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Dan Lok MOTIVATION for SUCCESS | #MentorMeDan

I started and fail at 13 in businesses
13 the one word that holds you back from
success is most people never get rich
because they never value their time
Juanes or get a mentor
so today let’s learn from one of the
best day in Locke and his best advice
and how to become a success mentor me
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one develop high income skills you of
why are you Brooke have you ever asked
yourself that question and how do you
never be broke again I was broke when I
was a teenager when I came to Canada
with nothing no money and was in debt a
hundred and fifty thousand dollars in
debt I was so frustrated I try so many
different things
I started and fail at thirteen
businesses thirteen not three not ten
thirteen businesses or disaster not only
didn’t make money from the businesses I
was in debt lost all my mom’s money
borrow from friends and family and I
didn’t know why I wanted to succeed so
bad but I just couldn’t make it work
until one thing until I had an epiphany
what is that peponi you don’t have a
money problem you have a skill problem
if you try to solve your money problem
with just money your problem doesn’t get
solved money problem is not solved by
money money problem is solved by your
intelligence and your skill set your
mindset and your skill set now what am I
talking about your skill set I want you
to think about some of the highest pay
people in the society they say doctor
they say attorney let’s say lawyer let’s
say accountant engineer who is making a
decent pie income what do they have they
have specialized skill sets that may you
may not have see the people with low
income skills in society in our society
low income jobs
chances are the excuse now that doesn’t
mean it’ll work hard it doesn’t mean
they don’t hustle it doesn’t mean
they’ll work long hours but the skills
that they have
that they offer to the marketplace to
society people companies they’re not
willing to pay big money for I call them
low-income skills that’s the problem you
try to make big money with low-income
skills you need to develop your high
income skills in order to make more
money so if you’re struggling in life
you’re struggling in business I can
guarantee you the biggest issue how I’ve
overcome how I was struggling how
overcome not want to be broke again it’s
I learned to close I learn to
communicate ideas thought concepts when
you learn to close you’ll never be broke
because in business nothing happens
until something is sold in life nothing
happens until something is sold you’re
single you’re not good closer you can’t
cause you’re not getting our people to
do what you want they’re not following
your leadership you can’t close you’re
not getting sales because you’re lousy
closer you can’t close when you can
close you can move you can influence you
can persuade people everything that you
want in life guess what other people
already have them I don’t care what is
it you want resources money capital
influence relationships whatever it is
that you want you got to close someone
else to give it to you so if you’re
struggling financially it means you’re a
lousy closer it is that simple
well that’s the downside of size this
why does you know how to close you will
know how to create income on demand you
will know how to make money you have the
ability to make money anytime you want
that’s the power of closing that’s how
you never go broke again rule number two
have energy you don’t have enough energy
how do you expect to accomplish anything
significant accomplish your goals when
you don’t have enough energy you notice
the society puts down and look down on
people they have high energy imagine
you’re going to school you’re going to
you’re going back to your office you’re
going back to your business and suddenly
you’re so energetic and you have you’re
all hyped up what would people say to
you what’s wrong with you dude like calm
them down relax why are you so excited
but somehow you have low energy hey man
that’s okay you know what Feinstein
stands for freaked out in debt not
making enough money in motion of its
chest out if I Andy that’s what it
stands for
I mind a is fine that’s what finance but
somehow your high energy it is wrong you
won’t have energy you got to move
laughing my martial art background you
watch my video you follow my work you
know move jumping jack pushup walk yoga
whatever the it takes move your body
when you move you have more energy when
you sit there all day for hours how the
hell can you have energy movement
creates energy so if you’re sitting
there for a long day get up stand up
walk around do something I know jumping
up and down water it is do something
rule number three stop saying someday
the one word that holds you back from
success is exactly that word someday you
see unsuccessful people they say someday
someday I will take that vacation
someday I would pay off that debt
someday I would quit my job someday I
will start that business someday I will
be able to provide for my family it’s
always someday and someday think about
in business if you say to yourself
someday I will get that customer someday
I would close that sell how much money
have you made zero none I want you to
look at your calendar from Monday
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday I want to look at a
calendar where is some day it doesn’t
exist it is a made of thing that we do
to procrastinate there is no some day on
your calendar it doesn’t exist so
unsuccessful people they use some day
successful people use
today today is going to be the day today
I’m gonna take action today I’m gonna
make it happen today I’m gonna close
that cell today is the day that I’m
gonna make happen I’m gonna get done
write this down
procrastination equals poverty
procrastination equals property you see
unsuccessful people it’s always okay
I’ll do it later
I’ll do it tomorrow I’ll do it someday
successful people we say today you see
when you use the word someday why is
this so destructive it’s simple it is
when you use the word someday you might
think it makes you look noble on the
outside because you are putting off your
dreams your goals where you’re making a
excuse because simply saying well
someday because I am NOT ready so
someday I will do that later and someday
never comes and you’ll never be ready
you don’t need to be ready to do
something you don’t have to get it right
you just have to get it going you do not
have to get it right you just need to
get it going it doesn’t exist it makes
you look nobody inside when you think
and you lie to yourself that is the
responsible thing to do that I’m not
ready I don’t want to take any risk I
don’t want to take any chances
when it is the most selfish and
irresponsible thing that you can do to
yourself and to your family it doesn’t
eliminate that word from your vocabulary
either say you know I’m gonna do today
or I’m not gonna do it rule number four
show up you’ve asked me all the time
where am i flying to your city where am
I going to fly to you dad loved to
attend one of your seminars when you
come to my city the answer is never what
if I never come to your city whatever
never fly to your town then what are you
gonna do what if I don’t come three
years five years ten years you’re gonna
wait ten years it makes no sense
don’t wait nobody’s gonna come rescue
you know what it’s gonna save you you’ve
got to show up and you got
to go to what ever wherever it takes I
remember years ago when my mentor asked
me and say hey won’t have breakfast I
flew to LA just to have a single
breakfast with my mentor and you’re
waiting and you’re waiting and what I
what are you waiting for
you’re waiting for me to come to your
city you’re waiting for the perfect
timing you’re waiting for everything is
perfectly lined up you’re waiting for
what’s convenient the problem is you put
your convenience ahead of your
conviction convenience and conviction
don’t live on the same block if you want
to learn how to have confidence like Dan
and other successful entrepreneurs
checking my 254 confidence series it’s
free the link is in the description
below after you practice martial art to
develop this natural self confidence not
cockiness when you develop this natural
self-confidence rule number 5 think
accurately I believe that successful
people they think accurately one of one
of the most powerful principles in
thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
nobody talks about it but it’s accurate
thinking accurate thinking it means that
they look at things as the way it is not
worse than it is not better than it is
as it is unsuccessful people it’s all
fear often they have they are overly
optimistic or they have an illusion or
think oh it’s gonna work out yeah man I
have no business acumen I’m gonna start
this business and you know within 21
days I’m gonna be man Wrecking in twenty
thousand a month although I don’t know
what I’m doing
that’s know that’s being an idiot that’s
what it is that’s overly optimistic what
I notice is successful people they think
actually I have based I think most of
them I described them as what I call a
realistic optimist they have an
optimistic view of what they’re gonna do
they they believe in what they do they
believe in the product and services they
deliver but they also realistic they
look at you know what these are this is
this where I’m in this is where I want
to go what are some of the obstacles in
between right the three questions are
always like to ask myself it’s in my
office in my home office in front of me
something asked myself is is not so
everything is gonna work out perfectly
everything is gonna work exactly the way
I planned
hell no three question I asked myself
all the time what could go wrong what
could go wrong what don’t I know
and what don’t I see so what could go
wrong what don’t I know what don’t I see
those see powerful questions something I
want you to think about when it’s not
out of being negative I’ll Danny just
being negative not about being negative
it’s about being realistic being a
realistic optimist knowing your downside
because I know if I can think of all the
downside all this stuff that could go
wrong and if I have a plan for it and I
know if those things come up he’s hammer
and a handle it then I’m okay there then
my chance of success of that particular
project it’s a lot higher rule number
six find your why I think most people
they don’t get what they want in life
because they don’t know what they want
so they lack clarity and why do you lack
motivation chances are they haven’t
suffered a lot of pain you can see now
we on a private jet
I remember
many years ago when I was struggling in
business couldn’t pay the bills
my father had his first stroke and I was
so much in debt and I couldn’t even
afford the plane ticket he was in the
hospital he was an emergency and I
couldn’t afford even to buy an economy
ticket because I was in Canada and he
was in Hong Kong that incident that
experience just gave me so much pain
when you have enough pain then your
motivation I said to myself I’ll never
ever ever want to live there like that
whatever it takes I don’t want to
experience so helpless that I couldn’t
do anything in order to protect my
family in order just have the freedom
the ability to do buy that plane ticket
I need money
if you want your kids suffer when your
wife needs money when your family needs
who’s gonna help them if it’s not you
and you don’t get at that point
then what kind of man are we will number
seven value your time rich people we
value time more than we value money poor
people they value money more than they
value time and that’s why if there’s
something we do with my Bentley and oil
change or I got to go do something or
fix the car I’m not gonna do it because
it’s not worth my time my time it’s much
more valuable
I have other activities that I could do
that could bring in more money now you
may be saying that while easy for you to
say you’re Dan Locke you’ve got money of
course you could do that that is not
you might be thinking cuz you are rich
that is not true I got rich when I
started valuing my time most people
never get rich because they never value
their time and rule number eight the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is sacrifice the first five years
of my business career when I was getting
started the first five years I didn’t
take a single day off
I was working 12 to 14 hours a day seven
days a week for the first five years
while all my friends they were out there
drinking drinking and having parties and
chasing girls I was a working I
sacrifice and made a lot of sacrifices I
believe if you don’t sacrifice for your
dream then your dream becomes your
sacrifice so I made a decision I pay the
early on I spent a few years of my life
working on myself working on my business
doing the things that most people are
too lazy to do not willing to do so I
could have what most people cannot have
now I’ve got a special bonus clip from
Dan on how to push yourself that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that it’s
time for the three-point landing
questions let’s go from just watching
another video to taking action here we
go question number one what are you
gonna stop saying someday to number two
what high income skill are you going to
start developing and number three where
do you need to value your time more I
believe the number one habit you need to
devolve to be successful it’s on a
consistent if not a daily basis do
things that make you feel uncomfortable
it is that simple because you look at
what holds most people back what holds
you back is fear fear of the unknown
fear of failure fear of rejection fear
of success all these things is all
outside their comfort zone human being
because we’re creature of habits we tend
to operate day to day and do the same
thing again and again and again but if
you have a habit you make a habit that
you do things on a consistent basis that
you don’t usually do it makes you scare
scare stuff out of you it makes you
stretch your comfort zone that’s how you
gradually expand it and get more of what
you want maybe is going to the event
that you’ve never been to maybe is
meeting their successful people that in
that intimidates you maybe is reading a
book that you have no interest reading
in maybe it’s driving a different path
that you usually call home this way hey
you know what I’m gonna drive a
different path and see something a
little bit different right
maybe it’s watching a video that you
don’t usually watch may be interested
certain topics maybe you’re watching a
youtube video just on prank but
something you want something that is on
inspiration and motivational that’s
practical that’s business related and
that changes the way that you think
about stuff it started with that one
thing that one video and if you do that
not one time not two times not three
times but hundreds and hundreds of times
on a consistent basis I believe that is
the habit not just
to be successful but to stay successful
when you’re constantly pushing yourself
outside of the comfort zone guess what
you will learn you will take new action
you acquired new knowledge you will meet
new people and that will lead to new
opportunities you might develop a new
skill right
you might start a new business all these
things that you do is nothing more than
doing things that scares the out of
on a consistent basis instead of
avoiding the fear you are facing the
fear and you are pushing and pushing and
pushing a limit that is the number one
thing that you need I strongly believe
to be successful so developed a habit
today do something that you don’t
usually do do something that scares you
do something that makes you
uncomfortable hi this is Dan Locke if
you’re a fan of Evans work if you want
to know exactly how the model my success
I want to invite you to join me for a
special online training all you have to
do is click on a link below you can join
me for absolutely no charge so click a
if you want more dan lock check out the
recent top ten I made on him I think
you’re gonna enjoy the link is right
there next to me continue to believe and
I’ll see you there
most people do they listen to a webinar
to watch a video and they say oh this
guy’s making whatever how much money
online I could do that and they jump
into it [Music]
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