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“DO WHATEVER You LIKE!” – Kevin O’Leary (@kevinolearytv) – #Entspresso

if you want to control your own destiny

you work for yourself everybody should

at least try at least taste it and see

if it’s for them is in everyone but not

everyone has a discipline for but anyone

could be an entrepreneur rise and shine

it’s expresso time what’s up believe

nation it’s Evan my one word is believe

and I believe in you I believe you have

an amazing gift inside you that I want

to see exploded onto the world so let’s

start your day off right together grab

your coffee and sip on today’s message

work for yourself over to you Kevin

O’Leary I was working once in an

ice-cream parlor when I was about 15

years old my first real job and on the

second day I was asked to scrape the gum

off between the Mexican tiles on the

floor and I said to the woman who owned

the stores called my boobs ice cream

parlor you didn’t hire me to scrape gum

you hired me to scoop ice cream and this

this girl was shoe store across the way

that’s looking at me I don’t want to see

her you scraping the gum and she said

what you’re talking about I own this

store I’ll do anything I want with you

get down on your knees and script that

gum when I said I’m not doing it she

said you’re fired last job I ever had I

owe that woman everything I don’t like

to work for people many of you in here I

hope and inherit that there’s nothing

wrong with it if you want to control

your own destiny you work for yourself

that’s how it works I’m trying to

inspire those of you are on the tipping

point take the chance you’re young go

for it

there’s nothing better than being able

to wake up in the morning 10 years or 20

years so now and

do what ever you like it’s about freedom

that’s what matters

I’m not saying being an employee’s bad

but believe me being an entrepreneur is

better I’m a little biased so I don’t

know that everybody needs to be an

entrepreneur but I do think everybody

should at least try at least taste it to

see if it’s for them first off the

reason to get a job is to learn to learn

the ropes so yes make a little bit of

money but the reason to fundamentally

get a job is to learn if you are not

learning in your job you are not going

to be happy no matter how much money

you’re making some people make tons of

money but are never happy because they

are not learning they are not growing

they’re not progressing that has to be

the fundamental base and that could

ultimately lead to you certain young

business but if you are not being

treated with respect if you were being

yelled at by your boss who says get on

your floors and scrape that gum and

that’s not what you want to be learning

how to do then the answer is leave the

job but it may be go to a different job

where you’re going to learn from

somebody and really be mentored it

doesn’t have to be jump and do your

business I just want to provide some

alternatives I want you to make the

right decision for you that being said I

think everybody should try

entrepreneurship everybody should try to

have a YouTube channel everybody should

try to write a book I think you need to

try more things I think everybody has

Michael Jordan level talent at something

and you don’t even know what it is

because you locked yourself in way too

early on the career path and you haven’t

tried anything else it’s like if you’re

at home and your mom gives you a bowl of

spaghetti and then all you want to do

for the rest of your life is eat

spaghetti and you say spaghetti is your

favorite food of all time but you

haven’t tried burritos and you haven’t

tried sushi and you haven’t tried dim

sum you just never tried it and so

you’re gonna eat spaghetti never knowing

what else there is in the world

available to you you have Michael Jordan

level talent at something but you’re not

doing it because you didn’t explore

enough things and so I think everybody

should try athletics everybody should

try to write a book YouTube channel all

of it you should try it try it

say yes and just taste it just to see

and the result doesn’t have to be you

are amazing you might get in front of a

camera make your first video and

absolutely suck well the thing is did

you enjoy it do you want to go back

you want to say yes you want to try it

again just like when you go on a date

your first date you don’t have to marry

that person you just want to go back for

a second date then I like them enough to

go back on a second date and the more

you keep going back eventually you get

married and so I think people just don’t

say yes enough I think people just don’t

try enough things I think you need to

explore you need to break out of your

cocoon you need to stop doing the things

that you just do in your family because

that’s the way it’s always been done or

your city or your community your culture

you need to break free that’s why people

get so many ideas when they go travel

they go traveling they get some we need

to see how different cultures are doing

things they get a little bit of a taste

of something else that’s different and

unique and we get addicted to it people

want to travel traveling at some point

gets boring ultimately you want to do

you’re interested in trouble because

it’s stimulating you’re learning

something new but if you spent your all

day traveling all the time traveling you

get bored of it because you want people

want to create you want to make you want

to do you want to have meaning and so

finding that thing that you could be the

Michael Jordan of in your business in

your industry that’s the game and so I

think you should try to be an

entrepreneur I think everybody should

try and my early days of

entrepreneurship wasn’t this my early

days of entrepreneurship was selling my

crayon paintings and selling baseball

cards in lemonade stains and a whole

bunch of little things that sure I had a

lot of failures and sure I made a little

bit of money selling baseball cards and

that kind of stuff and ultimately led me

to where I am now but if I didn’t get

that taste I don’t know that I would be

an entrepreneur right now I probably be

a banker which I said I wanted to be in

my high school yearbook and hating my

life and hating my job and hating what

I’m doing like most of my high school

friends do not find satisfaction in the

work that they are doing because they

locked themselves too early in on a path

that maybe they decided for themselves

maybe their parents decided for them but

they’re down this path now and they

can’t wait to get off but they can’t

they feel they can’t they feel they

can’t because now they’ve locked

themselves in they have a house they

have a mortgage they have a car they

have a family and it’s too risky for

them to jump off that’s a topic for a

different video but if you are in a job

that you do not like ultimately remember

the point of a job is to learn

are you learning at this job are you

gaining contacts are you gaining


you getting an understanding of what you

can do better if not first blame

yourself is there anything you can do

more can you talk to your boss and

volunteer to do bigger projects even if

you’re not getting paid volunteer to

learn and if you’re not getting that

opportunity they’re treating you like


great leave and the option maybe you go

get another job and the option could be

the start of business and the option

could be a thousand different variations

and at the beginning just taste

everything just try open your mouth

and bring in the world try so you don’t

end up like most people driving to a job

that you hate every single morning

knowing that there’s way more potential

inside you and taking fewer and fewer

and fewer yeses and changes and

opportunities because you’ve locked

yourself in on the path that you feel

that you cannot get off of say yes you

try now I’ve got a really special bonus

clip that I think you’re going to enjoy

but before that question of the day I

want to know what is one thing that you

want to try it could be a business idea

it could be a food it could be a sport

it could be salsa dancing what is just

one thing what’s the first thing that

comes to mind you watch this video I’m

speaking these words to you right now

what’s the first thing that comes to

mind I could be cool finish this


it would be cool to try right what is

that word write it down I want to see in

the comments below and then just find

the smallest possible way to get started

often release that anxiety that fear

those nerves and just find some small

way to do it if you train yourself to do

that I guarantee you I guarantee you or

guarantee your life will begin to change

for the positive

leave me comments below thank you guys

so much for watching I believe in you I

hope we continue to believe in yourself

and whatever your one word is much loved

I’ll see you again tomorrow morning for

another shot of espresso and enjoy the

I think our viewership is in everyone

but not everyone has a disciplined for

but anyone could be an entrepreneur but

not everyone wants to be an octave in

the way some people radler dependent on

other people because they feel like they

have to work as hard but being an

entrepreneur means working hard

it means embracing struggle it means

being a leader then we’re never sending

somebody to do something that you

wouldn’t do yourself a real boss would

never send somebody to do something way

to do themself a boss that tells

somebody to do something I think we do

is not a bosses account and I got that

both principals came to me from the

people I knew in his feet right so

somebody taught me like you’ll kill that

nigga for labor – then you can kill


I’m know all about I’m saying I think we

control our own destiny and so whether

David makes it or not has nothing to do

with sort of the size of the might of

Goliath and if you’re thinking like that

you’ll probably always be able to find a

reason and frankly an excuse in some

lame answer as to why you can’t win

because the markets aren’t good I was in

the middle of this and you know through

2000 in the first crash and people are

going it’s mark it’s terrible mark it’s

terrible like I’m selling stretchy

t-shirts not nothing to do with the

financial crisis it’s like sports are

gonna be played and kids will wear it or

they won’t and you know I think anybody

can you can look and find but I

challenge all of us to say stop finding

reasons to find and make excuses that

you know we affectionately underarmor

call loser talk

and I don’t know you you’ve got to just

will it and and focus on on making it

happen and as Bruce Lee said if you

always put limits on everything you do

physical or anything else it will spread

into your work and into your life there

are no limits there are only plateaus

and you must not stay there you must go

beyond them

even in the statement you can see him

making the choice about what to believe

by saying that there are no limits by

taking something that other people

perceive as a limit is something that’s

stopping him and saying that’s not it’s

a plateau it’s something that I can push

through and you see what he holds

himself accountable to it’s not okay to

stay at a plateau it’s okay to have one

everybody has them they happen it’s a

natural part of the course of getting

better but it is not okay to stay there

and that is a choice that’s not

something anyone can hand you it’s

something you have to believe to the

core of your soul that it is not okay to

stay in a plateau and it’s that that’s

gonna push you through it’s that that’s

gonna make you get up and keep going but

first you have to recognize that life is

cause-and-effect you have to recognize

that that choice is a knock-on effect

you have to recognize that him merely

saying those words out loud have a cause

and effect

they changed the course of his life the

expectations that other people have of

him expectations that he has of himself

and because he understands that he can

control the outside world by first

controlling what’s inside by changing

his belief system to match what he wants

to accomplish he’s then able to

accomplish what he did in his life have

nothing to do with luck it had

everything to do with the demands that

he made on himself it had to do with

winning he got in a motorcycle accident

people told him he would never walk

again not only did he walk again all of

the major accomplishments that we think

about it being that man they all came

after they came after he was told he was

never gonna walk came after he was told

that he was never going to be able to do

martial arts but he did it he did the

grueling work of getting better he

understood cause and effect he

understood that if he chose to believe

that he could never do it that he’d

never be able to do it but that if he

chose to believe that by working out he

could get stronger and get better and

get back to it

and that’s what he did so now ask

yourself is your life dictated by luck

or cause and effect are you in control

or is it somebody else is someone else

in control or is it you and if it’s you

go build the life that you want because

there’s nothing stopping you you have

the most important work ever if you had

to think of one word that’s most

important to you that sums you Apple

that would be like a little beacon hey

believe nation if you want to know what

the most important one word is for Tony

Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a

very special secret video for you check the description for details

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