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“DON’T Let FAILURE STOP You!”- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) – #Entspresso

I don’t ever give up I mean I’d have to

be dead or completely incapacitated you

have to keep going because the regret at

age 90 looking back on your life the

regret will be enormous most of the

founders that I have spent a lot of time

with they’ve gone on to be super

successful spent a very long time on

their idea when a lot of other people

rise and shine it’s expresso time what’s

up believe nation it’s up in my one word

is believe and I believe in you I

believe you have an amazing gift inside

you that I want to see exploded onto the

world so let’s start your day off right

together grab your coffee and sip on

today’s message

never give up over to you Elon Musk

four years after starting SpaceX rolled

out its first rocket an unmanned booster

called the Falcon one cleared the tower

but the first three test flights failed

to reach orbit we are hearing from the

launch control sensor that has been an

anomaly on the vehicle when you had that

third failure in a row

did you think I need to pack this in

Devin why not

I don’t ever give up I mean I’d have to

be dead or completely incapacitated it

turned out that the third failure was

caused by a two-second glitch in the

timing eight weeks later must bet the

company on another flight this time

around everything worked perfect at that

fourth launch had to work that would

have been it we would have not had the

resources to the amount of fifth you

couldn’t have gone on at that point yes

death would have been I think inevitable

because we did not have the resources to

to mount a fifth launch this is a tricky

business tricky yeah

yeah I wish it wasn’t so hard never give

up is the best and the worst advice you

can ever give an entrepreneur the trick

is knowing how to use it if you love

what you’re doing if you can’t imagine

life without this thing that you’re

creating even if it’s not working out

yet you’re not getting the results yet

it’s not where you want it to be yet but

you need to know you need it’s like this

thing inside you that has to come out

you need to know it was gonna work or

not you could deal with the failure but

you can’t deal with not knowing if

that’s where you’re at with your idea

with your business and you have to keep

going then you can’t quit then you have

to find out because otherwise it’s gonna

eat you up for the rest of your life if

that’s where you’re at then you must

find a way to keep going even if it

doesn’t make any sense even if you have

to take on part-time jobs even if you

fail in front of everybody you have to

keep going because the regret at age 90

looking back on your life

rent will be enormous that’s how most

people live most people spend their

entire life regretting the things that

they didn’t do go look at a retirement

home go talk to your grandparents and

great-grandparents and a lot of them

will be filled with regret I wish I did

this I wish I took my shot I wish I had

the courage I wish I had the bravery to

keep going if that’s what you’re worried

about then you must you must you must

you must you must you must not give up

and find the way to keep going that’s

when it’s good advice here’s where it’s

bad advice

I think people stay in things for too

long as well I think people stay in

their business for too long I think

people stay in their relationships are

too long people stay with things because

it’s comfortable because they know it

because they recognize it because it’s

safe because it’s helping generate some

money they stay in the wrong thing for

too long if you are in the wrong thing

then quit immediately I can’t tell you

how many entrepreneurs I come across

who’ve had some level of success maybe

they’re not crushing it but they’ve had

some level of success and then they

start to hate their business they start

to get bored of their business because

they never evolved because they grew as

a human being but their business didn’t

grow alongside it and you keep getting

stuck doing the same thing over and over

and over again day in and day out

and you start to hate your business and

you feel like you have to stay in this

company because you should never give up

on it no quit get out of that thing

either change either adjust what you’re

gonna be doing then come up with a new

product come with the new service make

some tweaks or it’s just so far away

from what you’re interested in now then

quit try to sell the business if there’s

a way out and if not just abandon ship

and go do something else because this is

the most important part right here this

part right now you will never win doing

work that you hate you will never win

you will never have success you will

never get the goals that you want doing

work that you hate because the people

who love doing that work will always

crush you you can have the most talent

the most skills the most resources in

the world but if you do not love the

work if you do not love the process you

will get crushed you will get demolished

by the people who love it

and you will never be happy you will

always be a junior version of somebody

else and so you have to find the thing

that you are so dead in love with it’s

why finding your passion doing the thing

that you love is consistently the number

one most important rule that comes up

over and over and over and over again in

these videos not because I’m sharing it

because all these people who had success

are sharing it and so you will never win

doing work that you hate if you are

loving the work that you’re doing if you

have to find out if this is gonna work

or not then you can never quit then you

can never give up then you have to see

it through at least to know you could

deal with the failure but you cannot

deal with not knowing but if you don’t

love what you’re doing if you don’t love

the thing anymore then quit immediately

move on adjust find something else and

know that there’s something great for

you out there and that’s why never quit

is the best and the worst advice that

you can ever give an entrepreneur now

I’ve got some special bonus clips you

but before that question of the day what

do you think about the advice never quit

never give up I’d love to hear from you

leave it down in the comments below

thank you guys so much for watching I

believe in you I hope you continue to

believe in yourself and whatever your

one word is much love I’ll see you again

tomorrow morning for another shot of

knowing when to quit and knowing when to

give up on something is there’s no

perfect answer to that but it’s really

challenging to even get that

approximately correct I think most

people give up on things way too early

so the mistake that most people make is

they try something it does not

immediately work you see this

particularly in young entrepreneurs it

does not immediately work after seven

weeks they say you know what I tried

this thing it’s just not meant to be and

I have too many other projects and so

they immediately give up and you kind of

you know the satirical version of this

is people that are 23 and have started

14 startups because they give up on

everyone before I could ever possibly

successful these things are really hard

they take a very long time there are a

lot of critics there are a lot of people

who say this thing sucks it’s gonna fail

it’s really stupid and then also there’s

like what YC we call the trough of

sorrow where no one even bothers to say

it sucks because no one cares at all and

that is at least is demotivating most of

the founders that I have spent a lot of

time with that have gone on to be super

successful spent a very long time on

their idea when a lot of other people

would have given up and either people

said it sucks or people said nothing at

all and a framework that I have for when

to go up and when to keep working is it

should be an internal not an external

decision if people aren’t using it or

people are saying it’s bad that alone is

not a reason to give up you want to pay

some attention to that they might be

right but I think the best entrepreneurs

I know they make an internal decision

about when to give up or when to keep

working on something it’s basically when

you have run out of ideas and something

is not working then that’s a good time

to stop I honestly just don’t think

about mistakes but let me see if I can

try I mean I I just like to if I make a

mistake I put it behind me and I just

you know and and you know yes I you know

I mean there have been you know music

musical bands that I’ve missed trying to

sign like dust rates you know they’ve

been companies that have fallen flat in

their face like virgin Cola you know but

you know but you know that’s just part

of that’s just part of you know being an

entrepreneur you’ve got you’re going to

have these things happening all the time

so I don’t really see them as mistakes

they’re just you know they’re just you

know if you’re an entrepreneur you know

there’s some things are not gonna go

right something is they’re gonna go

right brightness is the most demanding

mistress you’re ever going to encounter

and I understand the advice that I’m

about to give you is not for everyone

most people should turn this off but if

you’re gonna stick with me if you’re

going to listen to what I have to say

it’s because you want something

tremendous in your life you want to

stand out from everyone else you want to

do something more than other people

think as possible you literally want to

stand outside the norm and if that’s the

case for you then understand that as

Albert Einstein said only one who

devotes himself to a cause with his

whole strength and soul can be a true

master for this reason mastery demands

all of a person if you want to get great

if you really want to make a skill set

your own if you want to be able to do

something and at the end of the day if

you want to transform the world if you

want to make grand changes if you want

to do all of that all the empty words

that people spout all the time let me

tell you the only thing that’s going to

separate you from all the other

blowhards we’re just talking words and

we’ll never do anything is to give

yourself over completely to

that obsession let that thing that you

love completely consume you and in that

your only chance to really become great

lies raise your standard Apple at the

core its core value is that we believe

that people with passion and not one

drop of my self-worth depends on your

acceptance of me

I don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead

or completely incapacitated hey believe

nation if you want to see my all-time

favorite top ten most a success I have a

very special secret video for you these

are the individual clips that I have

personally learned the most from and

applied to my life and my business check the link in description for details

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