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5 Pieces of Life-Changing ADVICE from Tai Lopez | #MentorMeTai

I want to show you what it means to give
sweat equity in school they don’t teach
us even the basic definition of money
most people I know with low prudence
they’re perfectionist about idiotic
things Juanes or get a mentor
what’s up belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today let’s learn
from one of the best ty Lopez and some
of his best life-changing advice mentor
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one hustle I want to show you what it
means to give sweat equity that if you
don’t have any money start with sweat
equity meaning go work for somebody else
use your time energy to make them money
that’s what I did I’m here at Joel
Salatin my first mentors farm and he
said if you want to work for me you can
live in this little cabin and it didn’t
have a toilet what had a bucket so and
it had no heat or no water
this was my bed right here I had a bunk
beds because sometimes there’d be
another guy working and this was the
toilet the bucket I bet you can still
they changed the floor there was a hole
in the floor and a bucket was underneath
nightstand here and I put a cup of water
in it to drink and we’d sleep in
sleeping bags and when I woke up it was
a always an ice ice that’s how you know
it’s cold in the morning you reach over
like the hole tingles
you can’t start out at the top you start
out at the bottom how the game goes the
natural order of things
rule number two pay attention here’s a
story two stories one when I was 19 I
was walking through a field with Joel
Salatin daydreaming because I was from
the city that people in the city are
told that daydreaming is such a
wonderful thing yeah once in a while if
you’re Albert Einstein it is but even
Albert Einstein paid attention to what
he was doing in the moment he came up
with the theory of relativity equals
while he was working at the post office
tenant in ten hours a day sorting mail
paying attention
he wasn’t people have this thing like
all Stephen Hawking Albert I thought
they just lay there and just daydream
and let their mind wander yeah sometimes
but not all the time so I’m walking
through this field with Joel
and I didn’t notice there was a gate
open and all the cattle were getting out
I’ll never forget this he turned to me
he came out jolted me I throw him he
raised his voice I thought I was like
what he’s like there’s a time to stop
and smell the roses and it’s right not
right now
time to stop his Paula Rosen he was
saying this is a time to be aware of
where we are when you’re at home and
you’re laying in bed or you’re eating
then you can daydream or you’re writing
a book you know but he’s like now pay
attention now and that one thing that I
learned from him I would say is
responsible for more of the all the
money I’ve ever been able to generate
with my businesses and in life it’s
responsible for 60% of it that one
lesson right there pay attention and
Warren Buffett second or third richest
man in the world he says put all your
eggs in one basket and watch the basket
watch the basket and the basket is your
life it’s your business it’s your career
it’s your friendships watch it
you know how many people are just like
Allah life will work out on its own no
there’s a universal law you remember
this from physics you have thermal law
of thermodynamics all this entropy that
means over time if you have a house and
you don’t maintain it and you don’t
paint it and you don’t fix the roof it’s
if you come back in 20 years it’s worse
not better
there’s never a house in history that’s
been standing there someone abandoned it
and came back 20 years and like you’re
gonna believe this there’s a deck on
here new cabinets now new furniture no
entropy means that you have to inject
energy your own energy your own energy
to improve things rule number three
build skills that are in demand my
second mentor Allen nation he told me
before you can fix where you are you
have to understand how you got to where
you were so if you’re broke when I was
broke I had to start out before I asked
how I could get unbroke or make money I
had to figure out why I was in that
scenario to start with and I think the
most basic reason is that in school they
don’t teach us even the basic definition
of money like I’ve asked tens of
thousands of people when I do public
speaking what is the definition of money
define money in like three words or less
and people give me all these different
answers and long paragraphs but it took
me years to really find the answer which
I’m putting in the book but I guess I’ll
tell you now it’s scarce in-demand
resources and until you really
understand what that means it’s hard to
make real money in life so you ask
yourself why does the schoolteacher make
less money than a pro basketball player
isn’t education or being a teacher more
relevant more
helpful to society then being able to
throw a ball you know in a hoop but
that’s not how our system works if you
understand the capitalistic system it
rewards people who have scarce in-demand
resources so let’s think about it
what’s more rare and I’m not saying by
the way this is right and this is how
the world should be I’m just explaining
how it is if you can if you’re six foot
six could throw a ball in a hole or kick
a ball like a soccer player you may
fifty million bucks a year by the way
speaking of that got my new kicks
wearing my New York
socks since I’m here in New York but
it’s more rare to be able to play pro
athletics than it is to be able to teach
school or you know serve coffee at
Starbucks and therefore less money flows
in that direction money is like a flow
like a river and it flows in the
directions of scarce but it can’t just
be scarce it has to be in demand for
example if you know how to do underwater
that’s scarce very few people could
teach that but no one cares so going
back to the sports analogy World Cup 700
million people watched it so if you can
play pro soccer like Messi like Ronaldo
you know you all of a sudden you have a
scarce skill to be that good and it’s in
demand and that adds up to 50 million
bucks so what you have to do in life and
it’s what I’m just going to talk about
in this book it should be released here
soon is how you can make money move your
direction not with a get-rich-quick
scheme not just thinking about it but
actually making it happen and the first
place to start is building more scarce
in-demand skills it’s too bad they
didn’t do that while we’re in school
spend two or three hours every day
instead of just memorizing stuff and
doing spelling bees and stuff like that
which I guess is somewhat relevant but
not really in the modern world where you
have spellcheck what’s really important
is to really have a deep understanding
and a deep skill set that’s scarce and
in-demand and that will make you twice
the money three times the money hundred
times the money that you’re making now
rule number four be a perfectionist the
fourth thing and this is a big one it’s
called perfectionism
that means do you double and triple
check your work you know this world is
full of people that just go they do you
give them an assignment they do it and
then you’re like do you think it’s done
right and they’re like yeah probably
know probably check the damn thing if
you need if you’re kind of stupid and no
common sense check it thirty times
because you don’t have good common sense
you better double check more triple
check when you get on a airplane you
know others basically no airplane
crashes in the world as a ratio of how
many flights there are those millions of
flights and like zero crashes simple
there’s a system called Six Sigma that
was developed big companies used to use
it engineers used to use it and Six
Sigma MIT says you only make one person
three mistakes per million actions and
so how did you do that that seems
outrageous how can out of every million
flights there are only be three problems
with engines not even crashes just
problems easy they create double triple
quadruple checklists when you get on an
airplane there’s an airplane copilot
reading off the list double checking
they don’t just take off they go all
right check the ailerons check
landing gear check the electric check
everything and in double checking then
people can’t figure out why they go
broke all the time
I can’t you’re not a perfectionist and
also though just to be clear prudence
which we talked about earlier which is
making wise decisions there’s a time
when you shouldn’t be a perfectionist in
fact most people I know with low
prudence they’re perfectionist about
idiotic things they’ll have their nails
done perfectly perfect they have their
eyebrows done perfect male or female by
the way I’m picking on one or another
they’ll have their shoes shined perfect
but then their life is in shambles I’m
like bro why don’t you just have your
shoes a little dirtier but an awesome
life and it’s like what do you mean oh
they’re supposed to be a perfectionist
you said ty’ no perfectionist and
important stuff like be a perfectionist
with making money double and triple
triple check I knew a guy at a nightclub
and he couldn’t figure out why I never
made money I was like bro people
stealing from you your employees well
I’m like do you double and triple-check
do you compare the little clicker from
your bouncer how many people walked in
the club to how much money you took home
and if you’re charged and we used to
charge cover charge if you’re charging
20 bucks and a hundred people came
through the door did you ever go oh I
should have $2,000 no he was just
randomly a lot but it’ll all work out no
it doesn’t doesn’t all work out people
still from you then you end up making
$1400 because $600 goes out the door to
so perfectionism
and rule number five the last one before
a very special bonus clip is find
mentors the thought that people argue
with me on this reading thing and people
argue with me about mentors no just use
your own gut feeling is that how you
learn English when you were two years
old you use your gut feeling to start
conjugating verbs no you learn from
other people you learn manners you learn
language you learn all things valuable
you learn to drive from another person
so it doesn’t it make sense you learn
life so books are just the mentors who
maybe are dead now you wanna learn about
Steve Jobs being alive to teach you but
you can learn through accumulated wisdom
and that’s what trust me I meet I very
few powerful businessman I’ve ever met
don’t read a lot Warren Buffett who I
think’s the best businessman by far in
the world is done see has 75 companies
that he pretty much runs 200 billion in
revenue he reads eight hours a day
he reads 600 he said he slowed down in
his old age he only reads 500 pages a
day Bill Gates goes on reading vacations
Mark Zuckerberg just start started a
reading once a week book club on
Facebook and already got a couple
million fathers and now with audiobooks
there’s no excuse you got YouTube videos
let this thing run in the background
like you want to become like a super
computer you just download smart crap
from smart people and you pick and
choose like some people are like Thai I
don’t agree with everything you say I’m
like good I don’t agree with everything
I say like a year later I’m like wait I
was wrong I see people making fun of the
Kardashians I’m like you gonna make fun
of the Kardashians look Kylie Jenner the
youngest Kardashian in the last 18
months has done four hundred million
dollars in revenue on lipstick kits and
various make up things with Kylie
cosmetics put that in perspective
Lauria maybelline massive brands it took
them fifty years as an organization with
thousands of employees to do a Kylie
Jenner did by herself at 20 at 18 you’re
gonna laugh at the Kardashians do you
have to agree with everything the
Kardashians know but like Abraham
Lincoln said I learned from everybody
even if sometimes it’s
not to do so you can just go into the
Kardashians reverse-engineer their
success go I like this I like this I
like this I don’t like that then leave
out what you don’t like now I’ve got a
really special bonus clip from Thai on
how to recreate your life that I think
you’re gonna really enjoy but before
that it’s time for the three-point
landing questions time to move from
watching another video to actually
taking action in your life or in your
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one what
skills are you building that are in
number two who are your top three
and number three where do you need to
nobody and
my family had ever really made money and
you know they say poverty is systemic
and it’s true like most people you can’t
rise out of like your socio-economic
class like one of the biggest predictors
of where you’ll be in life is where
you’re born it sucks
breaking the cycle is something that has
to start happening in the world and what
broke the cycle for me was like
realizing that I was doing it wrong
I was in a mobile home in Clayton North
Carolina and I did not have a job I
didn’t have a resume I didn’t have
anything to put on a resume I didn’t
have a college degree just laying there
on the couch and when I was laying there
the question that came in my head was is
this it all my friends went to college
they had parents that have more money
and they had this and like I missed this
I remember just going to sleep I was
just depressed and the next day my mom
was there and she said you should read
this book Tony Robbins and I remember
being like oh I don’t want some
self-help book but she’s like yeah you
should read this book so I read it and I
don’t remember that much what I read but
I remember the one-page and it said all
greatness starts with failure because
when you succeed you party and when you
fail you ponder and all greatness comes
from pondering your situation I remember
thinking that’s what I was doing last
night on a couch I was like pondering
like what did I do wrong and and I made
myself vulnerable to the fact that maybe
I did make mistakes maybe I had to
change my life maybe had to listen to
different people
maybe I’d to try a new path you know
Einstein said the definition of insanity
is doing the same thing over and over
but expecting different results and I’m
like ty you’re being stubborn so after I
read that book I was like imma try
something new so I went back in that
mobile home I found the yellow pages and
I remember flipping through it going to
the financial section and there was this
full-page ad by this guy Mike Stainback
it said Stainback Financial Services and
I kind of pretended I didn’t lie but I
kind of pretended I was coming there to
be a customer and I get to a place and
I’m like I’m Ty can I speak to your boss
and I’ll never forget he was sitting
like this like um
big like lazy boy chair and he had this
big mustache he looked like Tom Selleck
I wanted to be super honest with him I
said listen Mike you don’t know who I am
but I know you must be successful
because she’s got a full-page ad in the
Yellow Pages that’s all I know about you
but I know that costs a lot of money if
you teach me what you know about making
money I’ll work for you for free and he
was sitting like in this charity was I
was talking to him this way and he was
silent and he just slowly pivoted his
chair you know I’ve been looking for
someone like you for 20 years you come
back in the morning and I’ll set you up
with your own office and you can work
for me and I promise you if you listen
to what I’m going to say one day you’ll
hug my neck and he did have an office
but what he had done was he cleaned out
a closet with no windows and he had put
a desk it’s where all the filing
cabinets was i sat down on the chair and
he plopped down pieces of paper and said
Cole call these people I’ll give you a
percentage of the money you make from
them no guarantees working for me so I
just started calling and I sucked at it
I would coffee bought six you know and
after six at night they were like
overview we’re hanging up on me I
remember being like oh no I think I’ve
gone from nightmare to another nightmare
but I started to get curious and
creative and I wrote down a few little
different things I would say to the
people and I remember in that first
month I started opening up deals for
this mic stand back and I opened a deal
that was one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars in commissions if the deal went
through and I remember going wow life
can changed like fast it within nine
months I went from zero dollars to
making a hundred grand I remember being
like this is the pinnacle of my life and
I went out from then like a madman I
became a CFP a certified financial
planner I got into finance I learned I
read every book you can either be
paralyzed by what life gave you and let
the pain because there will be pain that
will be trauma
you can either let it build up and like
build scar tissue that that just
paralyzes you or at some point you go
the cars didn’t weren’t dealt for me
like I wanted and so I’m gonna go
recreate those cards the most important
work ever if you had to think of one
word that’s most important to you or
that sums you Apple that would be like a
little beacon
if you want to learn the morning
routines that will transform your life
check out the video right next to me I
think you’re gonna enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there
how many dog get up you just get your
day started you don’t have it written
down you won’t have a strategy you don’t
have a real plan you kind of just get up and say I’m about to tackle
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