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“Don’t Let FUTURE Take Over Your MIND!” – Eckhart Tolle (@EckhartTolle) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation its Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in
people more than they believe in
themselves and my sincere hope is that
if you see in yourself what I see in you
you’ll be able to change the planet so
to help you on your journey today’s
message is enjoy the journey over to you
Eckhart Tolle talking about past and
future and excessive emphasis on past
and future in your life yes of course
you need to have it there’s nothing
wrong with having a certain intention of
what you want to achieve take steps
towards it it’s a it’s part of living
here in this dimension you can’t just
say I’m never going to plan anything
anymore just take life as it comes
well some people try to do that but
they’re not that happy either after a
while so it then your life will get very
diffused and so to have an intention to
have to make a plan perfectly fine what
you either a short-term plan like I
gotta meet you tomorrow at 4 o’clock how
would you ever meet anybody if we didn’t
have time and and future in a practical
level of course it’s needed the question
is whether future takes over your mind
being able to use it for practical
purposes it will cause great but I call
it clock time is fine but psychological
time is when the future takes over your
mind and your entire soul patterns are
geared only towards future and you treat
the present moment as either just a
means to an end because enables you to
get to the next one you’re always
reaching out so to speak internally to
the next yet never quite here always
looking for some fulfillment there so
you can never embrace the fullness of
now all you make them now into even an
enemy some people are always unhappy you
perhaps we all know some one or two
people like that 3 we all who are
wherever they are
they’re complaining is never quite right
wherever they are or whoever they are
ways after a little while they’re very
uncomfortable again there should be
somewhere else you know the bumper
sticker that you see in some cars in
Gila various versions of it says I’d
rather be golfing and then another one
says I’d rather be fishing I’d rather be
this I’d rather be there when I visited
the the spiritual teacher Ram Das who
lives in Hawaii he has a bumper sticker
on about Ram Dass was the person who in
the 70s wrote the book be here now that
anyway he has a bumper sticker on his
car that says I’d rather be here now so
and and then you realize you can
actually you can still pursue whatever
an intense where you want to get to a
plan I call that it’s a bit like a
journey your life is a journey you’re
going you know you want to go from here
to there whether you’re going to get
there we don’t know maybe on the way
you’ll branch out to somewhere else but
at least you have a certain direction
it’s good to have some direction in your
life but while you are traveling if the
that your destination takes up most of
your attention and you’re continuously
focusing on there you miss all the
journey really you can’t enjoy the
journey anymore and most of your life is
the journey the arriving is relatively
rare the wedding
and a few more graduation but so those
moments are not that fine feel between
so the rest is the journey and if you
can’t enjoy the journey which means this
step you’re taking at this moment it’s
really the most important thing yes of
course you know you’re going that way
but this step is still to be enjoyed
because that’s ultimately your whole
life consists of the step you are taking
at this moment there is never anything
else most entrepreneurs fail I believe
because they don’t enjoy the journey
because they set some big goal for
themselves they want to have a million
dollars or they want to build this
company or whatever it is that they want
to go out and do and they’re so attached
to the goal without the process without
the house without the execution on a
daily basis I believe most entrepreneurs
fail because all they do is have a goal
and they say I’m going to do whatever it
takes to go and hit that goal but they
don’t enjoy that whatever it takes and
if all you’re doing is jumping from one
goal to another the goal to another goal
and never enjoying the process of the
journey along the way you’re never gonna
be fulfilled you’re never gonna be happy
you’re never gonna actually hit most of
those big goals that you set for
yourself it comes up consistently over
and over and over and over again and all
the people that I profile from all walks
of life from entrepreneurs to singers to
actors musicians politicians
businesspeople athletes everyone you
have to enjoy the grind and a lot of
people see the grind isn’t as a negative
thing they see it as this just constant
hustle and work and if you’re working on
the wrong thing then it is a negative
thing if you threw me into your job into
whatever your business was I would
probably suffocate in most businesses
and most jobs and most roles and I had
you know part-time jobs and other jobs
before starting this I would i
suffocated I hated it I can only force
myself to do something for so long you
can only force yourself to do something
that you don’t enjoy before so long
before you quit because it sucks where
you have to enjoy the daily process of
the work that you’re doing now that
becomes especially hard for
entrepreneurs because there’s a lot of
crap that we have to deal with to build
a business there’s a lot of crap we have
to deal with and there’s very minimal
at the beginning as you’re just getting
stereos you’re building up momentum this
very small results that you’re actually
getting back for your company so it’s
hard to stay motivated to keep going so
not every day is gonna be amazing
as an entrepreneur in fact you’re gonna
have a lot of crappy days you can have a
lot of days that just don’t work out a
lot of days that you feel like quitting
a lot of days where you are really
harder than yourself really negative
towards yourself saying that you’re
never gonna make it you’re gonna have a
lot of those days as an entrepreneur the
thing that gets you through is that you
still enjoy the work you may not enjoy
everything else around building a
business but you enjoy the work you
enjoy creating whatever you’re creating
you enjoy dealing with your customers
whatever it is that that you need to
take more responsibility have more
ownership of to do more consistently I
love making videos I love helping
entrepreneurs not every day is amazing
in my life on my youtube channel you
know we had the whole past month of not
having great audio on the videos and you
guys gave me a ton of flack for that and
you know well deserved I have standards
too when we all want to make amazing
videos for you guys on my team
so not every day is gonna be special not
every day is gonna be the best day ever
but net-net I love making videos for you
guys I love the work that I do I
wouldn’t want to be doing something else
I don’t I don’t sit in my office or sit
at home or sit here at TV eyes and start
thinking huh I wish I could do this as
soon as I get that idea I wish I could
do something else I have to go out and
do it it means what I’m doing is wrong
means I have to cut something that I’m
doing right now and start doing the
other thing that I’m daydreaming about
you have to enjoy the work you have to
enjoy the process and so if you pick the
business where you don’t that’s when you
quit and people ask me should I quit on
my business it depends do you still
enjoy it do you love it do you have the
passion for it that’s the only thing
that matters if you don’t enjoy and
you’re just chasing the goal quit right
now I move on to something else but if
you do enjoy it and you want to keep
going and you have this vision of
yourself in the future having this big
impact then you have to keep going and
you’re gonna get hit with a lot of
bricks along the way but you have to
keep going because you enjoy the work so
the question today today is I want to
spread a little bit of positivity I’m
curious what do you enjoy the most
about the process in your business
what’s your most favorite task leave it
down in the comments below really
curious to find out and if you leave a
comment within the first few hours of
this video going alive you get a chance
to one of our two daily prizes I also
want to give a quick shout out to Steph
Reverend step thank you so much you’re
picking up a copy of my book your one
word and taking that picture and sharing
it with me it really really means a lot
to me and I’m so glad that you enjoyed
the book thank you guys again for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love and
I’ll see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot of espresso
this is what trainers mess people up
I’ve had trainers who totally just want
to prove that you could never do what
they do and they have you paying just to
say like though and then go to blast you
like they want you unless you’re in pain
and you feel like you’re sick and you’re
throwing up yeah that’s a workout no
yeah you look at you yeah you have you
hurt you can walk great yeah and the
whole point is what I tell people is
treat the gym like a spa the first time
you ever go just go in there and walk
around touch the weights get a drink of
water walk around and then leave and and
I mean literally do that for like a week
two weeks until you just get to the
habit of getting in that door because
what’s gonna happen is eventually you
gotta start lifting because you’re there
yeah and you’re gonna do something and
then you stop don’t ever get to the
point where you’re like I can’t it
doesn’t work I’ve been working people
want they say they want my body and all
this stuff but I’ve been working out
consistently since I was 14 years old
and I’m 44 I’m 33 years of parkour to
our workout 30 years yeah so it doesn’t
happen overnight you just have to enjoy
the process
totally learn to enjoy it cuz I’m sure
there was a point where you started to
enjoy using a hundred thirteen pound yep
and that’s only way you’re gonna keep
going enjoy the journey not the
destination a lot of us delay our
happiness when I get to this level when
I get my degree when I get the kids when
I get married I’m gonna be happy enjoy
the journey
enjoy the whole step the whole process
every day that you get up to strive for
whatever it is you’re after you know I’m
a goal-oriented guy yeah so you don’t
celebrate when you get to the finish
line celebrate all along the way so they
all along the way yeah lot of time I’ll
bring a friend of mine to the gym and
let’s say it’s a girl I’ll bring out to
the gym and she already feels really hot
about herself but as she goes to the gym
she begins to see her weak spots she
begins to actually realize how far she
has to go and paradoxically the very act
of actually improving herself makes her
feel even more insecure um you’ll see
the same thing when guys actually try to
get a little bit of money going or let’s
say that they try to learn to be good
with girls right let’s say you actually
thought your money was okay and then now
you start improving your cash situation
all of a sudden your mouths damn if I
want to get a good business going I want
to get my career going with some good
momentum I have a lot further to go than
I realized
likewise as far as girls go most guys
actually walk around thinking like you
know they can win any fight they can
pick up any girl when you actually go
and try to do in your eyes how much you
suck it winds up making you feel even
more insecure so just remember that the
fact that you are trying to improve
yourself it’s a paradox between
self-improvement and self-acceptance
because the very act of improving
yourself sometimes can make you feel a
little bit bad
what’s the frame that I come from then
how do I do all the self-improvement
stuff and not feel terrible I mean what
would I do is I come from a basic frame
and the basic frame is I’m already
awesome and I’m just enjoying my journey
of becoming even more awesome
so I remember back when I was first
teaching boot camps one of the first
ones ever taught us here in New York
City I didn’t really have a lot of
students we didn’t charge a lot of money
and probably wasn’t the best teacher so
you know don’t want to been at that boot
camp but the point being was I was
teaching boot camp into Starbucks you
know I’d sneak into like you know an HIV
clinic and say that I had HIV or we
break into a school building and do it
on milk crates I’d be doing seminars in
those environments and if you would have
asked me if I thought what I was doing
this cool I’d say yeah it’s cool right
now I might teach like you know a four
or five hundred person seminar to hotel
you ask me if I think it’s cool I say I
think it’s cool someday I could be
teaching a five thousand person audience
in a big auditorium somewhere like some
kind of you know Convention Center and
if you ask me I think is cool I think
that’s cool
and if I just run the whole damn planet
I think that’s cool too wherever I am on
my journey
I’m loving it okay I love the journey
because as far as I’m concerned the
golden era is now the golden era is the
present moment
and wherever I am right like if you’re
asking me now like you old you to suck
when you talk to the programs back at
Starbucks no it was awesome I was
already awesome and enjoying my journey
to become even more awesome right
someday if I’m teaching 5,000 people who
say I was teaching 500 people well was
that too small of a crowd for you I said
no I was just enjoying my journey I was
awesome I’m just enjoying being on the
coming even more awesome
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