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“Don’t SETTLE for SECOND BEST!” | Steve Jobs | #Entspresso

it seems like all the good people I
really want to hire it seems to take me
a year to hire them and it’s always been
that way even at Apple some of the best
technical people or whoever it always
seem to take me like a year to pry them
out of HP or wherever so how do you find
that mix how do you find that balance of
planning and doing till you build a
successful company if you’re the
perfectionist I’m gonna give you three
tips that will help you there’s this
saying like a player’s hire a players
and B players hire C players which is
like good people hire good and I don’t
think that’s that informative rise and
shine it’s an espresso time what’s up
Philippe nation it’s Evan my one word is
believe and I believe in you I believe
you have Michael Jordan level talent at
something and I want you to find it
embrace it and use it to make a
difference so let’s start your day off
right together grab your coffee and sip
on today’s message don’t compromise over
you Steve Jobs also if you want to hear
what Steve Jobs has to say about
confidence check out my new 250 for
confidence series a lot of people come
to me they say well I want to be an
entrepreneur and I go that’s great
what’s your idea and they go well I
don’t have one yet every day for the
next 254 days I will send you a
30-second two 5-minute video for free
every morning to help you build
unstoppable confidence the link is in
it seems like all the good people I
really want to hire it seems to take me
a year to hire and it’s always been that
way even at Apple some of the best
technical people or whoever it always
seemed to take me like a year to pry
them out of HP or wherever it took me it
took me over a year to high mining mike
has the award you’re about a year and a
half and they’re all worth it what
happens is I usually meet somebody that
is really good I think is very very good
and you can’t get them and then you go
try to find other people and you know
nobody measures up you know when you
meet somebody that good just you always
compare them this one person you know
you’re gonna be settling for second best
if you compromise I’ve always found it
best not to compromise and don’t
compromise is an amazing message but to
many of you who are perfectionist will
hear that message and use it as an
excuse for not taking action I’m a firm
believer that planners need to do more
and doers need to plan more and here’s
the problem planners do not need to plan
more you’re already great at planning
you will plan and plan and plan and plan
and plan and plan and plan your life
away and never actually take any kind of
action and so for the perfectionist out
there for the planners who want to have
the perfect plan before you do anything
this is an amazing message but you’re
not hearing it correctly it’s not don’t
compromise and having the perfect plan
and you just sit in your room all day
and don’t take any action cuz Steve Jobs
was a doer this is a hard lesson that I
had to learn myself because I lost a 40
million dollar deal in my first business
when I was 21 22 because I was a
perfectionist because everything had to
be perfect because I didn’t want to
compromise that’s how I interpreted the
message but as a result I didn’t do
anything and just kept planning and I
lost the deal became between us and our
biggest competitor and we were really
late to the party because we didn’t do
the right thing and we ended up losing
the deal now would we have won it if I
had done more maybe not a hundred
percent but I would have had a better
shot at it and so ever since then I’ve
been trying to release that
perfectionist habit it’s still in there
I still love the plane but the people
have the most success I had that
combination of planning but then
actually doing so how do you find that
mix how do you find that balance of
planning and doing so that you build a
successful company if you’re the
perfectionist I’m gonna give you three
tips that will help you 1 do every
you have to do something every day you
got to do something to build momentum
every single day in your business
planning doesn’t count planning
strategizing making ideas that doesn’t
where you’re gonna grow it doesn’t count
you got to do you got to send them email
you got to make a piece of content you
got to post something you got to follow
it with somebody you have to create you
got to make instead of just living in
your head right that’s how you tell the
difference plan is is living in your
head model structured business plans
ideas it’s it’s amazing I love it I
could be there all day long but you
won’t have any kind of impact is staying
up in here do every single day adopt the
mindset that you need to do on a daily
number two schedule your due time what I
want you to do is plan for one hour
every single day if you’re an
entrepreneur one hour every day where
you were doing pick a time ideally I
think morning like if you get in at 9:00
to 9:00 to 10:00 first hour of the day
but it’s not then blocking the account
this is important this is what will
change your life this is what will
change the trajectory of your business
if you are stuck constantly and just
responding to people and playing
planning perfectionist mode do time
right we said do a daily point number
one now you got to schedule it in just
have an intention won’t do anything if
you’re not actually taking action on it
right you’re not doing the thing that
you promised to do you’re not doing the
doing the progress that you will make
the closer you get to your goals will be
a reflection of what you are putting in
your calendar what you are actually
doing so I want you to schedule one hour
today of do time every single day we’re
gonna be making something and pushing it
up to the world and tip number three is
release imperfect things get used to
releasing imperfect things it doesn’t
mean that you settle for crap that’s not
the message it’s not just okay this
sucks we’re gonna release it and not
care about it anymore by releasing the
perfect things though and then tweaking
it and getting better you are getting
used to doing you are getting used to
not just holding on to your perfect
concepts and perfect dreams forever for
me an example could be to make make
imperfect videos you know do Instagram
stories and if I make a mistake I post
it if I make a mistake I try to make it
into something fun when I was in Boston
I was trying to say we’re gonna go see
some dim sum we’re going to a dim sum
restaurant and I say we’re gonna go to
dim dim dim dim dim dim dim dim sum
right I stubbled stumbled on my words
and I made into something fun and I
released it like yes
the best put that out there
perfectionist need to get used to losing
the perfectionist habit and it won’t
ever go away that’s always the it’s
always the big fear that I don’t want to
become a slob I don’t want to let myself
go I don’t want to release garbage out
to that what you won’t you’ll never be
that person you’ll never stop caring but
you just need to lose the perfection is
habit a little bit because you will
never be perfect the stuff you release
will never be perfect you will always
look back at what you made and see it
could be made better and that’s awesome
as your greatest strength but it’s also
your greatest vulnerability it’s your
greatest weakness
so getting used to once a week releasing
something that isn’t perfect it’s the
best that you could make within the time
allotted once a week every week release
that within your own industry so for me
to be making a video do a snapchat tour
for me it’s daily three to five times a
day but at least once a week and when it
sucks when you made a mistake when you
want to delete it when you want to say
of course I can’t post that I can’t sell
that I can’t put that out there as soon
as you’re about to hit the delete button
boom that’s when you post it and feel
the fear and the nervousness and the
craziness and like oh my gosh I can’t
believe I just did that that suck and
then release it till you know what that
wasn’t you that bad like what’s the
response it’s not not actually that bad
and when you can get used to releasing
imperfect products and keep your drive
to make perfect products that’s when
ultimately you will win to move from
planning mode into the doer mode now
have a really special bonus clip that I
think you’re going to enjoy but before
that question of the day I want to know
what is one thing that you’ve been
planning and planning and planning the
planning and today you are going to do
put in the comments below thank you guys
so much for watching I believe in you I
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
I’ll see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot of espresso and enjoy the
I don’t hire people who I wouldn’t work
for myself like that’s a really good
heuristic because everyone knows this
like there’s this saying like a player’s
hire a players and B players hire C
players which is like good people hire
good yes um and I don’t think that
that’s that informative to say like to
someone in your organisation’s hire
better B player you don’t get to hire
people like I mean no I mean and and I
think a lot of the time the problem is
you don’t actually know and sometimes
you’re like trying to figure out how
good someone is if you don’t think they
were good you wouldn’t hire them but the
heuristic of only hiring people who you
would work for tends to be pretty good I
think because then it’s like then that
you know right it’s like I would not
work for this person then okay I’m not
gonna like stretch just because I need
to fill a role today so here I am an
eighteen year old you know young man got
into the University of Southern
California I go in for my first
internship interview at the management
company that manages Will Smith I’m
literally about to get my foot in the
door and at the end of the interview the
lady says Devon is there anything else
you want us to know and right there God
is speaking in my ear he said tell her
about the Sabbath now you must
understand something as a Christian I
grew up observing Sabbath so Friday
night sundown to Saturday night sundown
I don’t work it’s the day that I take
off for observance rest and restoration
and I’m there in the internship
interview about to get my door foot in
the door of Hollywood and God says tell
her about the Sabbath I said Lord after
I get the internship I’ll tell her all
about the Sabbath you know how we are we
love to get what we want and then we’ll
start moving the pieces around about
what we can and cannot do but after a
moment of silence I said well I cannot
take this internship if it requires me
to work on the Sabbath and it was quiet
just like it is now and after a moment
of silence she said Devon don’t worry we
can work around that what that taught me
in that moment is that it’s not about
just the door of opportunity opening in
your scene it’s about how you walk
through the door because every door that
opens that does not allow you to fit
your faith and who you are I argue it is
not a door to go through you have to
understand that when you are walking in
your path and you are walking in the
movie of your life the scenes in your
life will conform around you if you
have enough faith to be exactly who God
created you to be I don’t buy into this
this idea that you have to compromise
who you are
compromise what you believe as a matter
of fact be even more bold than who you
are more bold and who you believe
because you are the hero of your own
story and if you don’t believe your
story guess what ain’t nobody else going
to I’m out of college I’m 23 years old
and Tommy Cal and I are meeting with a
veteran theater producer to pay rent I
am a professional substitute teacher at
my old high school
Tommy is Audra McDonald’s assistant
Tommy is directing in the heights and
with his genius brain in my corner my 80
minute one-act is now to act this big
deal theatre producer has seen a reading
we put on in the basement of the drama
book shop in midtown Manhattan and he is
giving us his thoughts we hang on his
every word this is a big deal theater
producer and we are kids desperate to
get our show on we were discussing the
character of Nina Rosario home from her
first year at Stanford the first in her
family to go to college the big deal
theater producer says now I know in your
version Nina’s coming home with a secret
from her parents she’s lost her
scholarship the song is great the
actress is great when I’m bumping up
against fellas is that this doesn’t feel
high-stakes enough scholarship big deal
what if she’s pregnant what if her
boyfriend at school hit her what if she
got caught with drugs it doesn’t have to
be any of those things you’re the right
but you see what I’m getting at guys a
way to ramp up the stakes of your story
I resist the urge to crack my shoulder
we get through the meeting and Tommy and
I again alone look at each other he
knows what I’m gonna say before I say it
pregnant I know
Nina on drugs I was there but he wants
to put our show up Tommy looks at me
that’s not the story you want to tell
and it’s not the show I want to direct
there are ways to raise the stakes that
are not that will just keep working
if I could get in a time machine and
watch any point in my life it would be
this moment the moment where Tommy Cal
looked at uncertain frazzled me
desperate for a production and a life in
this business tempted and said no for us
I keep subbing he continues working for
Audra we keep working on in the heights
for five years until we find the right
producers in Jill Fuhrman and Kevin
McCollum and Jeffrey seller until Philly
native Chiara who this becomes my
co-writer and reframes our show around a
community instead of a love triangle
until Alex lack of are in bill Sherman
take my songs and make them come to life
through their orchestrations it will be
another five years before Heights
reaches Broadway exactly as we intended
it terrific
world domination honey Empire right I’m
grateful I understand why I’m here I
think because I am so open I wanted to
think I see it’s a bloody brief life all
of you have the potential for enormous
success if you want to know what Gary
Vee DJ Khalid Oprah and others know
about empire building that most people
miss check out the link in the description for a free bonus video
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