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you’ve got to train yourself to be the
kind of person that doesn’t use the
snooze alarm so there’s a rule there’s
30 minutes I cannot touch my telephone
when I wake up that’s the hardest thing
to do in the world and the thing that
could benefit you the most it’s really
important to start every day making a
mind-body connection wanna be happy
build a life not just the business
what’s up belief nation at seven I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today let’s live your
best believe life and learn the five
morning routines that are critical for
your success also if you want to know
what Mel Robbins Dan Locke Robin Sharma
and others have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join it is
in the description below if you didn’t
give a what anybody else thought
what’s the thing you would love to be
doing with your life after you practice
Marshall you develop this natural self
confidence not cockiness but you develop
this natural self confidence one of the
real reasons we don’t do the things that
frighten us is because we are afraid of
being judged
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one don’t use the snooze alarm with Mel
Robbins you know how when you hit the
snooze button you wake up and you’re
like oh my gosh I did not get enough
sleep last night you feel so groggy you
kind of feel like this mental hangover
that is sleep inertia here’s the deal
your brain the quartic region of your
brain which is responsible for
decision-making attention alertness
self-control that sucker is still in a
sleep cycle and now that you’re awake
it’s gonna take the chordal region
almost four hours to actually snap out
of that sleep cycle that’s why you feel
groggy it’s because the part of your
brain that’s responsible for critical
thinking and being alert it’s actually
still asleep
if you don’t already do this you’ve got
to train yourself to be the kind of
person that doesn’t use the snooze alarm
because when you hit the snooze alarm
you’re not only putting your brain in a
state of sleep inertia you are directly
impacting your productivity your
alertness and your brain processing for
the first four hours that you’re awake
that’s making life harder I’m all about
making life easier so tomorrow when the
alarm goes off I don’t care how tired
you are I don’t care how much you know
wanting in a bed I want you to remember
this I want you to remember that you’ve
got to wake up and give your brain its
best shot to do its best work and the
way you’re gonna do it five four three
two one turn off that alarm and get up
seize the day and go be productive rule
number two control your morning with EDM
idling I had a really good friend of
mine I went to lunch and he said yeah I
don’t know who this guy is here in front
of me and he goes let me ask you a
question honestly right now what are you
grateful for and at the lunch I said
Jack nothing brother there’s nothing
good in my life right now and I’m not
exaggerating this to you when I tell you
this and this is a factual story as I’m
mouthing these
two people walked in with an older man
both of them clearly were fighting
cancer somehow both had lost their hair
one of the ladies had a bonnet on and
they were barely moving in both walked
by our table and gave me the most warm
greeting the warmest smile as a stranger
and he goes that’s pretty freaking
pathetic you can’t find anything in your
life to be grateful for right now and on
the drive home I’m not kidding you I
started to stack gratitude I started to
taking inventory because if you can find
things to be grateful for in that space
man as your life going to be rich when
there really are external things to be
grateful for
so my first mechanism out of that space
was honestly to stack the things I was
grateful for and I started reinforcing
it over and over and over again and what
happens is there’s this reticular
activating system in our brains right
and all of a sudden because that’s the
messaging I was giving myself all of a
sudden all these things start to come
into my awareness that I’m grateful for
I start to magnetized to myself some
people that I needed to find into my
life and that was the next layer I
started to see things to be grateful for
my health my fitness people who loved me
and when it did it changed my state when
I stacked gratitude I changed what I did
in the morning and I changed what I did
in the evening and so somehow by
grabbing control of my morning and by
grabbing control of my evening I got
some measure of control over the middle
of my day I was an out of control person
back in those days meaning this I woke
up worried stressed fearful and I
immediately started thinking about a
bill I had to pay something that was
wrong and I’m in a state of reaction to
begin every sound talk within six
minutes of waking up six seconds most
people listening to this that’s what
they do I said I got to grab control of
my morning and I set up routines in my
morning maybe they serve me maybe they
didn’t but they were things I could
deliver on doing for myself and so not
only did that give me control over the
day but I started to stack my
self-confidence to my morning routines
are really detailed I get up and I
hydrate the second thing I do every
morning is I do something cold something
cold so whether that’s I jump in the
ocean cuz now I live in the ocean but in
those days it was taking a cold shower
or splashing some cold water in my face
or walking out when it was cold it
shocks our nervous system our
fight-or-flight kicks in we’re at a
cellular electric alive state I
obviously do some prayer and meditation
every single morning I’ve still not
my telephone so there’s a rule there’s
30 minutes I cannot touch my telephone
when I wake up that’s the hardest thing
to do in the world and the thing that
could benefit you the most because
what’s ever on that phone you have to
react to and typically it’s stuff that’s
not great and so I don’t touch that I do
my meditation on my prayer and I do some
stretching I do some breathing exercises
and then at that point I allow myself to
enter the world after I’ve got my state
controlled and I work out every morning
except for Sunday so I work out every
morning rule number three work out in
the morning with Ryan Serhant we talked
about it last season season one about
how we’re got so hard in the mornings
two reasons one is that the hardest part
of my day is now over at 7:30 a.m. and
everything I have to do from now on will
not be a 13 speed sprint on a 12 incline
followed by a decline bench think I
don’t have to do that again all day
today is great and
it’s really important to certain
everyday making a mind-body connection I
know that sounds like that
sounds super cliche and actually makes
me throw up a little bit to say it but
it secretly
I’m more connected right now in my peer
then I will be at all during the rest of
the day for sure had I not worked out
and now I’m going to think fast or think
quicker be more decisive and be more
radical during my entire day to be more
productive to be more successful rule
number 4 schedule learning time with
Robin Sharma no matter how busy you are
no matter what’s on your plate you
absolutely must if you want to be
in your marketplace you absolutely have
to do this schedule 60 minutes a day for
your learning
it could be listening to audio books it
could be the next day listening to a
podcast it might be reading quietly it
might be writing in a journal because
writing in a journal about what you’re
learning what you learn from your day
what you’re learning from your life that
is learning but 60 minutes a day
I absolutely challenge you with great
love and respect wire it into your day
because that ritual will allow you to
know more about your field than anyone
who has ever done your field in the
history of the world I mean education is
inoculation against disruption and as
you know more you can achieve more and
we do live in a world where there is
such a fascination with entertainment
you know and everyone loves pretty
pictures and it’s really easy to spend
the best hour of your best days looking
at what your friends are eating and I’m
suggesting to you you think like a
student because you’re watching this
mastery session because something deep
within you wants you to be the master of
your game and here’s the thing about
every master every master thinks like a
beginner they’re always learning I mean
when I look at the Masters they are like
how did that person do that I’m trying
to deconstruct how that icon of the
field does it and rule number five the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is have a to-do list with Dan Locke
I want you think about
six things six items I want to
accomplish every single day six
important things not cannot point out
for you watching this maybe you start
with one or two because most people
don’t even get one one thing get done in
a month so six important things pain
nature is born in items every single
thing I’ve plenty the night before so
today I have six items that I want to
cross off my list you think about it six
items 16.9 x times five assuming you
work five days a week that’s a hundred
twenty important things every single
month accomplish that will move you
closer to your goal I’ve got a really
special bonus clip with Dean grant COC
talking about the morning routine and
its importance but before that it’s time
for the three point landing questions
time to move from just watching another
video to taking action in your life or
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one what are
the three most important things on your
to-do list today
number two how will you control your
morning and number three when will you
schedule learning time daily or weekly I
tried a lot of variations and for me
it’s if I immediately want to wake up I
can’t check my phone in fact I’d put it
on airplane mode and I move it I got
that from Arianna Huffington who’s
amazing and she’s like is your phone
still by your bed
it’s just airplane mode on the other
side of the room you know so that and
then I just know so many people roll
over and grab their phone and to me
that’s like Russian Roulette you put a
bullet in the gun and you spin it it’s
like what if the email says the deal
didn’t happen numbers are down life’s
not working out like immediately for me
it’s like you open up and and this
little box is gonna dictate the first
couple hours or maybe the whole day by
what you see so I’ve just I just won’t
look at my phone when I first wake up so
but when I first opened my eyes this is
all and I like doing things quick for me
cuz I want to get to the gym because the
only time of day I’ll go if I try to
wait to the afternoon it doesn’t work
for me so as soon as I wake up I
immediately try to think of something
I’m grateful for which everybody knows
that and thinks about it but I’ve I play
this game myself on how far I can lower
the bar meaning I I try to do a
gratitude journal about three years
go and after about five weeks I ran out
of stuff to say Mike I already wrote my
kids and this and life like what I put
in here I got and then I was like wow
150,000 people die every single day in
google it that’s the number it’s like
some days I wake up I’m just like I’m
awesome and I’d let I feel that silly
little thing like I’m here or I’m like
oh my god the sheets feel softer than
they’ve ever felt and I’ll literally
think that myself these sheets are
really good like what a third of the
world sleeps on the on a dirt floor and
I have sheets in an amazing bed and look
at the view I have and that’s enough
just because the way I know is I’m just
just tweaking my brain enough to be in a
grateful place it doesn’t have to be
this for me and you guys might have
better practices I’m not talking about a
half hour gratitude meditation
I just need one little thing or I pick
up a book if I’m reading one of the
books that you have on the shelf I’ll
pick and I’ll just pick three sentences
and read something empowering and I’ll
get that State of Mind from my brain and
then I think about one win I had the day
before because I know as entrepreneurs
as somebody searching for success we
never give ourselves credit
we’d never treat a friend the way we
treat ourselves it’s like I know I’ve
had days I’ve gone till 10 o’clock at
night go man I got nothing done today
the biggest lie like we beat ourselves
up we just were like these racehorses we
wouldn’t even treat a racehorse that we
owned as bad as we treat ourselves right
so I wake up and I’ll do a quick little
gratitude and they’ll say what was one
win yesterday that I accomplished I’m
like wow you didn’t do that yes and then
I’ll think of one win I want to do that
day like what I’m gonna need a million
things done today but what’s a must
today that would be a great win and then
for me then I immediately go downstairs
in my house and I drink I felt like I
fed my my mind and I want to feed my
body so for me I’ve been doing the same
drink forever I do apple cider vinegar
lemon MCT oil a scoop of green powder
and mix that up and I downed that and
if you want to know the seven morning
routines for business and personal
success check out the link right there
next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there does it help you go out and
believe in yourself
I want to go make the world a better
place or are you like most people and you wake up in the morning
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