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Dan Lok’s Best ADVICE on How to Become RICH! | #MentorMeDan

I started and fail at 13 in businesses
13 not 3 not 10 13 visitors or disaster
people who don’t make a lot of money
people who are struggling or people
making minimum wage they are easily
replaceable you can only get more in
life by saying yes say yes to the
opportunity say yes we needed a new
wanna soar get a mentor today let’s
learn from Dane Locke is some of his
best advice on how to get rich mentor me
Dan also if you want to know what Dan
and other successful entrepreneurs have
to say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my free daily t-54
program the link is in the description
below after you practice Marshall you
develop this natural self confidence not
cockiness but you develop this natural
okay let’s take it up with rule number
one and develop high income skills do of
why are you Brooke have you ever asked
yourself that question and how do you
never be broke again I was broke when I
was a teenager when it came to Canada
with nothing no money I was in debt a
hundred and fifty thousand dollars in
debt I was so frustrated I try so many
different things
I started and fail at thirteen
businesses thirteen not three not ten
thirteen businesses Oh disaster not only
did I make money from the businesses I
was in debt lost all my mom’s money
borrow from friends and family and I
didn’t know why I wanted to succeed so
bad but I just couldn’t make it work
until one thing until I had an epiphany
what is that PIFAN II you don’t have a
money problem you have a skill problem
if you try to solve your money problem
with just money your problem doesn’t get
solved money problem is not solved by
money money problem is solved by your
intelligence and your skill set your
mindset and your skill set now what am I
talking about your skill set I want you
to think about some of the highest pay
people in this society they say doctor
they say attorney let’s say lawyer let’s
say accountant engineer who is making a
decent high income what do they have
they have specialized skill sets that we
you may not have see the people with low
income skills in society in our society
low income jobs
chances are the excuse now that doesn’t
mean it’ll work hard it doesn’t mean
they don’t hustle
it doesn’t mean they’ll work long hours
but the skills that they have that they
offer to the marketplace to society
people companies they are not
to pay big money for I call them
low-income skills that’s the problem you
try to make big money with low-income
skills you need to develop your high
income skills in order to make more
money so if you’re struggling in life
you’re struggling in business I can
guarantee you the biggest issue how I’ve
overcome how I was struggling how
overcome not want to be broke again it’s
I learned to close I learn to
communicate ideas thoughts concepts when
you learn to close you’ll never be broke
again because in business nothing
happens until something is sold in life
nothing happens until something is sold
you’re single you’re not good closer you
can’t cause you’re not getting our
people to do what you want they’re not
following your leadership you can’t
close you’re not getting sales because
you’re lousy closer you can’t close when
you can close you can move you can
influence you can persuade people
everything that you want in life guess
what other people already have them I
don’t care what is it you want resources
money Capital influence relationships
whatever it is that you want you got to
close someone else to give it to you so
if you’re struggling financially it
means you’re a lousy closer it is that
simple what that’s the downside of size
this once you know how to close you will
know how to create income on demand you
will know how to make money you have to
be able to make money anytime you want
that’s the power of closing that’s how
you never go broke again rule number two
provide more value we have to understand
the world we evolved around value so if
you understand the world revolves around
value the business of making money is
nothing more than a value and value
exchange once you realize that that is
how money works and that’s how the game
works so what we do is we trade our time
if you’re an employee our products or
services our expertise as an
entrepreneur right our skills we trade
that in exchange that with other people
for money what it means is the more
value that you could provide they’re
more money people are willing to trade
you with it it’s that simple so instead
of just focusing on I want to make more
money I want to make more money being
all desperate and all panicking once you
focus on is instead of becoming a person
of success become a person of value if
you want to make more money the question
you have to constantly ask yourself is
how could I be a person of value
how could I become more valuable how do
you become more valuable to the
marketplace once you understand this
money is not an issue because the
marketplace is always always willing to
pay good money for good value and you
notice people who don’t make a lot of
money people who are struggling or
people making minimum wage they are
easily replaceable this is someone
working at a restaurant a waiter
waitress maybe they could they do very
good job they work very hard but if they
leave or the boss the manager finds them
they could be easy we plays when you
could be easily replaced you are not
very valuable they’re more difficult you
are to replace the more available you
are that’s the secret
they will guarantee if you’ll be broke
or you’ll be rich rule number three find
your brilliance so in order to be
successful yes ha work has its place a
lot of people work hard but it’s not
enough it’s not just as part of the
equation but it’s not the only factor I
believe to be successful in life or in
business you need to find what I call
brilliance that’s right you’re brilliant
what comes easy for you but it’s hard
for others what comes easy for you what
are your strengths what are you
naturally good at not necessarily just
physically but it could be what skills
do you have what is easy for you because
sometimes we take it for granted what is
easy for you may not be so easy for
others you see sometimes people talk
about the concept of he’s got to work on
your weaknesses I don’t believe in that
I believe if you work on your weaknesses
at the end of your life you will have
guess what a lot of strong weaknesses I
believe in life it is about finding and
identifying your strengths and put your
effort to make your strengths stronger
focus on a couple of things that you are
good at and how can you make that
stronger and offer that to the
marketplace in a change of money to
render a service that’s what works rule
number four say a lot of yes you need to
say a lot of yes because you never get
more in life by saying no you can only
get more in life by saying yes say yes
to their opportunities say yes meeting
to that new person say yes going to that
new city you want to try a lot of
different things sometimes a lot of
young people they ask me well then what
should I focus on what what should I do
what career should I pursue or what’s my
passion I say how the do I know you
haven’t tried enough things you haven’t
fail enough it’s like if you only have
tasted certain types of food if you only
taste a hamburger let’s say for example
you haven’t tried Japanese food
Malaysian food right
Indian food Chinese food how do you know
what’s out there how do you know what is
possible how do you know what you like
you only try one thing you only stay in
one city
you’ve only hung out with a few people
in your whole life so you want to try
more things it’s okay maybe it’s that
online business venture that you want
you try ecommerce and it doesn’t work
and you try Amazon it doesn’t work and
you try to feel the marketing doesn’t
work it doesn’t matter what it is but
you need
in now stuff I started and fail at 13
businesses 13 businesses before having
my first success because I was saying
yes to a lot of things most of them
didn’t work out and that’s okay
but I knew I found out what I don’t want
to do if you don’t know what you want to
do it’s a great place to start
find out what you don’t want find out
absolutely what you don’t want and what
you don’t want to tolerate so first
stage you need to say yes to say yes to
all kinds of opportunities knowing most
of them will fail most of them would be
a waste of time but you’ll learn
something from them and that’s okay and
rule number five the last one before a
very special bonus clip is continually
learning number five poor people they
know it all
rich people continuously to learn you
see poor people are always very
opinionated they always want to tell the
world about the opinions about politics
about sports about the society about the
government about every single thing
that’s around them versus being humble
willing to learn rich people were always
learning we’re asking questions we are
listening rereading books continuous
learning versus saying that I have a
garden or painting above everything you
know why they’re always an opinion poor
people because the only way to get any
bit attention no different I can see
people there watching my video watching
my sales video closing video and I just
look at that at laughs and they common
Oh Dan you shouldn’t close this way you
should close that way just say this when
was the last time you enclose something
show me what is the last time you close
something for $500 $1,000 $2,000 $5,000
$10,000 $100,000 what have you done
so your opinion doesn’t count remember
your income can only go to the extended
you do your wealth can only grow as fast
as me now I’ve got a special bonus kit
from Dan and how to have energies that I
think you’re really gonna enjoy but
before that it’s time for the three
point landing questions stop just
watching videos start taking action
answer these three questions here we go
question number one what do you need to
start saying yes more to number two what
can you do today to provide more value
to someone in your life and number three
what high income skill are you going to
start working on immediately you don’t
have enough energy how do you expect to
accomplish anything significant
accomplish your goals when you don’t
have enough energy you notice the
society puts down and look down on
people they have high energy imagine
you’re going to school you’re going to
work you’re going back to your office
you’re going back to your business and
suddenly you’re so energetic and you
have your all hyped up what would people
say to you what’s wrong with you do like
calm them down relax why are you so
but somehow you have low energy hey man
that’s okay you know what Feinstein’s
stands for freaked out in debt not
making enough money emotionally stressed
out f ing
that’s what it stands for hi my name is
fine that’s what fine words but somehow
your high energy it is wrong you won’t
have energy you got to move love and my
martial art back on if you watch my
video you follow my work you know move
jumping jack pushup walk yoga whatever
the it takes move your body when you
move you have more energy when you sit
there all day for hours how the hell can
you have energy movement creates energy
so if you’re sitting there for a long
day get up stand up walk around do
something I know jumpin up and down
water it is do something hi this is Dan
Locke if you’re a fan of Evans work if
you want to know exactly how the model
my success I want to invite you to join
me for a special online training all you
have to do is click on a link below you
can join me for abyssal
no chart show click a link below and I
if you want more day lock check out the
top ten rules for doing them the link is
right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there most people do listen to a
webinar to watch the video and they say
oh this guy’s making whatever how much
money online I could do that and they jump into it
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