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Evan Carmichael Radio Show – Episode #14

hello and welcome to the oven Carmichael
show I believe in entrepreneurs this
show is for you it’s about helping you
get your business where you want to be
and building something that you can be
proud of I’m a little stressed out this
week because tomorrow I am off to
Malaysia I’m doing a few keynote
presentations and I’m meeting with the
Prime Minister to help them plan their
national social media campaign and we
had monday off so it’s all crammed down
to three day week which is crazy but i
love you guys i have to be here for you
on the radio shows i’m excited to be
here with you this morning on the show
today how do you find your passion how
to stand out in a competitive market
what do I think about the TV show shark
tank and how do you get your logo design
let’s kick it off how do you find your
passion this is really important okay
this is so important because if you want
to have success as an entrepreneur then
you need to start a business around
something that you’re passionate about
too many entrepreneurs going to business
just trying to make money of that to
your goal it’s never going to work it’s
never going to work look at the list of
the richest entrepreneurs in the world
look at how they got started and money
was never their number one goal money
was never their number one goal yet here
they are the richest people in the world
they started a business because they
were passionate about it and that’s what
you need to do with your business as
well one of my favorite stores is George
Lucas created Lucasfilm founder of films
like Star Wars Indiana Jones and when he
first got into the film business he
thought he’d never make any money on it
it was doing it because he loved doing
he loved film everybody say it was crazy
you should go backing at a real job and
the first six years of his business
career were just a total failure failure
after failure after failure after
failure and he thought constantly about
going back and getting the job doing the
smart thing listening to the people in
his life the little man in his life we
don’t believe in what he’s all about
I think about that would you keep going
with you go past six years six years of
not seeing any results would you keep
doing it would you keep going she was
going to get you through is that you’re
passionate about it I have to have to
keep going I don’t care whatever makes
money I have to keep doing it because I
love it I’ll find another way to make
money but I have to keep focusing on
this that’s when you know you’re on the
right thing you’re on the right path you
have to love what you do so how do you
get started now I have an entire Zuger
guide that walks you through
step-by-step how to find your passion
but i’ll try to condense that in a
nutshell you start by thinking about
everything you’re passionate about think
about the things that you think you can
get lost in things that you you start at
nine in the morning you look up and it’s
five at night and you know where the
time went that’s the kind of stuff you
need to be focusing on and you need to
find out how does that match up was
something that’s going to add value to
other people’s watch something that you
love and it also helps other people if
you want to get paid you want to make a
lot of money you have to add a lot of
value to people’s lives you want to make
a lot of money you got to add a lot of
values you want to make a lot of money
quickly you’re going to add a lot of
value quickly and when you can combine
those things something that you love to
do with something to help people that’s
the that’s the magic ingredient that’s
when you’re going to start making a lot
of money and see a lot of momentum
happening with your business if you
don’t know what your passion is yet
don’t freak out okay but don’t get
scared don’t get nervous you may not
know what it is yet and that may mean
you have to go and explore try new
things don’t be afraid to reach out and
try your hand at something and don’t put
so much pressure on earth at this has to
be the idea you have to listen to your
heart and when you find the right
opportunity you’ll know that you need to
keep going with it
believe I want to get to the cult I have
carry on the line Terry where are you
from and how can I help I am from West
Virginia and I just have a general
question I am looking at open possibly
open a restaurant that I am definitely
passionate about I’ve been competing in
Chile competitions for years and
everybody tells me has to be open in my
own restaurant and I’ve really been
thinking about that and it would have
I’d have like 10 crash it’s really good
solid chilies and then some craft beer
and nothing too fancy but sure would I
go to get a business yes Chile gourmet
chili okay cool gourmet jelly and and
then has me like a craft beer selected
craft beer where would I do to get a
good solid business plan never joking
that means that you have a great recipe
on your own and you’re trying to figure
out how do I make this a restaurant well
I do have and then I also had access to
a lot of world winner’s that would be
willing to share recipes with me to put
into the restaurant and it it would be
like you can have you I have 10 staple
chilies and of course I bro take like
two new ones every month and then you
would you can have a bowl a’chili or
then you could the second it’s to be in
three parts the second part then you can
have it over something like over some
french fries or pasta or rice or
circulars or and then you are you status
now or it’s just these are recipes
you’ve created in your house and for
your friends these are recipes that have
been world chile championship recipes
okay I’m talking more make an earth I
know you want to make it yourself I can
make it well I i make i make two World
Championship shows myself me personally
and turns on the wards and you want it
at these shows right that’s what I
that’s one of my hobbies is I compete in
Chile competitions throughout the world
that’s really cool I’m getting hungry
from Chile right now
yeah yes so so I am in the chilly
circuit I know the chili circuit and
know where and when I go to these events
there are thousands of people that line
up just to eat chili I mean but you know
if you drink for that building a list of
people who are loyal to you like people
who bought from you who want to hear
more who if you said hey I’m open up
this shop they’ll come up and line up oh
yeah yeah that’s what up everybody that
I know is like you need to do this I’m
being pushed into it i mean a was an
idea that i discussed my outfit and
everyone that i mentioned it to their
like that’s fabulous but there’s nowhere
to go get chilly i mean if you think of
chili do you think of wendy’s I mean
they branded if you think about Wendy’s
branded one single bowl of chili and
that’s where you go and so do you have
the money we launched its restaurant
this is what you need to plan for nut
this is what my question was yes I need
a good solid business plan and I need
you know financial backing did you know
how much where would you go i’m
estimating probably because i don’t want
anything really really fancy start off
to something simple less than hundred
thousand probably maybe even 50 that’s
why I needed a solid business plan that
really see if the market would hold that
and everything so you knew that so right
yeah and you gotta get you got to get
that number down right it got numbers I
don’t even done that even I haven’t went
that far you haven’t broke down like the
ingredients in the chili and how much
they gotta sell the toys or I haven’t
done any of that yet this is you know
what I would do if I was you have you
heard of score yeah score is a free
resource open to entrepreneur awesome
Erica we’re basically its people with
experience or giving their time and
volunteering to help out entrepreneurs
who are trying to make a name for
themselves and get started and launch
their businesses
because what you need is somebody who is
in the restaurant business who’s done it
before and can walk you through the
step-by-step because just having a
business plan isn’t going to be enough
for you right you are great at doing the
chili and you’ve perfected that you’re
the best in the world of that and now
you need somebody to help you build the
business side of it who can talk all the
number is life get everything going give
you even a business partner or you need
the mentor I possibly go for business
plan but the hard part is actually
implementing it cuz I don’t want to go
out and take out a loan for a hundred
thousand dollars and end up failing and
it’s not going to be because you’re
Chile’s not good is because you don’t
know how to build a restaurant exactly
so I would look I would look at score i
would look at score i think it’s score
org and these are successful a lot of
time retired entrepreneurs they want to
give back they want to help out and you
can find someone who’s had experience in
the restaurant business maybe not chili
like you have to bring the chili
expertise but they’re the restaurant
experts who can help give you advice and
guide you towards success in building
this thing up right and i would be
willing to even take on a partner that
that knew that side of the business you
know because that’s for the business I
don’t know yeah I know maybe family that
we world who if you put it up to your
network and state is what I’m looking
for they may come to you as well say oh
I love her chili I’ve tried it it’s the
best I’d love to partner up with her to
meet me somebody already in the chili
world who loves that but also look at
score to find those advisors chorus I’ll
be that there’s a girl’s phone all right
good luck to create that thank you so
much no problem and for everybody
listening in if you really want to do
something you don’t have the skills and
expertise it doesn’t mean you have to go
and learn everything yourself right
there was the best to making chili in
the world so she partners up with some
buddies when this ends a business size
and help her open that restaurant in her
name up there you have a lot more
success welcome back to the oven
carmichael show– i believe in
entrepreneurs i want to see you have
massive success with your company and
part of that is going to be standing out
in a competitive field no matter what
profits of service you sell you’re up
against a lot of competition
and I get asked often how do I stand out
how do I win business with my
competitors my answer is to combine your
passions to do things that are uniquely
you that nobody else can duplicate too
many times in business you’re just
picking one thing that you’re good at
and that’s what you run with where the
bigger success will be by combining
different things that you love into one
and that’s how you send out from
everybody else let me give you an
example but in mind as an investment
advisor financial advisor okay super
competitive field how do you stand out
as a financial advisor there’s tons of
them and everybody sells the same
product you’re all felling the same
stuff the name is Steve we went through
this and and Steve’s passion in life
besides investment advice is hockey
hockey you know he’s the guy who watches
sports center replays and see the same
goal 40 times and just loved washing his
wife looks at mrs. Steve you’re crazy
how can you watch the same thing so many
times that I don’t know I love it he
loves hockey so how do you combine
investment advice with hockey these are
the two biggest passions in his life and
by combining those two things that’s was
going to make him different from every
other single and restaurant advisor out
there so how did he do it Steve now is
the go-to guy for investment advice for
NHL hockey players he combined his love
of investment advice with hockey and
going after high net worth individuals
right investment advisors they all want
to go up to the guise of the big bucks
they don’t want to deal with the people
who have 100 bucks a month to contribute
they want the guys who have millions of
dollars but everybody is going after
them and he can’t just go in and saying
hey I’m Steve I love investment advice
here’s why I’m grace because that’s the
same thing as everybody else he competes
because he loves hockey so much it’s his
deep passion so now when he’s going out
and pitching people and talking to them
he can talk about hockey too and they
see the passion
and now he’s the go-to guy so what NHL
players are sitting there saying who
were going to go to for aggressive
advice steve is the man he has a lot
more fun he’s making a lot more money
he’s a lot more successful and the turn
only happened when he started combining
his passions so think about in your
business how you can combine your
passions what is it that you style what
is it that you do hopefully your passion
with that as a first starting point what
else is there in your life that you love
doing how can you cooperate that into
your business because when you figure
that out you’re going to have a lot more
success and have a lot more fun and it’s
a lot harder for any competitor come in
and scoop your clients because they
can’t be you you are the differentiating
factor and what you love to do so stop
trying to be like everybody else and be
you believe I want to get to the cult I
have Keith on the line Keith where are
you from and how can I help I have an
amount of the northern california and
oak grove california Northern California
alright what do you do and we sell into
the irrigation and agriculture market ok
ok so we’re not in construction but
we’re actually a rep agents eath at we
sell for different manufacturers that
don’t have their own sales agencies in
the marketplace ok it’s your outsourced
sales correct correct and we’ve been
running into a problem recently
developed a new product actually I
developed a new product and it feels a
fill the need there’s a fixes some of
the inherent problems of its competitors
in the marketplace it’s also less
expensive and it’s been extremely well
received by our contractor and end users
however our main channel sales is
through wholesale distribution and we
cannot seem to break into the wholesale
even with the contractor poll so
that’s kind of my question to you is how
do you go about selling a product that
has a resistant that the actual true or
first buyer I guess would be the
question why is there a resistance the
main thing that comes less is that
there’s we already have too many of this
product that gets potentially looked at
as it’s the same as the other even
though that they’re you know we’ve
explained over and over again the
differences and they do understand it
it’s that it’s that main reason right
there we already have several of these
is what you told okay my biggest thing
when you’re launching a new product is
you have to reduce the fear so their
words are going to buy a whole bunch of
ur’s it just sits on the shelf or I
guess you don’t have cells but you know
I’m talking about so yes how can you
make it to get you reduce the risk so
that they buy one or a small quantity
and then you help them promote it so
they can see the difference as you can
see that people want it because all you
need is one store you know one
wholesaler to say hey this really worked
then you can take everybody out because
you have your proof of concept right
nobody’s taking it on yet and willing to
do it nobody’s taking up the faith with
you correct so how can you reduce the
risk that it’s such a low quantity and
you’re going to help them promote it you
work on one location one company make it
super easy for them to say yes and build
your proof of concept with them the
first thing that come to mind would be
some type of a guaranteed by back for
the distributor if they don’t sell it
and then would just be us going out with
their salespeople and promoting it very
heavily yeah which we have been in the
past but it’s very time consuming but
obviously if we want to sell it this is
probably how we’re going to have to do
it and this is not asserting that your
long-term strategy haven’t like
guaranteed by back is not necessarily
want something you want to lock yourself
into long-term but your goal here is to
get one company having success selling
your product
and reordering and you could take that
as a case model to go to everybody often
say well that’s what these guys said too
and look what happens I like the case
model ideal because that’s that’s
exactly what we have to use to push to
the next on the next one yeah and you
guys are expert salespeople right this
is what you do is your business you
might be able to help their guys and
make their guys better at selling
everything not just your product but
everything that they have on their
shelves and I like the elect using a
single one and starting it that way
instead of how we’ve been doing it is
blanketing and trying to get everybody
to bring one in but look at one case
study and go from there okay good really
baggy I am too likely who’s a solid
everything we have you want to call in
with an update all right thank you all
right take care if everybody call in and
you’re trying to launch a new product
you’re trying to get awareness out there
don’t try to hit everybody all I want to
show that it works with one person one
company get one sale and make it work
for them have them send glowing reviews
out for you and they’ll help you do so
much work to get everybody else on board
hello and welcome back to the Evan
Carmichael show I believe in
entrepreneurs I want to see you have a
lot of success with your company and
part of that is getting access to
resources educating yourself and
learning the thing is you don’t know and
I got asked recently but I one of my
youtube viewers Arturo who wrote in the
site I mean what do you think about the
TV show shark tank and he was a little
upset with shark tank because they do a
lot of flash deals and it feels like
sometimes they pressure people to make a
deal on the spot and he wasn’t sure if
that was a good thing for entrepreneurs
or not so let me let me back out a
little bit on this before I dive deep
with shark tank you got to remember this
is made for TV right these deals are not
happening in the three minutes that you
see it on TV they might be in there for
and a half an hour an hour two hours
negotiating something okay little deal
do take time also keep in mind that just
because you get a handshake deal that
doesn’t mean anything the real deal
happens later and a lot
deals actually fall apart afterwards in
what they call due diligence see both
doing your research on each other a lot
of the deals that they shake on don’t
actually end up even happening and as
entrepreneurs you know that you’re
getting into the shark tank right you
don’t go on that show without knowing
what’s going to happen right you know
the questions are going to ask you you
know the characters if you don’t then
then you’re not prepared right if you’re
going to go on that show you should
watch and see what’s happening short
tank has a special place in my heart
because it’s a whole series so this this
show this concept became popular in the
UK certain Japan became part from the UK
called Dragon’s Den and I helped bring
it to Canada where became Dragon’s Den
and then Mark Burnett brought it to the
United States and named it shark tank
and he brought the two best Canadians
with them from Dragon’s Den kevin
o’leary and robert herjavec to be on
shark tank so mr. wonderful started up
in in canada i guess and he’s still on
it for me i love the show I’ve seen I
think every episode I love the show and
I don’t think that there’s enough
quality programming for entrepreneurs
especially on TV before shark tank what
was there nothing right and look at how
popular that show is look at how many
people tune in and watch there is an
entire nation of people who want to be
entrepreneurs who want to launch their
businesses who are looking for
inspiration education advice and what to
do and that’s why shark tank is popular
so I think a responsibility that you
have as an entrepreneur is to support
the people who are on the same mission
as you so whatever your whatever you
stand for whatever movement you’re
trying to build whatever you think is
really important in your life things
that people need to know about I believe
that it’s your duty to share those
things and support the people who are
trying to do great things so I love
Shark Tank all through that about it
i’ll share the episodes things that I
like about it there’s another show
called The Prophet which is on CNBC it’s
started by Marcus lemonis to just side
the second season and I love the show
too here’s a guy who goes in he’s
investing his own money in the companies
who are struggling and he helps turn
them around that’s the point of the show
and I don’t know how well the show is
doing right now I hope it’s doing well
but I tweeted out to Marcus said markets
what you’re doing is important keep
going and I share episodes of the show
and I share some of the things that he
talks about because he’s on the same
mission as me she’s trying to help
entrepreneurs you just use a package
from a different angle so I think it’s
your duty responsibility to reach out to
people who are trying to do the same
thing as you I’d support them because
this everyday is where they doubt
themselves do they feel like quitting
and having somebody say you inspire me
you helped me keep going thank you so
much for you doing that could be the
difference between them continuing on
and stopping the best part of my day is
when I wake up in the morning and go to
my computer and look at my youtube
comments because people leave in such
great comments but how it helped them
and that keeps me going so I love Shark
Tank i love the prophet of everything
that they stand for and helping
entrepreneurs and if there’s something
that you believe in you see some good
being done in the world support them
they can be financially it could be as
simple as a tweet to support them let
them know that what they’re doing is
important believe I have Helen on the
line Helen my producer says that you’re
very cheery so I’m excited for this call
hello where are you from and how can I
help I’m an American citizen from France
and I’m directly to the program beyond
the few this morning how are you avin i
am very good i’m excited to have you
here on the line what’s your business
thank you well I own kids at cosi in
orange county california in business for
13 years i also have a book out called
eternal published by amy Osmond on
sourcemedia books marie and donny osmond
nice and actually have a question
about my book okay how can i increase
the cells of my book eternal and i also
secure a movie deal for my trilogies
it’s a young adult trilogy on the TV
series or a network are pretending to a
TV series or get a movie deal ora TV
series on a network like the CW for
instance hello CW people call me the
breeze what’s the message and you get up
with a book what do I learn from the
book what’s the one thing that I’m going
to let Amos book it’s so young adult
paranormal romance and it’s about the
fact that love never dies and so these
two people throughout different
lifetimes come back together and that’s
also the concept for the TV series of
the movie okay so what you need to do is
build a community okay if you want to
get this book taking off if you want to
get a TV deal movie rights all of that
stuff you need to have momentum you need
to have a community of people to show
that hey this is important we love this
book and we love what Helen stands for
Argus ln is it a LAN oh you’re so good
it’s it’s Helen but I Lennon friend yes
rupali 47 if your concept is love never
dies yeah then you want to build up a
network so you create a facebook page
you create a twitter account and you’re
not sharing sub just about the book
because that gets to promotional people
don’t want to hear just about the book
but you’re sharing things that relate to
love never dies so it could be from a
different move it could be famous quotes
that inspire you that relate to the love
and had never never died you want to
support the people who are also talking
about this it’s like I talked in this
segment about Marcus lemonis the Prophet
you want to reach out to other people
who have the same belief actually I have
a huge follow up on Twitter and Facebook
I’m at hg nedel Twitter and I don’t know
if I’m supposed to do this but and its
eternal book on facebook
so people are welcome to follow and like
oh my gosh that wasn’t supposed to say
all this it’s okay the thing is here
possibly bigger right well tonight
you’re doing has to be bigger so it’s
great that you really have a fan base
and I’m assuming the book is really good
but it has to be bigger so when you’re
talking about the book it’s not just
talking about the book and it’s not just
promoting your twitter account of your
facebook account it’s talking about this
concept of love never dies I make it
important you want people who are
listening to this radio show who are
listening to every other interview that
you do who are watching your twitter
account if you’re just promoting your
book people are going to now because
it’s not interesting but if you’re
talking about love never dies and
sharing inspirational ideas about it
they’re not going to get people
intrigued and interested I want to join
that is one a lot like I like that I
like that I’ve been sending messages to
because my fan base is very young and
I’ve been sending messages pertaining to
text when you’re there you know because
I want the kids to be safe out there but
I love what you’re saying so if there
are there are you can even have quotes
from the book you know the river the
main character is you can have him or
her giving inspirational messages that
you quote see now you’re want something
people going to share you want a message
that touches people that makes them feel
something so they want to share it
they’re not just going to share your
twitter account or the cover of your
book and say go buy this you have to
make them feel something first right so
you you already have like whatever
inspired you to write this book put that
stuff together and use it in all your
social media challenge and all your
promotions make me feel something and
then I’ll follow you does that make
sense absolutely this was amazing this
is a breakthrough mmm very nice thanks a
lot and then I’ve got to go good luck
the promotion and keep me posted with it
okay people clever and take care miss
ebook love okay so yeah and for
everybody listening staying for
something important and put that message
out there you want people to share your
stuff is not going to buy you screaming
the name of your book and social media
companies are you standing for something
important and making people feel
something so that they want to come to
you I believe in entrepreneurs I want to
see you have a lot of success with your
company this year and I want your
marketing the takeoff and I got ass
recently by an entrepreneur how do i get
my logos designed for my website at
support so there’s a couple ways to do
it and my favorite logo story is nike
nike has one of the most iconic logos in
the world and it was designed by a
university of oregon student that film
night paid less than 100 bucks to get
done so even nike was bootstrapped in
the early days and built one of the
biggest brands in the world I have a few
tools that I want to share with you that
you can write down and go investigate
that you may not have heard of before so
the first one I want you to check out is
99 designs com this is a great resource
to use her any design work or basically
you submit your design your idea what
you need to get done and is that it’s
around the world will bid on it and
they’ll actually do the work and create
designs for you and you get to pick a
winner so you only pick one design you
can get some feedback on it and you’re
only paying for winning design so this
is the biggest challenge that I have
before with graphic design work is you
look at somebody’s pass portfolio but
you don’t know if they’re going to be
helping you for what you want to do
we’re here you only pain for a final
design another great reason to check out
its I’m a huge fan of odesk
and it’s basically people from around
the world who are skilled at what they
do who work remotely and you can put in
a job request and say hey I need
somebody to design my logo here’s what
I’m looking for and again people will
submit their resumes and their past work
and you can pick someone if you want
somebody longer-term part of your team
you need a lot of work done oh this is
the route to go if you want someone just
to create kind of one-off designs for
then nine in design to the best way to
go and you can also look local hey
there’s a lot of local talent wherever
you are nike logo was designed by a
local university of oregon student
that’s how they got started so look to
your local community looks your local
network to see that somebody who can
help you out but you need to have a logo
that stands for something that makes you
feel good that’s that you can you know
proudly put on t-shirts and business
cards and websites and show up to the
world will help your marketing girl I
want to get to the call to have time for
one last caller I have Tony on the line
20 my producer says you sound like a
manly man yes they’re from Tony from
Little Rock Arkansas Arkansas are right
what’s your business how can I help
actually I have a taxicab service
designed 2005 and either sedan business
are going pretty good you know okay what
kind of service was in a taxicab service
taxi cab yes sir okay great so how can I
help we’re actually um basically you
numbers this one of which what you want
to let me tell you about everything
about my business on the days well tell
me what your biggest we’d have a whole
ton of time tell me what’s the biggest
problem is you’re facing I what do you
need help with I’m doing pretty good
only the help I just thought maybe
others gonna tell my story okay all
right let’s hear it okay basically i
started this company in 2005 and um air
since then I’ve been making over ten
thousand dollars a week and all it is
it’s promotion you know whenever you
promote something you know it’s
basically on autopilot and um holiday is
you know creators of flyers I put them
all all the hotels and bars and
restaurants and you know one of the
people need to ride it is they just
called me and I’m i started a cutter
right to work program when you know
basically want people you know they
derive that bearing back or whatever it
is i charged in love i created this car
call weekly unlimited prepaid card and
that’s when they pay like maybe he’s
like a hundred dollars for a for a whole
week with the car
and um you know the way they can afford
abul and you know and it is there’s a
difference 2005 2005 and how many people
on your team now I have a little Tony
some people right now basically uh I
charge them up percentage of ten percent
and uh say if they make 400 bucks or so
I guess what I get ten percent out of
that it’s like well 40 bucks and um I
mean you want to start this business
because it had a hard time finding a job
against I got title you know they kept
telling me that did not hurt at the
moment and stuff like that I’ll say hey
I need to do something I me start my own
business and this is the end you can
empower yourself yes I empower myself it
was there and I had a job in 10 years
why taxi cab only because it’s like
basically it’s like you know I one of my
freedom to spend time with my family and
you know besides want to be my own boss
and and you know this call the shots or
whatever and it’s basically like free
money you know I have to say anything
just basically there’s a pass-off
flowers business cards and you know the
internet and the phone book and it is
for yourself okay so Tony if there’s
somebody out there there’s somebody
listen right now who is struggling to
get a job who can’t you know they’ve
been turned down every where they’re
going and they’re kind of giving up you
don’t know what to do what advice would
you give them I will have to say you
know they have to think of something
that they good at and whatever they good
at all it takes is basically just
getting out there and promoting it you
know if you have to promote in the phone
book or the internet like watching you
know you don’t watch I com google and
it’s a cycle of free business listeners
calm where you can create your own
websites and your own search engine
optimizations that way with people
search for you on google you know you’ll
pop of them and they’re calling you and
you know it’s create some business card
I mean business cards and flyers and
promote every day if you promote every
day you’ll be successful progressive
you’ll all right well thank you Tony for
joining us and for sharing your story
alright no problem take care hey for
everybody listening you know usually
people call it ask me with uh they have
a question but that was cool just to
hear the story
he’s up to if you’re in the same
situation at 20 was back in 05 where
you’re trying to get a job and you can’t
find anything and people just turning
you down and you know it’s often you
this is your responsibility you can
empower yourself just like Tony did and
start your own business find something
that you’re passionate about times what
that I’ve excites you find something
that you can now you know start to feel
like you’re doing something valuable
again you have some good self-worth
built back in get some confidence back
in again empower yourself don’t wait for
the job to come don’t wait for the
government to support you this is on you
to be successful make your life
successful the Calvary isn’t common I
want to thank everybody for listening
today it’s been a lot of fun i am off to
malaysia tomorrow night I want to
especially thank my producers Lauren and
Fernanda you guys rocked it again I’m
going to be on again in two weeks I hope
you call in I want to talk to you i’m
excited to hear about your business and
your programs and until then keep
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