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Fundraising Ideas – Website review fundraising video – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to answer question
from one of my readers Nate who asked me
to check out his website as he wrote me
an email can you provide guidance for my
fundraising business how do I get more
customers clients I want to use my
homepage or promotion whom should bring
people my website gives something for
free Nate so Nate let’s take a quick
look at your site and hopefully we can
give you some advice so a gun a gun ecom
let’s see what it is oh it’s probably a
GU New York com ok so here it is a GU
above ground unlimited so the first
thing I look at this website is it needs
a massive design overhaul I’ve got
things screaming at me spring summer
sale new dresses new watches but that
doesn’t look very professional and from
the email it sounded like you had a
professional business you know I’m
seeing some names that of clients that
guess he you’ve helped out so this this
is ok but this is kind of screaming at
me and I think you can have a much
better design and if you have if you
have professional clients coming to you
they want to see that they’re working
with professional organization it
doesn’t have to cost much you can do a
simple wordpress back-end you can get a
free design or really cheap design for
fifty bucks 100 bucks and it’ll look way
way way better you might want to work on
the logo a little bit too to make it
look just a little bit more
professionally keep the same style but
just just make it a look maybe make a
look a little nicer I’m sure you have an
awesome service you do great fundraising
and it’s recognizing what you’re really
good at what you’re not good at so you
know design side of things may be a
weakness that you could have somebody
come in and help you out with and just
looking at this website first from the
first glance I don’t really know what
you do if you didn’t tell me you did
fundraising I come to this site and see
above ground unlimited and then I see
this thing flashing at me about new
dresses and new watches so I’m assuming
you’re selling
dresses and watches but I didn’t really
get the sense that your your fundraising
company so you know might be might help
to have a one sentence description as
well as to what you do so when people
come to the website is really clear what
you do I’m assuming you use these
products to then you know support
fundraising campaigns so having a
sentence like that but it clearly
explains what you do you’re helping
helping organizations raise funds
through the sale of unique products or
something like that so that for people
coming to your site if their potential
customers for you or media or partners
in one sentence they quickly understand
what is that you do and they can see if
it’s going to be a potential fit for
them if they want to learn more or not
okay so I definitely have a action
sentence under here to help explain what
you do hear you talk a little bit so
funding is critical to conduct the
successful community service campaign
encourage clients to engage as much of
their commute as possible knowing since
the fundraising opens doors to reach a
more diverse audience and increases the
funding potential I still know what you
do here I’m still kind of confused I’m
assuming you’re selling these products
are fundraising but I’m still not sure
so again you want to be very clear as to
what you do again it looks like you have
some great you know events that you put
on with AT&T and Mary Kay like these are
brand names so it the design of your
site in the position doesn’t match up
with your your client base so that
that’s my main concern here so going
down so the here this is great so you’ve
got Michael Bloomberg mayor of New York
City who’s who’s pictured with you this
is great like I’d move this up higher
I’m assuming you did some kind of
fundraising project with New York City
so that’d be great to highlight same
with these things down here so 18t
national baptist convention you have
some some logos here that people would
probably recognize that you know I’d
want to put up a mega mary kay so the
challenge here is you might see this
site and it looks so bad that then
people may not scroll and you’ve got
some great stuff down here with the
picture and the logo is a show that
you’ve yo you are professional
and I think your design is really
hurting you so so again I look at a
wordpress back end you know which is
cheap you can update it yourself or you
know if you have more funds you can go
in and get a custom website design but
it definitely take that as a next step
if it made me click on the about page
you see what else is here put some okay
so it’s like crazy yellow on yellow but
then you know this is a little bit more
legible so mission of a bug above-ground
unlimited the system providing creative
new fundraising ideas for our clients
okay that’s not bad so this this should
have been on the home page somewhere for
me to quickly understand or or cut down
version up here for me to quickly
understand consulting with the client we
analyze their needs provide attention to
details recommend ways of resolving the
fundraising goals okay and then our
products are domestic and global so make
the connection here somewhere that
you’re providing fundraising by selling
these products that would be helpful I
think you know it’s obviously understood
to you that that’s what you do but for
an outsider I would connect the products
at you’re selling with fundraising
initiatives so you’re probably designed
to enhance your clients values and goals
with each on raising event ethical
business practices and grounded yeah
okay this is good I like this a lot
better if you just made that one
connection with the products in the
fundraising I think there’d be a lot of
people understand and I you know again
move that somewhere on the homepage and
and make it clear under you know your
name everywhere that it’s this is what
you do what’s going down letter from CEO
great testimonials these are great too
you know so this is a little bit hard to
to to you know read if it’s so much text
all together I would probably split this
up a little bit more try to put some
logos in here again so you know AT&T
like this gets lost in the middle here
so I make that bigger you know if you
have people actually writing in with
some testimonials that’s awesome you
know if you can get a picture of them
that’d be great the date is something
you might want to think about so you
know the first one you have shows from
2010 well I’m sitting here now it’s it’s
a 2012 we’re almost halfway through the
year and I see
is nothing kind of new so you may want
to think about taking off the date on
some of these but uh this is great this
is great again space us out a little bit
more and put some pictures I think
that’s going to be your your biggest
issue here is just fixing up the design
and changing the position around a
little bit some people are coming to
your site they’re going to clearly
understand what you do and have a quick
way to be able to contact you and know
if it’s going to be right for them or
not one thing you might also want to
consider is doing a video you look like
a nice guy got a nice smile here people
love video I’ve witnessed it myself
creating these YouTube videos if you did
a quick video introduction of yourself
and your business and maybe some of the
results that you’ve had that could be a
great way for people to quickly
understand again what you do and be able
to contact you so hopefully that helps
it’s probably a lot more we can go into
but don’t want the video to get to too
long if you guys liked the video and you
want to see more like this please give
it a thumbs up below it makes me want to
do more of these videos for you and if
you have any thoughts about this website
above-ground unlimited or if you have a
question or I’m going to view your site
please leave a comment underneath and I
look forward to reading those as they
come in so thank you and we’ll see you
on the next episode
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