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Evan Carmichael’s Best Tips for MOTIVATION ft. @stephenroe

uh all right everybody welcome to
another YouTube hang out super excited
me back here with you I have a new guest
to the channel his name is stephen rowe
he runs a website called thoughtful
growth and he reached out to me and he
wanted to get my tips on motivation is
doing this mashup of all these experts
sharing their tips and i said i’d be
happy to but how about we do it as a
youtube video so my audience can learn
about you and also hear the discussion
so that’s we’re going to talk about in
the next 30 minutes Stephen welcome
aboard man hey it’s great two great to
be here I’m super excited so on sore
motivation tips Stephens also standing
up so we got we got our standing up vibe
happening today as we’re doing this
interview uh for before we get into the
interview and your questions just a
quick overview of thoughtful growth
what’s happening what’s about when it’s
launching all that stuff yeah so
thoughtful growth so I am launching
thoughtful growth November first super
excited about it um and people kept
asking me like I didn’t used to be an
internet entrepreneur and people came to
me with help for goals and stuff and I
said you know to put it online to help
people in that way so it’s launching
november first I help people reach their
goals using data super excited and yeah
the big the big thing that I’m doing is
this post I’ve got over 175 thing I’m
let 186 different experts are chiming in
so far so oh that’s a huge one man is
big it’s very big I like it so that’s
gonna be your first post that goes up on
the site first post it’s up on the site
yes sir november first november first
tuesday so yeah that’s that’s dropping
soon yeah i’m just look at the calendar
it’s yeah yeah cool man alright so so
let’s do it let’s get into it let’s hit
me what are we talking about it alright
we’re talking about motivation so I
built up a subscriber base and I’ve been
asking them you know what do you guys
what do you guys want to know what you
know as far as this idea personal growth
with goals data analysis what is
important to you and pretty much
everyone that’s responded says you know
the biggest thing for me is motivation I
can’t get motivated you know I wake up
Monday morning and maybe I’m an
entrepreneur and I work from home and I
get up and you know I’m just checked
or maybe maybe you’re not an internet
entrepreneur or anything and you just
you know it’s Wednesday afternoon what
am I going to do I don’t feel like
moving so um I thought I’d go see the
experts so my first question for you and
the main question and the main topic for
discussion is the thing when I asked you
earlier and that is your three top tips
for motivation when you feel lazy
alright well before I get to the optin I
have to shout out to Zino in the live
chat who’s hashtagging standing Stephen
so I like it hashtag standing see we’re
going to get trending in the chat so for
me the first thing that I think is most
important to sustained motivation is you
have to you have to have a passion for
you doing you have that strong why you
have to love what you’re doing I’m sure
you’re going to get that consistently
from a lot of people from 180 whatever
people who end up doing this because you
can only force yourself to do something
for so long before you quit if your goal
is I want to buy a Ferrari or I want to
travel the world or whatever it is and
you’re just trying to make money way to
do all this crappy stuff that you hate
to get there you’re going to quit on it
you’re going to quit on that goal
because you need to enjoy the process
just as much as you enjoy the result if
anything the process is actually more
important than the result so I look at
making videos i look at my youtube
channel i want to hit a million
subscribers that’s my next goal but i
love the process of making the videos i
love like you wanted to ask you a
question like hey Steven let’s do a
video man let’s do it on YouTube exactly
I love the live stuff I love and like
kudos to you for stepping up and saying
hey like is this the first one you’re
doing by video yeah I’ve never done a
live video on youtube so since this is
next logging for me yeah that’s great
right i love it you’re doing awesome
awesome and you want NT you’re just a
side step on that a lot of people don’t
I I offer that to a lot of people a lot
of people don’t there Derek oh I’m not
good on camera I don’t have the setup
I’ve never done it before and you know
don’t take the leap to try something new
and stay within their comfort zone so
it’s great that you’re you’re doing this
so maybe it becomes may becomes a series
for you staining today
state and Stephen asking question um so
so I love the process of the work that
I’m doing I love the work not just being
addicted to the outcome that final goal
I think if you don’t love your work you
don’t love the process you’re going to
quit now doesn’t mean you love
everything there’s going to be days it’s
bad stuff happens you know life is an
entrepreneur which is most in my
audience how you deal with entrepreneurs
Ertz everybody entrepreneurs but pretty
much anyone whose data minded works but
entrepreneurs have a special place in my
heart yeah cool so fast as I applies to
anybody to though like if you’re not
there will be parts of your life of your
job of your business that you just don’t
you’re gonna love every single day every
single moment it’s fine but if you’re
waking up every day and doing something
you hate it’s really hard to stay
motivated so you have to really you have
to love the work you have to have a
passion for the work and whether so I
don’t know how you want to crunch that
down for your post but if it’s just you
know love the work or you know enjoy the
process more than the result that might
be another way to say it that might be a
different twist on what others are
saying so absolutely I like that the
second thing I would think in terms of
motivation is you need to have you need
to create an environment that really
supports you achieving whatever goal you
have that that motivation that you have
a lot a lot of times I find with
motivation that people get inspired in a
moment like maybe they’re watching this
and it got all inspired her or November
first they check out your site and they
read that post like man that was nuts i
got on fire i want to go do that thing
that’s been on my list forever yeah and
then the next day they wake up and it’s
all gone what happened that motivation
why is it why did it disappear and I
like to think of it I think sigler said
motivations like like flossing you have
to do it daily you need to have
something in your environment you need a
Union environment you need habits that
support you to do the things that you
want to do so you know watching this
video you see my environment right like
you got pictures of people that inspire
me that I walk in here and I’m looking
these guys in the face every day at
means something to me that you know that
may not mean much to you or the people
watching me not know half the people on
the wall that’s okay for me it’s
motivating and it makes me want to get
up and do something you know the people
that you surround yourself with the the
blog’s that you read like are you are
you are you guys out there you know
reading thoughtful growth every day or
are you reading you know trashy
magazines or something right you know
the the things that are in your
environment are really important so more
so than just the strategies of what to
do to achieve your goal like hey i wanna
i want to hit a million subscribers on
youtube okay great i need to make more
videos and i need to do better SEO and
the titles and whatever it is i need to
do more important than that is fixing
the mindset that you have is blocking
you because i know i need to do that but
i’m not doing it why am I not doing it
well because you know my day has sucked
and the people my life suck in my
environment sucks you know so having
that consistent routine look for me
music is a big one I’ll wake up every
day and one of the first things I do is
it put on music and I have a belief
playlist that I really resonate with his
music that makes me move and you know
some of you guys love the song some you
guys may hate the songs not judging
right like you got to find the things
that you might love thrash metal and
that gets you like jamming in the
morning you know that’s what it is like
that wicks you out of your your stupor
yeah so don’t burnt out and not having a
great sleep and now like yeah let’s do
it okay whew what’s on my list right so
is don’t stop believing on your playlist
just gotta ask don’t stop believin no
it’s not on your belly play I’ve noticed
that you know it’s funny I was I was at
it I was at a speaking at an event and
that was one of the songs they used and
they made me come on stage because I
have guys um hey I like the song it’s a
great song but I have a mix of all I’ve
got reggae on the list and wrap-up list
and you know Turkish songs on the list
and just all over the place
yeah but i’ll ax and and i expect most
people that listen to that be like
that’s that’s nuts like why you know
that doesn’t get going for me and it’s
fine you just got to do the thing you
need that environment for you that
really um that really helps absolutely
watching back to the first point about
doing the work there there’s a great
quote if you don’t if you’re including
like other celebrities or video clips or
anything but there’s a great one from
Jerry Seinfeld that we did that is it is
top 10 for sure might be the answer
press 0 but it’s in this top 10 if you
check it out where he’s talking about
you have to do the work that other
people find torturous yeah so like if
you looked at my schedule people look at
my schedule and say I’m making I make
five to nine videos a day for my channel
that’s insane it’s insane like today
there will be seven videos on the
channel uh it’s crazy I don’t think it’s
crazy though like I love it but somebody
looks at that says five to nine videos a
day like every day yeah yeah every day
that’s what we do yeah they think that’s
nuts that’s torture what you did reach
out to 180 people to get feedback on
motivation tips right people look at
that’s nuts dude like well reach out to
five or something right like like 186
replied I reached out to about 514 so
yeah you know to me yeah what you like
doing that you’ve got you know it’s but
you’ve got the passion for it you want
to see the data come inorite you yeah
you don’t want just three data points
you want to have a substantial set of
data points right if you’re going to
make decisions of it so that’s the
torture it’s torture for anybody else
but you do it because that’s what you
love I do it because that’s what I love
so somebody else stepping into your
shoes would feel overwhelmed and you
know go nuts and so I don’t know if
you’re including like video clips or
sure celebrity quotes or whatever but
Michael it’s interesting way to look at
it because a lot of people would think
it’ll be this torture where where I like
it um so what so we had
no enjoy the process enjoy the work we
had have a habit environment and have
routine that really supports you um my
last tip my last tip on motivation my
last different motivation what really
helped me was modeling success uh and i
think a lot of people don’t have have
the right a lot of people try to figure
everything out themselves this is my
problem as an entrepreneur when i was 19
i was part of a software company i was
an owner in and we were struggling and i
sucked and we weren’t making sales and
you know with like worst part of my life
and the thing that really got me through
was when i finally collectives i got my
lowest point in my life or just felt
like a total failure i realized that
wait a minute I’m not the first guy to
try to sell software before you know
nobody sold our specific kind of
bioinformatics technical software okay
but software somebody’s figured this out
right and then I thought about Bill
Gates and and I looked at how Bill Gates
got started and it was through
partnerships their big deal came when
they connect with IBM and IBM sold every
IBM ship had Microsoft’s offer on it and
that was the deal that really made
Microsoft take off be a household name
Microsoft was already a seven million
dollar company when they made that deal
with IBM and that’s still this it was
better than where I was I wasn’t a seven
million dollar company or didn’t mean
it’s not a huge company but it’s more
than what I had at the time and how did
they get their partnerships is always
through partnerships so hmm how could i
feel like–okay work for Microsoft what
can I do i need to find partnerships and
i started doing it within a couple
months had my first partnership deal was
the 13 and a half thousand dollars and
when i’m making three hundred dollars a
month that was a name and that was i I
dude that’s like it seems so small now
but 13 a half K was like dude I’m set up
this is I’m making bank here
uh and it all came from modeling what
had already been done you know this guy
here on the walls Howard Schultz started
starbucks starbucks is based entirely
off of the italian cafe scene he was on
vacation when he went to Milan with his
family and he saw how passionate
Italians were about their coffee in
their coffee houses and how a coffee
house was like this the third home
between work and home lives like the
third place people would go to mean I’ve
got to say that yeah yeah and then you
looked at North America and you have
dunkin donuts and these places were like
you rushing in Russia but not a place
you’d want to stay and so we took
something that worked for starbucks for
I started work for Italians for decades
and just brought it to North America and
that’s how starbucks became a you know
multibillion-dollar company making him a
billionaire and so the Marlins success
does two things one it gives you the
strategies on what to do say well here’s
what worked for Italians okay let’s
bring it to our market so if you look in
a data point you’re looking at like
specifics of what worked ok that worked
here let’s try it here but also gives
you the motivation which is back to the
topic seeing that all these people
started off with likely less than what
you already have right now is motivation
when I I used to read these stories of
famous entrepreneurs every day I have a
book this isn’t it but I had a book that
would read every day that have like four
pages on an entrepreneur and to tell
their stories and I use it to get ideas
but also just the motivation to know
that to know that Oprah Winfrey you know
was abused so much as a child was so
poor that she wore potato sacks as
dresses to school and was made fun of
right like and how far she’s come you
know I have way more right now than what
most of these people had when they were
starting and just like you guys watching
if you have a you know internet
connection and you’re watching this here
now you have way more than what a lot of
the most successful entrepreneurs in the
world had when they were starting and so
that to me was motivation that you know
Oprah good do it of Branson could do it
if all these people could do it without
I mean that investor come and give them
a lot of money to make it happen yeah it
made me feel like you know what I like
why am i complaining why am I feel like
I don’t have resources these guys had
less I can go out and do it too and so
that’s why these people are my wall to
is just the constant source of
motivation so modeling success and not
just entrepreneurship you know for your
people who read your post if they want
to be a singer if they want to be an
actress if they want to be a dentist you
like these people you can look up to who
made it who had a big in half and that
if you don’t have those people in your
life right now it’s something to look at
and say hey it’s possible like they did
it I can do it too mmhmm yeah absolutely
and hearing these when I started I was
like you know I think I think I got this
motivation thing down and then hearing
these experts pitch in and like give me
their thoughts just mind-blowing one of
the things you mentioned about you know
asking the why I don’t know if you’ve
ever heard of um mihai cheeks eat me
high he’s uh he’s a researcher he’s the
author of flow if you’ve ever used the
word like man I’m in the zone right now
like oh yes okay flow sure yeah so he
invented that word flow meaning and so
he replied he said I asked myself you
know if is what I’m doing right now does
it have any importance in the universe
and if answer is yes then I’m gonna
hustle as hard as I can there’s the
answer is no I’m just going to give it
up it’s like you mentioned at the Y you
know it matters why we do it so I’ve got
these 180 whatever people that you’re
connecting with what what have you
learned that is different not so much
like the what’s most consistent but what
what did you hear that you haven’t heard
before that really made you think I was
in for a big surprise when I sent out
the first batch of emails because as you
know the question was three tips for
motivation when you feel lazy and I
heard back from some people one of those
was derek sivers who founded cdbaby big
big entrepreneur guy on just and him and
a few other people responding they say I
never feel lazy and I was like you never
feel lazy that’s a that’s amazing to me
there’s actually a pretty common theme
as I heard back for more and more people
that a lot of these big name
you know the most famous people that the
people who’ve done the most they respond
in the I just don’t have I don’t feel
lazy at you know I’ve always got
something to do and if I don’t want to
do it I don’t do it so that was a big
surprise to me to see these huge people
i don’t know maybe their superhuman or
maybe it’s just they are only focused on
things they enjoy I think that’s
probably it it’s interesting it is
interesting so I want to talk about what
your your plans I love helping new
entrepreneurs I want to see what
thoughtful growth is all about you you
are trying to apply data to to personal
development is that right you got it
right so what are what are some of your
theories or what are some of the things
that you want to try to tackle to learn
more about or opinions and thoughts you
already have on it walk me through some
of the ideas here sure well I guess the
main the big main idea is that I love
like reaching goals personal development
and things like that and I would go out
and try to find these articles on like
XYZ topic and they weren’t out there I
was like but surely somebody’s thought
of this right surely somebody has an
article telling me exactly how to do
this right so if I want to get better at
this step how do I do and there’s not an
article on it you know there are case
studies there aren’t dis explicit how
to’s there’s a lot of articles like
saying it’s really nice if you do this
and a lot of opinions but very few how
to’s data so I wanted to kind of meet
that need um that I see in that I’ve
talked to a lot of people and they’re
like yeah there’s not really how to
personal development stuff you know how
to accomplish this goal um so that’s one
of the things um I’ve got a few other
articles that are going live on November
first the big one is this this massive
you know post I’m talking about but
there’s a few other articles I’m
publishing one on you know what
strategies I’ve used for consistency
because consistency is the number one
thing right if you’re not consistent
nothing happens like you said you know
you’ve gotta floss every day you have to
be motivated every day if you don’t do
something consistently you’re never
going to work and so I track everything
I track my sleep I track what I eat I
track you know when I work out I track
everything um and so I went back in some
of this old data and pulled some
statistics and found like a time when
I’d actually ink
use my consistency but two hundred
sixteen percent but like a few different
strategies what made it different so you
know including those strategies giving
specific tips stuff like that cool so
what are some of the other areas that
you want to tackle in personal
development oh boy there’s there’s a lot
um motivation is one that kind of
honestly took me by surprise it wasn’t
expecting so many people to be
interested in on reaching goals is a big
one for me being consistent is huge but
there’s a lot of things that are
applicable to almost anything like I
know you’re a big salsa dancer right
I’ve seen you mentioned it a few times
on your channel that something so a few
months ago i was like i am going to be a
salsa dancer or do not expire me someone
else did yeah Tommy Israel I set out
this whole of this whole plan right and
it failed miserably and I practiced
three times and then and then gave up I
film myself at the beginning just to
have you know before video and then i
feel myself the end of how to after
video i only have it before video and i
think a lot of people do things like
that right there like I want to get
better at guitar or I want to get better
in my career or I want to lose weight or
I want to you know start this habit or
finish this habit or in this habit a lot
of people are stuck where I am in that
salsa dancing mode of like committing to
something and then watching it slip out
of their fingers and then the next year
they’re like ah January first let’s do
this and then by februari nothing
happens right um so through salsa
dancing and through like many many other
things that I’ve tried over the course
of my life I think there’s like some
specific techniques that help us stay
with what we’re doing and I want to
share those with people like people been
asking me I feel like I should share to
a broader audience as well mm-hmm so
what’s one of the things that you found
this helped you uh wina make it what’s
coming out in the article on November
surprise um one of the things in the
mode in the consistency article that I
talked about whether with the working
out was really trying to force myself
through time blocking to do something so
like one of the reasons the the dancing
thing failed is because I was like every
day I’m
do this that’s wrong you have to say
every day at this time I’m going to do
this um so like I live in Florida you
live in Toronto so it’s a little colder
where you are but here I am a lot like
it’s almost the end of October it’s like
80 degrees outside right so you know I
have this morning routine where every
day I’d go and I’d start running I’d run
sprints um yes you know every day the
whole year round and that gives you the
sort of ability and consistency so I got
in pretty good shape um and I was
running with a friend one day where
correction we were walking I was like
hey man let’s go for sprints and he’s
like oh wait we’re gonna do sprints tell
you what we have to do these pyramids
presently what’s a pyramid sprinting is
like well that’s where you like sprint
for a long time and then like a short
time and like an even shorter time and
then you’re like reverse the pyramid and
like your rest times between it is
different so then the pyramid reverses
I’m like okay we’ll do it so we start
this print and at the end of the first
two I’m just like exhausted I can’t do
it anymore and my friend is dying he’s
given up the reason is I haven’t been
doing a lot i haven’t been doing the
correct sprinting but i’ve been doing
every day whereas he’s just been
researching and learning but never
putting it into practice so that
consistency you know that’s one of the
things this article was going to touch
on is that consistency of scheduling it
and making sure you do it it’s really
important and another thing Jerry
Seinfeld mentioned you know I don’t know
if you’ve heard of like the janitor with
the exes yeah so don’t look good he
exactly keep it up keep it up and
setting your start date a few weeks in
advance has really helped me so I start
my new year’s resolutions usually
beginning of december late november and
that gives me about a month and if
things aren’t working so well I can
tweak it so that when i hit january
first i’ve already been doing it for two
weeks and i already have a reason to
keep going and that’s helped me with
tons of resolutions that i can follow
through the whole year except RT got a
head start on it’s cool man i’m excited
to see everything that comes out so
you’re using your own
data and experiences as a proxy to then
share you know stories and lessons that
you’ve learned to help others and then
you’re also doing these mashups to get
data points from other people who’ve had
success that how you want to see
yourself going forward with it yeah I
would say so I mean 186 data points is
pretty good start for a motivation
article I think yeah I’m excited to see
it come out man well I appreciate the
time and the questions and then
involving me I would also you know I
would also maybe put on your radar
making some videos about this stuff
because if this is your first time doing
video you’re you’re pretty good man
you’re way better than I was when I got
started you got you got the passion you
got the energy but also you know
eloquent you got this Daniel help are
you kidding me you’re standing up
standing up Stephen um yeah I would I
mean just like anything else you know
you don’t just put up a video in your
YouTube channel takes off you need to be
consisting you need to have regular
content all that stuff but I could see
you pulling out you know whatever those
10 things are they come out of that
motivation article or however many or
i’m doing a video on each you talking
for a couple minutes on each one um i
think it could be a good path to if you
start a channel i’ll give you a chance
i’ll subscribe i’ll see you’ll see
what’s happening start with at least one
subscriber right there you go you got me
and in the chappie person yeah steve is
good on video so we’ll throw that any
content you got to subscribers cool well
uh good luck with the article good love
within two business guys check and check
it out at the site november first and
that said hope you guys all have a great
day continue to believe no she said
thanks guys
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