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BREAK YOUR BAD HABITS – Amazing Speech – The Best Advice On Youtube!

the difference between people who are
successful or not or though those who
are successful seem to know from age of
seven or eight maybe older you know
they’re very in tune with what they love
they I compared to a voice inside their
head not literally a voice but something
exciting you really are drawn to this
subject and they hear it throughout
their lives that for me it was it was
writing and books since I was a kid and
you know at any time I deviated from
that love and went into something else I
just was so unhappy I knew that I wasn’t
doing the right thing and so it’s just
like this voice that keeps drawing you
back to what you really really loved it
is not easy to identify the enemy in
combat in war so what you have to do is
you have to control what you can control
right you got to be prepared you’ve got
to train you’ve got to study
you’ve got to rehearse you’ve got to
remain vigilant you’ve got to maintain
discipline and everything you do so that
when the enemy does reveal itself you
have the ability to think it to out
maneuver to out fight the enemy and it’s
actually the same thing in business
right the enemy can be hard to identify
your competitors aren’t broadcasting
their next move you don’t know what the
markets gonna do you can’t be certain
about the next trend or the next
downturn for the next bubble that’s
gonna burst you can’t know those things
so you have to do the same thing after
control what you can control which is
you gotta gather intelligence you got to
analyze the metrics that you can track
you got to train yourself and your team
to be prepared for both the known and
also be prepared for the unknown
figure out what the likely contingencies
are then have some plans to execute if
those contingencies occur maintain
discipline as an organization so that
you have the flexibility and the
responsiveness to maneuver effectively
and efficiently when the unpredictable
actually happens so instead of suffering
and falling apart in the chaos you can
take advantage of it and win and that
business and life is the same the enemy
is not always clear in life it can be
hard to tell who’s gonna try and bring
you now or what is going to bring you
down there’s distractions there are
things out there that will do you harm
that are so camouflaged you can’t see
them at all there are deceitful people
there are accidents that can occur and
diseases that take root and there’s bad
luck and there’s Murphy’s Law and
there’s times when it seems that the
whole world is against you the whole
and the same rules apply control what
you can’t control you train hard learn
maintain the unmitigated daily
discipline in all things I talked to my
dad I talked to Warren I had talked to
my wife Melinda so I have enough people
that know me and actually know where my
judgment isn’t its strongest where I
might get overexcited about something or
you know forget to think about something
and so they’re good at correcting
particularly and good at correcting
whatever those blind spots are and I
think it’s good to encourage your
friends and advisers to really give them
that license you know I can go to a
party and forget to say hello to various
people or something that’s a very minor
example of my client spots a small
number of people that you can turn to on
on certain key things is a great great
asset nobody works harder than me inside
the Octagon outside the Octagon
I am a workhorse so I’m gonna enjoy the
benefits for this life I am gonna get
myself a big mansion in Las Vegas I’m
gonna get the soft hop cars I’m gonna
bring my whole team out I’m gonna spoil
them and give them this life be States
das sighs whirring and every single
night each we’re eating good we’re
living good it’s it’s human nature some
people will sit and take positivity from
that they will look at that and take
inspiration and inspire it will inspire
them to go on push for that orders will
shell up and critique it and be negative
towards it but one thing is sure those
people will stay where they are the
people who take inspiration from it will
rise up and also one day experience that
like so this is this is human nature
some going way so go to it away but I am
I am enjoying my money my heart and
that I have dedicated my life to I just
feel like advice that I would that I
would give is just like let yourself be
so consumed in in your art or whatever
your passion is it’s literally the
greatest feeling in the world it’s like
love like it’s you know to just let
yourself be just like swallowed whole by
what makes you feel alive and what
connects you to you know the universe
and that inner voice it there’s nothing
more more beautiful than that and it’s
such a it’s such a selfless thing to
share that you know to share that with
the world because I think I love that
there’s and there’s this quote I can’t
remember it word for word but this guy’s
has something like share your share your
talent and share your dreams with the
world because what the world needs is
more people who come alive something
yeah something along those lines but
yeah because you know by you just
expressing yourself
you kind of ignite you can you know
ignite a fire in somebody else
sure to express them so in some way you
know like and that was just I would just
make us all like so much happier as
people you know what I mean like just do
everything do everything for love and
you’ll you’ll feel so fulfilled I wake
up some days and I feel like I’m going
to take over the world and conquer
everything in life and then the next day
I feel like the most insecure person in
the world and I really think those low
days are the days that you have to give
yourself affirmations that you have to
talk yourself out of that funk that you
have to make sure that you’re
surrounding yourself with people who
aren’t gonna take you down I mean like I
had a boyfriend who you know was a
negative person in my life and did I
realize it early enough no it took me
two years to understand that and it was
a perpetual negativity and I think that
if you have the tools to make that bad
day a good day
you fake it till you make it you use
those affirmations you two can have a
good day but it’s really just about
making a conscious effort yeah
absolutely fake it till you make it I’m
that’s how I got here yeah the first
ballet recitals that I danced in pointe
shoes and I was so nervous because it
was the first time that I was gonna get
on stage everyone that I loved and care
about was going to be in that audience
and I didn’t want to let him down I
didn’t want to let myself down how I
sort of learned to cope with that is
just really to take that anxiety that
that sort of adrenaline and actually
pour it into something productive
meaning like what can you do to best
prepare for that moment so when it came
to the point where it was Showtime it
was time to get out on that stage I knew
that I did everything I possibly could
to get out there and feel amazing and
just perform and I think something
clicked in me however it doesn’t always
go right there was a time I remember I
walked in a Fendi runway show and I you
know made a little slip and kind of
slipped off the runway and but all you
can do is do your best even when you
make mistakes sometimes those can be the
most important experiences to learn from
most people have a belief about what
their real potential is no matter what
you tell them and that affects how much
action they take and of course that
affects the result and then ironically
that result reinforces their belief and
that belief
effects it so I’ll give an example let’s
say a person has unlimited potential we
all agree but they take little action
little results why because they have to
start with a problem with their belief
they don’t believe it’s really gonna
happen for me maybe for Frank Kern’s cuz
it got the cool hair and stuff or maybe
it’s for you because you’re so driven
but it’s not me maybe Tony Robbins cuz
he’s a freak out these big teeth
whatever their process is right they got
this thing right but what happens is if
you believe that there’s very little
potential how much actually gonna take
and when you take a little potential
with a little action what kind of
results you get lousy little results
when you have little results what does
that do to your belief you go see I told
you this was a waste of time soldier
this wouldn’t work and then what happens
you tap even less potentially take even
less actually even the worst results and
your belief gets even weaker and this
sucker feeds on itself
so you are in a downward spiral
poisonous it’s poisonous in its
self-fulfilling now what if something
could happen that could come along and
fill you with a sense of absolute
certainty not like I believe but mean
well you know and you guys this case
mine as well we knew because we had to
because we burned the boats there was no
other option we had to find the way we
had we weren’t gonna live that way we
all did it in different ways and for
different reasons but in essence that
was it if you get yourself in a state of
certainty that this is gonna work I’m
gonna find the way and if this is work I
will make the way then you tap a lot
more potential and when you’re certain
your potential you take massive action
when you take massive action you really
believe in something you get great
results when you get great results your
brain goes see I told you I was a stud I
told you this thing would worked out now
even stronger tap more potential take
greater action better results that’s how
you went from 300 bucks in a week to
twenty five hundred and five days to a
hundred thousand and a month to a
million bucks in a day same thing with
you and we get momentum so why the rich
get richer the poor get poorer now some
people go out they go well I’m gonna
take a bunch of action all right I’m
gonna open this product gonna try it
they’ll say to you I even did it but
it’s like a Salesman it goes and knocks
on the door he knocks on a hundred doors
and says verbally his face says it
because he doesn’t believe it’s gonna
so his voice his body the execution is
so weak maybe if he talks 100 people so
he’s gonna buy out of pity I’m gonna
want his kids to starve right but he’s
not gonna get the result so the core
difference in people is how do you
produce certain day when the world isn’t
giving it to you you go out and try and
you try in your case you’re a hundred
thousand a debt nothing’s working how do
you keep yourself going the way you did
it the way I did it the way you’re doing
it we mean I’ve done it consciously is
we didn’t change our potential that was
there and it wasn’t even taking more
action taking more action with beliefs
not gonna works not gonna change
anything we got results in our head that
made us feel certain as if it had
already happened I definitely see this
this room everyone who seems to have
this aspect of rushing like rushing to
get to the next step and rushing to make
a certain amount of money and
when I when I think of goals I don’t
necessarily think of specifics I just
think of more feelings of how I would
feel when I get to that what is my
success and how does that feel like
instead of saying okay I want to I want
to win this amount of titles and I want
to win this amount of Grand Slams or I
want to earn this amount of money I
think not always I think more of the
feeling how am I going to feel when I
win match point I visualize it I embrace
that feeling and I carry it with me like
you visualize it all the time or in the
moment I think moments and and I think
it always comes when you least expect it
sometimes you can be on a on a run
sometimes those long plane rides where
you know it’s sunset and and it’s just
you and you’ve been traveling and you’re
going home and you have no one around
you just yourself on the flight it’s
just a bunch undreds of strangers links
to you and you have this moment where
you start thinking of why you’re doing
this why are you lonely why are you in
this position and you think of what
you’ve already done to get there and
where you would like to see yourself go
so it those moments always come at a
different I don’t I don’t sit down and I
think okay right now I’m going to
visualize the feeling that I might have
what I’m just going to tournament or
yeah but I definitely I think it’s
important to me when you say things or
you know and when a friend of mine says
something negative and I was like don’t
put that in the universe I put that out
there yeah I do believe in that there’s
some sense of truth in that because it’s
also comes with and you carry with that
attitude you know when someone says
something negative you usually see their
attitude change and shows up in your
body and you’re yeah and I I mean I for
sure do that as well and I have my
moments and but the faster you
acknowledge it and realize it the faster
you can revive my work for other
companies some of them not mention any
names were so bad they would treat
people the old way I’m the boss here’s
what you’re gonna do because I’m the
boss right or there were times for
example when maybe had a dollar for
lunch II can’t get a lot for a dollar so
I just knew that that’s how I was and if
I had a company
that I had to control of my gosh
everyone’s going to be treated the way I
wanted to be treated so the minute we
could afford it everyone had free lunch
whether they had money or not you have
free lunch we pay for it for you
carpool will pay for that so we started
doing things for people that I wish
happened to me maybe that’s part of fate
maybe because a lot of things along the
way weren’t so good that as things
started getting good it was so easy for
me to share with our people so easy to
do that people sometimes don’t save
money as soon as we possibly could
afford it we started profit sharing
where at the end of every year and we’ll
take that profit sharing and put it in a
retirement fund for you it’s yours it’s
here’s so many years it goes with you no
matter where you go but it’s yours it’s
your money that’s really incredible and
how much do you think that that sort of
Golden Rule approach has fed into your
ridiculously low turnover rate which is
literally almost unprecedented I mean
that’s crazy I try and treat people
exactly the way they’d want to be
treated exactly the way I would have
wanted to be treated I’m happy with my
people I realized my people aren’t the
company if my people go my god the
company goes people are your company and
they take care of the customer the
customer is always right no matter what
so what do we do so the customers
happier if somebody’s unhappy would try
and discover why and because you treat
people this way and we’d love them you
walk in our company it’s love if you go
to the front desk here in Century City
this girl just has the biggest boss
saying hi welcome to John Paul Mitchell
Systems she loves what she does our big
problem is we don’t have turnover we
have so many people out of work for us
and the thing is you gotta wait for
somebody to die goodness my girl will
add one or two on obviously at a time
sure and we’re pretty big now because
we’re in 96 countries it’s how you take
care of people anywhere in the world you
don’t boss them around you include with
what you’re doing every single person
when they’re in their teens in their
early 20s they
they care so much about other people and
how they’re perceived and what
impression they make and I wanted to be
perfect I wanted to be good at
everything and be a good student and be
prettier and skinnier and successful and
all these things and I cared about what
people said about me how they felt about
me and as I get older I just realized
that that is that month other people
won’t make me happy it has to be from
within me and I need to keep doing
whatever makes me happy and whoever
responds to that great whoever doesn’t
respond to that it’s fine to hmm
but the less I care about other people’s
opinions the better I feel about myself
and the more I do things that make me
happy I always want to constantly evolve
you know I always want to constantly
grow and every one that get to a point
where I feel like I got to figure it out
you know I always want to like kind of
like push myself to be better you know
and do and do greater things no matter
what it is I mean I want to be the best
I’m a competitor you know I like to
compete you know like growing out with
you know with the name Michael Jordan
and I’ve always had a certain pressure
pressure on on myself and and always
having to kind of like you know prove
people wrong and
and then I just kind of kind of kind of
put an instant chip on my shoulder
I wanted it just to be great you know
and do great things and then and also
help people man I’m really big in the
next generation I feel like that’s all I
saw that’s the only way it’s gonna get
better moving forward as if you know you
gotta leave this world in a better place
than it was when you came in you know
I’m born in 87 – question mark I don’t
know when I’m gone and I’m saying but I
want to work on my – and I’m saying I
want we’re going at that time that I’m
here and it is some and I I can’t
make it easier for the next round of
filmmakers and the next round of actors
coming up you know that’s it
and I mean then I didn’t and probably
I’m continually going out on that really
sad to see that people are disenchanted
– nihilistic and depressed and anxious
and aimless and perverse and vengeful
and and all of those things it’s
terrible and then to see people question
whether that’s necessary and then to
start to rise out of it it’s like it’s
so fun like last night I was at after my
I don’t usually think about these things
but I was I was after my talk last night
and so all these people line up you know
they have their 15 15 seconds with me
and they’re kind of tentative they’re
excited and a tentative when they come
up to talk to me and then they have you
know 15 seconds of time to tell me
something I’m really listening to them
and they’re hesitant about whether or
not to share the good news about their
life you know and I think it’s often
because when people share good news
about their life people don’t
necessarily respond positively you know
they don’t get encouragement and people
need so little encouragement it’s just
unbelievable and so there comes
something good and I’m a god that’s so
good you know somebody says hell I’m
getting along way better with my father
I haven’t seen him for 10 years and now
we get along god great and then the
power of that you can’t overstate the
power of that for individuals to get
their life together the individuals an
unbelievably powerful force and every
single person who gets their act
together a little bit has the capacity
to spread that around it’s it’s a chain
reaction and so it’s a lovely thing to
see I believe in my strategy see and I’m
patient ish like all great stuff
especially when you’re innovating
doesn’t happen right away this notion
that like Oh Gary I tried it I spent 500
bucks on Facebook Ads it doesn’t work
well what if your video sucked what if
your product and service sucks I I tend
to do things that are very early that
has been my career you I when I do
things I believe in them I stick with
them based on intuition even though for
18 months nobody watched my wine videos
at all I knew it was right I was right
there’s been things I’ve done that I’ve
jumped off of very quickly I started to
Gary v app V chat ve like WeChat that
was funny for my fans great CRM one on
one didn’t feel right after a week or
two spend plenty money building it new
it stopped it after you know a couple
months Wine Library TV five years every
day YouTube decided to change at the
daily grape insular app you could buy
stuff subscription for reviews it was a
lot of fun only did it for five months
stopped it because they didn’t feel
right anymore it’s always hard to know
when to jump off something new
but I find that people don’t believe in
what they’re doing they hear a guru and
they do it
begrudgingly because their boss wants
them to or they’re like well Gary’s
right a lot so let me do it but they
don’t believe it and so then they jump
they’re looking for nose instead of yes
is everything I do every business
development every event I do every time
I try new marketing tactic for sales
tactic I’m looking for the yes right I’m
looking for the yes and if the no
punches me will then I’m like crap then
no punched me I believe the majority of
people when they try new tactics are
looking for the no mm-hmm and you’re
gonna getting a lot of subtle knows
immediately right and so I think that’s
why that happens rule number 14 99% of
people that say stuff like that are not
willing to do what it takes to make
their dreams come true the Marines have
a saying everybody wants to go to heaven
but nobody wants to die and that’s just
real at the center of bringing any dream
into fruition is self discipline you
know something something as simple as
food and eating it is not about your
your body as much as it is about your
mind it’s getting command of your mind
to be able to choose actions that are in
your own best interest every day we are
choosing that’s not in our own best
interest right so if the world is
attacking you and the world wants to
fight you in the world’s trying to hold
you down so you’re gonna kick yourself
in the balls so you will stop yourself
from getting what you dream
self-discipline is the center of all
material success you cannot win the war
against the world if you can’t win the
war against your own mind you want to
get your work ethics so high that people
actually admire you I’m gonna ask you a
question right now do people know you
because of your unbelievable work ethic
if you can’t answer yes to that man
you’re not going to get in that top 10%
you got to get to the top you people
have to know you not because oh he’s a
good salesman
oh he’s a good dish oh he’s an artist oh
he’s a good pianist oh he’s a he writes
a great
you know story no did people need to
know you for one major thing first he
works he produces the guys there every
day the guys pushing and shoving because
the truth is no matter how good your
ideas are how good your art is or how
good your skillset is if you’re not
working man if you’re not vibrating at a
frequency that people say my god how
does that guy do all that if you’re not
vibrating at that rate 10x levels
massive action tremendous work ethic
that’s just a muscle nowness
it’s just a discipline in your life and
it’s a way it’s a normal way that other
people think is abnormal Ryan Seacrest
Tom Cruise Oprah Steven Spielberg Donald
Trump still pumping and working as a
billionaire look if you’re not working
at that level you’re not gonna make it
get your work ethic young man it’s the
American Way work ethic check it out my
dreams are first every day then my wife
then my kids I could take care of my
wife and my kids now would you agree I
abandoned this this is the fuel for Who
I am I abandon this dream and then I end
up I can’t take care of them and then
I’m gonna tell them what it’s alright
that you didn’t win no it’s not alright
if you don’t win you need to win how
many of you need to win more okay if you
don’t control your environment folks
somebody else is going to control your
environment you guys have run teams and
run organizations if you do not control
your environment someone else will
control your environment you are being
controlled in your environment right now
CNBC CNN MSNBC the parents the kids the
Twitter the Facebook the YouTube the
Google the snapchats are your
environment your friends in your
relatives your uncle’s your aunts the
garbage dump called planet Earth that
if you don’t control your environment it
starts with me when I was 45 years old
I’m like I’m gonna control my
environment I’m gonna take every penny I
have all the energy I have all the
resources I have and I’m gonna improve
me if I got to go broke in the process
because I’m already broke look if you’re
not fulfilled – you’re if you’re not
reaching your full potential every day
you’re broke right now you know
particularly in this day and age you
know if you turn on the news everything
seems like it’s gonna get blown up right
being nice just makes life so much
easier and look I learned the hard way I
had to have my partner Todd came to me
one day and he goes I like to curse he
goes I don’t care about cursing but you
curse too much not everybody is as
accepting as cursing as you are calm
and I took at the heart not so much the
cursing part but but I just it became
apparent to me that the nicer I got the
more effective people around me got the
more productive they got the more sales
we had I was undervaluing nice you know
I started my my first company after I
got fired from a job and I was 24 just
turned 24 my first real company if you
will and I was always go go go go go all
consumed right live it eat it sleep it
breathe it and I knew people couldn’t
keep up or work as hard as many hours as
me but I wanted them to and we were
successful and we didn’t have much
turnover but I could have done a better
job if I were nicer and broadcast calm I
got a little bit nicer right
that’s things but then once I got to the
Mavs and and some of these other
companies and Todd reminded me you know
and really told me you know just nice
nice works and so when you find yourself
going to work when you’re finding
yourself dealing with customers when
you’re finding yourself making decisions
we all get that ah jatai right that
feeling in our stomach that tenseness
that stress at various points at times
that we all have to go through but
sometimes you just need to calm them
down right take a deep breath and be
nice because you’ll find out that people
will do much more but if you reduce the
stress of people and you’re nice you’re
gonna have such a huge advantage no
matter what your technology is no matter
how it compares even if it’s a download
for an app people will still have to
deal with you your culture will come
through being nice being being
supportive reducing stress that all
comes through even in an app Shakespeare
noted there’s nothing good or bad but
thinking makes it so there’s nothing
good or bad right there’s just stimulus
and then there’s response things but
right yeah but people think that it is
objectively a certain way so now because
they think it is an object objectively a
certain way they feel they are supposed
to react based on those emotions that
are getting kicked up in their mind what
I’m saying is absolutely not
those emotions may not serve you they’re
certainly not aimed at moving you
towards your goal they’re jobs that keep
plain and simple so that’s not
necessarily very helpful in a modern
context so if you want to always be
moving towards your goal you want to be
optimized you’ve got to learn to get
control of your emotions you’ve got to
learn to understand to tell yourself a
narrative that isn’t predicated on
necessarily identifying what is
objectively true because I don’t think
that we experience the world that way
it’s identifying what’s going to work to
get me to my goal and that to me like my
whole thing is goal first everything
else works backwards from that like
starting from the like the grant
strategy like identifying it and then
building the steps backwards to reverse
engineering essentially correct if it
were easy to get what you wanted in life
Google would have already figured out an
app you would just type in okay I’m a
student and I want to go from being a
student to being successful and Google
would tell you go to college then you
get your masters then you land this
killer job and then you put in a bunch
of face time while you’re checking
Facebook then you get promoted to
manager and then you realize managing
people kind of stinks and then you keep
climbing the corporate ladder and then
you start to wonder well how did I end
up here anyways this what success looks
like you’re like no I’m gonna go to Jay
so keep this in mind if there’s
something that you want like seven
people or a trip to Africa or you’re
going to make it to Mexico in the pink
shirt I’m looking at you again sir I’m
watching you and rooting for you keep in
mind this here you are this is what you
want I spend a lot of time on lacrosse
fields although they don’t really look
like this you tend to think that what
you want you just march right towards it
but if in sports you march right towards
the goal what happens the defenders come
in and what the defenders are is it’s
your brain saying ain’t gonna happen
so the second you start moving toward
that thing you want be ready
you’re gonna tell yourself you don’t
feel like it you’re gonna have to force
yourself it’s happening there’s no way
to get around it so what you’re gonna
have to do is you’re gonna basically get
bounced around a lot all over the place
and they’re gonna be a lot of times that
you feel like this was a really dumb
idea to start this business because it’s
gonna get hard
and I want to remind you about something
unlike a sports field where there’s an
in and out of bounds the great thing
about life is there actually aren’t any
and it’s usually in those moments where
you feel like you can’t do it that
you’re closer than ever to having
everything that you wanted and I wanted
to show you this so that you keep it in
mind because I think a lot of times when
you look back it’s the darkest moments
where you realize holy cow that’s what
projected me forward start learning
personal development right you know 20
robins and and and and all of a sudden
my mind is opened up into my
surroundings of the people around me who
do I need a cutout because they’re
cancerous versus who I need to spend
more time with because I need to rise to
their level and all of a sudden I
realize holy cow manatees I’ve got
built-in coaches as a personal trainer
one on one your clients are typically
the affluent people right right so I
started asking all my my clients in
between workouts right you know a little
business advice here a little business
advice there and I found that these are
people who practice one guy’s got a
software company next guy this
automotive company right rental cars
public storage places and man who was
just the best advice versus taking
advice from a family member or friend
who goes I heard it on Shark Tank
he’s not practicing who doesn’t
experienced it yeah so that’s the big
thing is to take advice from someone
who’s been there and done that and and
if they they’re consulting in your
industry but they come from a different
industry I would tread cautiously yeah
okay yeah but you think everyone should
have a coach I believe so I think so too
as athletes we have coaches all right I
try to do it on your own no no if you’ve
dealt with trauma in your life whether
it’s some kind of physical abuse sexual
abuse whatever neglect is the kid you go
to a therapist a good therapist is a
coach yes right you’ve got personal
development coaches like the Tony
Robbins like the Brandon bouchard’s why
not have business coaches why not have
high performance coaches if you’ve got
limiting beliefs why not have someone
reset your thermostat that mom and dad
had set so low Yeah right or
circumstance of growing up it said so
we’re in it we can’t see the trees yeah
I look at it as a coach a good coach is
in a helicopter saying you know you see
a lot of trees but I know if you go up
50 yards that way and then 10 yards that
way you’ve got an open path be open up
yeah that’s it that’s what a coach does
he buy you time they buy you speed that
buy you success Malcolm X is a guy that
I’ve read a lot about and Malcolm X my
favorite quote of Malcolm X is that
which you do not hate you will
eventually tolerate and so there has to
be this point in your life where what
you want is so much greater than where
you are you’re in such discomfort in
other words the gap between what you’re
dreaming of what you’re destined to do
what you’re capable of you’re aware of
it compared to where you are that
tension between the two has a pull power
to it right and so it’s difficult you
are in life that you’re chasing that
next version of you there’s this there’s
this thing I’m it’s just unbelievably
passionate about that is that I have
this theory that I’ve told you this
before but that I think that the end of
your life there’s this place you come to
and I’m a Christian so I think at the
end of my life then I want the Lord to
go hey well done good and faithful
servant doesn’t matter what your faith
is you probably are aware there’s
history being made or an accounting but
I also think he’s gonna go hey by the
way this is who you could have been I
think he introduces you to the person
you were capable of becoming I really
believe that at the end of your life
you’re gonna get introduced to the
person you could have been you were
destined to be that he made you to be
and so I’m chasing that dude every day
I’m chasing that dude that’s the pole
power for me
every decision I make the things I go
through in my life whether I’m gonna go
to the gym whether gonna make a phone
call how I’m going to eat does it get me
closer to that guy because I think the
best end of a life is well done by the
Lord and you’re identical twins with
that person the bad end of a life would
be I meet this man I could have been and
we’re total strangers I mean we’re just
complete opposites I know nothing about
this guy there’s no familiarity at all
and it means that I went down these easy
roads I took the comfortable road the
comfortable road will never lead you to
the person you were destined to be ever
in your life and so I know if you don’t
become obsessed with chasing that person
you end up never meeting them if you
draw a lot hard lines in the sand
and eventually you realize that they’re
either unrealistic or people can’t
maintain them you’ve set yourself up for
failure what is that exactly my turn so
it’s no matter what we will not touch
bla bla bla
yeah there’s the leg no matter what we
will we will win every single road march
that we do as a fire team in this while
we’re while we’re here on this training
thing mm-hmm
okay well guess what that’s a that’s
there’s other there’s some other fire
teams that are also want to win and and
so you’ve drawn a hard line of sand
that’s not really a good example of a
good example it’s like no matter what
we’re gonna muster every morning at 4:30
in the morning mm-hmm no matter what and
you know then the guys are out on patrol
until 2:38 in the morning and now the
next morning a good no matter what I say
no matter what well it’s it’s not good
for them it’s unrealistic so you drew a
hard line in the sand and now you got to
back it down so and all you have to do
is soften the statement a little bit
hey guys to the best of our ability if
we can we’re gonna get here every
morning at 4:30 for muster there’s a
little there’s a little room to play
there right and that’s that’s fine so
again I I there’s there’s not a lot of
there’s not a question here but one of
the reasons I think that that I wanted
to talk about it was because I think
people look at me and even hear me on a
peripheral level and they think all I
bet Chuck will just lay down the whole
night it’s my way or the highway right
yeah and and the the opposite is
actually true and the reason that I came
to that conclusion was because I worked
for leaders like that and I hated
working for leaders like that so I tried
to never be a leader like that I’m a
perfectionist like if my b-roll doesn’t
look a certain way there’s a slight
camera shake in just if I’m shooting in
1:20 and it’s a perfect moving in close
and then Oh
it just it just kind of goes out it’s
garbage delete it I don’t even want to
see it even still at the end of my
videos like I’m pretty much always
unhappy with my videos it’s just like I
don’t know I just don’t like my own
stuff and it’s because I’m so hard on
myself and such a perfectionist so it’s
kind of like liberating also challenging
doing a video like this where it’s like
I’m not gonna have any b-roll in it like
there’s no music I can loop for like 30
minutes without wanting to go crazy so I
I might not even put music in this video
and just thinking about that stresses me
out it gives me anxiety but I think it’s
good to like do things that make you
feel so uncomfortable I think that’s
that means that means you’re growing
that means as a creative person you are
you know you are expanding that toolkit
that you have and I think the bigger
that toolkit is the more valuable it is
because you just understand everything
better so this in and of itself is kind
of like us stepping out of our comfort
zone and doing something that is
completely outside the realm of
everything we’ve done before as far as
YouTube goes yeah I never went to a
formal acting I was only until really
the Aviator that I started working with
Larry Moss who you know it was it was
the first film that I had produced that
I had thought of it was sort of my
concept and I felt like I needed to
brush up on on the
my technique so that’s when I really
started doing formal training and he was
he was a it was an amazing experience
with him I mean he was it was more than
learning how to be a better actor he was
a life coach it was like he’s like over
the first day he was like all right you
want to you want to go over the stuff
I’m like yeah yeah let’s do it he’s like
okay you’re Howard Hughes you’re and
you’re you’re playing this is your
cocoon this is your sanctuary
show me how you fire a plane I’m like
well I haven’t really he’s like come on
don’t you know basically sit in that
chair and do it for me right now I’m
like well I haven’t quite prepared he’s
like don’t you pull that he’s like you
getting that goddamn cockpit right now
and you show me who the hell Howard
Hughes is you doing find me right now
I’m like okay I mean and and from there
we you know we started working on
breaking down this this script in a way
that I’d never had had before I have to
say I’m impressed because most people
you know don’t get an Oscar nomination
and have like many hit films behind them
and then choose to go see an acting
coach I think everyone can always you
know brush up on their technique it is
you know what we do is takes a lot of
research a take I mean if you really
want to inhabit a role take so it takes
a lot of work and training and I think
it’s incredibly important to constantly
no matter what how successful you are
it’s incredibly important they’re clean
the time why while we were working I was
like okay dead Dallas buyers clubs ago
we got to do that later they would this
habit fits in this year and I need to
just I mean put it in that slot and was
like in the in the fall you’ll be like
okay good it’s not real we don’t have to
find someone oh we’ll get that look at
that get that one
it’s happen in the fall the fall and
part of getting them they did John Mark
he and I me he’s intercept those two
pieces come together and what we did is
we didn’t flinch
once we said we’re gonna make it in that
fall we never we didn’t we didn’t flinch
when people go what do you know you
can’t you can’t you don’t have the money
for it which we didn’t no no no we will
get it it’s coming we got it wouldn’t
make it a fall and we just never
flinched and I
I never had any doubt I got to talk
myself into it obviously cuz hello I was
wrong over there wasn’t money it caught
up with this like right as we were
making it caught up with this the money
fell out what money was there the money
had fallen out of this thing so many
times what money was there and told to
be real turned out to not be real just a
few weeks before he started shooting and
then by that time you know John market
I’ve been working on the script and I
had already you know I was already into
this into this guy and had lost a bunch
weight someone said that we may have to
push the spring and I’m again I didn’t
that was ignore not push it is spring
we’re doing it this fall we’re going
except the day we’re there and something
about that and I wasn’t the only one
doing that there was there were there
was others to the producers and John
Mark something about that it’s weird how
some things can get made in this town
but I just blindly saying no it’s
happening and if you get enough momentum
and don’t even consider the other
options because if you flinch if we
deflect and said even that would have
been too much
it would’ve left a little they were left
a sliver of light open for something
possible then it did the things that
happened just probably would have
happened you know so yeah I said
yesterday was turned on 86 times I got
corrected last night and it turned out
the count wrote count was it got to it’s
been turned down 137 times so that he’s
like I would what makes this so much
yeah this is that you know we were never
after the result with that just to
getting of the getting of it made was so
visceral that but now it’s around it’s a
year later and you know the movie
translates and then we’re getting
talking about the film the message our
roles that makes me very proud to be
here talking about it because there was
so much skin left in the game by so many people to get it made
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