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Facebook Marketing – My facebook posting strategy – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to do a website review
from one of my readers Linden who sent
me a link to his site holistic high tech
comm so we’re gonna check it out and see
what kind of advice wouldn’t give them
so here we go loads so at first glance
I’m not really sure what this business
does this is weaving the internet into
the fabric of your business but I’m not
quite sure what you do as a business so
I see a couple of stock photography
photos I definitely be clearer here so
let’s read a little bit more see what it
says welcome holistic health
practitioner every day you listen to
clients needs visions cleary business
earns you money getting a client’s it’s
missing if a website is not like present
so okay so I guess you’re helping health
practitioners get websites I would
definitely change this around and to
start and make it really clear right
from the beginning what you do so you
know we help help particulars get set up
online we’re talked about the different
pains and frustrations of people who are
trying to do it themselves and how you
can step in and provide a professional
service to help them out it’s actually a
really good service and one that’s
really needed because a lot of these
health practitioners you know they’re
really experts of what they do and
they’re not experts in website design
and this is an opportunity for you to
really help them out so it’s a it’s a
really value I’d serve as a thing but
you might want to do a better job
clearly explaining what you do so it’s
easier for them to understand so what
else does your online presence
authentically describe what you do well
okay so part of is also start describing
what you do to write that’ll make it
easier for them that understand what
you’re all about let’s click on little
few more links to see what the about
page is all about so you’ve dedicated
your company your life to online
presence your store and this is great so
it’s really good to tell your story and
this looks like it goes on so that’s
some people like to buy from people and
the more you can weave your own personal
story and why you got into it and have
something that people can relate to
easily the easier it is to get people to
want to take that next step with you
because you look authentic so the one
thing I would probably add here is a
picture so I don’t see your picture
anywhere so I definitely put a picture
of yourself smiling happy Linden
definitely right here at the top and
then maybe a few more pictures coming
down this is a lot of text to read so I
definitely split it up with maybe sub
headlines with bigger bigger fonts and
some more pictures of you maybe there’s
some easy sections you can divide this
into but it’s great that you have a
story a lot of companies don’t do this
and I think you really should something
like this my vision could be much bigger
the picture of you writing your vision
or thinking about your vision or telling
somebody about your vision I just try to
add a little bit more to it but this is
a this is a fantastic start looking a
little bit more I see that you have a
subscribe box here this is great I don’t
know what you’re going to be sending
people but again you it’s a great idea
that the thought is great you want
people to sign up for your email it’s a
fantastic way to keep in touch with
people and turn somebody from just a
visitor into having an ongoing
relationship with you what I definitely
want to put here is just you know
telling them what they’re going to
receive so I don’t know how many
subscribers you’ve gotten it’s probably
pretty low i would say no talk about
what they’re gonna get if it’s a monthly
weekly newsletter whatever it is some of
the benefits that are attached to it
maybe you give some kind of free white
paper or free download to encourage them
to want to sign up to start with for
example if you had you know the 10
biggest mistakes health care
practitioners make when starting up
online get it for free when you
subscribe to our newsletter and then
provide lots of our newsletter as well
that’s a good hook that you can get
people to want to leave their email and
name so great and is it you know above
the fold easy to see just make sure
you’re you’re offering a little bit more
value and explain what you do to get
more people actually
with you and that’s something you can
also offer as a service later on I guess
to your clients because we’ve been doing
the same thing for them from an SEO
perspective of something you are asking
about i definitely look at your title
tags so let’s start at the home page so
your title tag adjust holistic high tech
now this is not probably have really you
know high money keyword for you I try to
target different keywords that you think
might bring in some business so your
most important keyword you definitely
put on your homepage and then also talk
about that content here on your site so
i don’t know if it’s you know holistic
health care website paula is not
something that’s going to be searched
that often you’re also small websites
it’s hard to go after the the big super
competitive names because you’re in a
competitive market but if you need
and go after the various practitioners
that are potential clients for you and
at five o’clock we’ll do another fun
type of photo this is something that
changes on a day to day basis so one day
might be a caption contest one may be a
you-know-what who’s the greatest
entrepreneur of all time so we try to
engage a little bit with with our fans
and ask some questions that get them
involved so here’s one with steve jobs
and steve wozniak and we said caption
create a contest for this photo and you
know some people commented on it and
liked it and show
the day and then I found that people
really started connecting with the site
when I shared a little bit more personal
stuff and people like to interact with
people and not companies so this works
especially well if you’re a small
company but even the bigger companies if
there’s somebody at the company that can
humanize the business a little bit more
that’s that really helps so what I do at
the end of the night at eight o’clock
opposed a personal picture something
that I’m doing in my life so this is one
where my sister was in town and we’re
watching the italy game at the Eurocup
and just something fun you know I’ll tag
her in there and people will respond and
like and it’s just a great way to how
people know a little bit more about me
and make the whole experience more
personal and since we started doing
these we found a big response in more
people getting engaged and being tied to
the messages a little bit more so it
works especially well again if you’re an
entrepreneur you have your own business
you can show what you’re doing in your
day to day life but it also works for
bigger brands if you can show what your
team is up to or the people who manage
your Facebook page to humanize the
business because people love those
stories so again we’ll post at 5am only
if there’s a holiday 8am the
inspirational quote 11am will be a fun
picture inspirational picture 2 p.m.
will be a video 5 p.m. will be a fun
question that we try to ask and then a
p.m. will be a personal picture
something something that I’m doing this
usually runs all week we’ll do a little
bit more monday to friday and tone it
down a little bit more over the weekend
by gently
so let’s maybe learn more about lions
okay see what kind of content you can
create so text me want to put some again
a lot of you ever met one of mostly
pictures in here or maybe a little big
this foot stands out a little bigger so
he’s a little bit more makes it easier
but this is great for good audio this is
great here so target audience you know I
so alert acupuncture’s energy healer but
what a trainer is letting fly know what
is the most of you wanted one without a
maybe one or two and then on your home
eyes and then also try to optimize a
robbery content around each of these
instead of just Oh website stead of just
kind of rank for web web sites ranked
for what website did your healer
realistic more websites for wanted this
issue has we wanted the day to have its
own landing page says content
interesting and Dahlia typically
interesting in value of your four types
of client you’re different I may not be
good so he will not be a very popular or
websites for ipad first website by
energy healers or searching for that
you’re searching for that perfectly and
you’ll argued at a website and it really
nice hard you hit it I mean if it’s not
to read it if it’s probably so rank I
for free so I definitely call you later
each of these are two days at each of
these groups whose uh you know or guess
somebody Barbara you know it’s not ganic
farmer it’s not gonna tie your websites
right energy healer life side fullest
and they may not by sight holistic
health website you only what your kind
of so you and your business the rest bc
i think really i definitely goes to
sleep it can feel every Patriot content
and create ongoing dialogue here you
have a blog here so let’s check that out
quickly so so yeah good your blog of
content here on your blog god wouldn’t
that be a few things entry and maybe on
you many social media icons on that last
page but so reading so oh ok I’m expose
ok the move now this log posts are the
most recent blog posts and it’s from
thousand eleven all here thousand eleven
i’m sitting pies in the june well 2000s
be two hours don’t otherwise we talking
about it may be really ah it’s still a
lot so that’s still a long time so i
only want to have you definitely want to
maricon and IV repulsive red we try at
least one lot of young people left as
good a lot of times content oats short
content is too short it’s great and so
respond great vengeance and you have
responses which is likely to read and is
engaging and fun and to keep it short
and also always try to include a picture
if you can because facebook is really
picture economy so hopefully that helps
it’s the first time doing one of these
videos talking about the facebook
strategy so I’m really curious to hear
what you guys think if you like the
video I’d love to see a thumbs up below
and if you have a comment or question
about what we’re doing or if you want me
to check out your page it give you some
advice just leave a comment underneath
I’ll definitely check it out and try to
get back to as soon as I can so thank
you and we’ll see you on the next
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