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7 SIGNS You’re a TERRIBLE Entrepreneur | #7Ways

entrepreneurs to be successful you can’t
be a complainer entrepreneurs what we do
is we take people who are complainers
and we give them a solution start in the
business is insanely difficult that’s
one of the most difficult things you’re
ever gonna do in your life the number
one piece of advice that comes up over
and over and over and over again with
people who’ve made it the heroes that
you have is they had a mission they had
a purpose they knew why they were doing
what’s that belief nation eight seven my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have Michael Jordan level
talent at something and I want to see
you find it embrace it and use it to
make a difference in the world now I get
asked by a lot of entrepreneurs how do I
know if I’m gonna be an entrepreneur not
I don’t know if I have the signs the
willingness a desire the ability to
succeed and so today to answer your
question we’re gonna talk about the
seven signs that you are a terrible
entrepreneur so the seven signs that you
are a terrible entrepreneur let’s kick
it off with number one you are a
complainer entrepreneurs to be
successful you can’t be a complainer
entrepreneurs what we do is we take
people who are complainers and we give
them a solution when you are looking
around the world and seeing all these
people around you who are complaining
complaining and complaining complaining
instead of joining them instead of being
the type of people who sit there and
complain about all the things that we
don’t have in our lives
we look as a solution where there is a
problem there is an opportunity I look
at my channel as an example I was
frustrated that I had to sit through 25
hours of Elon Musk interviews to get
twenty five minutes of gold nuggets
because people didn’t ask him great
questions because he didn’t articulate
himself very well and so I had to sit
through all of this content and I wished
I just wished that somebody did that
work for me I didn’t want to have to
create this channel I wanted one of you
guys to do it but nobody did and so
instead of complaining about it I found
the solution same thing with your one
word I wish somebody else wrote that
book I wish somebody wrote the blueprint
and I found myself saying I wish
somebody I’ve written the blueprint ding
ding ding there’s your idea so the
things in your life that
you are upset about and the things that
you hear other people complaining about
entrepreneurs we see that as an
opportunity we see that as a win not a
negative sign number two you are
terrible entrepreneur is you look for
the nose instead of the yeses whenever
you are starting on a business plan you
have a big idea you have this giant
thing that you want to change the world
with there’s gonna be a lot of reasons
why it’s not gonna work out and where
most people go to and if you tell your
friends try this out tell your friends
your big idea and see what the reaction
is gonna be chances are they’re gonna
find all the reasons why that your idea
is not going to work out that’s what
most people do you look at all the nose
it won’t work because of this because of
this because of this because of this
because you don’t the money the
connections of resources the access
anything you can come up with a thousand
reasons why it’s not gonna work out and
especially at the beginning of any idea
there are more nose than yeses there are
more reasons why it will not work out
the reasons why I will because it’s just
an idea because you haven’t figured it
out yet and so if you’re the kind of
person who looks for the know who looked
at all the reasons why it’s not gonna
work out you will not have success as an
entrepreneur instead you need to focus
on the one reason that will allow you to
win look for the yes for the all the 998
nose look for the to ways that you will
be able to win focus all your efforts
and energy on that positive outcome and
you will eventually hit your success
sign number three that you’re terrible
entrepreneur is you value resources over
resourcefulness I can’t tell you how
many entrepreneurs or wannabe
entrepreneurs complain that they don’t
have the resources that they didn’t go
to the right school that they don’t have
enough money that get started that they
don’t have a team that they wish they
had venture capital and they sit there
just focusing on all the things that
they don’t have instead of thinking what
can I do with what I do have right now
one of my favorite quotes is from Steve
Wozniak co-founder with this guy of
Apple and he said stop focusing on the
things that you don’t have and instead
focus on what you can do with what you
do have
entrepreneurs are resourceful when there
is scarcity it forces you to be creative
it forces you to find another solution
look at the people who you look up to
the people on this wall or the people
you know that would be on your wall at
home the people you look up to the
people had the most success in the world
chances are they started with less than
what you already have right now and yet
the people who were given everything to
them the people who had super rich
parents who had a trust fund for a trust
fund the back-up plan for a back-up plan
went to every Ivy League school have
money burning burning not just holes in
their pocket but every pore of their
body the kids of great people really go
on to do great things the kids of great
people of successful people rarely go on
to do great successful things because
they don’t know how to be resourceful
stop valuing resources over
resourcefulness if you want to win
the number-4 sign that you are terrible
entrepreneur is you give up too easily
when do you give up you give up when
you’re not passionate about anymore but
there’s gonna be so many crazy things
that you have to do there’s so there’s
so many pains that you’re gonna have to
go through that as an entrepreneur you
have to in some part enjoy the pain you
have to insert part enjoy the process I
just got back from California and I got
picked up by a member of believe nation
fan of the channel and he picked me up
in his minivan the a/c was broken it’s a
hundred degrees outside we can’t roll
down the windows because it would affect
the filming that we were doing and so
I’m coming from Canada I’m not used to a
hundred degree weather and I go and sit
in this sweat box and he’s apologizing
and he’s saying really sorry like we can
do something else we don’t have to
continue on the plane like no this is
great this is awesome
I love the sweatbox I want to own the
sweatbox right this experience is
amazing I want to drive for the next
hour in the sweatbox to get to the park
in the middle of desert that you want to
go to the pain is how you grow it’s easy
when it’s easy right it’s easy to win a
race against three-year-olds but when
it’s hard when things aren’t going your
way when there’s challenges in front of
you that’s when you’re going to actually
grow that’s when you’re gonna stretch
yourself and so if you give up at the
first sign of any kind of adversity
you’re done not just in entrepreneurship
but in life you have to see the
adversity and and relish in it and get
excited by it I like to smile and laugh
at the problems that are in front of me
and it doesn’t mean that I plan for
problems that I welcome problems to hey
give me all your problems
I would I would much prefer to have an
easier path than the difficult one but
difficulties are going to come and so
what do you do when these difficulties
come do you complain you give up do you
hide that’s not gonna serve you when the
difficulties come you want to try to
minimize the difficulties but when they
come you address them head-on you
challenge them you tackle them you do it
because every time this is really
important this becomes a matter of your
own personal identity every time you get
faced with a challenge
every time that you recognize here’s
this challenge in front of you and you
step back and you play small and you say
I can’t do that and you quit then you’ve
built this habit loop you’ve built that
sense of identity that when things get
tough I run away and that’s gonna happen
again and again and again and again and
again forever and ever that’s the rest
of your life but it does a challenge
ahead of you and you say I’m gonna rise
to that challenge I’m gonna tackle that
obstacle I’m gonna climb that mountain
you feel not only so good when you get
to the top right when you do that crazy
thing that you thought was really hard
and you accomplished it how great you
feel about yourself you don’t feel great
reading three-year-olds in a race but if
you have to race against people who are
a little bit better than you and you won
you got through it or even if you came
close you’ll feel so good about yourself
now you’re building the positive
identity now you’re telling yourself
that when there are difficulties
adversities problems I’m the kind of
person who rises up to meet them
that’s an entrepreneur the number five
sign that you’re terrible entrepreneur
is you try to do everything if you want
to build a big business if you want to
have a big impact you’re gonna have to
let go of some things you can’t do
everything yourself you are not the best
in the world at everything and so a huge
challenge for a lot of people who start
a business
the ones who ultimately don’t succeed is
they have Michael Jordan level talent at
something right like I said in the intro
you have Michael Jordan level talent at
something you you could be among the
best in the world at something but only
2% of your time is actually spent doing
that thing and 98% of your time is doing
a whole bunch of other crap that you
need to do need to do to run the
business and so what I love seeing
entrepreneurs is trying to see how do I
dig get that two percent to a higher
number right it’s not gonna be a hundred
percent especially at the beginning
because you have to do other things to
get the company off the ground but
narrow your focus if you’re spending
half your time on the thing that you
have Michael Jordan level talent at
you’re gonna be able to build a business
and as soon as you can afford to get the
money invested back into your business
hire a team build
expand grow so you can move that
percentage higher and higher and higher
and higher so that you’re spending more
and more of your time doing the thing
that you are best in the world that
because you will not win doing the
things that you suck at you will only
force yourself to do something for so
long that you hate before you end up
having to quit or moving on because you
suck at it and you don’t enjoy it and
you don’t want to get good at it
could you get good sure could you
acquire the skill 100% but you don’t
want to so stop doing that thing
so trying to narrow your focus so that
you are not doing every single task
yourself so that as soon as you can
afford to you build a team and you spend
as much time physically possible doing
the thing that you want to be best in
the world that that’s how great
entrepreneurs think the number six sign
that you are terrible entrepreneur is
you started this business as an escape
there are two reasons to start a
business one because you want to shoot
towards something you’re trying to
trying to build a better world you have
a big idea and the other one is because
you hate your life and most people this
is why they become an entrepreneur and
this is why most people fail they start
a business because they hate their job
because they hate their boss because
they hate working certain hours because
they hate having to respond to somebody
because they hate having somebody above
them tell them what to do they hate they
hate they hate they hate the hate they
hate the hate that’s not the best
framework to launch into being an
entrepreneur the reason to get married
to somebody is not because you really
hated this other relationship that you
had right so if your focus is just to
leave a crappy job maybe you go get a
better job if this is an escape for you
you’re not gonna put in the work
necessary because starting the business
is insanely difficult it’s one of the
most difficult things you’re ever gonna
do in your life and that’s daunting but
it’s also awesome because the rewards
are amazing both financially and also
emotionally spiritually the rewards are
amazing but you have to be in it for the
right reasons if you’re doing it because
you want a more relaxed lifestyle well
good luck like entrepreneurs work harder
than people who have a job for those of
you who have started a business look at
how many hours you’re working now
compared to how many you worked at your
job it’s way more now and yes you
sometimes get to pick when you’re gonna
be working
but you could also tell in the job you
can pick a job where you don’t have to
be up at 4:00 in the morning right
there’s a lot more flexibility around
that actually in the job than in your
own business when you have customers to
respond to because something failed at
2:00 in the morning who’s answering that
call it has to be you because you don’t
have a team don’t make a stupid decision
because you’re trying to escape
something negative make sure you’re
moving towards a positive and that’s
just life advice that’s not just being
an entrepreneur that’s in general I
think too many people make knee-jerk
negative reactions negative decisions
because they’re running away from
something and ultimately that will not
serve you until you’re moving forward
towards the direction that actually does
and the number seven sign that you’re
terrible entrepreneur is you have no
mission the number one piece of advice
that comes up over and over and over and
over again with people who’ve made it
you the heroes that you have is they had
a mission they had a purpose they knew
why they were doing this thing there has
to be something above money money is
great and you need money it just is not
number one even in the charity money is
important but there has to be something
above money that’s important to you
money can be number two or three or four
but it’s not number one so you’ve got to
find out what is that number one thing
now in the short term could you create
some arbitrage could you create some
opportunities sure but if you want to be
around for the long term if you want to
build generational wealth if you want to
be on people’s walls if you want to make
a lot of money have a big impact look at
the people who have done that look at
who those mentors of yours are they did
it for a purpose and so if you want to
have that kind of success you need to
figure out what your purpose is – you
need a mission to win the big game so
those are my seven signs that you are a
terrible entrepreneur I’d love to know
which one resonated the most with you
how many of them apply to you hopefully
none but be honest leaving the comments
below did I miss an eight nine ten that
you want to add to the list let me know
in the comments below thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you I
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
lolz volume you have the most important
work ever if you had to think of one
word that’s most important to you or
that sums you Apple that would be kind
of like a little beacon hey believe
nation if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey
and Howard Schultz I have a very special
secret video for you check the description for details
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