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Focus – How to determine what to focus on – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to focus on focus and
it’s a question from OBO Mo’s one of our
facebook reader and he wrote in saying
as an entrepreneur as opportunities
abound how to determine the areas to
focus on and then determine the things
you shouldn’t like get in your way of
doing the things that are important what
do you focus on so thanks to the
question I think it’s a really common
challenge a lot of entrepreneurs face
we’d like to see things happen quickly
right I think that’s a common trait for
a lot of entrepreneurs and we get
frustrated when things don’t go the way
we want and move at a snail’s pace which
is very common especially when you’re
starting up a new business so how do you
focus on the opportunities that will
make the most sense for you and not get
distracted by the other shiny objects
around you I think for me what I’ve done
that I found really helpful is you
connect it to your purpose so you
identify what it is that you want to
stand for as a business owner and why
did you start your business what do you
want to accomplish what is it beyond
making money that excites you about your
business for me it’s helping
entrepreneurs and we have a goal to help
a billion entrepreneurs and it’s a big
goal it’s gonna take a long time to get
to but that’s our goal and that’s what
excites me that’s that’s what I get up
every day wanting to do and going out
and helping more entrepreneurs so it’s
why do these videos even though a lot of
times and most of the time it’s not paid
it’s just because that’s part of what I
love to do that’s part of my passion and
it’s important that you are building the
business around something you’re really
excited about so whenever we have a
situation where we’ve opportunities
coming at us and I think you’ll find as
you get more successful you’ll get more
opportunities thrown at you and it’s
harder to figure out which ones to go
for naught whenever you’re in that kind
of situation you tie it back to your
purpose so for me whatever you get new
opportunities I ask myself is this going
to help entrepreneurs is this this is
going to help me get to my 1 billion
entrepreneur goal or not and I go after
the ones that I think have a greater
opportunity so it ties more in
my purpose than the other ones and that
i always find helps me it’s easy to get
caught up the excitement or something
but you’ll find that that shine quickly
wears off as you get into it and you
found you’ve wasted your time on
something that doesn’t really tie in to
what you should be focusing on so try to
you know step back a little bit not get
too excited about it and I think does it
tie in to what your core passion is in
your core purposes or not from there if
you have a couple of opportunities that
are you know equal and say well both of
them would help me with my core purpose
then I would think about what am I more
excited about with any opportunities is
going to come a healthy dose of
excitement hopefully if you’re not
excited about it don’t do it do the
things that do get you excited the more
excited about it you are the more of
your heart you’re going to pour into it
and the better quality outcome you’re
going to get so we’ll combine those two
things how does it impact the purpose
that I’m trying to accomplish as an
entrepreneur and how excited am I about
this opportunity the ones that have high
scores on both know I’m excited about it
and it ties well to my core purpose then
those are the ones that I go after and
it’s its daily like I get opportunities
daily people email me all the time ask
me to get involved in whatever projects
and I have to pick what I’m gonna do and
and mostly it’s saying no to the things
that don’t fit in with where I should be
going and I’m sure you face that problem
on an ongoing basis I think a lot of
people watching face that problem to a
lot of entrepreneurs are like arsonist
they like lighting little fires all over
the place but they don’t follow through
on anything and so they can ever build
anything really significant and that’s a
challenge you know you can only make so
much money and only have so much success
and feel so fulfilled if you’re just
starting and stopping all these little
projects it’s really worth taking a few
steps back thinking about what you want
to accomplish as a person you know what
do you want your legacy to be and then
focus in on those things that you’re
really good at and you feel you can have
a strong impact on your market and and
stay focused on that you know don’t give
up on that dream don’t just jump on
something because you can think you can
make a quick buck focus in on
the long-term take steps every day to
move forward on that and try try to put
the blinders on and know it’s hard but
try not to get distracted and hopefully
you can use that model of staying true
to your core purpose and also follow the
things that you are really excited about
to let you stay on path and not get too
distracted if you find that you are
getting you know you really you really
want to try other things as well maybe
set aside one day to go out and try new
opportunities that are not related to
business part of being an entrepreneur
is also having the the lifestyle of
flexibility that you want and you don’t
want your company to be something that
you’re angry at right if you’re not able
to do something you’re not able to take
the day off and go to the beach if you
really really want it to because of your
business then your business will start
to become a drop and you won’t enjoy it
and you bought yourself a job and that’s
not the point of being an entrepreneur
so if you have found that you know you
really like what you’re doing you’ve got
your core purpose down you know what you
want to go out there but there are the
things that you want to try just just
out of curiosity because you you really
wanted to go for it then maybe set aside
one day or maybe in afternoon maybe
friday afternoon is your time to go
after other projects just to work on
yourself as a person or learn new skills
or potentially new opportunity just
don’t let it overwhelm what you’re
really trying to do right you don’t want
you don’t your business to get in the
way of you having fun and be able to you
know enjoy your life but at the same
time you want to make sure you’re
spending enough time to build build
something significant last saying that
provides value ongoing that you can be
proud of and and you know really hang
your hat on at the end of they say I
made this so hopefully that helps that’s
how I approached it at least if you guys
liked the video please give it a thumbs
up below I love making a zoo dish you
guys and I love seeing those thumbs ups
come in so I really appreciate it and if
you have a question for me about the
same topic or different question about
your business fufilled leave it in the
comments below I always read those and I
try to get to everybody as quickly as I
can so thank you and you’ll see you on
the next episode
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