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“Gender Equality is Not a FEMALE Issue!” ft. @shelleyzalis | #InstagramLive

this is Shelley’s Alice Shelley for my
audience give us just a quick
introduction what you’re all about what
you’re doing the CEO of the female
quotient and the founder of the girls
lounge I’m also well known as the chief
trouble maker because I like to break
the rules and create new ones all the
time especially when it comes to gender
equality I’ve seen some new work on
gender equality and part of what I also
love about it is now trying to encourage
the men to take a role in this as well
that it’s not a woman’s only issue that
men should be involved and play their
role to help give women more
opportunities can you talk about that
side of things and what men should be
doing more of yeah well first of all you
know we say gender equality is not a
female issue it’s a social and economic
issue we didn’t create the inequality
there was a study that was really scary
I’m Sheryl Sandberg just did a survey
with Survey Monkey and what she found
was that 50% of men today don’t want to
work with women because they’re afraid
to do or say the wrong thing in the post
movement era and that’s a really scary
they’ve popcorn one of the original
futurists predicted that if we keep
going at this pace we will have gender
floors in the workplace that’s a very
strong trend so we do need to reverse
that and most importantly work together
because we’re all good people there’s
exceptions but those exceptions are not
the norm and one of the things that we
don’t a lot about is the Platinum rule
do unto others as they want done to
themselves and if someone is upset about
something say something and just say you
know that that offends me or I’m not
comfortable before you point a finger
just say that bothers me and give
something the opportunity to first be
educated on you know what matters to you
be more aware so a lot of my audience
are entrepreneurs people who are certain
their own businesses also then hiring a
team they they’re not running giant
corporations yet what advice do you have
for somebody who may be just starting
their business who maybe doesn’t even
have an employee yet but wants to
play a part in this wants to do their
role but may be thinking well it’s just
me and my company can they can they have
a voice can they have a role in your
movement you know listen we all have a
voice and we all have a role our
movement we are operative inclusive
movement and I think that you know most
importantly we’re not even just a
movement yes we have connected 17,000
women globally from fortune 500
companies and entrepreneurs and startups
and yes we are welcoming to everyone you
know men women you know every gender
race and age and everyone has a very
important part to play and so one of the
things that we’re doing is we just flip
the balance and transform culture
without permission we just did it and
now we’re operating and moving forward
in a very different way and women you
know there was a boys club women never
felt comfortable on the boys club we
always felt like form to the rules that
made no sense so we created the girls
lounge the opposite avoid girl the
opposite of love lounge where everyone
is welcome but it’s where the women are
the majority and are contributing and
very meaningful significant ways to
create the changes that we need to sit
to see moving forward so what are some
specific like if I had three steps that
I should take I mean so me as a man as
an entrepreneur I’ve got 24 people on my
team I don’t even think about how many
of them are women or how many of them
from a different color race or religion
or background somebody who maybe this is
in front of mind for what of what are
three things that I should be thinking
about that that I could play a greater
role in making this happen you clearly
do of being open-minded and asking those
questions and check your bias at the
door we all have them so just accept
that number two I think it is really not
signing pledges you know people say
they’re going to do something I’m gonna
try I’m gonna sign a pledge signing a
pledge it doesn’t do anything
okay do something make big changes
moving forward and the third is creative
sure care where everyone feels
comfortable and can bring their best
selves to work and thrive in the
do you have guidance on how to do that
like how would you measure is that a
tool you guys offer or how would I
measure a culture of care yeah so you
know we actually do a quality bootcamps
inside of companies one of the things
that I talk a lot about is the rules in
the workplace were written over a
hundred years ago by men for men women
just weren’t in the workplace so it
wasn’t intentional but now we are just
playing catch-up with legacy issues so I
started by saying I’m a chief trouble
I’ve always broken the rules that made
no sense and created the new ones for
today’s modern workplace so we do a lot
of equality boot camps which is more
conscious mindset training and we work
on four key vitals just don’t go to the
gym and do a bootcamp it’s the same
thing to become a quality fit you got to
work on it to get stronger you work
sometimes on your absence sometimes on
your arms and sometimes on your legs and
sometimes on your fork same thing with
equality there are four key vitals to
becoming an equality healthy company one
is parody and then parody is wage gap
don’t say you’re gonna close the wage
gap close either pay for equal work it
should not be complicated the second is
diversity in your workforce and you
talked about having diversity but it’s
it’s really not only a nice to have a
business imperative we know that
businesses that have diversity perform
over 34% better than big companies that
don’t and then supplier relationships a
very important element if you have
vendors that you’re spending a lot of
money with money talk insist that unless
they have diversity in their supply
chain you’re not gonna work with them
anymore and I can guarantee you in five
split seconds they’re gonna start
wanting to hire a diverse workforce so
we have the power to make that happen
the second vital is advancement how are
your mentorship programs your
sponsorship programs and your coaching
let’s not just fix the women let’s also
fix the men that were fixed because it
means we’re doing something wrong we’re
not doing something wrong we just need a
new education a new awareness today and
we all need to be mentored
learn and educate each other so let’s
educate men and women on how to create
respect and safety in the workplace
today the third pillar is culture what
kind of policies do you have do you have
policies that allow everyone to thrive
in the workplace from maternity leave to
return to believe to what I think we
need now is parentally I mean maternity
leave what’s it called when two men have
a child together it’s ready to
modernized like it’s not even relevant
so we have to rewrite those rules flex
schedules time off you know one of the
things I talked a lot about is not doing
exit interviews as Arianna Huffington
always says exit interviews they’re
already gone right any level interviews
so I say let’s do life stage interviews
at every stage of our life we have
different needs and if we truly want to
attract and retain our best talent then
we need to accommodate each individual
during their different stages of life
and then the training textbook training
does not work today the sexual
harassment training we are doing does
not work we need to do more part more
mindset training where it’s experiential
putting ourselves in each other’s shoes
so that we could truly be not just
sympathetic but more empathetic and then
the fourth pillar is leadership what are
our values how do we communicate them
and most importantly everything you
brought this up how do we create
accountability for change not just
saying we’re gonna do something but
creating accountability for change and
holding ourselves responsible and it
being a very important KPIs performance
so these are what we do inside of boot
camps in terms of each area and every
company is in a different place and it
has to be something that leadership
wants to embrace and it’s not just
leadership at the CEO level leadership
is not about age or level it’s about
action we all relievers we all have the
power to be better we all can activate
change if we choose to you’re getting
some Shelley for president comments here
and the live chat I love it so my lead
video editor is a woman and I’ve gotten
a lot of people say well how did you how
did you even find a woman in video
editing because we’re
we’re trying to find women and and it’s
just it’s it’s too difficult to run
enough people entering that women
entering that space I hired her then I
hired her husband so he works for her
but when I was hiring I wasn’t
specifically looking like I want my goal
was to get a woman should that be a goal
like I want to have X percent of my
workforce as females like is that
something you recommend or is it just
you want to have a hiring process that
is open and fair like what kind of
guidelines you give people in the hiring
process to allow more women to get in so
first of all I don’t I don’t ever want
to be a quota that I’m hired because I’m
a woman right I you know hire me because
I’m the best and when you have your lens
of hiring let’s think about the
masculine and the feminine qualities
that people possess and I didn’t say
male/female I said masculine feminine
because there’s plenty of women with
masculine qualities and plenty of men
with feminine fathers qualities of
leadership and skill sets in general
well-documented assertive linear
analytic aggressive the feminine
nurturing empathetic contextual
storytelling visual team-building we
need both of those skill sets in the
business and when you talked about this
an editor right sure yeah for someone
that has great storytelling capability
there are times you need linear analytic
data type the people for certain roles
and there’s times you need the
contextualise er storyteller
storytellers in general have feminine
qualities which tend to be you know and
you could put it in the female category
so I think that what you need to say to
yourself is if I truly want to create
the best I’ve ever watched Who Wants to
Be a Millionaire yeah yeah okay so and
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire there’s
three options okay phone-a-friend so
great friend is an expert maybe they’re
gonna get it right fifty-fifty yeah
fifty percent chance of getting it right
but the one that’s right ninety-four
percent of the time
ask the audience okay the audience is a
diverse group of random people Queen and
so if you truly want to have the most
innovation in your company the best
revenue generated in your company then
you should be looking for a diverse team
and not just diversity of gender race
age but also when you have diverse
gender race age you have diversity of
thought recently I went to a lecture and
this guy got up and he his whole team
was there and he started saying I did
this and I did that and I did this who’s
boss at the end came over and said if
you did all that why do you need your
whole team right and that was just so
true I mean we hire people that are the
same as us
you’re wasting your money we want people
that are different than us with
different thinking that’s what makes the
world go around and that makes a
combustible energy and the dynamics and
and the the changes and how we challenge
each other that business at its best how
about just in personal life like what
are our roles as husbands fathers uncles
maybe sons possibly look do you have
guidance do you touch that area like
what should I be doing more as a I have
I have a wife I have us I have a son so
not a not a daughter but what’s your
advice for how to bring this back to the
personal level – well you know I think
partnership starts at home and
especially this is the first time in
history we have five generations in the
workplace Jenni coming is as interns
traditionalists moving out but retiring
later and so we have multi-generational
issues but this new generations at Gen Z
and Millennials they have an expectation
for dual income families right one is
gonna stay home even though they’re
shifting you know responsibilities but
partnership starts at home
it doesn’t start in the workplace and so
if you truly want to have a double
income family then you both go to share
the responsibility at home so that both
of you can you know she have
responsibilities my husband and I we did
mother-father typical worldly both work
parents you know we we had parenting
roles and we had certain rules that one
of us was always home at I mean now my
kids are big 21 23 27 and they do the
wrong thing but when they were smaller
you know my husband if he was going to
go out of town I wouldn’t if I was gonna
be out of town he wouldn’t and he had
certain responsibilities I had certain
responsibilities so when he was out of
town I assumed his responsibilities even
if I couldn’t tie the hockey skates as
tight as he did to my kids this is his
fight as I can get him get out there
just don’t fall even if he might not
have been as great in PTA meetings as I
was but we didn’t we didn’t question
each other it’s like you do your thing
cover me I’ll cover you we’re gonna be
the best parents that we possibly can be
and there’s no such thing as perfect
anyways and and people that are perfect
or say they’re perfect our hope and
perfection is born so they can’t
possibly be very interesting kind of I
know we’re bumping up against the clock
for people who want to dive deeper into
your world support the mission get more
involved that this is our first exposure
to you what do you want people to do
next both men and women well join the
movement and use your voices we’d love
to hear you and I love getting questions
and having conversations about anything
that’s on your mind I’m a real woman
that’s been there done that so please
ask me anything that you want you can
visit us at
a bell building confidence check out my
new 250 for confidence series where
every day for the next two hundred fifty
four days for free I will send you a
30-second five-minute video in the
morning to help you build unstoppable
confidence the link is in the
description below
if you want to be more confident you
need to surround yourself with things
that make you feel confident realizing
that any big endeavor is the collection
of a lot of small steps that came before
if you’re doing work that you love
you’re more like
to follow through you’re more likely to
do it because it doesn’t feel like work
because you love doing it volume you
yeah the most important work ever if you
had to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
that would be like a little beacon if
you liked this video check out the top
50 rules for women entrepreneurs one
that I made I think you’ll enjoy the
link is right there next to me continue
to believe and I’ll see you there
everything that I’ve done I’ve worked so hard from until my toes are bleeding
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