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“Don’t FOCUS on Others… FOCUS on Yourself!” | Grant Cardone

I was 28 years old three years sober no
drugs in my body for three years I’m
selling cars I’m moving Toyotas and I’m
getting good at it too like you come in
and say look I got bad credit and I’m
not buying today I’m like goes that’s
two cars I’m a penalize I’m a penalize
you for saying that but okay okay yeah
bad you got bad credit
that’s perfect at least you got some
credit see I ain’t positive I’m there to
get something so so captain Ryan says to
me he’s like you’re the most positive
person I know I say dude I’m not
positive I’m 10x I get results okay I
want to get the deal done I want to make
my kids proud of me my kids aren’t gonna
remember whether I was positive or not
they’re gonna remember whether Danny
delivered the goodies are not you
understand when you go to Whole Foods
and they said that’ll be four hundred
they’d be like you need to get some 10x
you need to get some 10 XS and money to
go with your freaking attitude need
he’s Frank I don’t and he was my take on
his top 50 rules for success vol 3
enjoy rule number 2 good addictions all
the greats on this planet were addicted
to something Jesus was addicted he’s
like hey man I’m gonna do whatever it
takes right or wrong okay you got to get
addicted to something good all
addictions are not created equal
okay I’m addicted to my wife I’m
addicted to my kids I’m addicted to my
purpose I’m addicted to helping out I’m
addicted to making a difference I’m
addicted to doing whatever it takes to
show and be an example of the blessings
that I have rule number three is easier
self-motivated a little trick we do in
our company is we always have something
on our calendar to look forward to okay
if you want to stay motivated
today’s what Sunday I always have
something out here out here out here out
here and out here to look forward to
little short runways that keep me
excited okay I’m going to Turks and
Caicos to shoot a real estate program
when I leave here yesterday I walked out
of here I’m freaking exhausted I’m like
boy I can’t wait to get to Turks and
Caicos see it reenter just right now
when I’m done with that I need something
else to look forward to here I got a
whole bunch of stuff that’s gonna happen
here at the end of the month then it’s
gonna keep me jacked up when I’m at
Turks and Caicos because the truth is
Turks and Caicos could get a little
boring for a guy like that how many of
you have trouble have going on vacations
you have trouble unwinding okay you
don’t even want to go you’re like I
can’t even enjoy this so I need little
tricks I have little tricks everybody
should do this in their life okay you
need things to look forward to rule
number four to
our world you live in today the CNBC in
the CNN and the Netflix be happy just be
happy be satisfied with what you have
there’s no push man
there’s nobody pushing you how about
this you can do more how many of you can
do more oh my god if that’s all you got
how many of you can do more god damned
if you know you can do more if you know
you can do more then you have to do more
if you know you can help if you know you
can make a difference if you don’t
you’re gonna have this freaking a big
big hole no much no amount of money can
fill this thing up so fill it up if you
want to learn how to build confidence
like grant cardone check out my to solve
all top 10 series it’s free the link is
in the description below you have to go
build self-confidence refine work on
for 30 years since I left that treatment
center I’ve been doing one thing
studying business I don’t need to worry
about my neighbor I don’t need to worry
about Trump I don’t need to worry about
Obama I don’t need to worry about the
Democrats I don’t need to worry about
anything until I worried about these 36
inches that man man people like hey do
you believe in aliens dude I got I’m
having trouble with this
all I’m trying to do is expand it over
to here once I do that maybe I can
expand a little bit but I got to get
those six feet under control
I don’t criticize other people I’m too
busy criticizing me while I work on my
life I hope other people hate on me and
criticize me I love it
it’s whew man I’m like then come up
bring it on rule number six don’t chase
intersection admit to getting more done
the more you get done the more you will
earn period in the story why do I get
more done because I post I post without
looking at it I simply get more done why
because I’m committed to getting more
done I’m not I’m not committed to doing
it perfectly these guys all work with me
I wish you could see our studio okay but
I got Francisco here I got Johnny I got
Nathan here I got guys guys do I ever
talk about doing anything perfectly have
I ever said anything about doing
something perfectly I do it I just do I
just do a lot of stuff okay I’m like put
that stuff on the wall there you go
that’s good okay look man Johnny’s doing
the whole room that’s that that’s
Natalie there’s Nathan okay we got a
good group here right so check it out
number one you got to commit number two
you got to do whatever is in front of
you just do it it doesn’t need to be
approved it doesn’t need to be checked
we’re not hunting like I’m not deer
hunting here I’m not taxi driver and the
deer hunter you know that we’re we’re
not like I’m not going public here I’m
not trying to raise a billion dollars
I’m just trying to get my damn job done
it’s an Instagram post man well let me
check it oh let me do a filter oh let me
the number one reason businesses fail is
the inability the inability to sell
products in quantities great enough and
at margins high enough that is the only
you will fail you take too long to go
from the idea to selling enough products
volume and margins high enough do that
learn to do that and you can make any
dream reality okay I want to help the
world this is not taught in schools
there’s 8 billion people on this planet
and there’s no shortage of information
how many heard this before knowledge is
power then why are so many people
suffering why are so many people
suffering nowadays too for that we have
more information available us today than
at any time in the history of the world
we got too much information at this
point you got too much information and
not enough action rule number eight CC’s
your opportunities 25 years old I’m
selling automobiles I’m broke I’m in
debt $40,000 in debt spiritually
bankrupt physically bankrupt hate myself
only thing I had was an opportunity car
dealer that I work for took me back that
was an opportunity don’t dismiss the
opportunity you can’t go anyplace
without an opportunity no matter how
talented you are no matter how gifted
you are no matter what God has done for
you without an opportunity you will not
move from your garage your life cannot
improve without an opportunity it’s
impossible you guys don’t like sales cuz
you ain’t got any courage that’s why you
want to be a you want to be the vice
president of something that’s why you
guys want to call it something else okay
most of you in a room don’t even have
sales on your card you sell real estate
for Remax okay or keller and you don’t
even have sales on the card you’re in
network marketing you refused
we don’t do sales here what do you do
then okay what do you do I mean I think
the company’s got a financial statement
you ever read a financial statement
what’s the first line on a financial
huh what’s that first line it’s the
first line by the way
okay I’ve seen a bunch of income
statements in my life the first the
first ones are like two two maybe max
four inches long big companies big giant
companies okay I got five companies they
run to one financial statement in the
top line the top line the sales line you
could call it I think it’s called also
what revenue could be called gross
revenue okay you know people are getting
confused now okay they start getting
away from this word some some college
guy came in and said we can’t call the
sales man we got to call something like
at least two or three words I mean I
went to Harvard it’s not about how much
money you make folks can you use money
can you use it okay look just up these
top lines right here are about income if
you hate sales you hate income rule
number ten don’t think small okay who
you are I don’t care what your age is
okay I spent the first from the age of
twenty five years old to forty five
years so I spent 20 years thinking small
thinking small
and taken too long I built three little
businesses they were all doing good man
they were doing good three of them man
from scratch first little business I was
a millionaire when I was thirty 33 years
old punching shoving hard work man the
more money I had the more scared I was
because I had just enough money to be
scared soon as you get a million dollars
you’re gonna go into terror
I’m telling you gonna be like what am I
gonna do now okay I wasn’t scared before
now I got something to lose that’s why
you never want to get your advice from a
millionaire if you’re taking notes never
get your advice from a millionaire ever
okay this held me down for 20 years 20
years it held me down you’re looking at
me like huh I read The Millionaire Next
Door what did The Millionaire Next Door
say buy a used truck and don’t go to
Starbucks you say four bucks a day for
the next 38 years you will be in heaven
you’re gonna be stupid it’s dumb man
okay if four dollars is gonna break you
on any given day you’re just back to
thinking the way you were thinking when
you didn’t have anything buy everything
on sale okay everything you’re gonna buy
is gonna be on sale you got to get a
deal every time you buy something is
that what your daddy taught you never
pay retail for anything that means
nobody will ever pay you retail folks
rule number 11 get attention when I
started Twitter account I had no
followers when I started Facebook count
no followers I was my first follower
when I started Instagram account no
followers I didn’t know how to post
video I didn’t know how to take a selfie
I didn’t know how to do any of this but
I did have a commitment to grow in my
finances and if you want to grow your
finances attention is the Gateway you
want to go to heaven who wants to go to
heaven you got to die just telling you
man you got to die to go to the heaven
and most people don’t want to die they
want to go to heaven but they don’t want
that most people want money but they’re
not willing to get the attention they’re
not willing to do what it takes to get
the attention including spending money
and I would just tell you this if you
want to change your financial condition
the first thing you need to do is go out
and market in the marketplace so that
you can create a lead and not worry
about whether there’s ROI or not it’s so
stupid that people like what’s the ROI
do what’s the ROI if nobody knows you
okay what’s the ROI if I don’t know your
name don’t know your company don’t know
what you do don’t know your service
don’t know your product don’t know where
you’re located what is the ROI okay best
product does not win today the best
known product wins
you think starbucks sells the best
coffee please nasty
okay but it’s closed and I know what I’m
getting when I get there McDonald said
let’s sell the best Hamburg closing
available rule number 12 sink bigger so
that brings me to the second point you
need to think of way bigger than you’re
thinking I started in the apartment game
25 years ago in San Diego California my
first deal first deal I ever bought was
one unit this little yellow house that I
paid seventy eight thousand dollars for
by the way all this landscaping that’s
one of the things I’m known for them
like I’m putting trees up there cuz
that’s gonna give me some extra rent it
didn’t by the way my next kill was 38
units ok it was easier by 38 units than
it was one the only difference was to
think I had to think different I got to
make a few more phone calls but the play
is bigger right
the recent people the reason so many
real estate people are like marginal
people no offense raise your hand if
your marginal they loved it raise your
hand if you liar look man look I’m more
chill too compared to my potential the
fact that there’s people in this room –
don’t know me I’ve written seven books
thirteen best-selling business programs
I have I’m probably the top one or two
maybe three social media people in the
world seven million people on Facebook
but 7 million people on Facebook is
nothing compared to 7 billion people in
the world so
think big man rule number 13 and solve
problems problems are opportunities the
bigger the problems if you could look
for the giant problems on this planet
and quit complaining about them right
and quit blaming somebody about it and
say man what if I took responsibility
for that problem because there is money
you’ll end up with money and the bigger
the problem you solve the bigger the
problem you solve the more money you end
that are hooking up with whoever they
want when they want that are spending
millions and millions and millions of
dollars of connections and speed and
they’re doing something different than
you and I will talk to do school systems
don’t teach you this your mama didn’t
your family doesn’t know this right so
you got to go outside your circle of
you can do the same thing
not those guys those are the pilots
see they work for 150 grand a year
figured they’re they’re cut the big fat
hog in the ass
well I make 175 Destin but they stopped
Barney what the owner knows
they study their study paid the price
for the information and then pay for the
price of access to the people and learn
from drill there are 16 worried about
the money if I could go back to my 20
year old self what I would tell my 20
year old self is one thing get your
money right son
worry about the money and now I know a
lot of people think that this is not the
thing people should be focused on
however on this planet if you don’t get
your money right you’re gonna be worried
all the debt all the time you can’t take
care of your parents you can’t take care
of yourself you can’t take care of your
rent you can’t live in a nice place you
can’t take care of your car get your
money right okay what should you be
spending your money on
why do wealthy people use money not
spend money why do wealthy people buy
businesses they don’t buy homes why to
wealthy people use debt to grow their
business they don’t use debt to consume
products and services why do wealthy
people not invest in 401 K since EPS and
retirement accounts they don’t even
worry about that they worry about
getting their money so freaking right
but they can go wherever they want day
or night rule number 16 change your
target is saying hey man if you got a
million dollars you’re basically just a
freakin deadbeat and that your daddy
didn’t tell you that if you didn’t have
any more income then you were held or
you you’re 27 years old I’m gonna do
this at 47 imma do it at at 65 27 you
don’t have any more income how long
would that money laughs and $4,000 a
month you got 25 years where can you
live on $4,000 a month you’d have to
live on $4,000 a month
for 25 years you will be 52 years old my
friend and dad broke number one thing
you got to do is this you got to change
the target and you need to look at the
target daily the target you have the
wrong target right now if you’re
struggling you have the wrong target
when you change the target everything
changes now and I started with zero just
so you guys know I didn’t have
anything okay so look it’s simple target
what’s your new target breathe yeah
freedom but but but let’s put my a
number on it your first target should be
10 million dollars and nothing short of
that number one the target number two
you need to get your income to a place
this is a fascinating concept right here
okay if you can do this I guarantee
you’ll be rich you need to get your
income not to what pays your bills but
to where you can say forty percent of
your gross income is saved all right so
now now when you do this math you’re
like good how much money do I actually
need let’s kick this up to 20 grand at
20 grand what happens you’re saving 8
storage you’re paying 8 and now you can
live on 4c now this is the right way to
do a budget you make 30,000 the 12 is
going to storage the 12 is going to the
hour and the S and at least you a 6 so
now you can start seeing that you got to
be somewhere north of 300 grand a year
this is what they don’t teach you at
Harvard you got to be somewhere north to
360 a year before you even have money to
live on unless you’re just you know your
Trek you’re just the irresponsible human
being that that’s you know not putting
storing money away for the future ok now
you’re saving 12 grand a month that’s
144 thousand dollars in one year in ten
years that’s 1.4 million dollars in ten
years you’re a millionaire stored you
guys need to be heavily money motivated
from a survival standpoint okay number
three thing you’re gonna do you’re gonna
go broke right here and invest the
storage has to get invested the Golden
Goose is only good if she lays eggs
otherwise you can kill her eater for
chicken need a bait money needs to make
babies right so your goal right here is
10 best to invest the storage money and
continue to do that until this money
over here
the passive money is equal to your
income right so what would I do I’d go
out I’m gonna make 30 grand I’m going to
store 12 I’m gonna pay to IRS on the
live on 6 Warren Buffett says don’t lose
money number 1 number 2 don’t lose money
I would tell you number 3 don’t lose
money and that’s the reality of the
situation that’s what Peter Thiel was
saying a single-digit millionaire cannot
even provide themselves with their own
personal defense in America ok
Hulk Hogan all that money Hulk Hogan
made he blew it all he blew it off
probably buying hair pieces ok he blew
it all he blew it all ended up with a
little money thought he was this oh man
I got a little money until he had that
freakin lawsuit and then he can’t even
defend himself so it happens to a lot of
people how many of units a family member
lost her job okay how many have a family
member where the kid got a drug
addiction he had to go to rehab for 30
days and it cost 40 grand good bad
happens how many know somebody got
cancer okay how many know somebody to
car accident cost three or four hundred
Rand Abbott’s
okay problem is not just rapid happens
if people are ready for oh god I can’t
believe this happened to me oh really
god damn you been around long enough
right how many of you can’t swim I’m
just saying you might want to get us one
unless it’s a with planet
rule number 17s find your greatness I
love baseball but but but you don’t have
to love baseball one took to be inspired
greatness man that’s greatness I got
that guy you know when you when I watch
that I’m like I wonder how many times
she’s run jumped taken flies I mean
thousands and thousands and thousands of
times to get to have that moment right
there so by the way that’s that’s an
everybody here okay so if you ever see a
great ball player whether it’s football
or hockey or ballet or dancing and
you’re inspired it’s because it’s
hitting that part of you this like you
have that in you
rule number 18 change your saint-jean
yeah you got it you got it you got
everything everywhere you go you need
you need to confront every time you hit
up against oh the the rooms 249 the the
mills 25 bucks
Starbucks is six dollars the airline
flight costs 600 every time you like oh
okay you need to understand that you’re
being reminded you don’t have enough
money it has nothing to do with the
price but watch how much people
disassociate American Airlines has
charged it too much than that ticket
that has nothing to do with it you know
you don’t make enough money
okay so I had a guy I was in Oakland
California I was flying back and I said
hey anybody want to fly home with me the
guys like I want to fly home with you
I’ll do it I said good I’ll be $48,000
for fuel oh oh I don’t want to do it no
you can’t do it because you don’t have
money fuel it’s not the problem
he didn’t he don’t make enough money so
just start flipping things so like now
when I see
Wagyu remember that Wagyu we ate in
Vegas it was like $115 first strip that
big never do it again by the way but the
fact that I complained about it only
means I don’t make enough money and if
the Wagyu is too much money
if the 115 for a little strip of Wagyu
is too much money what does that say
about what I’m selling my products for
not charging them up can’t get enough I
have this idea so it’s really to me it’s
really we go to Paris man and we go to
this Chanel store and there’s people in
line in line out the front door at the
Chanel store I’m like oh my god great
experience for me how much money’s on
this planet go to Monaco see the yachts
two hundred million two forty three
hundred million dollars three hundred
millions they cost thirty million a year
to take care of great experience
flying private been a great experience
for me okay guy has five jets not not
he’s not complaining about a first-class
seat anymore in the peanuts he’s got
five jets different level man I’ll send
you start thinking different start
asking different start working deals
different rule number 19 do more I was
50 52 years old and I had a problem I
was depressed I wasn’t satisfied
I was hungry but didn’t know what to do
I had businesses I had money I had a
whole bunch of stuff but I’m like – what
am i doing now I’m bickering with Elena
we had our kids we had the first two
kids and we’re like okay we got a kids
I’m being a parent now okay I’m being a
married guy right I’m being a
businessman and I’m
happy and then I started asking people
what’s wrong man what’s wrong what’s
wrong with me man something wrong with
something wrong with me oh yeah and as
soon as you say something wrong with me
that everybody’s got an opinion oh yeah
man and you got a disease man you got a
problem you got issues man you work too
you’re a work attic you you you you you
you’re insecure your daddy died your
daddy died and left a hole in you left a
hole in me I can’t go on a vacation I
want to do something man doing less has
never solved my problems doing less
moderation has never solved a problem
for me the problem that I’ve had in my
life okay was not my marriage there’s
not okay I’m not a bad parent you should
be up here
you should be dropping out of the
ceiling you should be helping more
people rule number 20 have fun before
you had that live chat you’re having
second thoughts about the wake surfing
what changed your mind I don’t know I
mean I always I’m always up for an
adventure you know it’s just people get
grouped into their comfort zones yeah
yeah you can make a bomb busy on this
and that but like the reality is
you know people just cure so would you
say this is out of your comfort zone any
if I’m not working to deal pull myself
rule number 21 never give up I lost my
dad when I was 10 I lost my brother when
I was 20 I lost you know I gave up my
career and maybe I’m gonna be a baseball
player to drugs I’ve lost five or six
jobs now and I’m a loser I’m a total
but I do have this little this little
light inside of me that says I’m special
I have this little thing inside of me it
says hey you you are special you know
you have something but it was just
covered up and all this stuff
and all these problems and in the drugs
and the bad friends and the bad choices
so my mom finally says enough is enough
don’t come back here anymore I’m done I
could tell it was hard for her I’m in a
treatment center in the next 24 hours I
go to this treatment center I’m there
thirty days for the first 30 days in
seven eight nine years I don’t use drugs
oh wow
I don’t have to use drugs finally that
thing where I said I was quitting ten
times a day I was quitting ten times a
day for the first time in my life I was
able to quit successfully I’m leaving
the treatment center when the insurance
ran out because that’s how those work
when the money runs out they boot you to
the curb I’m terrified scared to go back
to society I don’t have any friends that
aren’t using drugs my girlfriend was
using drugs everybody around me
everybody I knew used drugs and I’m
going back to a job where even it’s a
job I had they used drugs and I’m like
I’m going back to an environment I have
to cut off all my friends not really
friends I got to cut off all the enemies
right and I got to start over and before
I leave the counselor grass meaning the
counselor says to me look dude I’ll see
you back here probably you know if you
don’t die I’ll see you back here and I’m
like what are you talking about dude I’m
not coming back here and he’s like oh no
you’re coming back and then he gives me
the lecture he’s like you’ll never make
see when you go to a treatment center
you tell them everything about your life
like all your secrets all your your your
inhibitions and and your you know the
things you want to do in your life right
and so I’m telling them in this thing
everything I’ve done everything I’ve
done wrong I share my whole life but I
also share with them what I want to do
my inspiration in life I’m gonna write
books I’m going to speak to audiences
I’m gonna help people I’m gonna tell
people this story about drugs and how
damaging they are and I’m gonna be
somebody I tell them and they’re like no
no no no you’re a drug addict and all
you’re ever gonna be
just put the counselor tells me all
you’re ever gonna be is the drug addict
you need to give up all the ideas of
writing books speak into audiences being
rich I always wanted to be rich I wanted
financially to be rich bawler I wanted
to be my dad I wanted to be the guy that
could take care of his family they said
you need to give up all those ideas and
settle for one thing not using drugs if
the day ends and you don’t use drugs
grant that is a good day for you rule
number 22 think bigger
I just got awarded awarded this deal
ninety two point five million dollars 31
acres land you know my buddy Evan
Carmichael talks about dream belief yeah
but dream what and believe what believe
you pay your bills I believe you can one
day write a check for 60 million bucks
what do you believe what are you going
to dream of like literally I think
people’s dreams are one of the things
holding them back because they don’t
know how to dream I don’t know how big
the dream this is doable for any person
I don’t care who you are anybody could
do this deal anybody could do that deal
I know the guys that own private jet
they’re not smaller they don’t work
probably don’t even work any harder but
they did they did think bigger and they
get in the end and you can’t you can’t
catch whales in in a in a bowl goldfish
bubble so you got to be in the right in
the right stream traffic rule number 23
get attention money follows attention
money follows attention
how much attention can you guys get okay
most of you can’t get attention cuz your
mom and daddy said don’t get too much
attention don’t get too much attention
be seen and not heard
fly under the radar because if you get
too much attention they’re gonna shoot
you down right how many hurtness before
I’m to the radar man stay low man don’t
let anybody see you making moves don’t
make moves man don’t make moves and then
everybody wonders why can’t I get above
because you don’t get attention
strangers have everything you want
everything you want a stranger has it it
will be strangers that will grow your
business it will be strangers that put
your kids through schools it will be
strangers that make your dreams a
strangers have everything you want but
you were taught not to talk to them rule
number 24 change your thinking we can’t
afford that how many you told your kids
with that before we can’t do that bike
we can’t buy the bike right you told
your kids that cuz you were told that
right we don’t tell our kids that how
many of you are told this kids be
careful that’s why you guys think so
much you got yet Dave Ramsey on TV
saying total freedom comes from not
having debt
okay you got you you flip channels and
you go to Suze you can’t afford that
okay I’m gonna tell you do you can
afford anything
hey debts not your problem okay I got
four four I got I probably got five
hundred million dollars worth of debt
today five hundred million I wish it was
five billion
rule number 25 get busy yeah man I had
to get over drugs went to treatment
center spent 28 days in the treatment
center when I was 25 my mom my brother
my sister all gave up on me like they’re
like enough that’s how bad of trouble I
was ten I was using was using drugs
every 45 minutes I wasn’t using drug
once or twice a day I was using once or
twice an hour whatever you’re not gonna
do in the business be probably shouldn’t
be doing a period so I had to clean up I
had to clean up my deal man 28 days I
got 28 days first 28 days of my life in
seven years that I didn’t use drugs so I
was like man what am I gonna do now not
clear why do some drugs me I feel with
what am I gonna do with all my time so
when you see me run right now I’m
running from one thing to the next thing
I’m trying to stay busy cuz as long as I
stay busy I don’t get in trouble by the
$275 a month in rent rule number 26
study wealthy people so a 25 re
committed to my education but this time
I started studying not things that were
in books but people that had actually
created wealth not people that had made
money but people that he created wealth
this is completely different I was no
longer studying accounting and economics
I was studying wealthy people and only
wealthy people I’m not talking about the
doctor there was a neighbor that makes a
million dollars a year and he’s working
18 hours a day and he hates his job
right he’s working seven days a week he
can’t ever spend time with fan I’m
talking about the yacht people I’m
talking about the people that are
spending as much time as they want on
vacation I’m talking about the car
dealer that had 28 car dealerships or
eighty-two car dealerships that has in
disposable money I’m talking about the
Walton money I’m talking about with the
Waltons last week increase their net
worth by 11 billion dollars and they
haven’t worked for 30 years that’s the
kind of wealth I started study I started
reading Barron’s in the Wall Street
Journal and I quickly realized something
that the wealthy people had financial
freedom and no one else did okay a very
small percentage of people lots of
people have money my uncle had millions
of dollars he was terrified about his
money wouldn’t spend it acted like a
buried money in the backyard I realized
my parents had it wrong the information
I had that was wrong and this is the
number one thing I want you to get out
tonight the information you have is
wrong the wealthy talk differently than
the middle-class I watched my mom and my
dad I started comparing the wealthy
people to what my dad did my dad worked
every day every day of the week if he
wasn’t working at the office he was
working in the yard they saved money
they cut their own grass okay we ate all
our food we turned the lights off we
didn’t waste anything
and that was uncertainty was insecurity
and fear and it perpetuated uncertainty
insecurity and fear and and all the
lessons about money money doesn’t grow
on trees a penny saved is a penny earned
eat all your food people are starving
okay money money you don’t waste it
don’t play with it all that creates
insecurity and it’s incorrect rule
number 27 commit you just got to say I’m
going to get more done and quit talking
about all this BS that you’re telling
yourself I don’t have time I don’t have
time I ain’t got time I’m tired
it don’t matter man commit to getting
more done the more you get done the more
you will earn period in the story right
so I get more done than Elena does Elena
Elena said here right now she would say
this man is a damn machine why do I get
more done because I post I post without
looking at it I simply get more done why
because I’m committed to getting more
done I’m not I’m not committed to doing
it perfectly
rule number 28 change yourselves if you
want things to change they can change
and they’re not gonna change this
because you pray just because you wish
just cuz you hope and they won’t change
this because your family wants it to
change it it did not change it’s still
until I started getting information and
if you take a notes today it didn’t
start changing until I started getting
rid of information one of the most
important things that happened to me in
my life was to get rid of information
a man told me once he’s like hey look
man if things don’t go well somebody or
something is causing it not to go well
how many agree with that statement
ok things aren’t going well something or
someone is causing things not to go well
ok and before you guys take on the
Republicans and the Democrats or the
he said grant before you take on other
people once you just take on these 24
inches right here but before you take on
change in the whole world
once you handle like between your
shoulders cuz you got your hands full
rule number 29 execute on ideas
different game today folks different
game man everything’s changed
remember when you waited for a taxicab
remember that when was that how many
people in this planet complained about
having to wait on a dirty cab millions
and millions and millions of people said
oh my gosh hey man let’s just send it to
them if you can close the distance
between an idea and money’s okay you’ll
get rich remember 30 find your drive
when I was a kid when I was growing up
the guy that the guy that knew how to
take care of his environment was my dad
I was eight years old and then this dude
just do controlled everything in this
and he left early for work he came home
late took care of his family and you
knew he never gave anybody a lecture
about what to do he just let he was a
and he had the money and he made the
money we were middle club middle-class
families so we were like little red
brick house white brick actually white
brick house about 1,400 square feet
seven people lived in it and my dad I
could tell my dad was trying to get
somewhere he was trying to move us up he
was trying to and he wasn’t trying to
brag he was trying to take care of
and so I was watching that right and I
watch where this guy he’s the one that
made the decision where we went how long
we stayed and I started associating that
the moneymaker makes the rules
this is what Elena was talking about you
know there’s around the money I make the
rules around the money around other
things Elena makes the rules so you got
to know what you’re good at what your
job is and what your role is my dad and
my mom knew their roles problem with
that is when my dad died suddenly at 52
years old my mom was left to do
something she didn’t she didn’t have it
and and I was 10 and I wasn’t I didn’t
and my dad left a little bit of
insurance money from the from the life
insurance or the death insurance better
better it’s really called death
insurance just can’t sell it if they
call it that and my mom didn’t know how
long that money would last so
immediately after my dad died when my
what mom should have been in grief she
would went immediately into massive fear
and I could see it I could sense it as a
ten year old my mom was in fear every
day clipping coupons saving money you
know turn the lights off eat all your
food it was constant messages go across
town to get gas like everything came by
strawberries today you know there’ll be
there’ll be 20 cents cheaper tomorrow
and so I I couldn’t do anything about it
or didn’t think I could do anything
about it and I just kept telling myself
one day one day I’ma be in a position to
change this and I think that really
people not be in that situation again
rule number 31 get your money to work
you don’t have more money folks because
nice not it’s not because you don’t work
it’s not because you’re not a good
person it’s not because you overspend
it’s not because you got too much debt
it’s not because you don’t bust your ass
it’s because your money doesn’t bust its
ass your money is lazy if your money was
employees you would fire your money so
here’s the rules okay number one the the
money the extra money should go into
something that gives you money you want
your money to have babies the Golden
Goose is no law no longer good if she
doesn’t have eggs the only thing that
makes the Golden Goose valuable is the
fact that the Golden Goose lays eggs
ladies eggs so if you just study the
wealthiest families in the world not
just in America in the world over long
periods of time look at the Queen the
Queen of England this much property and
one of the richest families in the world
why they get cash flow every month from
India from England from Ireland from all
over the world while the princess in
Saudi Arabia is so wealthy because they
have constant inflow of money coming
from the land that produces the oil the
oil comes out of the land and produces
cash flow the railroads the railroads
back in the day would they do they got
all this land together and then they
rented that land out to everybody around
it why do all the teachers credit unions
take all the money from all the teachers
around America and then they start
investing in real estate that produces
cash flow so they can distribute back to
their members I’m always going to come
back to this one story look real assets
that produce real cash flow every month
when it pays you every month and you’re
getting reminded every month I got a
check I got a little hundred dollar
check I got a two hundred dollar check
this month I got a thirteen thousand
dollar check today from one of my
properties every month I get a check for
thirteen grand from that property it’s
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a
year it didn’t start like that it used
to be like 1,300 bucks 1300 then it was
then it was 5,000 next thing you know
it’s 13 grand that’s one property pays
me every month property just sits
they’re okay just sits there it might
not even change in value just sits there
and produces cashflow anything that
produces cashflow will be worth more
money tomorrow
that’s why Netflix is valuable why
because people pay a lot of cash into
Netflix and even if Netflix loses money
today some company will find Netflix
desirable for one reason cash flow is
rule number 32 pay the price when you
start getting out oh god this is stupid
these cars that you’re seeing people buy
take $0.50 got six seven two Christmases
now I got my wife of Cullinan and I got
myself this this is ridiculous you don’t
need to go out buy these cars okay this
is without a doubt complete waste of
money and unlike unlike some of the
people that are out buying because
there’s a lot of young kids right now
thinking oh I’m a go buy a Lambo I’m
gonna get a Ferrari I’m gonna go go buy
me a rose I’ve watched a twenty
four-year-old get by rolls-royce I’m
like man I don’t even look good on you
even if you can’t afford what you see
right here is completely ridiculous but
years 35 years of hard work not just
hard work but making good decisions and
putting the money away putting the money
away and not doing this kind of stuff
put all this stuff off don’t do this
right now okay pay the price right now
work hard get great at your job get
great or whatever you do so good that
people are like man you’re the best well
who are you what do you want they start
asking questions about why what makes
you so unique then you’re gonna start
getting paid more there’s no way on this
planet that if people don’t if people
start talking about how exceptional you
are you will get paid more at some point
when you do take that money and invested
in something where you can’t lose it
where it pays you every month and one
day in the future it’ll be worth more
than it is today
do that for years it might take 10 years
15 years 20 years I’m just starting
enjoying my life a lot of hard work man
rule number 33 have a strong why you
can’t stay connected to the Y I don’t
mean why am I doing this but you got to
dig down the why behind the why behind
the why right why do I want to lose
weight why do I want to be in better
shape why cause it because it cuz it’s
gonna make me healthy but why do you
want to be healthy why did I start
investing in real estate and by the way
why did I start making more money so I
could have more money to invest in real
estate why do you want to make more
money so you can have more money to
invest in real estate why oh because I
want to spend more time with my kids man
because I want to be on a vacation with
my kids and not worry about what we’re
doing I want
go to sleep or go travel or do whatever
I want and I got money coming in and I
want to go take care of my parents in my
church and my charity I want to take
care of stuff after I die that’s why I
invest in real estate the why behind why
behind the while rule number 34 hate
your life I was 20 years old again no
more drinking no more drug gun no more
weekends until I get my money right
just like job sales second thing I would
do is this I would invest my extra time
not my money my extra time I would
invest learning about real estate
without a doubt if I would have been
doing this at 20 years old I’d be worth
over a billion dollars today all I had
to do was focus different what I did was
I got caught up in this first job and I
started thinking about how good I was
doing one day looked up I was 35 years
old 33 years old actually and my uncle
says you need to start paying attention
to your money to money working he said
it to me one time man one piece of
advice I got from my uncle he’s like you
need to start paying attention you need
to get your money work and I’m like okay
thanks you need to hate your life you
guys don’t need to like I’m good I’m all
happy I’m good I’m living the dream you
need to get so disgusted I told you this
eight years ago get so disgusted with
your life get so freakin like you hate
your life so much that that the thing
that that where you go every day is a
solution to getting the life you want
rule number 35 have a Champions mindset
people keep asking me dude how do you
keep your freakin mojo going like it
it’s like it’s like you got more energy
I said well it’s a beautiful having a
beautiful wife thank you handsome women
women will let’s just call a spade a
thing women are the super motivators of
the universe this is my muse right Oh in
addition to the muse though okay okay
it’s a new me this year folks rally in
addition to the muse you guys got to
have a pull you need to have a pull
you’re like man what how do you stay so
how do you guys stay so motivated it’s
the pull
it’s not the push me and Tim Grover were
talk about this Jordan wins a ring and
he’s like okay now what everybody else
is out you know drinking champagne but
this the true champions are like what’s
the next thing what’s the next move
where do we do next like they need the
next thing to keep on going what am I
ever gonna be satisfied you need a pool
you’re never gonna be satisfied and if
you are by the way by the way if you are
satisfied you quit mm-hmm you put you
put your sword down quit fight play it
makes me more hungry yeah rule number 36
commit fully the speed at which you
commit determines your velocity how fast
I can commit to something will determine
how fast I can move into that thing and
how much power I have okay
the speed at which you commit the longer
you take to commit to something the less
impact its gonna have on your community
on yourself on your life on your money
your finances I don’t care if it’s rehab
in your kitchen buying a house in making
an investment in real estate
rule number 37 collaborate dude I want
to collaborate with people I don’t want
to compete anymore I’m done with
optician ship so when you I think of me
you everybody knows but these are all
that early sales stuff for me I was in
such a competition mode it was I was
competing with everybody I thought it
was me against everybody and really it’s
just been in the last since we did that
first growth conference and we had other
people on stage and I didn’t do like I
didn’t do anything
yeah I was just introducing people doing
interviews and walking uh doing doing q
today’s massage even ii even ii went
even russell brunson sister why would
you why are you giving up on your stage
time to other people because i want to
collaborate yeah and and but then we
figured that other people don’t really
know how to do it yet like they’re like
hey follow my instagram i’m like that’s
operation we don’t we don’t care about
your Instagram I’m gonna to spend six
million dollars trying to get 30,000
people yeah right now we care about
where is everybody going for the next
two next year in 2020
rule number 38 change your surroundings
your surroundings have to change okay
the people your network your scenery you
will not change your life until you
change the people in your life if your
friends aren’t changing you ain’t even
rule number 39 be on a mission
my daddy abandoned me my sister’s not
gonna like here and that could cease
melee oh my god he was good to you he
died he left me too soon period call it
whatever you want okay he left me too
he left my brother too soon okay me and
my brother we’re out of dad man
tremendous amount of energy
same kind of like like just imagine me
as a ten-year-old in Louisiana with a
weapon right I’m 10 years old we had a
22 right foot I’m out shooting
everything that moves cars anything
anything and everything I’m wild man I’m
one I got all this energy and I don’t
have a dad and I’m angry I told my mom
when I was 16 years old one day one day
I’m gonna be successful one day one day
I’m gonna be successful and one day I’m
gonna help a lot of people and I said
that to her because I wanted somebody to
help me see I’ve always loved helping
people always I am most happy when I’m
helping someone else nothing to do with
money if I could help somebody not give
them something but if I can actually
help somebody to feel better about
to knew what to do in a phone call to
know what to do on a sales call to know
how to follow up their girlfriend or a
boyfriend or to solve some problem in
their life
or how to get some money if I can help
somebody know how to do that I know I
contributed to their life rule number 40
have fun
I tell you god dammit I tell you what
20:19 are y’all ready for 2019 are y’all
ready cuz I’m ready I’m ready Freddie
okay okay look I got a carrot I carry a
fire extinguish with me everywhere I go
I looped it onto my pants cuz my game so
oh yeah Oh
rule number 41 pay the price
Sabrina can’t set the right goals right
now everybody agree with that
Sabrina can’t she can’t pick up 200
pounds you understand she could fly on a
jet one of my kids has never been on a
commercial airline she’s like puppet
will I ever get to fly on commercial
I hope not I hope you never have to go
through that it’s wrong I did three
million miles so you don’t have to
peanuts I didn’t want and I was doing
that on Thanksgiving holidays to go to
Canada where they were they were still
transacting business Super Bowls I’ve
missed all games I’ve miss my buddies
were travelling seeing the world and I
didn’t have any of those experiences
it’s been 30 years 30 years it’s
probably gonna be 30 years for you two
it’s gonna be 30 years of it are you
willing to pay the price if anybody
thinks you’re gonna be successful
without paying that price you’re wrong
rule number 42 learn how to use money
burn money learn how to store the money
and learn how to use it because if you
can’t do this if you can’t flow the
money back out if you’re sitting on a
grand right now or two grand or five
grand make it official that you’re broke
do not try to save five grand it’s no
money just make it official get rid of
it and be broke because you’re broke
already and maybe you’ll hustle now like
you need to replace your reserves that’s
why when I earn some money I store it
okay if I store thirty million dollars I
know I’m getting rid of it twice a year
I dumped everything I have entire every
penny I have does not go into some
emergency account it goes into an asset
that will make babies or make me know
and you guys can do this everybody in
the room can do this okay if I can do
this you guys can do this rule number 43
get a good team third thing is you need
at work a team of people around you that
can hold you accountable you will go
nowhere by yourself not even Jesus went
by himself nobody goes by themselves
nobody alright you have more potential
you know it if that’s the end to that
get there be VIP while you’re there too
by the way
VIP have a VIP experience if you can’t
VIP yourself why do you think somebody
else is gonna treat you like a VIP
rule number 44 10x your life I just know
hey I got this moment man right here
let’s make the most of this moment I
don’t know if I live once or twice okay
I know this I need to take advantage of
what I have right now and I can’t do
that by myself I don’t want to be by
myself we don’t want to just be the four
of us I don’t want to just be me Elena
Sabrina and Scarlett I want to I want a
nation I don’t want to try it I don’t
want to tribe I want friends all over
the world
I want Sabrina and Scarlett when they
grow up and they go to to Switzerland
they have friends in Switzerland okay if
the world falls apart we have friends in
Oklahoma or in central or maybe I got to
go to South America for a while maybe I
gotta go hang out okay I will not
fulfill my mission my mission is to help
people I will be known for the people I
help not the money I made nobody’s gonna
remember it nobody’s gonna say 50 years
from now 100 years now Oh grant cardone
had a great chat nobody nobody will ever
mention that my books might live on okay
my audio would guarantee you my audio
will live long after I’m dead but your
memories with me
you using our technologies okay will
live on forever you live on through
other people Walt Disney did it
he lives on today man okay
build a legacy folks build a legacy put
yourself out there okay 10x your lives
10x in the lives of the people around
you give more than you take give more
than you take give more than you take
and I promise you you will get more than
you ever dreamed now rule number 45
invest I’m getting ready to a real
estate conference four thousand
experienced and mature real estate
investors if you knew what I was gonna
share with him the one biggest most
important number in all the real estate
investing there’s one thing if you read
my book you know what it is I must share
wooden a Dana’s gonna load up top off
their heads there’s some people in the
room that are retired from apartment
investing and they’re gonna I guarantee
when I’m done today they’re gonna be
like honey what was free thinking
getting out of this game we gotta get
back in and we did it wrong cuz we did
his smoke whoo hey if you’re not
invested in apartment seriously if
you’re not invest in apartments if you
don’t know the game had to learn the
game learn the game figure the game out
I promise you with every fiber of my
I believe that apartment investing will
prove to be over the next 25 years the
single best investment that you can make
that you could possibly make okay rule
number 46 use your potential if your
life is not the way it should be then
you should hate yourself right now I
don’t blame you should the best way but
dude I I hated much before I loved much
I hated myself so bad I couldn’t look in
the mirror Jared told me the other day
it’s like you don’t have a mirror in
your bathroom I’m bringing in there
right now I said dude I don’t need a
mirror I remember you know what that
bathroom I remember having an apartment
where I couldn’t put a mirror on the
wall broke it broke the mirror look at
that right there
no mirror yesterday – dude I don’t have
a mirror I said I don’t care I’ll need
to look at my
so I remember when I’d look at myself
and that hated myself broke the mirror
out of a bathroom because I couldn’t
look at my face because the mirror
remind me every time I had a mirror I
was putting something on it to put it in
my face
hated myself man hated myself didn’t
have any money had all this potential
overdose in Daly that’s one man you want
to change you got a bunch of potential
tell you tell yourself the truth okay do
you have more potential than you’re
using ask yourself right now just ask
yourself just meditate on this a second
do I have more potential than I’m using
do you guys yeah she’s selfish every
morning when you wake up man what do you
say to yourself in one first thing I do
in the morning I wake up say do I have
more potential thank you Alex do I have
more potential than I’m using dude if I
do if it’s even this much then I gotta
get the up and go get it this is where
God lives dude this is the spiritual
part of life is the seeking of potential
not the seeking of since of serenity and
happiness serenity and Happiness are
selfish commodities it’s about me man
for me to seek my potential the next
level means I gotta give up what I have
that’s where God lives man God’s proud
of Grant Cardone you know what a bunch
of humans don’t like grant God loves
grant you know what cuz gods like dude
that guy he will put it out there you
guys are all praying you know my prayers
my prayers not talking to God my prayer
is taking action rule number 47 work on
yourself I’ve been busted broke the beat
up I’ve been I’ve been at a point in my
life where I thought I thought less than
me then anyone thought of me how many
you been there dude how do I get the
right girl the right family the right
money the right company the right
employees I don’t even like me
unlike what happened what happened I had
more money when I was eight then when I
was 25 what the hell happened I liked
myself more when I was six years old
then I was twenty twenty-five years old
what happened to me now if you look at
me today six years old in 57 dude I’m
kind of digging myself right now I like
Who I am man I’ve spent the last years
just doing one thing dude working on Who
I am number one most important thing
Warren Buffett says and I study a lot of
people okay this year I’ll probably
spend this year between mentors what’s
really my mentor is just the guys to
hook up he says he’ll come me up with
other players 20 mentors I don’t think I
say too word right books courses I’ll go
off for three weeks and just do a course
you guys worry about a weekend I can’t
get away for a weekend did I go for
three weeks and just do courses I’ll
probably spend 400 grand this year I’m
worth it man how am I not worth 400
look you worried about 400 grand how you
gonna get 400 million see see you and I
were brought up to worry about what this
what’s in your pocket right I mean I
used to squeeze the quarter so hard at
and scream look look everybody worries
about this right but whose money is this
somebody else’s money man this ain’t my
rule number 48 myself I’ve already got a
workout in spent time with my kids did a
project at my office because we’re doing
some construction there on my way to an
event and it will leave there go to
another event in another city about
2,000 miles away Oh in the name of
business that’s what I say my brothers
my sisters my nephews and my nieces all
business all weekend
rule number 49 get out of your comfort
zone I don’t think people get out of not
the best things that have happened to me
in my life was when I left my room my
think we stay home too much guys get out
ladies leave your house get out
okay go out into the world see what’s
there even get up get up early to do it
again the best things that have happened
to me in my life happened outside of my
house 29 years old left the house moved
to Houston I was terrified I know
somebody think all bad we’re names good
at nothing I was so scared to move out
of Lake Charles it was like one of the
most terrifying things I’ve ever done in
my life once I got there I was like that
I don’t even know what I was scared
about I lived there for I don’t know two
three four five five years maybe then I
moved to La Jolla California didn’t know
one person there had the life man had
the life in La Jolla I mean it was
actually went there with a person a
girlfriend me and a girl for a moved
there I I got I moved there she left
about a year later maybe two years later
I had the single man’s life you know
what I mean in La Jolla
I had made
love and life and then I reached a point
where I’m like I need to grow up now I
need I want a wife and I want kids I’m a
Grand Street look at it I want a wife
and kids and I knew that that person was
not in the hood I’m talking to you about
moving I’m talking to you about getting
outside and talking to you about leave
man why have you been to one spot so
long or maybe one spot you’ve been in
for ten years now you’ve moved once okay
I left I left for Hawaii I moved to Los
Angeles California just so you guys know
nobody goes from or how you desert
nobody nobody moves from lawyer and goes
to LA people going from LA to the light
say good oh thanks a lot
who said it hey guys I’m up now you see
that’s crazy
gotta get out gotta get out went to LA
lived in LA for I don’t know 12 years
had it made in LA had this unbelievable
house line over and she’s I’m bragging
and get me wrong I lived in Lionel
Richie’s house lying out wasn’t there
anymore so it’s my house down I lived
there and and all the parties were at my
house was three quarters of an acre flat
lot in the hills above the Sunset Strip
Doheny Drive and Oriole freaking I mean
spectacular place we had our first two
well we had our two kids there in the
house all our friends had been there we
got married in that house I mean we were
so connected to that house it was
Elaine and I when we first saw the house
it was four times my budget and I’m like
we’re buying that house and you guys
know how much I believe a dad like you
how much I am against buying houses we
fell so in love in that house in love
with each other in love with the house
in love with our chick they’re in love
with friends and parties and memories
and decorations and antique furniture we
love that house and then it reached the
time where I’m like I didn’t got to
leave what we love
we were so comfortable there sure enough
five years ago I got up and moved to
Miami we’ve been in Miami five years now
travel all over the world we’re
constantly moving and rule number 50 the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is push power to power my daddy
told me dr. care are a local doctor he
was the most successful doctor in the
Nina we knew both the most successful
doctors dr. carrier dr. Morin right and
dr. Kerr was at the house in there
drinking martinis and my dam and knew
that – I’m a great martini zombie James
Bond right and dr. Kerr came up to me
and says give me a dollar I had a dollar
– he’s like give me that dollar ain’t
giving you an honor my daddy said never
deny a man in power never deny a man in
power okay never talk poorly about
somebody and power push power to power
that’s a good investment folks okay you
take your notes write this down push
power to power people that are doing
good things people that are making a
difference people that are out there
push power to power and ignore everyone
else we don’t help people that have
nothing I’m telling you right now I do
not help people that have nothing I had
I help people that have something and
want to make it more I’m not talking
about money right now if somebody thinks
they have nothing I’m not helping that
person if they think they have nothing I
can’t help them if you think you have
something and that you’re not broke
I can help and I’ve got a really special
bonus tip from Grant on how to turn your
life around that I really think you’re
gonna enjoy but before that it’s time
for the three-point landing questions
time to go from just watching the video
to taking action in your life or
business here we go question number one
what does 10x in your life look like to
you number two what do you need to
change in your surroundings to attract
more success and number three which
three people will you study success from
this week when I was 23 years old I was
beaten within inches of my life I had 76
stitches put in my head and face because
I had made nine years of bad choices my
dad died when I was 10 years old I think
that there’s an epidemic in this country
where where families are missing a
father I know for me I was a good kid I
grew up in a middle-class family my mom
and my dad were very responsible
hard-working people I didn’t get beat up
there was no alcoholism there was no
drug addiction I did not get brought up
the way Kanye West did Kanye he’s got
excuses I didn’t have any and there’s a
whole bunch of kids in America they
don’t have any excuses but they don’t
have a purpose they don’t have an
opportunity and they don’t have anything
to do and that was me when my dad died I
was 10 years old and from 10 to 16 when
I should have been experiencing grief
you know and and and I was angry about
it how many of you had a loss before and
you got angry about it customer doesn’t
buy from you God doesn’t show up you get
angry angry is not a response to the
situation and then when somebody sits on
anger for long enough what happens is
without a purpose without a purpose an
individual is going to go arrey no
matter how good they are they’re going
to go off and do other things and so by
the time I was 16 years old I had a drug
problem but by the time I was 20 years
old I was using drugs every single day
and by the time I was 23 I was carrying
a gun every day worried I was going to
get killed every day
had a college degree seventeen years
I’ve spent in school the more money the
more college I got the less money I had
and the more trouble I ended up yet okay
23 years old I get beat I’m in a
hospital my mom comes to the hospital
she looks at me and says but where’s my
okay that was me not too long ago
doesn’t seem like it was that long ago
and today Legal Shield has me to speak
to you today I tell you that to tell you
like anybody can come back I don’t care
how old you are how young you are what
color you are what your problems are
anybody can come back if you want more
grant Cardell and check out the first
top fifty rules video made and hit the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there don’t watch the news
decide when you leave here today to make
the news do you don’t get attention
today you have absolutely zero chance of being successful
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