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“AIM to BE the GREATEST!” – Tory Lanez (@torylanez) – Top 10 Rules

I don’t want no one to ever look in my
my struggle I look at my my come up and
say he didn’t really discern I don’t
want them to understand I deserve to be
soon insha dislike sleeping in the
studio first time I was homeless fight
two months second time I was homeless
for like not long two to three weeks
need motivation watch a top tenant
believe nation what’s up at seventh my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have an amazing gift
inside you that I want to see exploded
onto the world so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s message from a man who went
from being homeless and sleeping on park
benches dropping out of school and the
tenth grade to focus on his music to now
becoming one of the hottest artists in
the game he’s Tory Lanez and here’s my
take on his top ten rules of success
alright let’s kick things off with rule
number one go all-in one thing I don’t
feel like people really understand about
me is how much I work or how much work
really goes into the stuff that I do and
how much it takes out of me as a person
like I’m cool with that
like I just want to be the greatest I
don’t want no one to ever look in mine
my struggle I look at mine might come up
and say he didn’t really deserve it but
I want them to understand I deserve to
be sooner insured it’s like the people
say they put blood sweat and tears into
this I put real blood sweat and tears
and tears I don’t go to sleep I had
anxiety because I don’t go too soon I
don’t have time to sleep I feel like if
I sleep it’s a nothing look out there
and I was going ten times harder than me
and he’s staying away I can’t be out
here nice to see and nothing because I
had taken what’s rightfully mine
rule number two be the best any other
format that means like as a person to
person you know I’m not better than you
we’re all equal people but when it comes
to this music I’m the best I’m better
than everybody I’m not here to contend
with nobody I don’t see competition
here to be the best and biggest that’s
it anybody who stands in the way of me
getting to being the best what it is was
shutting down musically like come
toe-to-toe with me Amen it’s not that
I’m in my head and I believe that I’m
just the best it’s to work at me it’s
the time it’s the grind work that I
thought that I put in if they block me
out of session and I’m blocked out for
sessions and I’m blocked out from the
15th to the 18th I’m sleeping in the
studio so I wake up again rule number
three my personal favorite believe it
must feel good when you could say I told
you definite what does that title mean
exactly that yeah feeling of the feeling
of I told you I know that’s kind of how
I felt about my music for years you know
I felt like my music is uh it may have
not been the greatest but it was at a
level that was higher than a lot of
people you know at least the quality of
music that a lot of people were putting
out and all throughout the times that
I’ve been putting out music you know
match the times they’ve been putting out
music right and so I’ve always kind of
felt like you know one day somebody has
to see this you know and for all the
people that I told it and he just
doubted me and like time after time when
I’m sitting there I’m just like you’ll
please just believe me and everyone just
looked at me and just it’s like I don’t
see it hmm you know and and and no
matter what I would explain to them
y’all I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do
this like this and I even you know
despite the times when I was homeless
and I was sleeping in the back of cars
trying to figure it out and telling
people like just listen to what I have
you know I mean I’m thuggin it out going
to the studio every single night
sleeping in my car not even my car just
somebody’s car how long were you
homeless Tori I I was like I was almost
every time yeah yes several times two
different times in my life the first
time I was homeless fight two months
second time I was homeless for like not
long two to three weeks man it was a
long-ass day yeah you don’t have nowhere
to go those those nights and those days
are longer than anything and so what you
it’s not like man like ah you know it’s
like man like yeah it’s like it’s like I
told you guys like like this is really
like I want you to know I told you that
I would be I told you that one day
before they try to sweep up albums and
for they try to sweep up CD real
physical sales I will have something on
a shelf I told you it’s not that you you
know prove what you have to prove to
yourself for them you do that right
right right but you also do have
something to prove to them well always
tell me how did you I say man proving me
right at the same point I’m proving you
wrong you don’t know saying so so I
believe in me you don’t it’s crazy
because even when you get on to where
you say man and you know you like on me
I’m signed here it is abundant happening
and there’s certain things don’t happen
you get people that also count your
failures like man I thought they didn’t
go for you even get to a point you stop
telling people what your plans are
that’s true ain’t no I think I’ve
experienced that a lot of times just
being in places where like you know I’ve
had a lot of you
we were down when you thought something
was hot and then it didn’t pop and then
instead of like recouping back with us
and believing like hey let’s come with
the next plane it’s just a fall off so
I’ve had to deal with so many people
falling ride and off them the trail and
the track and so that I told you is just
to them to it rule number four is be
yourself you got to look at it like this
year in life to make your mark on the
world so at the end of the day be
yourself and be everything that you unit
desire to be that you that is your own
you know because at the end of the day
the second you try to be like somebody
else or follow somebody else that’s all
you could be you know I’m saying you’ll
never be able to see the potential of
yourself so be it so rule number five
learn it yourself originally
oh yeah self-taught I never ever ever
had a vocal coach I’m totally I’m not
against vocal coaches but like they
started telling me like no sing good but
then we’re gonna get you a vocal
coaching you know I’d always be like you
know teach myself
I honestly personally I sucked at
singing it when I was like 17 I got an
awful I was the worst singer like this
is all any bad singers out there I was
horrible so you’re right and every
single day I would listen to John Legend
and how both the back of the city was
because I was very shy singing lates and
I couldn’t come to find somebody in sing
it’s very nerve-wracking to sing yes
what I would do is I would go on the
city bus and go to the back back back
now it’s similarly loved just when
people were there no matter what
that would seem really low and I got a
little there start seeing a little
higher then I just didn’t give me my
son’s on the bus and I was just thinking
you would like you have a pretty voice
started getting stronger for me you know
singing is one of most important
components to me so that’s how it all
the reason why I’m versatile as singing
is because I taught myself and when I
was teaching myself I wanted to try to
sound like anything so I could teach
myself how to sing this way and sing
this way you know and then eventually I
think that became you know the way I
became versus that one I think rule
number six speak things into existence
there’s things that I’ve said in the
music years ago that I see come pass
today mm-hmm you know all right now and
I’m a firm believer speaking things into
existence a name here on the firm
believer of you know you work in the
universe gives back to you I’m a firm
believer in that stuffy for me in the
law of attraction of course and God as
well I’m a firm believer in the law of
attraction in in you know the way things
comes rule number seven inspire
positivity you know I speak for the
hundred dogs and I speak for the young
the young generation of young dudes and
young women right now who I feel like
you know we live in a constant lifestyle
I talk about the lifestyle so I don’t
make music about you know just a bunch
of change in cars and because clearly
you’ve seen with a bunch of change doing
stuff like guy’s not my life but I do
make music about the real things that we
see on a daily basis and you know I make
music about the problems that we go to
and you know I speak for these young
kids okay so my message really is try to
like today situation try to print a
godly like today situation and
everything that I do because you know
that’s that’s that’s the side that I’m
fighting for foot up for the hopes I
decided hope the side that says no
there’s a little bit more than what you
think is out there that can help you
know his music is gonna be therapeutic
so that’s gonna get you to certain times
that maybe you may not felt like you
guys don’t get figured out it you know
so that’s the message that I’m trying to
push is just I’m gonna bring that light
to the generation because that’s what
I’m here to do rule number eight keep on
practicing just keep on writing every
single day and even if every song
doesn’t make it the fact that you write
gets you better you know whether or not
you’re a very articulate songwriter or
you’re somebody who’s more simple based
just keep writing and I think that that
is what you know eventually turns you
into a great songwriter rule number nine
respect time
we’re that’s another thing about us is
in general we are extremely and caring
into people’s time because there was a
time in our lives but no one cared about
us you know and no one ever respected
our time so we always made it a super
serious thing to respect people’s time
we sure everywhere early not on time and
rule number 10 the last one before some
very special bonus clips is be
now I’ve got three very special Tory
Lanez bonus clips on proving them wrong
aiming to be the greatest and getting
your product out there but before that I
want you to make the commitment of the
day what did you learn from this video
that you’re going to apply somehow to
your life or to your business
don’t just watch another video make it
happen and publicly state what you’re
going to do because you saw this video
leave in the comments below thank you
guys so much for watching I believe in
you I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever you’re one where
it is much love I’ll see you soon and
enjoy the bonus clips
at a time there was a time when I had a
sign – on Kingston in my early years I
was about 17 18 and it was like a two
and a half year contract it was like
something where he kind of put me in a
situation where he just wanted to expose
the world
I guess I’m sort of waiting like the
note sound yeah it went well but that’s
not what that’s not like how these kids
know me because after that X of a good
year and a half of music period I didn’t
feel comfortable just you know just
being young and not being guided right
like as far as this making calculated
decisions as far as actually like you
know making music to my music was always
good it was just a matter of getting it
out properly and I think in my early
years I had so much gems and music that
kind of got pushed away because it just
wasn’t exposed to the people privately
you know I was never signed to a major
label so now it’s like really recently
and you’re happy I’m very good let me
tell you this story dog for Yahoo don’t
know I was in class nigga and in this
lady I’m not gonna speak on her name on
love or whatever I was in class dog and
this lady pulled me into her class and
she was like well I was in the hallway
and she pulled me into her class and she
was like yo she’s like yo I wanted to I
wanna I wanna um you unit to show my arm
to show my class a lesson a
demonstration because she always see me
skipping in the hallways and she always
lead everybody else see me skipping in
the hallways issues and so the girl goes
she brings his girl up to the front of
the class and she goes yo yo crystal
come up here crystal comes up you know
you always remember to join me – crystal
comes up and she go everybody take a
good look at at she said my real name
but she’s like take a good look at Tori
and Krista Tori I’m she’s like everybody
I’m sure you guys seen him in the
hallway started out
not and she goes look take a look at
crystal and she says crystal will be the
one that’s signing your check story she
said take a good look crystal because
she’ll be the one that’s signing your
checks that’s what she told me I swear
to God I swear to God
mr. Thomas yeah y’all niggas remember
yeah miss Thomas told me that she and I
looked at a dog and I remember that day
dog and I walked out to class and I
remember dog I told her before I left
but a lot and they go I’m gonna be
something gonna be something that’s not
I don’t know what it is I taught her to
be something and she looked at me and
she was like I just feel like a lot of
niggas you know the round and not
understood the sound that I’ve been
bringing out of either that or niggas
took my sound and niggas just try to
make it down before I came out and I
feel like really I’m one of the greatest
niggas to do it and I feel like the
world just hasn’t seen it yet and
because of that miss opportunity I got
like this vengeance just burning in my
heart to just be the greatest insight I
think I’m not gonna stop on so the world
the greatest artists alive one would see
ones one was long media the most
important work ever
if you had to think of one word that’s
most important to you that sums you
Apple that would be like a little beacon
hey believe nation if you want to know
what the most important one word is for
Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah
Winfrey and Howard Schultz I
have a very special secret video for you
check the description for details
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