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“Act as an INSTRUMENT!” | Gaur Gopal Das (@gaurgopald) | #Entspresso

you can actually truly serve your
purpose and your in the hands of an
expert think about what you can do with
what you currently do have
resourcefulness is the ultimate resource
spend the next four or five years
becoming an expert in your field
rise and shine it’s an espresso time
what’s up believe nation eight seven I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your coffee and
sip on today’s message act as an
instrument over you go Roku Paul DAWs
also if you want to know a core Gopal
das and other successful entrepreneurs
have to say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 254 series where
every day for the next 254 days I will
send you a morning video for free to
help you build your confidence the link
to join is in the description below it’s
easy to make a buck very hard to make a
difference now when we see all of these
pencils lying here on the table can any
of this pencil make a pencil sketch by
itself can any one of these write a poem
by themselves can any of the Spencer’s
actually draw a plan a construction plan
for a building no the pencil maker tool
the pencil but you can actually truly
serve your purpose and your in the hands
of an expert in the hands of an expert
artist a beautiful sketch is made
Pablo Picasso the great artist was one
time walking on the streets and a lady
came up to him and said hey Picasso
you’re such a great artist can you make
a pencil sketch of my place because I
made that sketch in a jiffy in less than
30 seconds and handed it over to the
lady and said 1 million dollars madam
she said you’ve made it less in less
than 30 seconds what do you need the 1
million dollars for because who said the
1 million dollars is not for making it
in less than 30 seconds the 1 million
dollars is for the 30 years of hard work
which makes me do it in less than 30
seconds in the hands of an expert
architect the pencil can make a plan in
the hands of an expert poet writer the
pencil can write a poem or a story yes
ladies and gentlemen
when we act as instruments like Spencer
and the hams of God in the hands of our
teachers our gurus our mentors are
experienced trustworthy guides
truly we will be able to make an
incredible impact on the world
regardless of who we are and what color
we are off a lack of resources is not
your problem it’s your ability to be
able to leverage and use the resources
that are currently at your disposal that
will determine if you win or not stop
thinking about the resources that you
don’t have you will never have enough
rather think about what you can do with
what you currently do have
resourcefulness is the ultimate resource
tools are made pencils are sharpened
swords are forged you’re never going to
be able to draw anything special with a
dull pencil and so how do you sharpen
your pencil it’s through practice it’s
through coaching it’s through training
it’s through a constant effort to get
better every single day
I’m gonna give you three tips on how you
can do it number one is fill your head
you need to fill your head if you are
just around the same people same
resources that you’re around right now
you will still be where you are in five
years you just you’re not gonna grow you
have to fill your head with new
knowledge with new information and so
how you do it is up to you I love doing
it through videos I love doing it
through my channel I love my channel for
myself I create my channel selfishly for
me and I’m so honored and humbled that I
can share with you and you guys have
value in it as well if you guys hated
all of my videos I would still hire
somebody full-time just to do the
research to find the clips for me
because I find it so valuable and
helpful for myself my videos are
entrepreneur University for me that’s
how I fill my head now I don’t love
learning through podcasts I don’t learn
well through auditory I don’t subscribe
to any podcast that’s okay that’s my
style maybe you love podcast but whether
it’s through going to events going to
training going to seminars watching
videos reading books listen to podcasts
the difference between where you’re at
right now and where you’re gonna be in
five years is all of the resources
information and things that you learn
that you are filling your head with so
be intention
because most of the stuff that you’re
filling your head with is not helpful
hanging around negative friends is not
helpful flipping through your social
media fees for the most part is not
helpful paying attention to the new
cycle and the hatred and the negativity
is not helpful fill your head with
things that allow you to get to the
goals that you have and be conscious
about it we are filling our heads every
day but are you putting good information
in there or bad
number two is practice your skills you
need to practice your skill you want to
sharpen your pencil you get it by
practice by practice by practice by
practice over and over and over and over
and over and over and over and over and
over again people say on my Instagram
when I’m doing DM some people to say wow
you’re so good on video you’re so
natural and you’re making video messages
I’m not natural I’m not go back on my
channel go look at my early videos I
sucked I was nervous I was wearing suits
cuz I thought I had to look professional
I’m looking up and to the left all the
time because I’m trying to memorize my
lines and then kind of get the recall
coming in it was super awkward
and I loved keeping those videos up
because it shows the journey because if
you like what’s coming out now I want
you to know that this was just through a
lot of hard work I’ve done 6,000 videos
5,000 of them are public like I’ve done
a thousand videos that aren’t even
public I’ve done more public videos and
most channels ever make ever it’s just
by beating on the craft so it’s not that
I’m I’m specially unique or amazing I’m
not naturally talented I think most of
you are more talented at this than I am
I’m naturally introvert I believe it or
not I’m an introvert I don’t like
voicing up I don’t share my opinion a
lot of things I never talked to the
person next to me at events on the
airplane I’m I’m shy and introverted and
through practice through consistence to
me through every single day getting
better I got better it’s really hard to
practice something 6,000 times and not
get a little bit better right like you
have to be a new level of suck to do
something 6,000 times and not get better
and yet if you’re learning something you
don’t practice it enough if you only
practice it once a month chances are
you’re not gonna get better if you were
trying to tie your shoelace and you only
tried once a month you probably still to
this day would not be able to tie your
shoelace and so for any skill that you
want to learn you may not be able to
create it now
because you’re just at the starting
point that’s okay you have you have a
really dull pencil but through practice
every single day every every every every
single day dedicating time to getting
better at your craft you will you will
get better and through that repetition
you can become world-class you can be
the Michael Jordan of that thing but you
need to practice daily and number three
is model the Masters I’m a big believer
in modern success it’s great to practice
but it’s even better when you can
practice by following somebody who’s
already done the thing that you want to
do and so for me I love young Les Brown
as an example young Les Brown was my
hero as a speaker someone I look up to
and so if there’s something that you
want to learn whatever it is somebody
has figured it out success leaves Clues
somebody has already figured out the
thing that you want to do and so learn
from them study them understand them the
thing that saved my first business when
I wanted to quit when I felt like a
total worthless human being making $300
a month was Bill Gates understanding how
he built Microsoft I’ve never met Bill
Gates I I hope I came before you know
one of us passes but he saved my company
because I had the lightbulb moment that
said I’m not the first guy to try to
sell a software company before like I
feel like an idiot
somebody’s figured this out before why
can’t I just learn from them and when I
looked at how Bill Gates started
Microsoft not how he makes it an extra
million dollars now but zero to one how
did that happen I applied it to my
business and I started seeing results
and within a couple weeks of doing that
I have my first deal thirteen and a half
thousand dollars which may not sound
like a lot but to me when I was making
300 bucks a month that was a huge
difference maker and so understand that
whatever the thing is that you want to
do it’s never been easier to get access
to the people and information that you
need to be able to grow whether you love
consuming information again through
podcasts or through books or through
videos or through events there’s never
been more options for you to find the
information that you need to grow and so
practicing is important daily but making
sure you’re practicing the right things
you can learn by mile and success it can
shortcut your path to sharpen your
pencil now I’ve got a really special
bonus clip that I think you’re gonna
enjoy but before that question of the
day I want to know what is your favorite
way to fill your head with the
information that you need
positivity with boldness with courage
what do you do on a regular basis that
makes you feel like you are unstoppable
I would love to hear from you leave it
down the comments below when I started
starting everyone says aw you’re gonna
be a gym teacher I said no I saw my work
with professional athletes I knew what I
wanted to do is I’m gonna work with but
I’m going to work with professional
athletes so that was my that was the
goal I set in my mind and I just said
hey that that’s gonna take a place in my
head that’s the only thing that I want
to do and I got to figure out a way to I
got to figure out a way to get there so
I started and learned my craft better
than anybody else did I start with the
professional athletes knowing after I
graduated I went to work in a local
health club really I knew how I knew
everything from a book standpoint but
still you got to know how to apply it
okay so I you know worked with anybody I
could any these are not Pro these aren’t
pros I’m talking about housewives I’m
talking about individuals that just want
to get in just want to get in shape
people that have had injuries from
different sports kids anybody just kind
of developing programs putting
implementing what I’ve learned and
actually being able to apply it mm-hmm
and once I start to look at that craft I
said okay now I’m starting to figure out
how to actually apply this stuff and how
to use it and put the formulas together
and put the workouts together and do all
these different things I mean stuff that
they’re doing now from a workout
standpoint I was doing 30 years ago I
was new to you know I mean some of the
stuff is you are it’s different I stay
on top of it right all right I got to
continue to learn you know continue to
be better myself so I can better my
athletes better my craft but it it’s a
different it’s just a different way of
doing the same a different way of doing
the same thing right now there’s a lot
more resources a lot more education a
lot more testing available back then you
kind of had to just figure it out
a lot of individuals now okay especially
in this generation not only from a
training standpoint but from a knowledge
standpoint they’re jumping from one
thing to another
you know they’re using this trainer this
week they’re using another trainer next
week you know
they’re using this person as a mentor on
YouTube than they’re using this person
over here okay and they’re getting all
this conflicting information okay
you got a you got a master what you’re
going to master okay you have to fit you
have to figure out too many people are
jumping from place to place the place
Kobe all these individuals they mastered
one aspect of the game when they
mastered that aspect of the game then
they moved to another aspect of the game
hey man I’m not a 20 years old in
contract you gain credibility of
business being young in the industry
yeah so good question I’m glad you said
new to the industry not because you’re
only 20 years old you got it you got to
get you got to become you got to become
the the expert buddy I don’t I don’t
know how to tell you this any other way
you got to become you got to become the
expert in the room you got to know more
than everybody else you’ve got to be
like people say oh if you’re in if
you’re in a room and you’re the smartest
guy in the room you’re in the wrong room
you go in a room yeah you need to be the
smartest guy in the room you need to be
the guy in the room
this sucks the oxygen out of the room so
Elon Musk walks in a room they always
like going up to the office but doing my
best just trying to build rapport no no
no don’t try to build rapport dude you
got it you got to become an expert at
your deal like if you’re milking cows
you need to become the freakin God it
knows every freaking angle on an owner
on a cow’s titty okay like right okay
Jeff so dude take take like like you’re
20 years old bro spend the next four or
five years becoming an expert in your
field study it breathe it live in it
don’t drink the kool-aid do backstrokes
in it it goes back to to my dad you know
and he was very much about humility I
mean he’s 77 right now and he he gets up
every morning and he goes off to his
medical practice and he still sees
patients all day and he said in I said
dad why are you still doing that at 77
he said because my patients need me
and so I think you know one of the core
values he was so brilliant and sharing
with me is to be an instrument of
service and I think the moment your ego
runs your brain and the ego runs your
business and the ego runs your way of
being then your your gifts and your
talents and your focus and your
capabilities are off the creativity and
the talents and the service that will
make you great in the world and I think
it gets to a very philosophical point if
I may
yeah I think it’s relevant to any leader
any entrepreneur any business builder
any game-changer but you know I mean and
there is such an addiction to the shiny
toys that the ego sells us okay and in
society and the matrix and our peers and
the world says if you get a Ferrari if
you get if you sell ten million books if
you have lots of money in the bank if
you have you know the beautiful partner
in the big house then you’re going to
wake up every morning and look in the
mirror and you are going to feel full of
joy and peace and feel you’re fully
alive and you know I’ve had most of
those in my life at a pretty exponential
level I’ve been very blessed and not one
of those things has provided me with
enduring sustainable happiness and
fulfillment and the things that provide
me with just deep happiness and deep
fulfillment and energize me all come
from a position of inner power and so
you know at the events you’re talking
I don’t derive much power from all the
books I’ve sold or bestseller I don’t
care about that stuff I really don’t I
care less about that than ever before at
the end of the day we are a bunch of
people on a little planet in a huge
galaxy and before you know we’re gonna
be a bunch of dust and the great
billionaires get buried next to the taxi
drivers and the pizza makers and we are
not that big a deal and I think all that
really matters is while we are alive you
know do your best to use every day as a
vehicle to birth your talents into the
world and secondly if you do that you’re
going to serve the world and raise the
world with you and and that all just
comes from inner power I mean that’s
just driving your power from a place
within you know and that’s where you get
Grace and that’s where you get great
that’s where you get boundless energy
because it’s not about addicted to what
the world thinks of you the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you Apple that would be
like a little beacon if you want more
Guru Gopal – check out the five pieces
of life-changing advice video we made
it’s right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy continue to believe and
I’ll see you there some people are so
poor so poor so absolutely fool that all they have is money
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