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FOCUS on WHY You Were BORN in the First Place! | Eric Thomas (@Ericthomasbtc)

focus on why you were born in the first
place why are you here o earth for this
particular time if you are unhappy in
your life is because you’re not serving
enough people are in a great enough way
the more valid reasons you have to
accomplish a dream the higher the odds
are that you will rise and shine it’s an
espresso time what’s up belief nation
it’s Evan I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so let’s start
your day off right together grab your
coffee and sip on today’s message
find your dream over to you Eric Thomas
also if you want to know what Eric has
to say about confidence and excellence
check out my 254 series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the links to join are in
the description below even if you’ve my
closest friend I have boundaries but
I’ve been telling you to get that gold
get that dream and I’m just been telling
you driving and driving and driving and
driving what I’ve been talking about is
consistency freshman year in college me
and my boys start like this like
Christian like organizations
we go to school for all these years and
they never really show us the importance
to dream it right
I look at school and I’m like yo the way
school is design is this designing you
to be prepared to work for somebody else
and I’m not even upset with that but
there’s little of you that you get right
y’all got to work with me cuz this is
deep right so I said to my son I said to
my son son I gotta ask you a question
like and I’m being serious I said do you
believe you created yourself he was like
what I like do you believe created
yourself he said no I said do you
believe there’s a creator he said of
course I do I said I don’t do that don’t
don’t do the dad thing cuz You Know Who
I am
can you know like I’m about that life
like don’t answer like I’m asking you
for real you owe me nothing this is you
do you believe that there’s something
out here that’s bigger than you he said
of course I do dad I said do you believe
as a human being not in a braggadocious
way but that you are the greatest level
of all creation he’s like you mean like
over a deer I was like yeah a deer hit
me like you mean better than the ego of
my year like a ego he was like of course
cuz we could make decisions we can do
things I said okay okay
I just wanna go back again you don’t
believe you were created he said nah but
you believe there’s a higher power
he was like yeah and and I said okay
okay okay you believe it’s a human you
powerful he was like of course I say so
as a human do you believe you were just
born to being a relationship have sex
and have money and buy stuff he was like
mmm no I guess it’s something bigger
than that dad it’s like I guess the
other thing is our calling I said well
if you believe that why have you never
gone after your calling well I spent so
much time worrying about a relationship
why you spent so much time so worried
about money in cars and stuff if you
really believe what you just told me
that as a human is something greater
than that then weren’t you own that
seems like I don’t know I think cuz
here’s a drink son if you
this in that you still might not get you
I’m just being real weird to montage I
think it’s a fabulous blaze it’s great
but I didn’t walk in there like ah like
it was really the the mountains that
made me go woah it was really when I saw
the birds flying that I was like
unbelievable it wasn’t really the room
that I was like this is the great as a
matter of fact the guy was getting on my
nerve I guess when you pay money to go
there they got to try to do the old
personable thing I’m like I’m on the
tall please just give me the keys I go
to my room and if I have some problems
when I get to my room I will call you so
I’m having a conversation with my son
saying son do me a huge favor
don’t go after the low-hanging fruit
here’s the deal if you get to the top of
the tree all the flee from the bottom of
the top is gonna be there son so I don’t
need you focusing on cars and money and
stuff you’re gonna get dad I need you to
focus on why you were born in the first
why are you here on earth for this
particular time what are you doing here
anybody can buy a car son animals get in
relationships animals or have sex you
have kid its son it’s got to be deeper
than that if you’re higher than humans
then why you here you got to do more
than where animals do and so when they
talked about dreams and legacy I was
like you know people don’t get it write
this down
your DNA is in your dream your DNA is in
your dream so so it was funny I was
walking with CJ father the other day and
we were talking and I promise y’all like
every single time we talk I don’t care
when it is I don’t care how long we talk
we always talk about the relationship he
had with his father and and and I know
that the impact that it had on his kid
as a listen to me his DNA his dream his
D and a is family like that’s all he
care about is his son like when we go
out I never saw him dressed like a
certain way like he’s never like hold on
II I got to get the polo shirt and every
time I talk to him it’s the same thing
his DNA his dream his DNA his kids has
formed his life in his
who he is as a man and most of y’all
chasing stuff you don’t realize your
dreams are so important because your DNA
who you are as a person is wrapped up in
your dreams and what this world is done
to you is take that from you because
they know if you know who your drew you
are and you get your dream you’re
probably not gonna work for most of them
you’re probably not gonna do most of the
dumb stuff it’s like for real if you
knew who you if you knew your dreams and
you knew and you followed your dreams
you followed your DNA most of you
probably would have never been on drugs
I’ve never met a person before who knew
who they were and was on drugs most
people have their dreams confused they
think their dream is to have a lot of
money to travel around the world to buy
fancy things those aren’t dreams that’s
you trying to escape a life that you
don’t like the number one question that
I get asked is Evan how do I find my
purpose you don’t find your purpose by
running away and trying to escape a life
that you don’t like you find your
purpose by running towards something and
creating something better what you think
you want out of life the money the
travel the bind the fancy things what
you think you want out of life will come
as a byproduct of you doing the thing
that you actually want out of life you
need to find your purpose so if you’re
ready to find your purpose if you’re
ready to trade feeling empty inside for
massive fulfillment give me an I’m ready
in the comments below I’m gonna
introduce you to the higher purpose
planner if you follow this process it
could be one of the most important
things you ever do in your life we’re
gonna go through your who your why and
your how step number one is your whom
you need to figure out who you are
before anything else everybody has one
single most important core value I call
it your one word I wrote a book about it
but at the core is figuring out what is
the most important core value that you
staying for as a human being you can go
through the long process and figure it
out but even if you have a general sense
even asking that question right now one
word what one word defines me what one
core value is more important than all
the other ones in your life that gives
you a general direction I mean I’d be
the exact one but it gives you a general
direction and when you figure out what
your one word is it gives you the rock
and it allows you to stop living other
people’s version of your life it allows
you to stop being pulled in the
directions that they want to go on and
allows you to build your version of your
life that when somebody says hey you
should do this you can say no I don’t
want to do that because I stand for this
and so as an example in my case my one
word is belief I believe that people
need to believe in themselves that self
confidence you need to believe in the
work that you’re doing have passion for
your work I need to believe that it will
work out that you can have an impact
that there’s light at the end of the
tunnel and so as a result all of my
content is positive all right all of my
content is positive I want to be a force
for good I want to be a force for belief
and so my channel could be way bigger if
I had negative content on it if I was
saying the 10 stupidest thing to learn
from this person or the 10 epic battles
of why this person sucks you know like
if I had negative comments a negative
content it’d be a lot easier for me to
grow but I wouldn’t feel good about
myself and ultimately I wouldn’t grow I
wouldn’t get the success because doing
that would tear me up inside and so I
understand that my one word is believed
that’s my hoop allows me to then go off
and build a business around belief and
create content around believe and
attract the team or unbelieving build a
life around believe that’s my hoop you
need to figure out yours
step number two is your why you need to
figure out your why and your why is your
purpose comes from your pain I believe
that your purpose your greatest most
fulfilling actions of all time will come
from the deepest darkest part of your
life so think about whenever you felt
the most worthless as human being when
you felt like you brought no value that
your life sucks that is the most painful
part that you would never want your kids
to have to go through this suffering
that you went through what is that
moment that happened in your life what
is that this get crystal clear on that
and as entrepreneurs we often have a
hard time remembering past pain because
we’re optimistic and we’re trying to
build a better world and we want to be
focused on where we’re going not the
stuff that happened to us that sucked in
the past but you have to go there you
have to go there why because whenever
you felt the most worthless as a human
being whenever you felt the most pain as
a human being in your life your greatest
joy your greatest satisfaction your
greatest fulfillment will come by
helping people
who are currently right now facing those
same problems that you faced humans are
built to surf if you are unhappy in your
life is because you’re not serving
enough people are in a great enough way
humans are built to serve and your
greatest joy in life will come from
helping people who are facing that same
pain and making sure they don’t have to
go through it alone and so for me I
could be believing in anybody right
believe is my one word it’s my who but
why entrepreneur is why do I care so
much about entrepreneurs and
specifically the early stage like why do
I love hanging out with early-stage
entrepreneurs so much more than the ones
who’ve already made it and doing the
fancy dinners because my greatest pain
of all time was when I quit on my
business partner in my first business I
was making no money three hundred bucks
a month struggling suffering feeling
worthless as a human feeling like I’m
I’m I’m busting my butt every single day
try to build this company I’m getting no
results what’s happening like what why
why do I suck so much and I got so
frustrated that I told my business
partner over a family event that I had
to I had to quit like I had to go off
and do anything do almost anything else
so I can feel like I can contribute and
be a valuable human being to somebody
that’s how low I was and getting through
that sucked
and it’s why I love helping startup
entrepreneurs so much because I can
still relate because I know a lot of
people are in those moments because I
know a lot of people are doubting
themselves and want to quit on
themselves and feel like they’re putting
in a ton of work and getting no results
I don’t want people to have to suffer as
much as I suffered that’s why that’s my
wife so I do what I do and that never
goes away like helping entrepreneurs
early-stage startups who are suffering
like that will will be my greatest joy
and satisfaction fulfillment forever now
I do it through videos and through
events my workshop through books through
a whole bunch of other stuff that the
how to do it will change and we’ll get
to that in step number three but the Y
will never change the who will never
change the leave will never change the Y
will never change I will believe in
entrepreneurs for the rest of my life
and the harder I lean in on it the more
fulfilled I will be forever and ever
so you start with the who then you go to
the Y your purpose comes to your pain
and September 3 is the how now okay
what’s the house so there’s a lot of
ways that I could be believing in
I will get fulfilment by believing in
entrepreneurs how do I do it there’s
lots of ways there’s lots of ways that I
could do it if you said Evan can you
help me figure out what camera I should
use to film my youtube videos I could do
a whole bunch of research and find out a
camera for you and give you the best
option for your needs
except I hate cameras I hate doing that
kind of research it’s like one of the
least favorite things that I have and
part of my business I I asked my friends
for that I hate doing that stuff but
I’ll enjoy the result like if you end up
getting your camera and then you start
filming videos and then that becomes
this life-changing moment that you start
creating your content I’m so pumped I
feel great about the result but I don’t
like the process and so anything that
will help entrepreneurs I will love the
result but I don’t necessarily love the
process where if you want to have
success you have to love the process the
people who win
they love the process you have to love
the work so it doesn’t feel like work
you can be in it all day every day and
not lose energy because it’s feeding you
energy because you love it when I’m
helping entrepreneurs I forget to sleep
I forget to eat I forget to go to the
bathroom I could literally go days of
just keep helping entrepreneurs and one
day I would just I would just pass out
I wouldn’t even notice and I’ve done it
I’ve gone to the point where like I have
a fever and I don’t even notice I have a
I haven’t eaten and I don’t even notice
I haven’t gone to the bathroom I don’t
even know I don’t even register
something just shuts off and I’m just in
the zone and I want to help out
entrepreneurs and so what’s the process
for you so for me I love meeting people
one-on-one I love doing videos I’m
filming this video on New Year’s Day
when most people have a break you know I
feel my last batch on Christmas Day my
son was coming in to the airport in the
evening so I had the day free and I
worked I made videos and I’m making
videos again today like I like it this
is joy this isn’t work this fills me up
I love doing this stuff it’s not work to
then haha if it ever gets to that point
like oh man come on I gotta make more
videos are you kidding me I’m out done
done even if I have 10 million
subscribers I’ll sell the channel or
just shut it down and go do something
else because you will never win in life
doing work that
you hate and so when you figure out your
who your one word your most important
core value figure out your why you know
your purpose comes in your pain you know
who you want to try to help then what’s
the how make the list first of all the
ways you have helped people make a list
of all the people that you’ve helped and
how you’ve helped them and then circle
the ones draw a circle around the ones
you enjoyed the process not just the
result that gives you an indication of
what you should be doing when you marry
your who your one word most important
core value with your why your purpose
comes from your pain with the how doing
the work that you actually love you are
set up for life to not just have massive
success in business or whatever career
or whatever field you want to get into
but in life in fulfillment in feeling
like you’re you’re contributing and
having a huge impact marry those three
things together there’s a reason why the
number one question I get asked is how
do I find my purpose because we yearn to
find it we struggle to find that you
want it you want to find it you want to
serve others you want to have an impact
not just from a selfish place of I want
to feel good about myself but because we
are connected to each other you want to
give back you want to help out other
people this is the path follow the
higher purpose planner use those three
steps if you do it properly it’ll change
your life now I’ve got a really special
bonus tip that I think you’re gonna
enjoy but before that question of the
day I want to know we started this video
talking about how you can’t just be
escaping a life that you don’t like you
need to be building towards a life that
you do enjoy so I want to know what are
you running towards not away from let me
I wrote a book Oh No maybe eight ten
years ago called put your dream to the
test okay and it’s it’s just it’s just a
good solid book and in it the kind of
theses that book was that the more valid
reasons you have to accomplish a dream
the higher the odds are that you will
now that’s a powerful pieces so I mean
that’s there’s no cotton candy here
there’s there’s no hype stuff here yes
and so I basically looked at what are
the valid reasons to achieve a dreamin
and there were ten of them okay and and
so I I formed it in in in a way of
questions but but the first one the
first question is is your dream really
your dream and that’s where we started
because it can I tell you something if
your dream isn’t really your dreams
ain’t go to work
and and and I tell people look hey the
first dream we have isn’t our dream it’s
a parent’s dream my mom and dad when I
was seven they thought I was going to be
a musician and so I’ve taken piano
lessons from the sailors over to about
thirteen I wasn’t any good it wasn’t
your giftedness
it wasn’t my gift but they’re so proud
they go to Mars titles I’m living their
dream I’ve yeah let’s play I can’t play
the piano I’m not matter I’ve lived in
their dreams so what I tell people all
the time is we start off our life living
someone else’s dream probably our
parents so what happens a lot of people
as adults they never switch so true and
so they’re still living someone else’s
dream and again it’s you know it’s it
like a biblical analogy it’s it’s King
or David before his keen putting on King
Saul’s army you know it’s not it’s not
fitting they staggering around there
well I know a lot of people they’re
putting on someone else’s armor and and
they’re just aren’t going to achieve
because it’s not who they are it’s not
it’s not they’re driven if you want more
Erik took at the top fifty rules video I
made on him the link is right there next
to me I think you’ll enjoy it continue
to believe and I’ll see you there I am
the greatest that has ever done this not
because I’m comparing myself to them but
ain’t nobody like me I am and your
problem is you hadn’t got to the I am yes
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