know, I speak a lot, and I talk over people
and I’m loud and intense but all of my success
has been predicated on listening, whether I’m doing it
with my ears, or with my eyes.
– The skill I use is probably communication.
Which I think is building on what Gary said.
I think communication is a two way street,
but being able to articulate and communicate
what it is that I’m trying to communicate,
is something that I find I focus on all day long,
every time I speak.
– How do you communicate authentically?
How do you figure out what to say and what not to say
in a way that’s authentic.
And what Fred says, and I really believe this is true,
is it starts from the fundamental understanding
that there is no truth.
There’s my truth, there’s your truth,
that everything is subjective.
And so if you always start from the position of
this is what I believe, I don’t expect you to believe it,
I don’t think you have to believe it,
I’m not saying it’s true, you can actually always
communicate authentically.
Because if you walk in the room, and this gets worse
as you get more senior, here’s the answer,
you’re not giving anyone else any room to say anything.
And if you walk into the room and say,
I believe this for this reason, what do you believe?
If you share your truth in that language,
you give people room to authenticate,
to communicate authentically.
And that is hugely important to these relationships
at any stage.
– Connecting increases your influence in every situation.
For the foundation of the teaching today,
I want to make sure that we really have a grasp
of why connecting with people is so vital.
So if you go to the very first sentence in your notes,
the number one criteria for advancement and promotion
for professionals is an ability to communicate effectively.
That I do believe.
I think the ability to connect and communicate
is the number one criteria for success with your family,
with your marriage, with your children, with your friends,
in the workplace, the marketplace, in the community.
If you have the ability to connect with people,
if can communicate and connect, not just communicate,
it takes you and literally gives you a decided edge
over others in the advancement
in what we’re trying to accomplish.
For example, in your notes Presidential historian
Robert Alex says that the successful President’s
exhibit five skills and qualities that enable them
to achieve things that others don’t.
So he’s talking about leaders and presidents
and people, what makes some achieve better than others.
Here’s the five things they do well.
Number one is vision, number two pragmatism,
number three consensus building; the ability to put
together a team, get consensus.
Number four, charisma, and number five trustworthiness.
Being a trustworthy kind of a person.
Now, what is interesting about these five,
these five things that set the better President’s
apart from maybe the average ones,
four of the five deal with connecting.
Vision is a definite connecting skill,
the ability to cast a future vision.
Consensus building, getting people to work together,
you have to be able to connect to do that.
Charisma, of course, that’s why people follow the
quote, the Pied Piper, and trustworthy.
Four of the five of the skills needed to be successful
as a leader had a lot to do with connecting.
So let me define connecting, because that’s what this
book is all about.
Connecting is the ability to identify with people
and relate to them in such a way that it increases
our influence with them.
In other words, we can identify with them until they say,
he or she understands exactly what I know
and what I’m going through, and we can relate
with them until we, because of that ability,
we begin to increase our influence with them
and of course what do I teach about leadership, very simple,
leadership is influence.
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