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being able to reimagine yourself beyond

what other people see that is the

toughest task of all but it’s also the

most beautiful they said there are no

parts for Latinas here what do you want

to play the maid mm-hmm you you star

you’re a star in Mexico why don’t you go

back to Mexico as an immigrant you look

for opportunities and so creativity is

part of necessity or necessity as part

of creativity so I said well you know in

this country they don’t need more dog

trainers they need somebody who trained

the humans so they can rehabilitate the

dog so I created my own job what’s that

believe nation it’s Evan my one word is

believe and I believe in you I believe

you have Michael Jordan level talent at

something and I want to see you find it

embrace it and make a difference using

it now this is a still relatively new

series on this channel called somos and

means we are in Spanish now I’m not

Latin myself but I do believe that you

can support one community without

putting another one down so the goal of

this series is to shine a light of

excellence on the Latin community I also

want to give a quick shout-out to Maria

Rodriguez thank you so much for all your

help in this series in sourcing the

clips and your never-ending support I

hope you guys enjoy our let’s kick

things off with rule number one embrace

your uniqueness with Mariana Atencio the

day April 10 2014 I was driving to the

studio and I got a call from my parents

or you on the air they asked I

immediately knew something was wrong

what happened I said it’s your sister

she’s been in a car accident it was as

if my heart stopped my hands gripped to

the steering wheel and I remember

hearing the words it is unlikely she

will ever walk again they say your life

can change in a split second mine did at

that moment my sister went from being my

successful other half only a year part

and age to not being able to move her

legs sit up or get dressed by herself

and this wasn’t like summer camp where I

could magically make

better this was terrifying throughout

the course of two years

my sister underwent 15 surgeries and she

spent most of that time in a wheelchair

but that wasn’t even the worst of it

the worst was something so painful it’s

hard to put into words even now it was

the way people looked at her looked at

us changed people were unable to see a

successful lawyer or a millennial with

sharp wits and a kind heart everywhere

we went I realized that people just saw

poor girl in a wheelchair they were

unable to see anything beyond that after

fighting like a warrior

I can thankfully tell you that today my

sister is walking and has recovered

beyond anyone’s expectations thank you

but during that traumatic ordeal I

learned there are differences that

simply suck and it’s hard to find

positive in them my sister’s not better

off because of what happened but she

taught me you can’t let those

differences define you being able to

reimagine yourself beyond what other

people see that is the toughest task of

all but it’s also the most beautiful

you see we all come to this world in a

body people with physical or

neurological difficulties

environmentally impacted communities

immigrants boys girls boys who want to

dress as girls girls with veils

women who’ve been sexually assaulted

athletes who bend their knee as a sign

of protest black white Asian Native

American my sister you or me we all want

what everyone wants to dream and to

achieve but sometimes Society tells us

well if you look at my story from being

born somewhere different to belly

dancing in high school to telling

stories you wouldn’t normally see on TV

what makes me different is what has made

me stand out and be successful I have

traveled the world and talked to people

from all walks of life and you know what

I’ve learned the single thing every one

of us has in common is being human so

take a stand to defend your race the

human race let’s appeal to it let’s be

humanists before and after everything

else we are all quirky and unique and

that is what makes us wonderfully human

rule number two be inspired by

negativity with Salma Hayek what’s

interesting is that when you first

started to work that people told you

number one your accent would be a

problem yes they they said its voice

very interesting because they said there

are no parts for Latinas here what do

you want to play the maid mm-hmm you you

start your star in Mexico why don’t you

go back to Mexico and they were not

trying to be mean or anything they were

trying to give me good advice that you

will never get a leading role for a

Latina and this is what truly inspired

me and didn’t you tell them that Arnold

had an accent oh yeah yeah I don’t know

sports maker has an accent and look at

him he’s doing all right yeah

rule number three don’t chase money with

Elmo del Toro I come from a country

where you didn’t make money because you

made movies you lost money because

you’re made movies and all of my life

when I approached a new project and I

was 50 50 years old and I’ve done now I

don’t know how many movies has producer

director of la la la and I still have

the same emotion when I go into a

project I go how much am I willing to


to do that image and there’s always one

or two images in every project that you

would more than your house sell your car

give everything you have to to make sure

that image comes to save I’ve heard you

talk about like Pacific Rim it was the

girl with the red she absolutely like

had to make that movie just to see that

it doesn’t matter what you go through

doesn’t matter if they they give you X

amount of time but you need to always

protect the images that are crucial rule

number four take a shot with Kamiya

Kibeho I initially was not trying to do

music at all I mean I came to the United

States my family came and my parents

made that choice my mom came over to

Miami and her main thing was just like

we don’t have money to get you into

college so you’re gonna have to get a

scholarship and you’re gonna have to

study your butt off and so that was

always my main focus was just I was like

a book nerd that was just like studying

studying studying so I didn’t really

think of it as a plausible thing even

though it was always my escape you know

I would always sneak off into my room

when my parents went to Walmart and I

would just like sing but yeah I would

definitely didn’t think of it as a

career that was literally just like five

seconds of bravery that changed my life

where I decided to you know try out for

a show we asked Camilla what do you want

for your quinceanera party and she told

me I want you to go with me to an

audition what do you do when you’re not

singing I would love to say something

interesting but all I do is think

karaoke and watch like One Direction

videos rule number five respect your

rivals with Rafael Nadal now you know

the Bjorn Borg you know you’ve heard of

Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe and they

kind of had that rivalry that made both

of them great do you do feel like

Federer and you have that same chemistry

that same dynamic to make one another

greater than if they had not been

playing tennis if they’d not existed you

know no no but

I think every rivalry is completely

different my control board had fantastic

Rio very few time ago and further in

mind we’re having a lot of matches last

couple of years now is it’s item is

emotion a little bit at the same time no

we are we have a very good relationship

and this is good because we I think we

understand the tennis is really go

without without him or without a guy

like him yeah would your tennis be as

good as it is today but only not you

know really rule number six create your

own job with Cesar Millan as an

immigrant you look for opportunities and

so creativity is part of necessity or

necessity as part of creativity so I

said well you know in this country they

don’t need more dog trainers they need

somebody who trained the humans so they

can rehabilitate the dog so I created my

own job because I couldn’t compete with

the other guys because I didn’t have

papers in the first place so I needed to

open my own job you know and that’s when

people start saying you know that guy

has something going on that’s that’s

when the LA Times came and say you know

Will Smith as your client MBA people are

you crying if a NFL people are you


what would you like to do next and I say

I would like to have my own TV show so

she wrote it down and the the newspaper

came on a Sunday but Monday was a line

of producers outside I wanted to know

what this show is all about it was about

training people and rehabilitating dogs

rule number seven bring something new to

the table with romeo santos romeo santos

isn’t just a star he’s a global

sensation from Argentina to New York

where the Millennial crooner sold out

Yankee Stadium two nights in a row a


the video for his hit Indecent Proposal

has over 660 million views that’s more

than the most popular Beyonce or Justin

Timberlake videos combined I do go to

lunar we caught up with him before he

took the stage in the Netherlands of all

places I like to just call myself more

as a humble kid from the Bronx style you

know it’s blessed to have so many fans

that are so loyal and supportive born

and raised in the Bronx by his

stay-at-home mom and construction worker

father Santos was a shy kid who found

his love for singing at 13 in the church

choir from there he started a boy band

with his cousin and friends and by 21

his band aventura made it big I listen

to bachata and I always felt like

something about that music like wow I

just felt like I was also gonna bring

something new to the table taking

bachata a traditional Dominican music

genre about love and heartache to the

masses today at 33 Romeo knows how to

play to his fans especially the women

who love him they’re all my Juliet’s

what about the other Romi is that their

do you worry about them getting jealous

well they’re not Romeo there’s only one

and rule number eight the last one

before a very special bonus clip is push

through with Henny o debes SIA came to

this country to start crossing over

since 2000 2000 2003 and then I quit

spike 2012 I said no more what’s changed

though why do you think that’s now

finally hopefully you’re breaking

through there’s something that opens all

the doors here in Hollywood the box

office when I quit I went back to Mexico

so I did this movie called instructions

are included and that movie became the

highest-grossing spanish-language film

ever in the US and worldwide


now I’ve got a really special bonus clip

from Howard Schultz on how to level the

playing field but before that I want to

know what did you enjoy most about this

video this series this series is on the

bubble to be honest with you it hasn’t

gotten the traction that we look for

typically in a new series and so I love

the concept I love the vibe I would love

it to continue but I need your support

so let me know if you love to share it

tell your friends if you have feedback

on how to improve it leave it down the

comments below thank you guys so much

for watching I believe in you I hope we

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever your one word is much love I’ll

I have a deep level of sensibility for

people who are living on the other side

of the tracks people who for whatever

reason are labeled and and and and

deeply stigmatized as someone who is not

going to come up in the world and what

I’m trying to do in in the position I

have is to level the playing field and

to do everything we can to make sure

that there’s hope and there’s

opportunity for everyone regardless of

the color of your skin your gender your

sexual preference or where you were born

or what college you went to and I think

the world would be much much better if

we would embrace humanity embrace

diversity and be much more thoughtful

and respectful of the fact that we have

many more similarities for all of us

than we have differences raise your

standard Apple at the core its core

value is that we believe that people

need passion and not one drop of most

self-worth depends on Europe it’s

suppose to mean I don’t ever give up I’d

have to be dead or completely

incapacitated hey believe nation if you

want to see my all-time favorite top ten

rows of success I have a very special

secret video for you these are the

individual clips that I have personally

learned the most from and applied to my

life and my business check the link the description for details

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