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Don’t LIMIT Yourself – Naveen Jain (@Naveen_Jain_CEO) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
messages don’t limit yourself over the U
and the V nein don’t limit yourself go
out and pursue your dreams even if you
know nothing about what you’re going to
do go out and do that every time you
have a self-doubt just remember that
every single successful company goes
through a near-death experience before
they go out and become successful it is
the mindset you know so people talk
about people are optimistic or
pessimistic so they look at whether the
glass is half-empty or half-full to me
that’s really the wrong question to ask
the only thing you as an entrepreneur to
think about is do I want to fill this
glass and the next question you ask you
what do I want to fill it with it it
doesn’t matter what it looks like your
job is to imagine and dream about what
you want it to be the biggest problems
are really the social problems and if
you can solve them it’s a massive
opportunity dream so big that people
think you’re crazy and never be afraid
to fail if you want to make a billion
dollars all you have to do is solve a
ten billion dollar problem so go out and
find a way to provide the fresh water to
the humanity go out and find a a clean
solve a solution for energy go out and
find a solution to agriculture find a
solution to poverty all of these a
hundred billion dollar problem so don’t
think of them as a problem think of as a
great entrepreneur opportunity and
solving any of these problems will make
you a billionaire first time I love this
guy I’d never actually heard of him
before but I love this guy and I love
his energy I love the energy of all the
people that I watch and get clips from
and consume on a daily basis I love this
guy’s energy in this clip and I’m super
looking forward to doing the top ten on
him so my thoughts are I think people
live with themselves daily I think I
think that’s I think most of our lives
you’re just limiting yourself I think
you walk around in your day-to-day life
99% of the time just living in yourself
telling yourself why you can’t be more
successful telling yourself why this
thing will never work you have this idea
spontaneously for this big thing that
you want to do maybe got inspired maybe
you’re watching an in special clip or a
top 10 you get an idea for something you
want to do and then the next day or even
an hour later you’re telling yourself
all the reasons why that’s never gonna
work out and instead of focusing on why
it’s never gonna work out start asking
better questions start asking yourself
how can this work out how can I make
this happen when you start asking better
questions you get better answers when
you start asking those kinds of
questions you start to come up with
reasons come up with solutions but as
long as you’re telling yourself that
you’re never gonna be successful you
can’t go do that you didn’t go to school
for that you don’t have the money for
that you’re you know from the wrong
you don’t have the right family
connections bla bla bla bla bla whatever
excuse keeps coming up you keep
believing it you’re limiting yourself
you’re a walking self-limiting machine
constantly that’s most people they walk
through this haze of constant self-doubt
and constant limits or if you look at
the people going on and done amazing
things they have a big goal and they may
not know how it’s gonna work out yet but
they ask themselves that question and
they’re not afraid to go out and try it
and it doesn’t matter how much
experience you have you can learn
something really really really quickly
when you want to I’m not the first guy
on YouTube and I’m having more growth
than people who’ve had years more
experience in me I’m not the first guy
to write a book and we’re having more
sales than people written books years
before me I’m not the first guy to be in
the salsa school business and yet our
schools you know the biggest probably in
North America I didn’t grow up salsa
dancing right and so if you really want
to learn something you can get really
good at it really quickly because you
have the passion and so just set the
priority I have this goal I have this
dream how can I make it happen and when
you start listing out the reasons how to
make it happen go out and start
executing start learning start getting
better to develop your talents build
your team stop living in yourself stop
being that walking 24 hours a day self
limiting machine up here just holding
yourself back you do that you free
yourself from that
that’s the game that’s the impact that’s
life so the question today today is
what’s the biggest limiting thought that
you have right now I’m going deep let me
know what you think leave in the
comments below I’m gonna join in the
discussion thank you guys so much for
watching and have an amazing day I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is and I’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot events
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