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10 Steps That Will UPGRADE Your BRAIN

we know that knowledge is not power we
don’t need to know any more information
we need to apply the information we’ve
already done you’re drowning information
I’m going to show you care with you the
ten keys for unlocking what I call your
superhero brain right your super brain
if you will that’s gonna keep your brain
in your mind agentless there are
strategies to genius and that’s what are
the breadth of our work is is helping
make those strategies very explicit
genius leaves Clues genius leaves clues
that if somebody is a genius and I’ll
mean IQ I’m talking about somebody who
is it who excels in their expertise that
they’re doing something other people
aren’t doing people who could read three
times faster doing things that people
who aren’t taught are doing people can
learn languages two three four language
is easier they’re doing things
unconsciously other people aren’t doing
everything comes down to strategies
right so you’re making things simple
you’re making them intense and you’re
looking at the strategy because there’s
always a method behind the magic one
third of your brain health in your
memory your intelligence is
predetermined by genetics and biology
but 2/3 is in your control now some
people suggest all of it’s in your
control and we’re creating our reality
all the time
all right so whatever whatever studies
you buy into we have more control than
most of us believe
everyone always wants to know what the
magic pill is there’s no magic pill
there just magic processes right and I’m
going to go through those ten things
here this potential that you have your
intelligence your memory whatever it is
is being fed through streams right and
it’s not invisible you might not see
what’s going on upstream but then it
shows up so I’m going to go through
really quickly into ten different things
but what I want you to do is be able to
memorize these ten things and so what
we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go through
and I’m gonna teach you this very
quickly a way of putting it onto your
body the reason I’m saying it is to take
knowledge and turn it into power and I
want you to take those ideas and have
them have real impact and what I want
you to do is what I’m going through it I
want you to cycle through and run a
piece of paper rate yourself on a scale
of zero to ten how well am i doing in
that category so the first one is a good
brain diet so on a scale of zero to ten
what’s an honest assessment if you’re
honest and true to yourself where are
you on your diet in superbrain we talk
about the the most important foods for
your brain that are neurological like
protecting me yeah you’re a protective
so we’re talking about avocados we’re
talking about blueberries or what I call
brain berries right we’re talking about
broccoli we’re talking about eggs if it
is allowed to by your diet we’re talking
about coconut oil or olive oil we’re
talking about green leafy dark
vegetables tumeric I do every morning I
do like an almond turmeric like tea
right all these things are neuro
protective number two killing ants
automatic negative thoughts how well are
you controlling your self-talk a scale
of zero to ten honestly how strong are
you zero to ten if you fight for your
limitations you get to keep them
number three exercise and really what
we’re talking about here is movement
you’re the number one function of your
brain is to control your motor
all right that’s why we know there’s not
just a brain body connection but a body
brain connection that using your body in
different ways stimulates neurogenesis
it stimulates neuroplasticity it
stimulates brain derived neurotrophic
factors which is the fertilizer for
making new connections so you have to
move but we live in a very sedentary
they say sitting is the new smoking
before brain nutrients brain vitamins
the most important supplement is DHA for
the brain DHA number five positive peer
group so rate yourself zero to ten how
inspired encouraged challenged energized
are you by your peer group and again
peer is choice I’m not talking about
your family though although they may be
or your peer but to people that you
choose right so either get new group or
choose who you’re gonna let effect you
positive peer group because it’s really
affects your your brain zero to ten
number six
clean environment how clean is your
environment how organized is sick zero
to ten and you know this right is your
external world reflected by your
internal world and vice versa because
it’s a feedback loop where were seven
sleep on scale of zero to ten how good
is your sleep it’s important for your
brain three really simple reasons so
where you can solid eight short to
long-term memory that’s where you
actually remember you do not even when
you’re doing these workouts build your
muscles when you’re working out you
build it when you rest same thing with
your mental muscles same thing with your
memory so that’s where you can solid a
short to long-term memory the other
reason why you sleep is it cleans plaque
out that go lead to dementia and
potentially brain aging challenges the
last reason why is when how you dream
right your REM sleep your REM your M
stages your sleep that’s very important
because that’s where your your
creativity that’s where I’m telling you
like we do a whole thing on super brain
on how to remember your dreams but
specifically why do you wanna remember
your dreams because
your brain doesn’t shut off at night
it’s more active at night and so Elias
now created a sewing machine in his
dream you know a Paul McCartney came out
with a song yesterday and his dream Mary
Shelley came up with Frankenstein and
his dream periodic table came to a
chemist in his dream what are you
dreaming about at night that could solve
a lot of the problems in your business
your life but you forget it the next
morning that’s why the first thing I do
in my morning routine is remember my
dreams eight brain protection are you
protecting your brain and I’m not just
talking about about wearing a helmet and
extreme sport I mean like things like
EMFs like we did a podcast episode
specifically talking about
electromagnetic fields and how it’s
affecting the brain you know I read
recently that over 90% of kids sleep
with their phones underneath their
pillows right not on airplane mode
number nine new learnings that’s how you
create neurogenesis nora plasticity if
you want to know the secret to having an
ageless mine neurogenesis says you can
create new brain cells the day you die
neuroplasticity saying you create new
connections to the day you die the two
most important factors outside of sleep
that’s going to promote neurogenesis
know plasticity novelty and nutrition
just like your body you have to give it
novelty or stimulus and you have to give
it a nutrition feed that muscle same
thing with your mental muscles so
novelty a movement novelty of ideas but
most people as we grow older and I mean
because we feel like we know everything
right so there’s no novelty that’s there
remember you don’t have creativity or
have focus or have a memory or have
bewilderment or have love or have
motivation or have energy you do those
things you do energy you do creativity
do focus you do bewilderment and finally
the last thing number 10 stress
management and this is the invisible one
right nobody wants to talk about it’s
like fish they don’t see the water
because it’s there all the time but we
are under so much environmental stress
emotional stress work stress cognitive
stress financial stress we don’t realize
that but you don’t get the best of the
best out of that you’re freeing your
stress does helping you study when
you’re stressed does help you give a
presentation when you’re stressed it
does help you perform cognitively
because it shuts down cortisol
adrenaline big parts of your brain so
stress management so how are you
you [Music]
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