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I guess this needed to be said

shout out to everyone in Burning Man I
gotta get my ass to Burning Man right
away I got people like Ralph calm I got
a tent for you okay I’m coming hold on
now Burning Man is not a festival it is
a community now I met someone who was
building these marvelous earth homes in
Burning Man and I’m like that is so
because when I think of Burning Man I
think of freedom people sharing with
each other respecting each other caring
for each other and living in peace and
harmony with their surrounding
environment you see a lot of people
write to me and they’re like Ralph this
person is disrespecting me they’re not
respecting me you are teaching people
how to treat you in every single second
by what you allow by what you stop and
buy what you reinforce you see we are
all supposed to get along in a beautiful
way not just with each other but with
Mother Nature after the Eclipse like the
energy is like going whoo right but we
can only do that when we know our true
work you didn’t come here to Planet
Earth to be disrespected you came here
to be appreciated to be loved but you
have to realize you teach people how to
treat you by what you allow by what you
stop and buy what you reinforce I’m
going to Burning Man right now how a
beautiful day to be alive baby can I get
a Hello
deep divers deep divers of planet earth
we are out here in the heart of nature
coexisting in a beautiful way just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy you I’m gonna get one of those earth homes has to be done

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