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Deep Secrets for BUSINESS and FREEDOM ft. @iTuxB

hello everybody and welcome to another
YouTube hang out super excited to be
back on with you guys talking
entrepreneurship and I have a special
guest with me who is a youtuber a
podcast someone who recently bought my
book so also happy to have him on to
talk about that his name is Olaf and he
wanted to interview me for his show and
so I thought hey why don’t we expose him
to you guys too so you can learn about
what he’s up to so hola welcome aboard
man exciting exciting what’s going on
man how are you here we arm it’s it’s
it’s a rainy Thursday here in Toronto
but olas bringing the the heat and the
sunshine with them so I’m happy man no
no Ethan sunshine is really here to in
New Jersey man the vibe the vibe of
heating sunshine yeah but but but maybe
but I haven’t been outside yet I just
kind of people outside I know this is
kind of raining so yeah it’s not that
it’s not that different in Toronto oh
listen I what I know you have a but i
jus questions want to get into but I
want my audience to learn a little bit
about you so maybe just quick intro what
you’re all about and then then you can
fire away with with the interview wait
wait my name is Ola and i’m the founder
of my Empire pro we have a schism I mean
this is what happens when your life
right but um yeah i’m the founder of my
Empire for calm i wanna quite a few
situations and immediately real estate
investing and i push a lot of content
online teacher online marketing as well
so that’s pretty much what i’m very much
involved in and i have a lot of fun
doing it I’m a father of two boys um
first of all husband of a beautiful wife
and then father of two boys you know and
I’m just having fun in Jersey made
jerseys home for me my heritage I’m from
materia my parents are from Nigeria with
one in dallas texas and i would lead to
nigeria and I’ve spent the last 80 years
of my 30th like not Jersey so yeah so
here we are man and now it’s such a
dream come true to be able to interview
someone like humor here we are let’s do
it let’s kick it off all in the house
alright cool so for those of you that
I’m here
on the novel market coupon all show this
is all out come to you lie for my Empire
for studios and on this episode we have
a very very very special guest and I’m
actually privileged to actually be
honest on the saw on this channel too
it’s a guy that’s really really making a
big impact in the world I’m using
exactly what I’ve been teaching for
years right now which is essentially
this content you know just content just
learning and sharing invest in yourself
learning and sharing and you know doing
and all be all of the above so on this
particular episode I’m gonna allow you
to tell you his story so we dining
further ado we have even come Michael
sup man thanks for having man exciting
alright cool so do we do that all over
again everybody everybody’s watching any
like what but hey that’s what we do man
you know most important thing is that
people are gonna be able to walk away
from this with something brand-new maybe
something that can implement in that
business I’m excited man so tell us your
story man how did you get here how do
you get into the crazy world of
entrepreneurship you have to be crazy to
be an entrepreneur you have to be crazy
yeah well I think we all have a little
bit of crazy in us um I thought I wanted
to be a banker man like growing up I
thought I would be a banker you know you
growing up in New Jersey I’m sure you
had your yearbooks and at the end of the
year it’s like where are you where you
going to be you know in 10 years mindset
banker so I thought that’s what I was
going to do and then when I went to
university I connected with two people
had a company and they asked me to join
and I did and we sucked at the start me
you know making 300 bucks a month and
not you know barely able to survive um
some of the worst days of my life as
well as some of the best we managed to
turn the business around and that’s a
whole story in itself but a couple years
later we sold it we got acquired I went
to the venture capital world was helping
raise five hundred thousand fifteen
million for companies wanted to grow and
then started doing this in terms of just
sharing my knowledge because I almost
quit being an entrepreneur and and it
sucked and
again like some of the were seized in my
life and I wanted to try to help other
people not have to go through that not
have to go to the pain and struggle and
we didn’t really teach it in school you
know when you learn this stuff you know
what this was this was when I was 18
years old you know 19 years old I’m I’m
30 what years at 36 right now so like
YouTube wasn’t a thing you know it was
it was a lot harder to get access to
resources and I just wanted to try to
teach people you know to avoid some of
the things that I went through and that
was a start and it stood on the website
and moved to social media and now
YouTube’s our main thing but that was a
start interesting that my way to same
age what month are you my birthday is
gonna be next week next week happy
birthday I love it i’m in May so I had
my birthday ok so I’m a little older
than you I’m gonna be 37 next week now
I’m older than you man or you know 87
next year oh it next week okay okay yeah
yeah figure you guys you got a couple
yeah you got some months on me yeah a
little bit yeah I mean I beautiful MA
the thing is that we all have that
sometimes in the beginning we are a
little bit confused chances are if
you’re if you really have the
Entrepreneurship DNA and you’re trying
to go to the are the regular good ol
convention or go to school you know that
whole thing you’ll be confused I
remember I was uh I was a my father
wanted me to do architecture and now and
I changed on him I said listen computer
engineering is a new thing right now
that was back in God knows man 96 95
house like computer generate a new thing
and that’s what I’m gonna do I broke his
heart and then the other person my book
is hot you know I still went through
school did computer engineering masters
degree and after that a book is hot
again I said I’m not gonna find a job oh
here we are men so where they where the
business of breaking hearts man so let’s
talk a little bit i will point your
youtube channel man you have over
400,000 subscribers here man that’s the
dream of a lot of people that will never
achieve that it’s just be frank let’s be
honest ok dream of a lot of people that
will never achieve that
would start but they will never get
there for multiple different reasons
right at what point did you blow was it
after your cell phone video your third
be here for video once it at what point
that I wanted I blow up then you blew up
oh man I wish after my second video I
wish dude what oh crap oh man no dude it
was a long struggle um I don’t know I
don’t know how many videos in it took me
hundreds hundreds probably uh the video
that really helped me take off I just
talked about in my book your one word is
when I actually identified what I was
all about and it was believed helping
people believe in themselves and I said
you know what I’m gonna make a video
around believe and I partner up with
somebody would collaborate on this
project and that was the first video
that really take off that’s when I
started getting real a lot of traction
my best video up to that point had a
hundred thousand views in a year now I
kind of thousand years in a year is some
for me that was my best one I was solid
it’s like man I want all my videos to do
that well is so proud of it and this
belief video did a hundred thousand
views in the first month Wow and yeah
now it’s it’s over million were you know
trying to get it to two and Beyond but
that was the first video that really
kind of blew up for me and I think
having that having that sense of purpose
within the video is the first video that
was really deeply tied to the core of
what of what my mission is and who I am
and it was great that the audience kind
of reacted with it but man I wish it was
my second video you go back go back on
my channel they’re still up six years
ago seven years ago you know 50 views no
comments no likes you know just continue
the grind and hustle about and when i
started youtube it wasn’t to try to be
YouTube famous it wasn’t like I want
this is my business but it was more that
it just got asked a bunch of questions
um and I wanted to make a video to help
answer that question instead of chucking
an email out to everybody and also I i
I’m a visual learner and I love modeling
success it’s what saved my first
okay you know i love mono success and
there wasn’t you know there wasn’t the
holas of the world out there creating
this kind of content for me to consume
and so I went I went the books and I
wish there was something more visual and
so I made videos about Walt Disney and
harley-davidson and just people that I
looked up to and turn them into YouTube
content because nobody else was doing it
but I never thought I’d be here it was
like I wish I could say like hola man
that’s I had it all planned out I’m the
genius you know what I didn’t know what
I was doing then forgot EV called you
the the DJ of this type of content
online mmm that’s that’s huge because of
when I first stumbled across your
channel armed with just you know me we
buy books by audio books and all this
stuff but it’s just a different ball
game to be to be watching it in life and
then you also know that sways that you
edit the people’s bios and things like
that into it and just mix it or you’re
learning as much as you are entertaining
right how big do you think that that
image is in educating people about what
we do as entrepreneurs I think I think
you can be important um I don’t think I
do a good enough job on the
entertainment side to be honest I think
I could I could be a lot better at that
I think there’s actually modeled is
there’s room for somebody who’s an
entertainer and entrepreneur the dish
advice out in a funny comedic way um
yeah yeah we got ringtone music happen
in there huh yeah probably just gotta
get the thing go and then we’ll put that
phone after start with it no worries um
so I think it’s mostly cuz I’m not
really like it’s not my strength I’m not
the comedian I’m not the guy who’s
making people laugh I’m my passion is
more my ingredient passion is my thing
me I mean I feel like you know obviously
entertainment at different levels you
know I could see what you just said as
far as making people laugh and stuff
like that but after for people to be
glued to your videos they are being
entertained some
level because uh you know what you’re
teaching is not really something that
people gravitate towards unless they are
already entrepreneurs and I have a
feeling that there are people that I’ve
never thought about entrepreneurship
before that we just come to your video
and they start thinking about it all of
a sudden that’s a lot of people a lot of
views on that video you don’t think sure
yeah a percent I think I think everybody
has an idea inside them I think
everybody has looked and said man I wish
I could do that I’ve had this idea of
her company but I think most people
don’t have a good environment around
them so you know when you say hi you
don’t think I want to be an author you
know like what you told your dad like
I’m not I want to get a job I want to do
my own thing whatever it is most people
don’t have the courage because you know
when the dad’s gonna say what are you
crazy oh man get your head in the game
be an architect what’s wrong with you
you know and it’s all out of love right
like your dad loves you he wants you to
be successful you know just the way he
sees successes get a stable job in a
respected field and that’s right you
know so it’s all out of love but most
people have that similar environment
where they have people around them
telling them that that’s a stupid idea
no don’t go don’t like don’t don’t get
the stress and don’t don’t go bankrupt
trying to do this thing just take the
safe way out and most people don’t have
the courage to do what you did say you
know what I respect and appreciate what
you’re trying to tell me I know what I
love but like I gotta do my thing and
even if it doesn’t work out I still I
gotta do it and I gotta try and so I
think a lot of people have an idea wanna
do something but they don’t have a great
environment around them so like
listening to your show watching these
videos right like you might be the only
person who believes in that person like
for your listeners that you might be the
only person who’s telling them to bet on
themselves and do something follow their
crazy idea and so I think the good news
is is like the oldest of the world
exists now right like it’d be so much
harder to get access to that before so
yes there’s a lot of people who watch
the videos who aren’t entrepreneurs in
it helps kind of remember like I I have
that idea maybe I should do something
about that
um you know should I should better
myself and have a little more confidence
you know in 2008 I started back in two
thousand and five thousand entrepreneurs
I went to time in 2006 October and in
2008 letting the middle of me feeling or
invincible I thought I was on top of the
world right yeah anything right the
recession hit and any and went bad for
everybody legally across the planet
right and then a few times I had my
folks tell me maybe you should dust off
that engineering masters degree
certificate maybe you could do something
yeah we’ve had those moments before
where your family and friends it’s
almost like borderline um they believe
in you are they just they have your
obviously date you love you that’s why
they say Mac but you don’t really
believe in what you have those kind of
battle in a journey yeah I had one big
one and and after that I didn’t have it
again Munna and that was when I was 19
when I was trying to make that decision
do I I had all I wanted to do up to that
point was i want to be a banker read
this my dream and I’m in my last year
university and I have opportunities to
work at Merrill Lynch and mackynzie was
a strategic consulting company and they
fly MIT in New York and put me up in the
world of Astoria I’m like wine and dine
and all this stuff that kind of recruit
me to try to join their company and it
was the job that I always wanted big guy
the job man I’m talking eighty to a
hundred thousand first year coming out
university 19 years old traveling the
world doing mergers and acquisitions
like what I wanted meanwhile I’ve got
this company that’s sucking I make it
300 bucks a month mmm it was just
something like I don’t I don’t know what
to do yeah it’s gone Pema and my parents
actually were we’re very supportive and
said you know what whatever you do will
support you well you know they always
told me that I was a kiss truly
Carmichael my mom’s last name is because
truly my middle names cuz truly I’m a
ghost really Carmichael I can do
anything that I wanted uh but my
friends they’re all jealous too like
what how are you know how even thinking
about this right how are you not just
saying yes to these job opportunities
hmm uh and I was really torn I didn’t
know what I wanted to do I didn’t know
which path to go in and then the thing
that helped me and the thing that I
still use today whenever in face with
this kind of decision is i think about
not regretting my decisions and I fast
forward to life at 90 or however old I
am when I’m like dying on my death bed
and thinking back will I regret having
said yes or no to this decision and I
could live one saying no to the job
because I knew I could get another job
but I couldn’t live with giving up on
the company because I didn’t know if he
would come by again and so I gave myself
give myself a year I’ll give myself a
year I’m gonna try this company and see
how if i can make it take off and if it
doesn’t go back into the job market and
just that idea of not trying to live
with regret is then it was super
difficult at that point like car
decision everything making my life but
ever since then I just I just think
about it this thing that I’m thinking
about doing now this impossible decision
am I going to regret not doing it and
then that makes a decision easy then I
have to go and do it what probably you
would ever good at because uh you know
jobs come and go but you know
opportunity to create does not always
palm and uh let’s talk about family
affairs a little bit more you know don’t
have phones I was watching a video where
you said something about you don’t use
phones yeah don’t have is that the same
thing with your family and friends I
mean how do you live in the ward like
this not having a ball it was coke yeah
so I I have a phone but I don’t have an
info number or a data package so this is
just like a tablet it’s just a camera
and a tablet for me um and I don’t use
it because a phone really is other
people’s agenda for your time whoo and I
value my time a lot and when somebody
calls you or text you even if you don’t
pick up
you’re you think oh who who’s that
number or wonder what what does she want
and India it distracts you yeah he does
right if you it forget about picking up
the phone and having a conversation now
you’re thrown off right and it takes you
another 20 minutes after to get back
into the head space that you’re in
before and so people don’t respect your
time unless you respect your time first
and so that’s that’s the main reason
that I started doing it to help me be
more present in the moment so you know
right now I’m talking to you I’m talking
to you yeah absolutely I’m not I’m not
checking like notifications and whatever
cuz this is Ola man yeah oh god I gotta
grease at it feel I gotta keep some
credit to you and and John Lee Dumas
yeah because I once I started following
you guys I didn’t notice how particular
every second is for you guys and it’s
not like I didn’t do it before but I’ve
taken it to a different level entirely
and the production is are the
productivity is such a different level
entirely yeah but I value my time too
and beyond that I value productivity at
the highest possible now let’s talk
about our fundraising right come on
breathing and i’m glad i watch that
video that you sent to me just in case
you don’t know if you want to pick up
his book on the one word that was one of
the bullets that he sent to me and you
mentioned something there about most
people don’t need to be found reasoning
but didn’t you speak a little bit more
on that yeah a lot of people use
fundraising as a crutch a lot of people
say oh I can’t get started until I have
a hundred thousand dollars or whatever
it is from some angel investor and then
you don’t do anything yeah uh I mean
look the reason why you haven’t started
is just some excuse you tell yourself
you don’t have the money you tell
yourself you didn’t go to the right
school you tell yourself you don’t have
the right family connection you tell
yourself all this stuff and that holds
you back from actually doing something
and so a lot of people who are in the
raising money game they haven’t taken
any action on their business
they’re just trying to raise money
around this and understand that people
they don’t want to fund somebody who
hasn’t done anything so someone you up
yeah that sounds like a judge it sound
like a church the Church of belief is
open pasture bomb here we go does raise
money right yeah it’s it’s it’s it just
holds so many people back it’s one of
those things that you know if you’d look
at it from an investor if you are an
investor if you had money you’re looking
at getting pitched and I get pitched all
the time for people who want angel deals
I want to put money into the guy who’s
already doing something not the guy who
just has an idea I don’t want to fund an
idea I want to find someone who’s who’s
actually going out and creating
something and so it’s also that the
easiest kind of money to raise is
marketing money like you’ve built
something it works and now I want to get
it out there and expose it right and so
if you haven’t done anything yet it’s
the hardest money to raise and they’re
going to gonna rip you off like they’re
gonna take half your company because
it’s too risky for them yep much better
to build some momentum get something
going stop stop blaming your lack of
resources because it’s really just a
lack of resourceful pneus yep this is
true and start taking action this is
true now Toronto United States same
thing potato potahto what’s going on
there which one do you associate the
most when I was listening to your video
I noticed a lot of the now I’m not too
familiar with Canada but I’ve been to
Montreal a couple other places and
assumes that things are quite different
but when I listen to you are it seems
like you live inside of United States
what’s the dynamics between that
especially in the business world um so
I’m based physically in Toronto Canada
most of my audiences American most of
the people watching this will be
American I talk about things that are
relevant to anybody I don’t talk about
things that I specific to Canada or even
to the US like what a lot of this
everything that we’ve talked about today
so far is just as relevant to a Nigerian
as it is to a new jersey entrepreneur
this is true well you had a video of
alumina up last week yeah he’s awesome
that’s big that’s that’s huge and funny
enough before you uploaded the first
video you first upload like three
minutes skid or something like that um I
was just talking to somebody that was
tryna introduce me to him because they
came out to New York City for you know
the United Nations thing and I was my
first introduction to him and then BAM
two days later you have that video up
there it is right so like and a lot of
people don’t know who he is and a lot of
people don’t know who strive my CEO is
or alico dangote like people don’t know
who these guys are in in North America
but their lessons are killer these guys
are multi billionaires in a they made it
just because they made it in Africa does
it mean that you can’t learn from their
success and that’s part of why we do it
on the channel to you know a lot of a
lot of people profile our Americans
because we do it based on request but
you can learn from Mark Cuban and you
can learn from strike my CEO and a link
on that Gotye and all these guys it’s
still the same lessons the concept are
universally a liquid on the day is
building the biggest refinery right now
live in the world you know and is a lot
of uh when you listen to some of those
diets it’s just fascinating how a lot of
the concept a lot of the struggles in
the beginning are essentially the same
thing all across the world doesn’t make
sure positive now let’s talk about
copyrights a little bit do you get with
your youtube channel you’ll put in love
a lot of videos a lot of me different
sources I do notice that you credit as
as the comp or but if you had to deal
with copyright issues and like that on
youtube or your YouTube channel so
depends on the type of content you put
it up if it’s if you’re if you’re
pulling something from one of the big
networks like Oprah or NBC or any any TV
show they’re going to claim the content
so you won’t make any money off of it
most of videos that I have up I don’t
make money off of because somebody
claims so much okay so and that’s fine
like my goal is impact I want people to
be moved by the content
smaller channels we usually work out one
idea what to help them write like Gary
Vaynerchuk we use his content he wants
the extra publicity and promotion right
well brian tracy and tony robbins and
these guys they like the promotion and
exposure right now we do it it’s always
in a positive way so like Tony Robbins
is wrong right and then showing some
random it’s always making them look good
right I also messages i personally
believe in so it’s a win-win their
tunnel is about edification so so
everything kind of works out well yeah
but they have to be like you have to
reach out you have to know you kind of
explain what you’re doing and they
notice for their their Betterman and now
we have we have a library that they can
see hey oh I’m going to be you know I’m
going to look like that this we’re going
to do for me that’s that’s awesome right
good now this question right here is
very poor and dear to me because at the
end of the day if it doesn’t make money
doesn’t make sense you gotta bring in
money you gotta pick in sales but even
when the even when you’re looking for
investors I’d like that to the actual
sales that’s like kind of like number
one or number two questions that they
asked on shark tank right sure sales
conversion what is your mindset when
you’re putting together a marketing
message and you want to create sales
what is your mindset when you’re feeling
that work my way of selling is a lot
different than most people what I try to
do my entire business model is based off
of me creating as much noise in my
industry as possible building up as much
of a network as possible building up
momentum getting eyeballs on what I’m
doing and then I monetize that so I have
a book deal you know I work with big
brains I get asked to join boards of
directors of companies so I don’t care
about making money off of the YouTube
channel itself it’s not the main way
that I would monetize what I’m doing but
it’s basically because so many people
love the content and if I have a message
I can share it and I’m getting a lot of
feedback from people about where the
state of entrepreneurs
chip is then companies want to work with
me to create campaigns that help them
better sell to entrepreneurs okay us a
lot of my audience are people in the
network marketing industry will you take
on metal market how do you feel I think
I network marketing gets really bad rap
a lot of people have a lot of negative
things to say about network marketing
something wrong with network market it’s
a it’s a business model the biggest
thing with network marketing is you have
to just like selling anything else you
have to know what you’re selling a lot
of people get into it for the wrong
reasons and a lot of people get into
entrepreneurship for the wrong reason
it’s like oh here’s a quick way to make
some extra money and you’re selling real
estate when you don’t care anything
about real estate you’re selling facial
creams and you don’t use the facial
creams like the stuff that you sell you
would want to recommend to your mother
what well and most people who get in or
maybe not most but a lot of people
reason why it gets a bad rap is a lot of
people who get in are just trying to
make money and they don’t know it they
wouldn’t recommend it to the mother
because you can’t even talk about the
product this is true this is true so
much it’s a great honor people can tell
when you’re lying they can see through
right through that right one hundred
percent well yeah hey man i wana up and
out I’m very conscious of your time
here tell us a little bit about your one
word what’s going on inside I got mine I
can’t wait to get my hands on my earbuds
once it’s ready so i can start listening
i’m more of an audiobook type of guy i
love it the other boys fire i love it
would you know what your comfort is my
one word is really leverage that’s what
i think of first hmm in everything you
know i’m always looking for a way to do
more with less that’s that’s that’s
that’s something that has followed me
around for a long time to the point that
a lot of people didn’t know me well they
may want to misconstrue it for laziness
and i work hard you know yeah what
leverage yeah first I like that so so
they did the book helps you identify
what your one word is and gives you the
tools you
to figure it out the first chapters all
the first section sir is all about it’s
called core figuring out what that one
word is some people know it right away
and maybe it’s leverage for you some
people take some time to think about it
the idea here is though that there’s one
thing that is super important to you
that when you figure it out you can now
apply it to live a better life and build
a better business so if we’re talking
about leverage you should be the
leverage guy and and when I come to your
website when I check out the Empire
traffic Academy it should be talk to me
about leverage it show me how I can
leverage my skills my money my resources
my time that my network to me to build
something amazing that message of
resourcefulness should come through and
all of the content that you’re making
you know I don’t know I haven’t checked
out much of your stuff but like what’s
the logo there’s a logo represent
leverage you know so this is applying it
to a business context but now you bring
it to your personal life to like are you
teaching your kids enough about leverage
you know you’re the father of two sons
and two kids I don’t know if you said
sons there enough two kids lost the war
sons two boys right a proud father uh
are you doing a good enough job giving
them the tools to be resourceful and
think about leverage and not just follow
the school system or what their teachers
are telling them right and so when you
really when you really find that thing
that is core to you you start noticing
areas in your life where maybe you’re
playing a little bit small maybe you
could be doing a better job here and
apply more leverage and make it easy to
talk about you so if I’m talking to my
friends about what’s the best network
marketing thing if I know there and
should in leverage like oh ola ole does
the leverage guy yeah yeah absolutely ed
i got so much from just that last one
minute we’re really out of a great way
to the audiobook it’s awesome he loved
it I can’t wait to implement right there
and you’re so right because people know
you for something and and and you know
when they know you for something
actually creates trust as well too they
know when they come to you they know
that they’re gonna get that they know if
they’re looking for a way to leverage
your create more
out of what they already have their
passion whatever you know your is this
like you when people come to your
channel they know they can see believe
shovel down the throat every second and
eventually if you didn’t know what that
means you start asking like what is this
bleep thing and the logo and you know is
all about that crazy man my mom like
even this topic we name this thing deep
secrets for business and freedom of
shippy gaining leverage how to get
leverage like you gotta ask you got to
ask every interviewee that comes on your
show how do you get leveraging your life
what do you do to get left right like
you’ll get way more out of it too
because you’re just naturally tuned into
it and your arts is going to eat it up
you know one of the top secret actually
the number one secret ever my opinion is
to create more leverage its mentorship
right i mentor and then you put my jump
through ten years of learning
curve you know and you know so uh so
when I that’s why I love this interviews
man because it’s like I was like
never-ending coaching and mentorship for
me and uh and that right there I just
had like a big epiphany on leverage man
so I woman love it and break it down
more like how else you get leverage and
now teach that the answer ship is
leverage great like you tell you because
you you know abut you tell your audience
now they’re out mentoring there Darrell
getting mentors you know your kids there
a finding mentors what they want to do I
know how else like what else can you do
to get leverage highs mentorship yeah
yeah absolutely good Monday and I’m sure
everybody that’s watching got a lot out
of it too as well let’s wrap this up
payment if you watching this please
share it share with the world you know
because there’s a lot of nugget bombs at
this guy right here to talk all over
everybody so I so appreciate you again
um hopefully you be enlightened and
educated and yeah check me out to our
for the for your audience just type in
my name all about talks a big talker it
comes right up my channel comes right up
and uh you know Empire traffic Academy
is where i teach everything I know about
traffic leverage truck yeah there is
and we call this school of business on
freedom it’s time to change that slogan
the school of business freedom a livery
just something you know there we go a
lot man thanks to the fine thanks for
everything you do is great thank you man
I appreciate you to my up you
looking forward to more love it ya later
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