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Elon Musk FIXING Tesla’s PROBLEMS & Productivity MOTIVATION #MentorMeElon

you like it cold I see when they catch
her there so you’re just laying here
yeah catch yeah last time as you’re
actually stepped literally on the floor
cuz the couch was too narrow so when I
interview somebody that might have your
questions always the same I said tell me
the story of your life
Tesla almost went bankrupt we closed our
financing around 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve
2008 it was the last hour of the last
what’s that believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have Michael Jordan level
talent at something and I want you to
find it embrace it and use it to make a
difference in this world now I started
the meant to me seriously try to hang
around and learn from people who’ve done
a lot more than us and hopefully by
spending a little more time with them
some of their way of thinking their
mindsets their belief seeps into us to
help us become the best version of
ourselves so today we’re going to learn
from one of the best Elon Musk and how
let’s kick it off with rule number one
be fully committed to your project
Tess’s future is tied to this car when
musk introduced it last summer the model
three was built as a company’s first
mid-price mass-produced electric car
accessible to middle-class customers not
just the super wealthy you said to your
team everybody get ready
to meet the demand we’re gonna be in
production hell yes but you didn’t
expect this kind of production hell or
did you know it’s worse than I thought
why is that why is it harder what
we got complacent about some of the
things that we felt were our core
technology we put too much new
technology into the model three all at
once that this should have been staged
high tech goes in the cars but it also
bills them this is widely regarded as
one of the most robotics driven auto
assembly lines on the planet you on one
of the thing I heard about the model 3
is that there’s too many robots that may
agree you do you think so show that
maybe you need more people in here
working we do in some cases the robots
actually slowed the production yes that
is where this crazy complex network of
conveyor belts and it was not working so
we got rid of that whole thing this is
cool yeah
realizing it needed an overhaul must
personally took over the model 3
production line at the beginning of
April training for really extreme levels
of decision
different world he says he has resorted
to pulling all-nighters at the plant I
think so yeah really intense I don’t
have time to go home and shower change
sides sleep there
I wanted to see words that I mean it’s
pretty boring it’s actually cold in here
– yeah I like it cool so you have a you
like it cold I see when they catch her
so you’re just laying here yeah catch
yeah last time as you’re actually
stepped literally on the floor cuz the
couch is too narrow yeah I was gonna say
and Ilan I have to say it’s not even a
comfortable couch either no it’s
this is not a good catcher musk feels
like all the overtime is paying off and
now he says the model three line is back
on track and we’re able to unlock some
of the critical things about holding us
back from reaching 2,000 cars a week but
since then we’ve continued to do 2,000
cars a week do you think that this is
sustainable this page is sustainable
yeah why this fascinating to see is to
go through the car getting constructed
okay about that like intro section yeah
there’s a part of me that thinks yeah
you must feel confident otherwise you
wouldn’t allow cameras here
you can literally like give us zero
seconds of notice at any point and bring
your camera crew into any part of the
factory at any time
like literally like you should do this
like and just come with a cameo yes Elan
be careful what you say I’m not kidding
definitely do that rule number two
create a great team you need a team
around you to deliver a lot of idea how
do you choose your team be somewhat well
I suppose honestly that it tends to be
gut feel more than anything else so when
I interview somebody the might of your
question is always the same it’s just I
said tell me the story of your life and
and the decisions that you made a long
way and why you made them and then if
and and also tell me about some of the
most difficult problems you worked on
and how you solved them and that that
question I think is very important
because the people that really solve the
problem they know exactly how they
solved it they know the little details
and the people that pretend it to solve
the problem they can maybe go one level
and then they get stuck rule number
three survive hardships so we embarked
upon that journey to create SpaceX
in 2002 and in the beginning I wouldn’t
actually want to let my friends invest
because I don’t want to lose their money
I thought it was like you know I’d
rather lose my own money so and then we
almost did die at SpaceX actually so we
I budgeted for or three flights I mean
technically I didn’t have a plan where I
had to have the money from PayPal I have
like 180 million from PayPal I thought
you know I’ll allocate and half of that
to SpaceX and Tesla and SolarCity and
that should be fine I’ll have 90 million
Lexus plots
you know
but but then what happened is things
cost more and took longer than and I
thought so I had a choice of either put
the rest of the money in or their
company’s going to die and it’s like
except for not putting all the money in
2008 was brutal whew
yeah 2008 we had the third consecutive
Tesla almost went bankrupt we closed our
financing around 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve
2008 it was the last hour of the last
day that it was possible we would have
gone back up two days after Christmas
otherwise and I got divorced I was like
rough man Governor Scott yes you do wait
it poses a question or maybe you just
answer the question of why is no one
else doing these things
what’s your pain threshold yeah well
it’s real high
I’m you’ll number for the last one
before a very special bonus clip is be
emotionally invested when you look at a
company with a fifty four billion dollar
valuation and seemingly by typical march
of market metrics no justifiable reason
for that what do you say I’m just saying
sorry yes sir I’m just in all
seriousness do you feel a concern ever
that your intellect in your intellectual
curiosity and your ingenuity cannot be
matched by those that are trying to
commercialize it does that ever affect
well it it is actually I find it quite
tough when there are very high
expectations I try to actually tamp down
those expectations as you know to be
possible in fact I’ve on a record
several times is saying that the stock
price is higher than we have any right
to deserve and that’s for sure true
based on you know where we are today and
have been in the past so the stock price
obviously reflects a lot of optimism
about where Tessa will be in the future
and now the thing that makes that you
know quite a difficult emotional
hardship for me is is that you know
those expectations sometimes get out our
out of control and I like I hate
disappointing people and so I’m like
trying real hard to meet those
expectations but that’s a pretty tall
order and a lot of times real not really
not fun I have to say a lot less fun
I mean I don’t ever sell any stock and
there’s a happy for your taxes so you
know I said publicly I’m not gonna like
take money off the table
yeah you know I’ll be last I don’t go
down when I’m going down with shit so
I’ll be the last to do it no but yeah I
mean it’s uh I really wouldn’t recommend
anyone start a car company
I really wasn’t right Canada it’s not a
now I’ve got a really special Elon Musk
bonus clip on how to find the meaning of
life but before that I want to know what
did you learn from Elon in this clip
what was the most inspiring message that
you can apply somehow in your life of
your business leave it down in the
comments below
when you write it down you’re much more
likely to actually follow through so let
me see what you have thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you I
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
when I was a kid I was wondering kind of
what’s the meaning of life like why are
we here what’s it all about
and I came to the conclusion that what
what really matters is trying to
understand the right questions to ask
and the more that we can increase the
scope and scale of human consciousness
the better we are able to ask these
questions and so I think that there’s
certain things that are necessary to
ensure that the future is good and some
of those things are in the long term
having long term sustainable transport
and sustainable energy generation and to
be a spacefaring civilization and for
Humanity to be out there among the stars
and be a multiplanetary species
I think the being a multi-planet species
being out there among the stars is
important for the long-term survival of
humanity and that’s one reason kind of
like life insurance for life
collectively life as we know it but then
the part that I find personally most
motivating is that it creates a sense of
adventure and it makes people excited
about the future if you consider two
futures one where we are forever
confined to it until eventually
something terrible happens or another
future where we are out there on many
planets maybe even going beyond the
solar system I think that second version
is incredibly exciting and inspiring and
they need to be reasons to get up in the
morning you know life can’t just be
about solving problems otherwise what’s
the point
it’s got to be things that people find
inspiring and make life worth living
one one one was long yeah the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you Apple that would be
like a little beacon pay believe nation
if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey
and Howard Schultz I have a very special
secret video for you check the
description for details [Music]
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