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there are three questions that you need
to ask yourself throughout your life and
if you can answer these three questions
your life will be full of passion and
full of purpose I want to give you those
three questions because for almost 50
years now those questions have stayed
with me the three questions are this
what do you sing about in other words
what makes you happy what do you cry
about what is it that saddens you when
you think about it and thirdly what do
you dream about
I believe every one of you regardless of
where your dream is going to take you
and what your dream is I believe every
one of you would truly like to make a
positive difference in your life you
would like to make your life count I
would like to share with you how you can
become a difference maker in your life
three simple thoughts and these three
simple thoughts will get you on the way
to get into your dream and make it a
positive difference in society and the
first one is very simple stay close to
if you really want to make a positive
difference you got to hang around other
people that are making a positive
difference who you are what you’re going
to become in the next five years ago to
depend on the people you spend time with
in the books that you read Jim Collins
calls this who luck he says we all want
luck in our life but the most important
luck that you and I can have is who luck
who were hanging around with who we meet
let that mantle let that spirit that
that environment began to envelop you
until you begin to make a difference in
your life also anytime that you’re
talking to somebody that that has
influence or if it’s done something
wonderful ask them who do you know that
that I should know and if you really
want to make a difference in your life
you just got to get around those kind of
people and and you can’t meet them all I
started by reading their books be
intentional in making a difference I
want to challenge you today to be very
intentional in making a difference and
there’s a reason for that and I want to
just take a moment and I want to give
you a visual so that so that we make
sure that we have this today in the
assembly everything worthwhile is uphill
it’s the greatest life lesson I could
teach you everything
everything that’s going to be worthwhile
your dreams they’re all uphill if you
ever have a great relationship it’s all
uphill everything worthwhile is uphill
and that’s why you and I need to be
intentional because you only go uphill
if you’re intentional you see most
people if they don’t lead their life
and everything that you want the dreams
the hopes the make a difference part of
your life everything it’s all a pill
that no one has ever spoken no
successful person has ever spoken or
written a book on accidental
accomplishments it’s all intentional
you see the dream is free but the
journey isn’t it’s all appeal and the
reason we need to be intentional and
making the differences
making a difference is not easy doesn’t
come quickly you see here’s our
challenge we have appeal hopes and
downhill habits and you can’t go uphill
with downhill hats and the only way that
you and I can ever achieve the potential
that we have the god-given potential you
see your potential as God’s gift to you
what you do with that potential is your
gift back to God none of us can achieve
that unless we’re intentional I would
encourage you to be intentional and the
third thing I want to share with you is
this have a vision gap have a vision gap
that stretches you to make a difference
a vision gap is the space between what
you are doing now and what you could be
the only guarantee that tomorrow is
going to get better is it you’re growing today
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