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“#BELIEVE You Can DO ANYTHING!” – Casey Neistat (@CaseyNeistat) – Top 10 Rules

the rind is not glamorous and this is

the trailer I used to live in right

there but I would not I could not give

up the written language has been around

since hieroglyphics thousands of years

there are still new stories being told

every single day not everything has been

done anything that you really want life

what’s that belief nation that’s Evan my

one word is believe and I believe in you

I believe you have an amazing gift

inside you that I want to see explode

out onto the world so let’s get your

motivation to attend and get you

believing in you grab a snack and chew

in today’s lessons from a man who went

from dropping out of school and living

in a trailer park as a teenager with his

newborn son to becoming an award-winning

filmmaker and one of the greatest

YouTube stars of all time is Casey nice

dad and here’s my take on his top 10

alright let’s kick things off with

when I was a kid I wanted to be a

filmmaker to me there was no higher

artistic achievement than that

I watched movies all the time I watched

all the movies I bought this book and

the Oscars the Oscars were my Superboy


what I do Roberto Benigni Pulis Ali feel

the plates straight like Hanks thank you

but more than anything I just wanted to

make great film Warren the big camera

isn’t one of the big crew under I wanted

to work with the best actors I wanted to

read the best strip tray location I

wanted to all I want to be the version

of the filmmakers and I thought was the

only version of the filmmaker the ones

with the bowties that’s what I thought

it meant to tell stories see if you want

to be a writer all you need is a stack

of paper and a pencil you want to be a

painter you need a blush in a canvas you

can be the next Picasso but when I was a

teenager my filmmaking fantasies we’re

at their peak you wanted to be a

filmmaker need a resources education

O’Reilly if that’s the right one you

money in order to make movies needed all

those things all those things I didn’t

have filmmaking was this exclusive club

it was for the chosen few so I started

to think maybe this isn’t for me maybe

just not meant to be you know maybe I’m

not allowed to be a filmmaker

maybe something Austin maybe I have to

find something else to do with my life

but this this was my dream if there’s

one thing I know about dreams that to

achieve them you have to stop at nothing

I spent 10 years chasing it down I said

yes to every opportunity that involve

picking up a camera bar mitzva videos

wedding videos birthday being blind is

not glamorous and this is the trailer I

used to live in right there but I would

not I could not give up I went to camp

with I got into something with my own TV

show on HBO I got my name on movie

pictures I got the badges I doubled all

the T’s and cross all the eyes that

would’ve meant to be a traditional

filming all of these people are here to

see in theory achieve my dream it didn’t

feel like I realized the dream it felt

like I’d fit myself into somebody else’s

version other than dream and then I was

and I realize this isn’t it this isn’t

why I wanted to be

it wasn’t the red carpet it wasn’t the

Film Festival’s it wasn’t the Awards it

wasn’t the in work shows a fish the more

time I spent chasing down the Posadas


less creating I was actually doing how

can I go back


in fact it was after winning the biggest

award of my career that I just said I

just want to make Internet videos I’m

going to make a movie every day a proper

and daily vlog I’m just excited now we

live in the future chances are there’s a

camera in your pocket that’s good enough

the big screen but you don’t need the

big screen 200 people might show up in a

movie theater so put it online million

find it online a smaller slightly less

small audience I’m your audience tell

your story start a conversation get that

idea out of your head and into a video

of it make again make something terribly

get slightly better make it a lot better

make it great finally films they used to

be entirely out of reach finally

filmmaking is now ours filmmaking is a

everyone’s invited rule number two is be

relentless my counterintuitive advice is

just the power of brute force and I mean

that I think that it’s always about

intellectualizing and thoughtfulness and

listening to more podcast and reading

more books and all that I think at the

end of the day like it is it is brute

force it is hard work it is an absolute

unwillingness to to accept failure to

accept no and that’s true with

fundraising and that’s true with

ideation and that’s true with making a

youtube video and you know in the home

of my 36 and the 18 years of my career I

found that to be the one sort of

consistent the one constant through

everything that in any in any version of

success it’s been because of an absolute

reluctance and of that sort of brute

force and will not stop moving until I

achieve what I wanted to succeed at what

I want to achieve and every time we’re

that identified as a failure it was

because of a lack of that or questioning

of that and I think beam 1.0 is a very

good example like our product failed but

the company succeeded and I think a lot

of that comes back to sort of that

absolute relentless relentlessness rule

number three find your voice as a

youtuber how do you create an original

content when it seems like everything

has already been done did that Wow

yeah I’ll hit that one off you have to

tell your story if I’ve told all of my

stories and piers told all of his

stories which neither of us have it

doesn’t change the fact that nobody

knows your story so the written language

has been around since hieroglyphics

thousands of years there are still new

stories being told every single day not

everything has been done it’s up to you

to find your own voice on YouTube rule

number four overcome hurdles today’s the

day YouTube is as we tweet removing

everyone from networks and removing

monetization options if you fall below

the 1000 subs and 4000 hours of watch

time in the past 365 days if you survive


congratulations hashtag YouTube Partner

culling ouch first of all I hate I hate

what this says to small creators

I hate this idea that it says to you if

you have a small channel a tiny channel

that your content doesn’t have value and

while it sucks and it may be challenging

for you it doesn’t mean your work isn’t

a value and I know and I like to think

that YouTube knows that the next big

generation of creators in this platform

are people who right now have less than

a thousand subs that’s where it starts

anything that you really want life is

always really hard to get and and

YouTube is no different

so the hurdles a little bit higher now

but the opportunity is still there and I

end this by by bringing up my friend

Peter McKinnon Peters a huge youtuber

now he has a million seven subscribers

his contents fantastic Peter’s channels

like 13 or 14 months old a year ago I

didn’t know him a year ago he had a

little over a year ago he had zero

subscribers he earned zero Adsense he

had zero brand deals he had no channel

at all but he started it he brought

something new to the channel he worked

really hard he did some interesting

things to bring press and attention to

what he was doing on the platform and

now he is by all definitions a

successful youtuber so yes it’s harder

and it’s only gonna get harder the

opportunity is still there the number-5

create meaningful content almost

impossible to commit

the taniwha bottle means it take those

well beyond your audience his scenes

share outside of your audience and I

cannot keep bar as a combination of

things that needs about the zeitgeist

it’s about the appeal of the video

certainly the subject matter timeliness

all of those things

many chasing that is really really very

interesting I always think that you know

if you ever have ten people see your

work and ever really affect them another

thousand people see your work and go so

to chase the latter I need to discount

the integrity of your work we have all

together rule number six root for others

do you see Peter as a competitor or as a

friend no as a friend but I said seeing

about all youtubers anyone who works in

the space is big as YouTube and thinks

that somebody else’s success is gonna

slow them down is sorely mistaken

YouTube is not at all a zero-sum game it

is the more people who can succeed on

this platform the more we will all

succeed on this platform like simply put

the Internet is big enough for everyone

rule number seven find your drive is

your work ethic so crazy because of what

you’ve been through in life or do you

think you were born with it the single

greatest driving factor I have in my

career and my focus in life is an

absolute fear of going back to the place

where I started my adult life being dirt

poor not being able to provide for my

family I was sort of ashamed that I

couldn’t take care of my family and

having that in my rear view mirror it

definitely pushes me to work harder

today because of that kind of irrational

fear of returning to that place where my

career and my adult life began well

number eight focus like deliver a


yes we can and yes we will I have I am

something gonna recently try to quit

like I gave up on threw in the towel and

didn’t finish let me explain

so so I made this video I think it was

okay like it wasn’t bad bad but as I was

watching it back this morning about to

upload it I realized it like it wasn’t

good either

it felt rushed and like so I’m bringing

up this failure this quit this quitting

I’m bringing this up to you now because

I don’t giving up on that video made me

realize that I need to focus more on my

youtube videos you know my head’s been

really focused on on beam and on family

and all these other things happening in

my life but I still got all these crazy

ideas and instead of investing a bunch

of time to realize those ideas like I

used to I try to rush them and it always

leaves me with something that that’s

unsatisfactory so I’m just bringing all

this up to you now to let you know I’m

gonna be giving my videos more focus and

more attention because this is kind of

the only thing that gives me a

tremendous sense of fulfillment in my

career kind of in my life beyond family

and stuff and I missed that I want to

get back to that rule number nine find

your creative process I’m a very

effective person when I’m by myself and

when I have to work in groups like I

fall to pieces like does not work well

with others is what it said in every

report card I got until I dropped out of

high school in the 10th grade and I

think that’s that’s very true so for me

that creative process is one where and

in finding that cadence that you talked

about of making a video every day was

one where I removed every obstruction

between me and finishing it and other

people are the biggest obstructions I

have an idea well let’s talk through

that idea and the metaphor that I use of

discussing ideas and groups is like when

an idea at its inception it’s an ice

cube and it’s rock-hard you can look at

it you can see it you can study and you

know what it is but

a discussion begins you have to pass

that ice cube around the room it starts

to melt and melt and melt and after

enough discussions the ice cubes gone

and everybody’s hands are wet and nobody

quite remembers what that idea was

that’s a major obstruction so for me

when it comes to creation like remove

that obstruction don’t talk don’t

involve other people don’t need anything

from anyone to realize this new video

every 24 hours and that’s that’s wildly

effective I’d rule number 10 the last

one we for some very special bonus clips

never take no for an answer

Josh and Benny those two guys they’re

two of my oldest friends there are two

people that have motivated and inspired

me as a filmmaker my whole life I’m

talking about them now because they have

a huge feature-length like big-time

movie that’s coming out in all the movie

theaters this weekend that’s where they

started guys ready guys all right and

they’ve made it they did it their movie

that comes out this weekend stars Robert

Pattinson that that huge really handsome

we used to make movies together when

this is what a video camera look like

hey Casey say hi hey hey

as if that isn’t enough to celebrate who

produce their new smash hit

feature-length movie my dear friend

osteo is one of the first people to ever

work for my brother and me and we hired

him the day after he moved to New York

City when he was like 21 or something

Oscar how did you go from being my my

assistant to a famous big-time movie

producer just by never taking no for an

answer I’m kind of following believing I

could do anything which I learned in the

nice dad’s studio all right seriously

this guy would just over and over again

I’d never seen anything like it you just

say you’re smart figure it out you’re

smart figure it out you’re smart figure

it out I don’t care how long it takes

just make it beautiful and that sounded

a little weird at the time because

you’re used to working at a restaurant

or being a landscaper but it’s actually

really empowering and it took me a while

to figure that out

and the more movies I made the more I

realized it didn’t matter it kind of

now I’ve got two very special kc9 set

bonus clips around practicing and

knowing what you want but before that I

want to get to the commitment of the day

don’t just watch another video Casey

just dropped some huge knowledge bombs

on you what are you going to commit

yourself to changing today in your life

or in your business leave it down in the

comments below I’m really curious to

find out thank you guys so much for

watching I believe in you I hope you

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever you’re one where it is much

love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the

Sep can bar was my MIT professor and or

one of the earliest investors the first

investor and winded up being beam he

said to me is like practice your pitch

on people that you don’t want money from

don’t practice on don’t practice on

friends practice on real world but real

investors and when he said this me I

rolled my eyes not to be dismissive of

him but that idea just seemed like why

would I waste that opportunity as just

an exercise but he could not have been

more right he could not have been more

right if like you know you have to your

nerves your anxiety all the things you

think you’re gonna say the things that

make sense in your head when you get

derailed by a single question like all

those things are real world and they

matter you know I always think back to

presidential election or presidential

debates and like all the practicing they

do like it can prepare them in some

capacity but what the real world is like

with those cameras and all these

variables so fundraising for us exactly

the same like we learned so much more

from when we completely screwed up than

we did from the ones where people like

I’m really excited about this let let’s

you know we could feel like it was a win

those we just walked away from

high-fived and had doughnuts with less

conversation but it’s when we really DUP

and there were a couple like we should

have been home runs and I think that we

just screwed up Madeline wants to know

should I go to college in San Diego and

finish debt-free or go to NYU my dream

school and acquire a lot of debt okay I

think that there are two paths that

people take when pursuing higher

education path number one I don’t know

what I want to do in life and maybe I

can figure out what I want to do by

going to school if that’s the boat

you’re in definitely go to the school

you don’t have to pay for

then there’s scenario number two in the

startup world there’s this term and the

term is swinging for the fences that

means you get up to bat and you’re not

looking for a base hit you’re looking

for a grand slam out of the park home

run and anything less than an out of the

park home run is not what you’re

interested in the thing about swing of

the fences is if you connect home run if

you miss you’re out if you know that

you’re gonna be some million

superstar that you are the next Steven

Spielberg and the only way to get there

is by going to NYU then a cruise much

debt as you need to accrue because

you’re gonna be a millionaire someday

swing for the fences but if you’re not

sure I would go the conservative route

don’t go in debt get an education do the

right thing the most important work ever

if you had to think of one word that’s

most important to you that sums you

Apple that would be collect a little

beacon pay believe nation if you want to

know what the most important one word is

for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah

Winfrey and Howard Schultz I

have a very special secret video for you

check the description for details [Music]

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