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5 Not So Obvious STRATEGIES to Maximize Your PRODUCTIVITY | #BelieveLife

this is a Productivity killer that most
of us don’t know about this simple
technique guaranteed double triple your
pro tippity earlier I realized I need to
focus not in what do I need to do Oh
what do I want and I created this system
wanna be happy
build a life not just a business what’s
up believe nation it’s Evan I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
today let’s live your best believe life
and learn some of the strategies to
maximize your productivity also if you
want to know what Mel Robbins Dan Locke
Tony Robbins and others have to say
about building unstoppable confidence
check out my 254 confident series where
every day for the next 254 days I will
send you a morning video for free to
help you build your confidence to link
to join is in the description below if
you didn’t give a what anybody else
thought what’s the thing you would love
to be doing with your life after you
practice martial you develop this
natural self confidence not cockiness
but you develop this natural
self-confidence the fact that human
beings are strongest Drive is the need
to stay consistent with how we define
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one don’t hit the snooze button with Mel
Robbins this is a Productivity killer
that most of us don’t know about it has
to do with waking up now when you think
about being productive you got a big day
and you got a bunch of stuff you need to
get done most of us focus on when when
do I need to get up in order to get
everything done that’s not what you need
to focus on the thing that really
impacts your productivity is how how do
you wake up and here’s the deal if
you’re somebody like I used to be that
hits the snooze button that kills your
productivity for at least four hours let
me explain you have to understand this
the snooze button creates a mental state
a state in your brain that is called
sleep inertia it’s so bad it actually
has a name here’s what it is when you
and I go to bed we sleep in cycles we
sleep in cycles of like 90 to 110
minutes all night long and right before
you wake up the sleep cycles they stop
and your body goes into a wakeup mode
okay your brain is starting to slowly
wake up so that it can start the day
when your alarm goes off you’re in
wakeup mode your brain is now ready to
do its best work however if the alarm
goes off and you hit the snooze button
guess what you’ve just done you’ve just
made your brain go back into a sleep
cycle your brain is now in a mode that
takes about ninety to a hundred and ten
minutes to complete
you’ve just rebooted the system so when
your alarm goes off and you get up 15
minutes later you’re now in major
trouble and the reason why you’re in
trouble is because your brain is still
locked into a sleep cycle and this is
where sleep inertia comes in you know
how when you hit the snooze button you
wake up and you’re like oh my gosh I did
not get enough sleep last night you feel
so groggy you kind of feel like this
mental hangover that is sleep inertia
here’s the deal your brain the
quartic region of your brain which is
responsible for decision-making
attention alertness self-control that
sucker is still in a sleep cycle and now
that you’re awake it’s gonna take the
chordal region almost four hours to
actually snap out of that sleep cycle
that’s why you feel groggy it’s because
the part of your brain that’s
responsible for critical thinking and
being alert it’s actually still asleep
if you don’t already do this you’ve got
to train yourself to be the kind of
person that doesn’t use the snooze alarm
because when you hit the snooze alarm
you’re not only putting your brain in a
state of sleep inertia you are directly
impacting your productivity your
alertness and your brain processing for
the first four hours that you’re awake
that’s making life harder I’m all about
making life easier so tomorrow when the
alarm goes off I don’t care how tired
you are I don’t care how much you know
wanting an ANA bed I want you to
remember this I want you to remember
that you’ve got to wake up and give your
brain its best shot to do its best work
and the way you’re gonna do it five four
three two one turn off that alarm and
get up seize the day and go be
productive rule number two turn off
notifications with Dan lock let me give
you a very simple tip very simple to
take out your cell phone to go subtle
this simple technique guarantee double
triple your productivity do it right now
if you want improve your productivity
all those notifications Facebook tax
whatever apps turn the sternest thing
off none of Monica notification is on
text Facebook everything none of them is
on I checked them whenever I want to
check them can you imagine this beeping
all the time how could you focus when
you turn it off you’ll be like wow now
for some of you that notification is
like cocaine now we know I’m talking
yeah take that to that see you’re
think think about it all these
all these deliv occasions all these
messages now hands I mean how many of
those messages how many of those tags
just think be honest looking at all this
how many of those actually put money in
your pocket at the end of the day 5%
yeah we spend a lot of our time
answering case we feel obligated oh
that’s how it works men rule number
three use the RPM method with Tony
Robbins if you just write down all your
to do this in a day and you’re an
overachiever there’s no way you go cheap
so what most people use they stop being
writing them down because they don’t
want to be disappointed with themselves
early on I realized I need to focus not
it what do I need to do but what do I
want and I created this system called
rpm it’s just three questions and the
first question is what do I want what’s
the result that’s the are you increasing
rpms in an engine you can get there so
much faster with less effort so I was
like okay whatever they want president
Glenn called me one day he said I may be
impeached good morning what should I do
true story you know they say could you
call me sooner that’s a pretty big
morning right and then I asked them the
question you’re asking me what should
you do you have the first answer what do
you want what’s the result do you want
to stay in office you want stay in
office do nothing they’re not gonna beat
you easy for me to say but they don’t
have the votes you know they’re not the
folks I said if you want to have the
respect of the American people then you
have to do something different right if
you want to feel congruent but you want
your living with you looking to do
something different so when you know
what the target is and then the next
thing you want to know is why what’s my
purpose play so this is I want to be a
millionaire well purpose is more
powerful than the object why you know I
want to provide a home for my mom we
grew up poor I want to do this for my
dad I won’t do this my children there’s
more power in that than the object so I
needed an object but I got to know the
purpose I’m number one day when I was
like 23 20
years old I came home this is before
hope that was before email internet
that’s a Haitian I am and was phone
calls I had 127 or maybe the number up
you know why was 130 messages and I look
down and it’s like crestfallen like how
might I call these people back and just
have to build and burn to the ground and
I put some of the people you know
president space you know five years ago
I wouldn’t kill them one of these phone
calls right I can’t bitch about this but
what I realized is I need to think about
each person say why am i calling them
what’s the outcome why am i calling in
the minute I was ready to go and then
the last part in a heart p.m. the M is
the mass of action plan of a map and so
I brainstorm what what are all the
possibilities of what it would take to
achieve this and then the most important
part is I know I’m not going to do all
this so I picked the 20% they’re gonna
give me 80 percent of the result I go
after if those because otherwise you get
addicted your to-do list and you gonna
want some movement and no achievement
icon through it all looks like no the
outcome of why you would have a better
way to get there what my team might have
a better way to get there than I’m
coming up with so I share it or we all
just see it and we all know what to do
it becomes so clear you even get caught
up in all the today’s to dues will make
you crazy
well you’ve got a ship do is outcomes
results purposes the why and then a map
or massive action plan and then tighten
that baby down to what really gonna be a
comedy rule number four choose your peer
group really well with Robin Sharma the
next piece of technology that will help
you create exponential productivity in
your work life so you truly impact the
world around you is choose your peer
group really really well there’s a lot
of excellent science coming out and a
lot of excellent research coming out
that says the number one way to improve
your behavior is to surround yourself
with a peer group or social circle of
people who are also playing at the level
you want to be playing at so if you want
to be a high performer in terms of your
product productivity populate your life
with high performers now here’s the
science behind it in the brain we have
something called the mirror neuron
system of the brain and it dates back to
thousands of years ago when we were
living on the Savannah
and this mirror neuron system allowed us
to model the behavior of the dominant
people in the tribe so if someone
figured out a tool or figured out fire
or a better way to survive
subconsciously this system in the brain
allowed us to model the behavior and I
think this is pretty fascinating
information now here we are in the
modern world and what happens
subconsciously we are modeling the
behavior of the people we spend most of
our time with and so if you are around
victims you will start behaving like a
victim if you’re still around people who
are mediocre performers you will
subconsciously start behaving like them
if you around people who gossip who are
not a players who do not produce very
much you will subconsciously because if
the mirror neuron system in the brain
start performing like them why else is
it important to surround yourself with a
pure set or social orbit of a player’s
emotional contagion and that’s a
scientific phenomenon that simply says
we pick up on the emotions of the people
that are around us and so if you are
around a social circle of people who are
inspired people who want to do great
work people who want to be ultra
productive people who want to be
innovative people who are relentlessly
optimizing their work their thinking
their creativity just being around them
will allow you to adopt their energy and
their ways of being and rule number five
the last one before a very special bonus
clip is have a vision for your life with
Jordan B Peterson one of the things that
can help you stop procrastinating well
let’s say two things I refer to them at
the end of my talk one is now to really
nicely developed vision of heaven it’s
like okay here’s what you need to know
how would your life be what would it be
like if it was really good and I don’t
don’t get primitive about that it’s not
like you know naked supermodels on a
yacht they’re too skinny anyways anyways
you know what I mean it’s like yeah yeah
that’s I get it but it’s it’s it’s it’s
not a gap a say so it’s it’s it’s not
sophisticated enough to be
self-sustaining it’s a stupid vision and
if you pursue it it’s you’re just gonna
be on a sinking yacht with like
anorexics or something like that so you
need a vision you need a vision of what
your life would be like if it was just
the way it should be if it was best for
you and if you were taking care of
yourself with this thing that you kind
of described as parental love this is a
really good way of thinking about it cuz
it’s nice and concrete so what would be
best for you three to five years down
the road if you were really taking care
of yourself like you were someone that
you thought should be around and people
are very ambivalent about whether they
should be around so this is a lot harder
than you think
so you need that vision and then what
you also need is a vision of what your
life would be like if you let yourself
deteriorate in precisely the foolish
ways that you know that you would
deteriorate if you let yourself go and
that’s contemplation too it’s like okay
if I let myself go where would I end up
and first of all this is kind of a
shadow realization from Union
perspective it’s like first of all you
could let yourself go second of all you
already know exactly how you do it if
you did do it and third with a little
imagination you can conjure up exactly
what that would be like not only for you
but for your family and for the broader
social community and that would be the
whole bloody catastrophe including all
the malevolence that would go along with
your deterioration and so on and so then
you’ve got these stark choices before
you one is a gap a oriented
equilibration for lack of a better
technical phrase and the other is
something that more closely approximate
hell approximates health and people even
think because if you sink low enough not
only do you sink that low but you are
absolutely motivated to drag people down
there with you and it’s a nasty nasty
state of affairs and so if you’re really
terrified of
like you should be because you’ve drawn
the causal connections and you’re really
attracted by the other then when you sit
down and you don’t do what you’re doing
what you’re supposed to be doing you
don’t get to say well it doesn’t matter
and that’s the salience landscape issue
it’s like no no no the little voice in
the back of your head that says it
matters it sees those outcomes just down
into the future and it’s telling you
that it matters and if you would like
the positive outcome over the negative
outcome which is like I said your
constant choice you bloody well better
sit down and do what you’re supposed to
and so that’s really helpful that’ll I
think you know what is it fear of God is
the beginning of wisdom it’s like yes
that’s absolutely right and the role of
things like anxiety and terror in
promoting proper development well are
often under address because we think of
those things as our enemies it’s like
they’re they’re at your enemies if you
if they’re working against you but
they’re pretty powerful monsters on your
side if you’ve got the Mauri nted
properly now I’ve got a really special
bonus clip with Jay Shetty on how to
change your body language that I think
you’re really gonna enjoy but before
that except for the three-point landing
questions time to move from just
watching another video to actually
taking action in your life or business
and if you’re feeling bold leave your
answers in the comments below here we go
question number one which strategy do
you need to apply most in your life
number two how can you start this week
and number three who can hold you
scientists have known for some time that
changing your body through actions like
smiling sitting up straight and relaxing
can change your mental and emotional
responses when we change our body to sit
up straight to smile to connect with
others to engage with presence we
automatically change the responses in
our mind we allow ourselves to feel
better to think better and
live better it’s incredible to know that
simple changes in our body language in
the way that we’re sitting can impact
our emotional mood states so much more
insightful research has been done into
this space but if you can just take a
simple step today to change your posture
to add a smile and to relax a little
you’ll see how much your mind will be at
if you want to learn how to maximize
your productivity with eric thomas
checking the video link right next to me
i think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there it’s your boy et that’s right
yours truly when you want to succeed as
bad as you want to breathe then you’ll be successful
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