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Bishop T.D. Jakes – SOAR!: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up

what’s that believe nation its Evan my
one word is believe and I believe that
you have the ability to create something
special that will change the planet so
to help you on your journey I started to
mentor me series and the goal here is to
try to hang around people who’ve done a
lot more than us who achieved massive
success and hopefully by hanging around
them a little bit longer some of their
mindsets their attitudes their beliefs
the way they see the world will seep in
to us to help us become the best version
of ourselves so today we’re going to
learn from Bishop TD jakes
and how to soar mentor me Bishop Jake’s
soare when I sat down to write it was
written solely and exclusively to people
who had inspirations for being
entrepreneurial because I grew up in a
home with entrepreneurship and I’m very
passionate about it and I’ve expressed
it to my children as I began to write it
I thought this is also true for people
who are starting churches the same land
set was applicable because a nod to a
person who goes to work goes to work to
perform a task and when the task is over
they go home an entrepreneur doesn’t
have hours an entrepreneur takes full
responsibility for everything you can’t
be one-dimensional and be an
entrepreneur just because you like to
bake cookies doesn’t mean that you can
just think about baking cookies you’ve
got to think about packaging you got to
think about marketing you got to think
about health inspections you got to
think about stamp development you have
to think about everything of the buck
stops with you so you have to be a
global thinker to be an entrepreneur we
are taught we are teaching people to be
specialists in one dimension and it was
very much like pastoring a church
starting in church you started a church
you can’t just worry about what I’m
gonna preach this Sunday
there are preachers who who come to work
for churches who are so organized that
they are hired to preach but if you
started church
you better be hard to clean bathrooms
you better be hard to drive the bus you
better be hard to balance the books you
have to be hard to do a whole lot of
stuff you know I worked my way out of
doing all this stuff but I started out
you know I was a choir director the head
of the Deacon board the cleanup
committee beard the janitorial service
and the marketing director I had to be
everything that’s an entrepreneurial
mindset as I continued to write the book
I realized and I wasn’t talking about a
thing I was talking about a mentality
the mentality says I take responsibility
for where my life is going will so I
wrote the book sword to say to you
whether you’re working a job and need
when you work a job I’ll tell you what
I’ll pay you but what I’m willing to pay
you may not be how much you need to make
so you might need multiple streams of
income in order to get what you are
really worth even though I’ve determined
what I’m going to pay you you cannot
allow my evaluation and assessment of
what you are worth to my company stream
to be the substratum of what you hope to
get for your dream and your purpose you
understand so whether it is subsidizing
your income with multiple streams of
income as I’ve mentioned to you while
I’m sitting here talking to you we’re
filming in Pittsburgh you don’t always
have to be present to be productive okay
I talk in the book about building the
team around you in building I call it
the machine building the machine is
imperative for you to be functional the
only reason I can sit here right now is
that I have a team of staff people who
are sending me takes up to the very last
minute before I walked out here telling
me what’s going on in all the videos all
the time all the while what’s being shot
what’s being handled all that’s going on
you have to build around you and
infrastructure and this is what the
reason one of the reserve wrote because
I watched my father start a business
with the mop of the bucket one lap one
bucket borrowed a truck went to clean up
a place and turn it into a business with
52 employees and 10 trucks service in
the state of West Virginia doing a
janitorial service and one of the things
that stopped it from going nationwide in
my view is that he wouldn’t stop mopping
you understand what I’m saying
my father was such a hustler and a good
sense he was a good hustler he was it
was hard to describe what he did because
he did everything to survive his 1960
and then when he started working he was
good at working took pride in what he
did but in order to really get your hand
on things things you have to stop doing
and start being the John Maxwell says if
you know how to do a thing you will
always have a job but if you know why
they’re doing it they will always work
for you you are only limited by how do
you use the same thing
gave everybody 24 hours the differences
in income is based on what you did with
the time he gave you everybody has the
same day but everybody had to have the
same thing
soar is about understanding why is it
that somebody wakes up in the morning
and they come home with ten thousand
when I come home with 150 when we had
the same 24 hours and I’m saying it is
as much a mindset as it is anything else
as a young boy I was enthralled by
airplanes and the wonder of whether I
would ever embark on a flight that would
carry me to new exciting adventures and
a life of limitless possibilities I came
to know I had the power within me to
soar and that has made all the
difference in my life flying for the
first time is a lot like creating your
own business launching a start-up or
establishing a non-for-profit
organization both require a leap of
faith and a willingness to take a
journey of unexpected variables in other
words both require a little bit of crazy
and a whole lot of courage don’t let
fear hold you back from doing what you
truly love commit to your visa and be
the CEO of your future you wouldn’t be
in this room if you didn’t have a vision
it wouldn’t be in this room if you
didn’t have me worried about the vision
Lord than the provision I find that the
vision the provision comes to the vision
a lot of people ask for provision who
have no vision and and money runs from
blindness money runs from blindness yes
yeah money runs from blood it’s money
bishop you might need to unpack that one
okay for some if there if there is no
purpose there is no provision and and
and I’m not talking about physical
blindness I’m talking about blindness so
far his career in the future until you
figure out the first thing the bank
wants to know is what do you want to do
buddy who’s gonna invest in you wants to
see here what do you see what do you see
when jesus healed a blind man in touch
with you the first time he asked him
what do you see because his response is
based on his answer so the man said I
see man walking his treat each of them
touch you again until I clear up your
vision we can’t leave this spot if you
the first time I went to the bank it was
amazing they wanted a seven-year
projection of our company and I thought
wow I didn’t know anything about
business I thought what in the world do
they want therefore I could write down
anything what they’re really asking you
is have you thought through the future
they’re asking you can you see because
if you can see we will fund what you see
pro vision but if there is no vision how
can there be provision so we when we
want something ask God for provision but
you need to be asking for vision because
if you get a clear vision and you’re
passionate about it
people support people not ideas so if
you’re not excited about it why should I
give to it so entrepreneurship is not
about where we’re gonna go it’s about
who’s gonna be proud and I said why are
you letting somebody else drive your
economic future and control it by a
paint said being the only way to make
money so so when you start talking about
in those terms
people’s brains start taking and they
started thinking and they approach
families are different and so I don’t
even want to sell a book I don’t want to
sell out a conference I don’t want to
start a conversation doing conference
and through a book then brings forth
fruit in your pocketbook because it’s a
your hand you can get it in your Bible
yes I want to try to move maybe it
that’s exactly what I’m talking about I
want to start a move I want to lead the
world better than I found it
I want to let America hear the things
that I heard as a child they cost me to
be entrepreneurial all of my life it’s
something I’m very passionate about I
come from generations of entrepreneurs
and even though I want a job I always
have a hustle to me because I don’t
believe that anybody has the right to
say what I’m worth you can say what you
will pay but you cannot say how much I
meant because what you Pendley may only
be one stream that feeds my Garden of
Eden and head for but you are only
limited by your creativity if you take
back your girlfriend can you gossip and
times you’ll argue with people who are
called change side you can turn all that
in the capital is you choosers to invest
in dead places we all have the same 24
hour day and so the book is called sold
some Eagles fly from the mountain and
some Eagles die in the back and the
difference is what did you do with your
wings you get to choose whether you
struggle or succeed based on your own
creativity and I can’t remember exactly
how decisions but but it really boils
down to this whole notion that if you
don’t have a strategy you’re gonna have
a struggle that’s really what I’m most
often and you’re a fit – you’re willing
to 6 year old woman 50 67 year old
person you can’t count on your kids to
take care of you if you don’t develop
and I can screen this from the rooftop
why don’t we let a surprise us in one’s
ass every day is coming and if you don’t
have a strategy that accommodates aging
you’re gonna have a struggle you know
you’re gonna may not have a porch like
your grandma
to keep our mother so you can’t count on
your kids to take care of you and won’t
be on TV if you waste your strength
without a strategy and then get shot
because in their senior years you have a
struggle you will eat the fruit of
neglect because she failed to plan but
this season in your life
entrepreneurship says I have a strategy
so I won’t have a struggle you know when
I started writing the book I thought I
was writing by entrepreneurs but the
further I got over to the book I thought
conscience would start to church you
need this too once you’re starting to
family you need distilling then suddenly
I realized this isn’t a job skill it’s a
mindset and as the book begin to develop
because it develops while you’re writing
it I begin to recognize that this is
about taking control of how you want
your life to be its outcome and defining
it in such a way that you are ultimately
fulfilled and so we call it sword
because it’s built around the oval
Wright brothers and their whole mission
to stand on the ground and see a bird in
there and say I belong up there building
something to get you there that’s what
it’s all about you if you think you
belong up there and you’re down here you
have to build a machine that will take
you to your dreams
hello this is Bishop TD jakes
and I just wanted to thank heaven for
making this video and you for watching
it remember don’t stop at where you are
as if it were the destination when in
fact in reality it may be the
transportation that brings you into that
thing you were created to do I also have
a new book coming out in October called
soar that you can pre-order now if you
check the description below thank you so
much thank you guys so much for watching
I hope you enjoyed I’d love to know what
did you learn from this video that
you’re going to immediately apply
somehow to your life for your business
it was the single most important lesson
that you learned leave it down in the
comments below I’m really curious to
find out I also want to give a quick
shout out to Marta Magdalena Marta thank
you so much for picking up a copy of my
book your one word and doing that
awesome YouTube review on it as well I
really appreciate the support and I’m so
glad you enjoyed the book your one words
and the author is even Carmichael great
book by the way so thank you guys again
for watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love I’ll
see you soon
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