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Anxiety vs. Intuition || How To Tell The Difference

deep divers have you ever experienced an
anxiety attack you’re looking a bit
shaky baby you’re panicking right now
then you’re like wait a minute
wait a minute is this anxiety or is it
intuition I don’t know right now and
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in Jurassic Park
in nature baby such a beautiful day in
this lush tropical jungle I’m sending
you tons of sunny energy take that take
that take that deep divers we’re just
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
baby we got Birds all around us they’re
having a merry old time but do you have
anxiety right now and you’re like is
this anxiety Ralph or is it my intuition
anxiety versus intuition how to tell the
Oh baby how to tell the difference
between anxiety or intuition that’s the
question that someone asked me if you’ve
got a question don’t email me I get
thousands of messages every single day
pull out your phone follow me on
Instagram right now at infinite waters
someone’s like Ralph please help me I
suffer from anxiety but I’m still not
sure if it’s really anxiety or it’s just
my intuition well at last deep divers
after this video you will be able to
tell the difference between anxiety and
intuition and we even had breakfast yeah
can I get a hello now wonderful deep
divers let me share with you what’s
helped me along my journey you see
I’m a Pisces so I’m naturally intuitive
I’m also someone who has experienced a
lot of anxiety growing up I used to have
panic attacks anxiety attacks and it
wasn’t funny like why are you laughing
right now right a lot of people have
anxiety right now is that you are you
always looking a bit shaky baby but then
you’re scratching your head to say
actually wait a minute it could just be
it could just be my intuition
do you blame your anxiety on your
intuition right well deep dive is to
tell the difference it’s very very
simple I’m gonna show you so you will
always know if it’s your anxiety or it’s
your intuition now intuition emanates
from the Latin into Airy which means to
observe to look at to consider when we
talk of intuition what are we talking
about we are talking about a calm
knowing we are talking about a relaxed
knowing we are talking about a soft
whisper the cat down the road is
whispering in your ear in a very soft
way that is intuition intuition is a
voice of reason many times we are very
intuitive we have a deep intuition about
someone and many times this is coming
from a place of knowing we now have
greater clarity with intuition intuition
is when you have facts intuition is when
you have evidence it may not be a lot
but you’ve got a little bit of evidence
right it’s coming from a place of
knowing intuition is all about patterns
it’s about you picking up patterns if
you are highly intuitive you’ve got
intuition about someone this is based on
you picking up patterns in their
behavior repetitions and now this is
giving you confirmations about the truth
hmm what slow motion this side that is
intuition with intuition there is no
pressure when we talk of intuition a lot
of people say Ralph I felt I felt you in
my gut
really how was it fantastic great right
we got a gut feeling but with anxiety we
also get a gut feeling but the
difference is the gut feeling with
intuition is very relaxed with anxiety
is very tense let’s talk about anxiety
do you have anxiety right now anxiety in
a relationship anxiety in university
anxiety what are people gonna think of
me right now Ralph do you have it well
you see anxiety – no its anxiety your
palms are sweaty already right that’s
anxiety anxiety is this it’s the loud
scream where intuition is the soft
whisper peace no anxieties like peace
anxiety is the loud scream that’s
however anxiety is the false alarm many
times and growing up when I had anxiety
it was just false alarms going off no
real threat but we perceive everything
as a threat anxiety is linked to phobias
I’m afraid of this I’m afraid of that
anxiety is fear-based intuition is love
based let me repeat that anxiety is fear
based intuition is love based it’s the
higher frequency if you have anxiety
don’t worry I had it too but you don’t
have to allow anxiety to run your life
many times what happens when we are
anxious what do we do we start shaking
we start trembling we start looking a
bit shaky baby anxiety creates physical
symptoms which don’t serve us with
intuition it creates physical symptoms
anxiety is all about being concerned
about the future what’s gonna happen
many people with anxiety myself included
many many years ago deep divers oh I
thought the whole world was gonna end it
was looking really bad ugly disastrous
many people with anxiety always think of
the worst worse case scenarios
catastrophes terrible events happening
with intuition you are rooted in the
here and now in the present moment
that’s why there is no fear mmm slow
motion this side when you are highly
intuitive everything is under control
when you have a lot of anxiety
nothing is under control everything is
moving really fast and it’s frightening
because you want in control how to tell
the difference between anxiety and
intuition deep divers walk with me in
Jurassic Park 7 day vegan challenge
shout out to everybody who’s going
plant-based shout out to everybody who’s
like me and wakes up with a whole bunch
of grapes in their mouths isn’t it
beautiful well you see anxiety is like
this when you are full of anxiety many
times it emanates from stimulants
drinking a lot of coffee being
overstimulated eating a lot of fried
greasy foods acrylamide cancer forming
foods and therefore we start feeling
anxious based on our diet you see deep
divers that’s the difference
intuition it’s a whole different story
because when it comes to eating
plant-based foods many people become
more intuitive through the plant-based
many people become more anxious based on
junk food diet let me repeat that you
become more sensitive more intuitive
when you are eating the plant-based diet
you become more anxious when you are
eating processed meats cancer forming
foods full of acrylamide heated at high
temperatures shout-out to dr. say be
okay who men told me about health and
nutrition we have to keep our body
alkaline we need the balance but more
alkaline because we are electrical
beings therefore we have to eat
electrical foods hmm
slow motion this side now a great food
if you have anxiety is leafy greens kale
high in magnesium which will help calm
your nerves anxiety versus intuition
deep divers how to tell the difference
anxiety overwhelms us there is no way
out with anxiety there is a way out with
intuition in fact you don’t want to go
out because you’re happy where you are
with anxiety you feel overwhelmed it is
what happens with intuition intuition
being the voice of reason it is rational
to know if it’s anxiety or intuition are
you over thinking that is anxiety if you
want that is intuition anxiety is
constant over thinking and that’s why
anxiety is very uncomfortable because
intuition is based on knowing you don’t
have to overthink you just know mmm
stop it Ralph slow motion this side how
to tell the difference between anxiety
and intuition look at it like this deep
divers all anxiety emanates from the
desire to escape the present moment let
me repeat that all anxiety emanates from
the desire to escape the present moment
that is anxiety when you’re trying to
get away when you’re trying to get away
from nature from here no we’re not going
anywhere right because my intuition
tells me this is good for me being in
nature deep divers anxiety versus
intuition how to tell the difference you
see deep divers was help me along my
journey is to realize this with anxiety
we create stories in our head we jump to
conclusions a lot of the time though
these stories are not serving us with
intuition we can also create a story but
this story serves us and it’s often
deeply rooted in fact on inner knowing
anxiety is based on relief I believe
this I believe everybody doesn’t like me
I believe this bad thing is gonna happen
no intuition is based on knowing so
there you have it deep divers that is
how to tell the difference between
anxiety and intuition intuition is just
like breathing in that Gurdas prana baby
anxieties like I can’t breathe in that
good ass prana baby
so deep divers please do yourself a
favor going to nature today and realize
you are in your best state when you are
in your most relaxed state and then
you’ll just say feel so good to be alive
baby can I get a Hello oh we had fun on
this one deep dive is let’s just wolf
breathing in that good ass prana baby
shout out to everybody who’s been
getting the amazing good ass prana
Shutts Ralph smart don’t come slash
clothes check out the wonderful new book
on Amazon feel alive by Ralph smart deep
divers if you’ve got a question if you
want more daily inspiration add me on
Instagram right now infinite waters deep
divers have a beautiful day realize all
anxiety emanates from the desire to
escape the present moment be present and
become your greatest version infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace you to remove anxiety
just whoa get high of that good ass prana baby

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