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“DISCIPLINE is the Price of FREEDOM!” | Jordan B. Peterson | #Entspresso

every freedom that you have in life
that’s true freedom is purchased at the
price of discipline the thing about
self-discipline is that it is necessary
for everything you do in your life if
you’re gonna speak effectively you have
to know way more than you’re talking
about you know we kind of have this idea
that while you’re free as a child and
then you let me see if I can if I can
put this properly did you have a certain
delightful wonderful positive freedom as
a child and then that’s given up as you
approach adulthood but the truth of the
matter is is that you have a lot of
potential as a child but none of that is
capable of manifesting itself as freedom
before you become disciplined and
discipline is a matter of the imposition
of order and the order is necessary
especially for people who are hopeless
and nihilistic and lots of people are
hopeless and nihilistic way more people
than you think and part of that is
because no one’s ever really encouraged
them and so the book is in part a matter
of encouragement it’s like lay yourself
lay a disciplinary structure on yourself
get the chaos in in in check and then
you can move towards a state that’s
freer because it’s disciplined first
like look if you’re going to become a
concert pianist there’s going to be
several thousand hours of
extraordinarily disciplined practice
that’s the imposition of order on your
potential let’s say but what comes out
of that is a much grander freedom and so
in virtually every freedom that you have
in life that’s true freedom is purchased
the thing about self-discipline is that
it is necessary for everything you do in
your life you have to be self discipline
if discipline comes from somewhere else
it’s very very hard to remain consistent
because you tend to resist as well
because I see trainers and they’re in
the gym with people and you know the guy
or girl that they’re working out hates
their workout hates it because the
discipline is coming from somewhere else
you it’s something that you dread every
time you go in you don’t really want to
do it it’s like ah but oh no my trainers
here he’s about to you know beat me up
and make me feel crazy well the truth is
every trainer should work his way out of
your life anybody who’s working you out
your teachers your trainers your people
they have to train you to get out of
your life so you can go ahead do your
own workout do your own thing practice
self-discipline now one thing I want to
straighten out big-time discipline is
not punishment it’s not discipline it’s
training that’s all it is I was talking
to my son one time and I asked him and
it was weird because I was trying to see
if he really knew what it was all about
and I said hey man you know I have to
discipline you what is discipline and he
goes punishment punishment when I do
something wrong and you punish me I was
like no no discipline is training if you
change your mind your mindset and really
focus it on what discipline really is
you start to welcome discipline you
welcome self discipline into your life I
do think that with an it’s not just in
sport but with with other things I do
believe that the more you repeat certain
things whether it is writing working on
your you know whether it’s cursive
letters or whatever it is like when you
work on something and you keep doing it
over and over it’s inevitable that it
will get better and by that you’re
creating this feeling of repetition
which leads to discipline like you know
you can do it over and over again and
that’s one of my first one of my first
coaches robber Lansdorp who I speak
about in the book like that was his
philosophy is you I would take a lesson
from him and his philosophy was just
hitting and grinding and it wasn’t about
patterns or anything which you know as I
could get from somebody else but what he
gave me is that feeling that I could hit
the ball from any part of the court and
feel like I could do it with closed eyes
and make it and know exactly where it’s
going and for me it started at a young
age like my mom would would make me
memorize this Russian literature that I
did not appreciate at five years old it
was very difficult and I didn’t know
what it meant but I would do it and I
would memorize it and then I would feel
that I accomplished something I don’t
know why I don’t know but the repetition
led me to this discipline and and I
think that helps with mindset I always
talk about my guaranteed formula for
success that is 100% proven for my life
and other people have taught out work
out improve outlast and out strategies
again out work out improve outlast out
strategize what you’re looking on the
screen here on the screen look at those
four again what you’re looking on on the
screen here which of those four things
that you’re looking at the out work out
improve outlets out strategize which of
those four things do you think comes
last meaning you’ll learn the latter the
latest it’s out strategize why because
that requires a lot of experience it’s
like you got to go through like a
general in the war right you got to go
through so many different words to learn
different strategies and what works and
what tactics works and what doesn’t work
that’s something you got to be working
on right however the other three out
work if a guy works 80 hours a week and
you work 40 hours a week you can’t
compete with that guy if some if you
yourself are reading two three four
books a month and you develop in your
mind and your competitor is not and he
only reads one or two and you study in
industry articles and all the subs and
they’re not you know you’re studying how
to recruit CEO CFO CEO CMOS what is the
best way to stretch this million dollar
investment that I got to make this
happen who should I talk to to be part
of a group for mentors and CEOs group
and all these who should I network with
what Caminos should I be a part of who’s
the best engineers I tea from – hi
what are these competitors doing what
are some of the guys that are not even
in my mark if you start studying those
industry somebody else isn’t it’s tough
to compete with you and in outlast some
people work 80 hours a week for a year
and that’s great but they can’t work 80
hours a week for three years some work
80 hours a week for three years but you
work 80 hours a week for five years you
outlasted the guy that the three years
are one year they can’t compete with you
because the compounding effort favors
you so these four things that you look
at on the screen require one thing and
that’s discipline and the discipline
part you don’t hear a lot about that’s
the things people doing nobody else sees
people in general now have very poor
posture yeah very bad for the junction
is like take a look at the people that
are around you and if they’re not on the
side of what’s good for you then walk away
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