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“Build WORK-LIFE Integration!” | Tony Robbins (@TonyRobbins) | #Entspresso

tortured by balance try to be ballet uh
people are not balanced enough give it
you’re less likely get knocked around by
other people’s opinions oh you only
spend this amount of time with your kids
every night if you play real hard but
you don’t work very much it’ll be fun
but you’re gonna be on rise and shine
it’s an espresso time what’s up believe
nation it’s evan my one word is believe
and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
let’s start your day i’ve right together
grab your coffee and sip on today’s
message build work-life integration over
to you tony robbins also if you want to
know what tony robbins and other
successful entrepreneurs have to say
about building unstoppable confidence
check out my 250 for confidence series
where every day for the next two hundred
and fifty four days i will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below the fact that
human beings our strongest drive is the
need to stay consistent with how we
define ourselves so while you’re in this
passionate state that’s where you make
decisions so if you want to change your
life my friends you’ve got to change
your physiology and you got to change
your focus
i’ve in work-life integration
I don’t think and I’m not being
disrespectful – oh no no yeah I want to
hear this I’m saying everybody has a
different metaphor I’m telling you my
metaphor I’m not making somebody wrong
those folks my balance but to me if you
say balance it’s like okay let’s use a
teeter totter or a seesaw okay we’re
gonna let’s balance it now now that
we’ve done that how long are we gonna
stay in there balancing this thing
before one of us wants to jerk this
thing around just to feel alive right
yeah so I really think balance is is
more about integration for me it’s more
about like how do I make sure that I
feel like the heirs of my life my wife
my children my grandchildren my health
I got 31 companies they’re got 1200
employees and seven radically different
industries we do five billion a year
I mean it’s so all these things are
going on how do I do that
well I believe that the way I do that is
a streaks any streaks of unbelievable
intensity work and I know streaks have
like let go and being you know paradise
and enjoy and so I like running high I
wanna I want to eat and have me climb in
the amount that’s just me so I’m not
saying that track to other people I’m
saying gotta find what it is but the
idea of balance for most people makes
them torture themselves and I say for me
if the torches you get rid of it and
instead of saying talk of innovation I
asked Mary Callahan Erdos who’s if
you’re not familiar with her she’s
probably the one of if not the smartest
person in the financial world email
she’s a head of JP Morgan and manages
2.3 trillion with a team out of me
trillion dollars of the money well the
nicest human being ever meet breaks all
the moles on people in the financial
business there’s not an ounce of
manipulation in her body
I mean just good good soul and I asked
her about the balancing the biggest bank
in the world right trillions of dollars
and she said Tony I don’t believe in it
and she told me where I felt I start
laughing or completing each other’s
sentences she has the same philosophy
but her dad used to take her to work and
he was a financial guy when she was
little girl she has to have her brother
be the secretary his thing she took her
dad see I ran Michelle and she said
doing that was my dad she goes I loved
it I was a part of his life I got to be
a part of see that part of his life is
then coming home and me not knowing it
and she said that’s what she’s done with
her kids in a JP Morgan she leaves and
picks her kids up and she still runs the
biggest thing in the world and goes
trillions of dollars so would she say
it’s bound she’d say no it’s not balance
its integrator she knows when to move
into one or the other right so that all
the parts of her life are rich maybe
instead of balance it’s a rich life in
the areas that matter yeah right rich
with your children rich with your
husband and wife
rich with your dear friends rich with
the impact that you want to have your
mission rich in terms of successful
business and or whatever your career is
that you really feel a sense of meaning
and enjoyment to me that’s more
important than balance and I think but
balance a little boring okay but if
you’re tortured by balance trying to be
balanced by uh people are not balanced
enough give it instead enjoy yourself
enjoy your children enjoy the time be
where you are right now that to me is
more important than trying to make
everything balance because that becomes
negative cerebral it makes you evaluate
things yeah more you evaluate OS you can
actually experience what’s your right
now you need to get an awareness of what
work-life balance or integration or
whatever you want to call it looks like
for you and stop comparing yourself to
other people what Tony Robbins schedule
looks like has almost nothing to do with
you because if you were to jump into
Tony Robbins as routine you will not be
like Tony Robbins because you want
different things you have different
goals you have different aspirations
than Tony Robbins can you learn
something from Tony schedule absolutely
can you learn something from his morning
absolutely can you try on the hat and
take little bits of pieces that may work
for you a hundred percent but what most
people do is they say well they do this
so I’m gonna copy it I’m gonna do it to
you don’t get results and then you feel
like an idiot you feel like you can’t
measure up to twenty Robbins or to
somebody else or to somebody else or to
somebody else or to somebody else they
want different things than you one of
the most common questions I get asked
when I do interviews is what is your
morning routine what is your schedule
how do you chart your starts one of one
of the things I’m a fan of saying chart
your start what’s your morning routine
you need to set yourself up stop waking
up like an accident and set yourself up
for success every single day but what I
do the concept is amazing it works you
need to do it but what I do is almost
irrelevant like look what’s in my office
the idea of putting people’s pictures up
in your office where you work is a great
one but people want my pictures like a
picture of my parents won’t do anything
for you I don’t know why you want a PJ
ninis picture or Howard Schultz on your
wall you don’t even know who these
people are like copying that won’t allow
you to have a great YouTube channel
that’s where I think a lot of people
fall down and then you judge yourself
like I put these pictures on my wall
though I did the thing that Tony does
and it’s not working
me I suck that’s not the answer thing is
you already know what has worked for you
you already know moments that have made
you feel alive in bold and courageous
weather was meeting somebody one-on-one
watching a YouTube video reading the
book listen to a podcast like you know
that you’ve had moments of boldness and
courageous courageous gorgeousness
you’ve had moments you know what that
looks like you’ve felt it before there’s
you’ve never had a courageous a bold
moment in your life what triggered it
what led to it what were the
circumstances that happened just before
you were bold and courageous you know
the thing that makes you come alive just
take that and put it into your morning
routine that strategy will work but what
work-life balance or integration looks
like for anybody else is almost
irrelevant for you because you want
different things I look at the Wayne
Johnson The Rock when he shoot in the
movie he sleeps about five hours a night
before his call time to get to the
theater the shooting or to get to the
set he has to go to the gym and work out
for a couple hours to me that sounds
crazy it’s like it’s go a little crazy
what you’re sleeping five hours for me
that’s not enough sleep and you’re
giving up time sleeping to go to the gym
and work out that to me sounds
ridiculous but to him that’s balance
that’s a balanced happy life for him so
Who am I to judge what balance it’s like
for him that works for him but I
guarantee you if I tried doing that I
would fall apart
that is not balance for me and so don’t
try to step into Duane’s rock Johnson
schedule and expect to become Dwayne the
rock Johnson you don’t want the same
thing he does and so just having some
self-awareness over the things that you
want in life the things that make you
feel alive what work-life balance or
integration looks like for you and then
starting to actually live it and caring
less about what other people are doing
what they’re scheduled to their lives
look like it doesn’t matter they’re off
doing this great amazing thing awesome
cheer them on has nothing to do with you
don’t be jealous they’re living their
life amazing and then when you are so
secure in what you’re doing to feel that
it’s absolutely right for you you’re
less likely get knocked around by other
people’s opinions oh you only spend this
amount of time with your kids every
night oh you’re only doing this well you
only see your family X amount
oh you’re not spending enough time going
to conferences and trade shows oh you’re
not posting enough to your social media
everybody’s gonna have an opinion of
what you should be doing and their
judgments are based off of their own
insecurities when you are strong in what
you’re doing and you know the thing that
makes you come alive and you know what
work-life balance and integration looks
like for you it’s it’s you it’s a wall
as a shields like the stuff can’t touch
you the bad breath wind that they’re
blowing you can’t get through can’t get
through your defenses
your walls are too high you know what
you want in life so it’s figuring out
that certainty and I think you already
have the answers I think you really know
the thing that makes you come alive I
think you already have a good sense of
what your goals are and when you feel
out of balance or out of integration for
the work that you’re doing but I’m gonna
give you a three step strategy to help
really hone it for you so I call it
audit act adjust audit act adjust number
one is audit audit is figuring out who
you are figuring out what you want
figuring out what makes you come alive
figuring out what work life balance
integration looks like for you how much
time you want to be spending sleeping
how much time you want to be spending in
your business how much time with your
wife with your kids with your
relationships going out partying playing
League of Legends going on vacation
traveling like the things that matter to
doesn’t matter what percentage how many
hours you need to spend on these things
and listen that percentage may also
change with time don’t worry about what
you’re gonna be doing in 2025 like focus
on right now what you’re doing what is
the schedule look like what does balance
integration look like for you audit
spend less time with other people don’t
spend time asking other people what they
think of how you should be auditing your
time the only caveat might be if you’re
in a relationship figuring it together
like I want this relationship to be
amazing between the two of us what
should we be doing but it needs to start
with you you need to come to that
conversation already with ideas of what
you have in mind and so spend more time
with yourself spend less time with other
people asking them questions go spend
the afternoon in the park go go go for a
hike go to a Starbucks go to a library
wherever you need to go someplace where
you can just focus on the life that you
want to build you audit yourself to get
a sense of here is the life that I want
and the schedule that I want to create
so that work-life balance harmony
feels right to me audit except to his
act so now you got a try like do it you
have a plan they’ll do it act act act
act act act so many of us don’t act
enough we have ideas and visions and
plans we don’t do like you got to do you
said you’re gonna do something you have
to do it just follow through just be
consistent every day if you did these
things you would have a happy well
balanced well integrated well harmonious
life amazing now you got to do it right
you do it you try it you test it this is
what will help you be a successful
entrepreneur great you’re gonna test
that for two weeks this is what will
help you with your relationship amazing
you’re gonna go for a eight o’clock walk
with your wife every night awesome great
try that do it right you’re gonna do
candles only after nine o’clock to help
you sleep better awesome
try that see how it works like act dude
try test more than just once like give
it a shot give it a real shot awed it
and then act and then step three just
because no matter how much of a perfect
plan that you think you have you will
have to make adjustments by acting by
trying by testing you will need to
adjust you will find that you know what
those candles at nine o’clock and night
it just hurts my eyes doesn’t help me
sleep any better I stress out it just
hurts me I gave it a shot I tried it for
two weeks no improvement okay I got to
move on to something else but you moved
on to something else not because you
thought about it not because I don’t
think it will work because you actually
did it you tried it you got results you
got data you know this is helping you
get closer to your goals or not and
listen your goals will change your
schedule will not look the same in one
year as it is now might be close might
be similar but it’s not gonna be exactly
the same and the biggest reason is
because your goals have changed cuz
you’ve changed because what you wanted a
life will have change you will not be
the same person in one year five years
ten years as you are right now and so
having flexibility what worked for you
three years ago may not work for you
anymore you will need to adjust not on
the macro if you did decent planning and
you’re acting you won’t have to make
massive life changes put on the micro
little tiny changes little tiny
adjustments every month or every quarter
so audit
adjust you already have all the answers
inside you stop comparing yourself to
what other people are doing it doesn’t
matter don’t be jealous
when people are jealous of you doesn’t
matter you need to be strong in what
you’re doing and you already know what
works for you so do it now I’ve got a
really special bonus clip that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that it’s
time for question the day I want to know
what is the single biggest thing that
you have learned about yourself that you
need to schedule in what have you
learned about yourself through the
auditing process that is unique to you
that you need to make sure that you have
time for this every day or every week
that might be a little different or
unique I’d love to hear from you let me
the fifth thing that I really ascribed
to is balance work with play you can’t
do all of either one and be successful
and to those who much is given much is
required and if you work really hard
you’re really diligent person make sure
that you do some play to balance your
life out if you play real hard but you
don’t work very much you’re gonna be fun
but you’re gonna be hungry
you gotta balance work with play you
have to balance that with your children
if you’re always the disciplinarian your
daddy gonna get you when you get on I
don’t want to always be the police in
the house yeah I want to be the fun guys
sometime balancing work with play call
this not only for you to be holistic but
for people to get a better perspective
of who you are I get on my Instagram and
I put crazy stuff my kids die I just
yesterday I put me sweating in the gym
saying they said it’s gonna be fun but
it hadn’t gotten fun yet you know yeah
you know to let people know that
everything is not serious every day
that’s too much pressure we’ve got way
too much pressure on us to be the people
we were created to be if you had to
think of one word that’s most important
to you or that sums you up or that would
be like a little beacon now if you want
more Tony Robbins and want to learn how
to train your mind and your body check
out the link right next to me I think
you’re gonna enjoy that video continue
to believe and I’ll see you there my
very first thing I do when I wake up in
the morning is I want to get my head right I do this thing called priming
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