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U.S Open Champion Andy Roddick Gives Advice on Books, Tennis & Staying Focused

you know as an athlete I think you know
whether it’s in your space or whether
it’s outside of your space you have
access to two the best brains on earth
you know so the best piece of advice I
ever got was surround yourself with
smart people and ask a lot of questions
you can apply that to me having access
to Andre Agassi at a young age and
literally I can ask him anything I want
take advantage of that or you know
you’re something as simple as you’re
doing a corporate suite visit at the US
Open and you run across amazing amazing
business minds you know they’re there
they want to see you and take advantage
of it you know ask him a couple
questions always know what you’re gonna
say and leverage those contacts follow
up with athletes it’s weird cuz
everyone’s coming at you so you almost
you see a lot of athletes develop this
one-way traffic thing where okay they’ll
come to me I’m the most important person
in the room let that go and and and kind
of pursue knowledge that you don’t have
that’s interesting you say that cuz
literally when it came here you started
asking us questions you didn’t even wait
for us to ask your questions you’re
asking us so tell me how was it here I
was a fly to you tell me about your
background you said you were big on
studying whatever that was out and you
were you were reading real big reader of
books yourself anything it books podcast
basically there’s there’s I’m while
you’re playing so you were reading a lot
while you were playing tennis you have
to realize that you’re there on a flight
for nine hours or if you play it if you
play at ten o’clock at night you wake up
and you have to find something to do all
day I feel like if you’re working your
brain it stays kind of sharp so there’s
a there’s so much dead time but the
thing I’ve missed the least about
retirement is waiting someone else’s
schedule you know you you would play at
10:00 at night you’re waiting all day
long and your nerves and everything else
so if you distract your mind and you
know I I just I’m a bit of an
information junkie if you could say one
book what would it be any book that
really stood out all the Gladwell stuff
I’m reading a book called originals
right right now I was a big Tony Robbins
guy ate some of it I liked some of it I
don’t but that you know I it’s kind of
take it for what it’s worth I like
reading a bunch of different news sites
so you’re not only getting one voice
I’ll pretty much read anything parents
always ask me the wrong questions how
long should my kid be playing every day
if he wants to be a pro he’s playing for
hours right now I go if he’s not engaged
for two of those hours cut it make sure
if two and a half hours is his attention
span and he’s in it and focused then I
think that’s probably what you should be
doing and try to focus tennis is tough
you show up and it’s it’s cold one day
that affects the way the ball travels
you wake up your body’s not feeling
match gets moved something happens your
drawl stinks there’s so much that’s out
of your your control I think if you can
really figure out a way to
compartmentalize and focus on what you
actually have control over which is
basically the day-in day-out monotony of
practice and showing up and eating two
hours before you do you know the little
things that kind of maybe don’t show
kind of the results right away but it’s
like long-term we’re six years down the
road your body’s in better shape because
you’ve been eating well for six years I
think those are the things that are that
are probably important very cool well
and the appreciate you taking the time
and truly it’s really been a pleasure to
sit down talk I appreciate you thank you
for you thank you brother thank you [Music]
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