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Don’t Be LAZY – Spike Lee (@SpikeLee) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is don’t be lazy over to you
Spike Lee laziness is something I really
can’t tolerate so because of laziness I
think that that speaks of a sense of
entitlement and that’s just not a good
look in this industry where you think
that you are titled to something that
you didn’t you deserve something because
you’re wherever you think you are it
doesn’t work like that another thing I
like to add is that and I’m speaking
about my school a lot of people come on
and why you thinking that because you
have this degree from this prestigious
prestigious institution in why you are
USC or AFI Columbia in the real world
they don’t really give a you know
if you don’t have the talent that degree
doesn’t mean it think I’m gonna come out
of school you should have if your
directorship of film your DP should have
a real editor should have a real if your
screen or I should have scripts so
people out and people really want to see
the work you’ve done I think one of the
biggest things that plagues
entrepreneurs and plagues people in
general but especially entrepreneurs is
that’s the focus in this channel is a
laziness in mindset is having and
carrying these limiting personal beliefs
all around with us like these heavy
burdens heavy suitcases that we’re
carrying through life that prevents us
from doing great things and every major
growth that I’ve had in my life has come
from crushing through eliminating
personal belief and so the laziness is
in thinking that it’s somebody else’s
by putting responsibilities somewhere
else and
on you well I can’t be more successful
because I don’t have funding and if I
had fun and everything would be fixed or
I won’t be more successful because my
parents don’t have the right connections
or I grew up in this country or whatever
it is you know look yourself in the
mirror ask yourself that question why am
I not more successful chances are this
is it I’ll do it don’t just don’t just
listen to this video go and do it go
look at yourself in the mirror and say
why am I not successful why am I not
more successful than I am right now and
chances are whatever comes back is gonna
be blaming somebody else for a lot of
people it’s blaming something else I
didn’t have the right education whatever
it is and that’s a lazy mindset you
deserve exactly what you have good and
bad you deserve to be exactly where you
are and until you take full
responsibility and accountability for
your current situation it’s never gonna
grow because it’s so easy to blame
others because the hardwork isn’t doing
the work when you realize that’s your
fault that you are where you are that
the only person’s coming to save you is
yourself and that’s a lot of work you
don’t want to do that you want to just
blame blame clinton or blame chump
right doesn’t matter who wins the
election you’re still gonna go out and
get yours I’m gonna go out and get mine
it doesn’t matter I look at my youtube
channel you know I have four hundred
thousand something subscribers great I
deserve that both good and bad some
people might look at that and say well
I’m making lots of videos how come out I
don’t have 400,000 subscribers like Evan
well maybe I’m working harder maybe I’m
providing more value maybe I’m hustling
just a little bit more than you are you
know I deserve to have the subscriber
count that I do I deserve to have the
impact that I have because of the hustle
hard work and energy and effort that I
put in but I’m also not at 4 million
subscribers right I’m also not crushing
it as big as some other people and I
deserve that too I shouldn’t be out
there and I hope I’m not complaining
that look at that guy look at how much
traction he has I have such an important
message I’m better than that guy why am
I here and he’s there that’s a losing
mindset he’s doing something better than
I am I need to get better I need to work
harder I need to be more consistent I
need to push harder I need to push
faster it’s on me it’s my responsibility
to get there it’s nobody else’s fault
and I think people don’t want to take
that approach
have that lazy mindset and so go ask
yourself that question why am I not more
successful where’s the blame and until
you put the blame on the person looking
back at you in the mirror and accept
responsibility for where you are in your
life you’re never gonna go where you
could go that’s the truth so the
question of the day today is I want you
to answer that question truthfully why
do you believe you’re not more
successful than you are right now
leaving the comments below I’m gonna
join in the discussion I also want to
give a quick shout out to Amber
magliocca from Thai healing arts us
amber thank you so much for picking up a
copy of my book really really really
means a lot to me thank you guys again
for watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love and
I’ll see you soon
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